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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 5-2
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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 5-2
...et pis que cela, moi qui ne concevais plus de bonheur maintenant qu’à en pouvoir retrouver répandu dans mon souvenir sur les pentes de ce visage modelé et incliné par la tendresse, j’avais mis autrefois une rage insensée à chercher d’en extirper jusqu’aux plus petits plaisirs, tel ce jour où Saint-Loup avait fait la photographie de grand’mère et où, ayant peine à dissimuler à celle-ci la puérilité presque ridicule de la coquetterie qu’elle mettait à poser, avec son chapeau à grands bords, dans un demi-jour seyant, je m’étais laissé aller à murmurer quelques mots impatientés et blessants, qui, je l’avais senti à une contraction de son visage, avaient porté, l’avaient atteinte ; c’était moi qu’ils déchiraient, maintenant qu’était impossible à jamais la consolation de mille baisers.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版1992)

...and, what was worse, I, who could conceive no other happiness now than in finding happiness shed in my memory over the contours of that face, moulded and bowed by love, had set to work with frantic efforts, in the past, to destroy even its most modest pleasures, as on the day when Saint-Loup had taken my grandmother’s photograph and I, unable to conceal from her what I thought of the ridiculous childishness of the coquetry with which she posed for him, with her wide-brimmed hat, in a flattering half light, had allowed myself to mutter a few impatient, wounding words, which, I had perceived from a contraction of her features, had carried, had pierced her; it was I whose heart they were rending now that there was no longer possible, ever again, the consolation of a thousand kisses.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

and, what was worse, I, who could conceive of no other happiness now than of being able to find it once again extended in my memory across the planes of that face, molded and bowed by tenderness, I had once shown a senseless fury in trying to extirpate from it even the smallest pleasures, as on the day when Saint-Loup had taken my grandmothers photograph and, finding it hard to conceal from her the almost ridiculously childish coquettishness she was putting into posing, with her broad-brimmed hat, in a fetching half-light, I had allowed myself to murmur a few impatient and hurtful words, which, I had sensed from the way her face contracted, had struck home, had wounded her; it was I whom they were lacerating, now that the consolation of a thousand kisses was forever impossible.
(Translated by John Sturrock)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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