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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 7-1
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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾對外祖母的想念 (Missing Grandmother) 7-1
Mais dès que je fus arrivé à m’endormir, à cette heure, plus véridique, où mes yeux se fermèrent aux choses du dehors, le monde du sommeil (sur le seuil duquel l’intelligence et la volonté momentanément paralysées ne pouvaient plus me disputer à la cruauté de mes impressions véritables) refléta, réfracta la douloureuse synthèse de la survivance et du néant, dans la profondeur organique et devenue translucide des viscères mystérieusement éclairés.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
但是,一旦我入睡,在這一更為真實的時刻,我雙眼緊閉,外界的萬物一概不見,五臟六腑被神奇地照得徹亮,在這驟然間變得半透明的有機的內心深處,殘存與虛無終於結成一體,睡眠的世界 (在其門口,暫時癱瘓的智慧與意志再也不能與嚴酷的真情實感一起爭奪我) 便反映、折射出這一痛苦的混合體。
(p.173 追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版1992)

But as soon as I had succeeded in falling asleep, at that more truthful hour when my eyes closed to the things of the outer world, the world of sleep (on whose frontier intellect and will, momentarily paralysed, could no longer strive to rescue me from the cruelty of my real impressions) reflected, refracted the agonising synthesis of survival and annihilation, in the mysteriously lightened darkness of my organs.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

But as soon as I came to fall asleep, at that more truthful hour when my eyes were closed to the things without, the world of sleep (on the threshold of which my intellect and my will, momentarily paralyzed, could no longer contend with the cruelty of my genuine impressions) reflected, refracted the painful synthesis of survival and nothingness, in the organic depths, now become translucid, of the mysteriously illuminated viscera.
(Translated by John Sturrock)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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