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【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 5-2
2017/10/28 05:14:57瀏覽684|回應0|推薦13
【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 5-2
Du moment que je ne connais pas toute une partie des souvenirs qui sont derrière moi, du moment qu’ils me sont invisibles, que je n’ai pas la faculté de les appeler à moi, qui me dit que, dans cette masse inconnue de moi, il n’y en a pas qui remontent à bien au delà de ma vie humaine ? Si je puis avoir en moi et autour de moi tant de souvenirs dont je ne me souviens pas, cet oubli (du moins oubli de fait puisque je n’ai pas la faculté de rien voir) peut porter sur une vie que j’ai vécue dans le corps d’un autre homme, même sur une autre planète. Un même oubli efface tout. Mais alors que signifie cette immortalité de l’âme dont le philosophe norvégien affirmait la réalité ? L’être que je serai après la mort n’a pas plus de raisons de se souvenir de l’homme que je suis depuis ma naissance que ce dernier ne se souvient de ce que j’ai été avant elle.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

自從我記不起我身後一大部分往事,自從這些往事成了我看不見的東西,自從我無能為力呼喚這一樁樁往事,誰敢對我說,在這一片我一無所知的黑洞裏,我人生之外就難道沒有可追根溯源的往事?既然我腦中和我周圍能有那麼多我回想不起來的往事,那麼這種遺忘 (至少是事實上的遺忘,因為我無能力看到任何東西) 就有可能涉及我在另外一個人身上,甚至在另外一個星球上經歷過的生活。同樣一種遺忘會把一切抹煞得一乾二淨。那麼,挪威哲學家信誓旦旦肯定的靈魂不死的現實究竟意味著什麼呢?死後我這個靈沒有能力回憶出生後我這個人,就像我現在這個人回想不起我出生前的事一樣。
追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)

The moment that I do not know a whole section of the memories that are behind me, the moment that they are invisible to me, that I have not the faculty of calling them to me, who can assure me that in that mass unknown to me there are not some that extend back much farther than my human life. If I can have in me and round me so many memories which I do not remember, this oblivion (a de facto oblivion, at least, since I have not the faculty of seeing anything) may extend over a life which I have lived in the body of another man, even upon another planet. A common oblivion effaces all. But what, in that case, signifies that immortality of the soul the reality of which the Norwegian philosopher affirmed? The person that I shall be after death has no more reason to remember the man whom I have been since my birth than the latter to remember what I was before it.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Given that I do not know a whole portion of the memories that are behind me, given that they are invisible to me, that I do not have the faculty of summoning them, who is to say that in this mass that is unknown to me there are not memories that date back long before my life as a man? If I can have, in me and around me, so many memories that I do not remember, this oblivion (a de facto oblivion at least, since I do not have the faculty of seeing anything) may apply to a life that I have lived in the body of another man, or even on another planet. The one oblivion erases everything. But what, then, would be signified by the immortality of the soul whose reality the Norwegian philosopher had asserted? The person that I shall be after death has no more reason to remember the man that I have been since my birth than this latter remembers what I was before it.
(Translated by John Sturrock)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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