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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 3-2 Alors de ces sommeils profonds on s’éveille dans une aurore, ne sachant qui on est, n’étant personne, neuf, prêt à tout, le cerveau se trouvant vidé de ce passé qui était la vie jusque-là. Et peut-être est-ce plus beau encore quand l’atterrissage du réveil se fait brutalement et que nos pensées du sommeil, dérobées par une chape d’oubli, n’ont pas le temps de revenir progressivement avant que le sommeil ne cesse. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 ) 於是乎,人們從沉睡中甦醒過來,沐浴在曙光裡,不知自己為何人,反正誰也不是,脫胎換骨,煥然一新,準備迎接一切,腦子裡把過去倒得一乾二淨,所謂過去就是在此之前的生活。恐怕,比這還要更為美妙,當強行發生甦醒著陸的時候,我們睡夢中的思想被一件遺忘的斗篷所掩蓋,在睡眠停止之前還來不及漸漸回味過來。 (p.407 追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992) Then from those profound slumbers we awake in a dawn, not knowing who we are, being nobody, newly born, ready for anything, our brain being emptied of that past which was previously our life. And perhaps it is more pleasant still when our landing at the waking-point is abrupt and the thoughts of our sleep, hidden by a cloak of oblivion, have not time to return to us in order, before sleep ceases. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) From these deep sleeps we then awake in a dawn, not knowing who we are, being nobody, quite new, prepared for anything, our brain finding itself emptied of the past that had hitherto been our life. And perhaps it is better still when the return to earth of our waking is a brutal one and when our sleeping thoughts, concealed behind a vestment of oblivion, do not have time progressively to return before sleep has ended. (Translated by John Sturrock) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |