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2017/09/04 05:49:44瀏覽514|回應0|推薦10 | |
【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 7-2 Monde du sommeil, où la connaissance interne, placée sous la dépendance des troubles de nos organes, accélère le rythme du coeur ou de la respiration, parce qu’une même dose d’effroi, de tristesse, de remords agit, avec une puissance centuplée si elle est ainsi injectée dans nos veines ; dès que, pour y parcourir les artères de la cité souterraine, nous nous sommes embarqués sur les flots noirs de notre propre sang comme sur un Léthé intérieur aux sextuples replis, de grandes figures solennelles nous apparaissent, nous abordent et nous quittent, nous laissant en larmes. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 ) 在這個睡眠的世界裡,為我們身體器官的紊亂所控制駕馭的內知覺加速了心臟或呼吸的節奏,因為同一程度的恐懼、悲切或悔恨,一旦注入我們的血管,便會以百倍的力量掀起狂瀾;當我們被捲入自身血液的黑色波濤,猶如投入九泉之下蜿蜒曲折的忘川,踏遍內心秘城的大街小巷,一張張莊嚴、偉大的臉龐便立即浮現在我們眼前,向我們靠近,繼而離我們而去,任我們淚水漣漣。 (p.173 追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版1992) World of sleep in which our inner consciousness, placed in bondage to the disturbances of our organs, quickens the rhythm of heart or breath because a similar dose of terror, sorrow, remorse acts with a strength magnified an hundredfold if it is thus injected into our veins; as soon as, to traverse the arteries of the subterranean city, we have embarked upon the dark current of our own blood as upon an inward Lethe meandering sixfold, huge solemn forms appear to us, approach and glide away, leaving us in tears. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) World of sleep, where our inner Kowledge, held in subjection by the disturbances in our organs, quickens the rhythm of our heart or of our breathing, for the same dosage of alarm, of sadness, of remorse is a hundred times more potent when thus injected into our veins; as soon as, in order to travel along the arteries of the subterranean city, we have embarked on the dark waves of our own blood, as if on the sixfold meanders of some internal Lethe, tall, solemn forms appear to us, accost us, and then go from us, leaving us in tears. (Translated by John Sturrock) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |