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2017/09/10 06:50:45瀏覽514|回應0|推薦9 | |
【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 9 …je partis me promener seul vers cette grande route que prenait la voiture de Mme de Villeparisis quand nous allions nous promener avec ma grand’mère ; des flaques d’eau, que le soleil qui brillait n’avait pas séchées, faisaient du sol un vrai marécage, et je pensais à ma grand’mère qui jadis ne pouvait marcher deux pas sans se crotter. Mais, dès que je fus arrivé à la route, ce fut un éblouissement. Là où je n’avais vu, avec ma grand’mère, au mois d’août, que les feuilles et comme l’emplacement des pommiers, à perte de vue ils étaient en pleine floraison, d’un luxe inouï, les pieds dans la boue et en toilette de bal, ne prenant pas de précautions pour ne pas gâter le plus merveilleux satin rose qu’on eût jamais vu et que faisait briller le soleil ; l’horizon lointain de la mer fournissait aux pommiers comme un arrière-plan d’estampe japonaise ; si je levais la tête pour regarder le ciel entre les fleurs, qui faisaient paraître son bleu rasséréné, presque violent, elles semblaient s’écarter pour montrer la profondeur de ce paradis. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 ) …我獨自一個人朝大路方向信步而去,當初與外祖母一起出遊時,德‧維爾巴里西斯夫人的馬車走的就是那條路;路面上坑坑窪窪,閃耀的太陽也未曬乾坑內的積水,看去就像一塊沼澤地,我想起了外祖母,昔日,她走不了兩步,準就沾滿了污泥。可是,我剛一踏上那條路,便眼花繚亂。八月間,我和外祖母看見那地方只有紛紛落葉,像是個蘋果園,如今蘋果樹一眼望不到邊,花兒盛開,色彩繽紛,蔚為奇觀,我雙腳陷在污泥中,身上穿著舞會盛裝,顧不上小心照顧自己,一心只想到別弄汙了這粉紅色的花緞,紅日下,花緞流光溢彩,奇妙至極歎為觀止;浩瀚的海面映襯著蘋果樹,宛如日本石印畫的背景,倘若我舉首仰望花間晴空,那把天空襯托得分外靜謐,藍得幾乎呈現出紫羅蘭色的花朵彷彿立即閃開,敞露出那天堂的深處。 (p.194~195 追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版1992) …I went off by myself in the direction of the highroad that Mme. de Villeparisis’s carriage had taken when we went for a drive with my grandmother; pools of water which the sun, now bright again, had not dried made a regular quagmire of the ground, and I thought of my grandmother who, in the old days, could not walk a yard without covering herself with mud. But on reaching the road I found a dazzling spectacle. Where I had seen with my grandmother in the month of August only the green leaves and, so to speak, the disposition of the apple-trees, as far as the eye could reach they were in full bloom, marvellous in their splendour, their feet in the mire beneath their ball-dresses, taking no precaution not to spoil the most marvellous pink satin that was ever seen, which glittered in the sunlight; the distant horizon of the sea gave the trees the background of a Japanese print; if I raised my head to gaze at the sky through the blossom, which made its serene blue appear almost violent, the trees seemed to be drawing apart to reveal the immensity of their paradise. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) …I left to take a walk on my own toward the main road that Mme de Villeparisis’s carriage had taken when we went out with my grandmother; puddles of water that the bright sunshine had not dried out had turned the ground into a real quagmire, and I thought of my grandmother, who in the old days could not go two steps without getting mud on her. But the moment I reached the road, what bedazzlement. There, where in August, with my grandmother, I had seen only the leaves and as it were the emplacement of the apple trees, they were in full flower for as far as the eye could see, unimaginably luxuriant, their feet in the mud but wearing their ballgowns, not taking any precautions so as not to spoil the most marvelous pink satin that you ever set eyes on, made to shine by the sunlight; the far-off horizon of the sea provided the apple trees with what was in effect a background from a Japanese print; if I raised my head to look at the sky between the flowers, which made its blue appear the more cloudless, almost violent, they seemed to draw aside so as to display the depth of that paradise. (Translated by John Sturrock) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |