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2011/08/09 13:55:08瀏覽508|回應8|推薦85 | |||||||||||||||
人生的光彩在哪裡? Wherein lays the sparks in life? 整日眉頭深鎖,心扉緊閉,對一切漠不關心 To frown, to close the mind, to be apathetic, 您讓光彩的流年就這樣蹉跎了嗎? have you been wasting the sparks of life? 走出心靈的溝壑、豎起信心的大旗, Come out from the trenches of your heart and fly a flag of confident 迎接每一個豔陽高照的今天! Greet every sun-blessed day! 早上醒來,光彩在臉上,充滿笑容的迎接未來。 In the morning, the spark is on our smiling faces, ready for the future. 到了中午,光彩在腰上,挺直腰桿的活在當下。 Midday, it is in our spine, straightening our backs for the task at hand. 到了 晚上,光彩在 腳上,腳 踏實地的做好自己。 Come night, it is under our sole, making us walk the extra mile. 原來人生也很簡單,只要能懂得「珍惜、知足、感恩」 Life is easy, one you learn to "treasure", "satisfy" and "grateful". 眼前的一切就都亮麗起來,您就擁有了生命的光彩! This brings everything to light and in term, bring sparks to your life. 就能創造出有意義的人生和豐富多彩的生活。 This way, life becomes color and meaningful.
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |