雪落大地 靜無聲 以博大的胸懷擁抱裸露的大地
Silent,snow falls,with broad arms to embrace the naked land.
雪落城市 成了一道風景 那些人們如雁飛天際般的喜悅
It descends upon the city, become a scenery,
sending souls soaring to the sky.
雪落街道 用相機把自己和雪的潔白融合 成為永恒的記憶
White walks the streets, melded into the alleys
with a camera and turned into eternity.
雪落山峰 固守著那份貞潔 站在天邊審視著人類的所為
It climbs the mountains, guarding the pristine peaks
and looking down on men.
雪落溪流 轉瞬溶化 卻緩緩地流入大地 來日成為人們的甘泉
It swims in the river, vanishes, flows into the land
and feeds the people.
雪落鄉村 農人圍坐火爐 暖一壺烈酒與雪交談
It visits villages where farmers surround a hearth
with bottles of grog,
talking of better prospects in coming years.
雪落記憶 落在童真的歲月 惟有聖潔的童心才配得與雪遊戲
The snow recalls innocence;
only the holy childlike innocence matches the snow game.
雪落靜夜 落在我們精神的家園 最深最冷的不是夜 而是孤獨
The snow silences, calling to our mind;
it is not the night,but solitude that is cold.
雪落人生 導引著人們完善人格 像雪那樣晶瑩純潔 樸實無華
The snow guides us, to an existence more pristine and plain.