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【書摘】女囚—嫉妒的真實與想像 (Reality and imagination of Jealousy) 5-1
2018/01/24 05:30:55瀏覽465|回應0|推薦15
【書摘】女囚嫉妒的真實與想像 (Reality and imagination of Jealousy) 5-1
La souffrance dans l’amour cesse par instants, mais pour reprendre d’une façon différente. Nous pleurons de voir celle que nous aimons ne plus avoir avec nous ces élans de sympathie, ces avances amoureuses du début, nous souffrons plus encore que, les ayant perdus pour nous, elle les retrouve pour d’autres ; puis, de cette souffrance-là, nous sommes distraits par un mal nouveau plus atroce, le soupçon qu’elle nous a menti sur sa soirée de la veille, où elle nous a trompé sans doute...
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.106 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

Suffering, when we are in love, ceases now and then for a moment, but only to recur in a different form. We weep to see her whom we love no longer respond to us with those outbursts of sympathy, the amorous advances of former days, we suffer more keenly still when, having lost them with us, she recovers them for the benefit of others; then, from this suffering, we are distracted by a new and still more piercing grief, the suspicion that she was lying to us about how she spent the previous evening, when she doubtless played us false…
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

The pain of love sometimes stops for a moment, but only to return in a different form. We weep to see the one we love no longer drawn to us by rushes of spontaneous feeling, no longer taking the initiative in loving as she did in the early days; we suffer even more to think that, having lost them for us, she perhaps now has these feelings for others; then we are distracted from that pain by a new, more desperate one, the suspicion that she lied to us about where she was the previous evening, when no doubt she was deceiving us…
(Translated by Carol Clark)

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