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【書摘】女囚—凡德伊的樂曲 (the phrase of Vinteuil) 2-2
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【書摘】女囚凡德伊的樂曲 (the phrase of Vinteuil) 2-2
Et pourtant, ces phrases si différentes étaient faites des mêmes éléments, car, de même qu’il y avait un certain univers, perceptible pour nous, en ces parcelles dispersées çà et là, dans telles demeures, dans tels musées, et qui était l’univers d’Elstir, celui qu’il voyait, celui où il vivait, de même la musique de Vinteuil étendait, notes par notes, touches par touches, les colorations inconnues d’un univers inestimable, insoupçonné, fragmenté par les lacunes que laissaient entre elles les auditions de son oeuvre ; ces deux interrogations si dissemblables qui commandaient les mouvements si différents de la sonate et du septuor, l’une brisant en courts appels une ligne continue et pure, l’autre ressoudant en une armature indivisible des fragments épars, c’était pourtant, l’une si calme et timide, presque détachée et comme philosophique, l’autre si pressante, anxieuse, implorante, une même prière, jaillie devant différents levers de soleil intérieurs, et seulement réfractée à travers les milieux différents de pensées autres, de recherches d’art en progrès au cours d’années où il avait voulu créer quelque chose de nouveau.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.268~269 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 第五卷女囚 周克希譯 2012)

And yet these so widely different phrases were composed of the same elements, for just as there was a certain universe, perceptible by us in those fragments scattered here and there, in private houses, in public galleries, which were Elstir’s universe, the universe which he saw, in which he lived, so to the music of Vinteuil extended, note by note, key by key, the unknown colourings of an inestimable, unsuspected universe, made fragmentary by the gaps that occurred between the different occasions of hearing his work performed; those two so dissimilar questions which commanded the so different movements of the sonata and the septet, the former breaking into short appeals a line continuous and pure, the latter welding together into an indivisible structure a medley of scattered fragments, were nevertheless, one so calm and timid, almost detached and as though philosophic, the other so anxious, pressing, imploring, were nevertheless the same prayer, poured forth before different risings of the inward sun and merely refracted through the different mediums of other thoughts, of artistic researches carried on through the years in which he had tried to create something new.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

And yet these phrases, different as they were, were all made up of the same elements, for just as there was a parallel universe, perceptible to us in fragments dispersed here and there in museums and private collections, which was Elstir’s universe, so Vinteuil’s music spread out, note by note, touch by touch, the unknown, priceless colorations of an unsuspected universe, fragmented by the lacunae which separated successive hearings of his work; these two such different questionings which determined the different progress of the sonata and the septet, one breaking up into short appeals a line in itself continuous and pure, the other welding scattered fragments together to form an indivisible framework, one so quiet and timid, almost detached and as it were philosophical, the other so pressing, anxious, imploring, were in fact the same prayer, the other so pressing, anxious, imploring, were in fact the same prayer, springing up before different inner sunrises, and simply refracted through different milieux of disparate thoughts, artistic experiments in progress during the years when he had been trying to create something new.

(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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