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2017/10/20 05:46:59瀏覽597|回應0|推薦11 | |
【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 4-1 Certes on peut prétendre qu’il n’y a qu’un temps, pour la futile raison que c’est en regardant la pendule qu’on a constaté n’être qu’un quart d’heure ce qu’on avait cru une journée. Mais au moment où on le constate, on est justement un homme éveillé, plongé dans le temps des hommes éveillés, on a déserté l’autre temps. Peut-être même plus qu’un autre temps : une autre vie. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47) 誠然,人們可以硬說只有一種時間,道理極其簡單,只要看看掛鐘便一目了然,您以為過了一晝夜實際上只過了一刻鐘。但是,當您看清了時刻,您已經完全是一個清醒的人,沉浸在清醒人的時間海洋裡,脫離了另一種時間,也許脫離的不僅僅是另外一種時間,而是另外一種生活。 (p.408 追憶似水年華 IV 索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版1992) We may of course insist that there is but one time, for the futile reason that it is by looking at the clock that we have discovered to have been merely a quarter of an hour what we had supposed a day. But at the moment when we make this discovery we are a man awake, plunged in the time of waking men, we have deserted the other time. Perhaps indeed more than another time: another life. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff) True, we can claim that there is only one time, for the futile reason that it is by looking at the clock that we have confirmed that what we thought was a whole day was only a quarter of an hour. But at the moment when we confirm it, we are of course a man awake, plunged into the time of waking men, we have deserted the other time. Perhaps even more than another time: another life. (Translated by John Sturrock) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |