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2011/07/15 12:14:20瀏覽470|回應6|推薦74 | ||||
一滴水 A droplet ----------- 這一滴水 A single drop of water 也許只是花叢裡的一小滴露水 It may will be but a dew drops in the garden, 被花的小口吸進去 美姿增添七分 once absorbed by flowers multiplies their beauty . 這一滴水 A single drop of water 也許只是天上落下來的一滴雨 It may will be no more than a fraction of the rain 麻雀喝了暫時得到片刻安慰 但轉瞬就忘了 consumed by the sparrows for temporary relief, but is soon forgotten. 這一滴水 A single drop of water 也許是臉盆裡的肥皂泡 It may will join the bubbles in the wash basin 除垢後讓人神清氣爽 having refreshed our spirit. 這一滴水 A single drop of water 也許是快樂發狂的一滴淚 It may be the result of hysteric joy 不然就是痛苦地哭出聲來的一串淚 or one of the many tears as one vents their pain. 這一滴水 A single drop of water 也許是人臉上流的汗 It may well be sweat 蘊含著辛勞 慚愧 或無奈 within it is fatigue, shame or resignation. 您別小看了它 Do not overlook it, thinking it small 一滴水 簡直就是宇宙的縮影 A single drop of water is the reflection of the entire universe.
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |