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【書摘】女囚—睡眠的世界 (the world of Sleep) 2
2018/06/08 05:07:10瀏覽799|回應0|推薦16
【書摘】女囚睡眠的世界 (the world of Sleep) 2
Et souvent une heure de sommeil de trop est une attaque de paralysie après laquelle il faut retrouver l’usage de ses membres, apprendre à parler. La volonté n’y réussirait pas. On a trop dormi, on n’est plus. Le réveil est à peine senti mécaniquement, et sans conscience, comme peut l’être dans un tuyau la fermeture d’un robinet. Une vie plus inanimée que celle de la méduse succède, où l’on croirait aussi bien qu’on est tiré du fond des mers ou revenu du bagne, si seulement l’on pouvait penser quelque chose. Mais alors, du haut du ciel la déesse Mnémotechnie se penche et nous tend sous la forme : « habitude de demander son café au lait » l’espoir de la résurrection.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.128 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 第五卷女囚 周克希譯 2012)

And often an extra hour of sleep is a paralytic stroke after which we must recover the use of our limbs, learn to speak. Our will would not be adequate for this task. We have slept too long, we no longer exist. Our waking is barely felt, mechanically and without consciousness, as a water pipe might feel the turning off of a tap. A life more inanimate than that of the jellyfish follows, in which we could equally well believe that we had been drawn up from the depths of the sea or released from prison, were we but capable of thinking anything at all. But then from the highest heaven the goddess Mnemotechnia bends down and holds out to us in the formula ‘the habit of ringing for our coffee’ the hope of resurrection.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

And sometimes an hour of sleep is a paralytic stroke after which we must regain the use of our limbs, learn to speak again. Will is not enough. We have slept too long, we have ceased to exist. Waking is barely experienced, without consciousness, as a pipe might experience the turning-off of a tap. This is followed by a life more inanimate than that of a jelly-fish; one might think one had been dredged up from the depths of the sea, or released from prison, if one could think anything at all. But then the goddess Mnemotechn&6 leans out from heaven and offers us, in the form of ‘habit of calling for coffee’, the hope of resurrection.
(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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