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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 1
2017/10/10 06:00:00瀏覽728|回應0|推薦16
【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 1
Peut-être chaque soir acceptons-nous le risque de vivre, en dormant, des souffrances que nous considérons comme nulles et non avenues parce qu’elles seront ressenties au cours d’un sommeil que nous croyons sans conscience.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)

Perhaps every night we accept the risk of facing, while we are asleep, sufferings which we regard as unreal and unimportant because they will be felt in the course of a sleep which we suppose to be unconscious.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Every night perhaps, we accept the risk of experiencing, while we sleep, sufferings that we consider to be null and void because they will be endured only in the course of a sleep that we believe is without consciousness.
(Translated by John Sturrock)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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