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2011/05/04 13:52:47瀏覽807|回應16|推薦99 | |||||
媽媽我好想您 Mother I Miss You 媽媽我好想您。 Mother I miss you. 今晚送上一朵康乃馨 , I sent you a Chrysanthemum tonight,
不只是母親節到了平日就一直想著您 You're on my mind all the time
Not just on mother's day.
媽媽我好愛妳! Mother I love you. 今世再也找不到能夠代替您的人了! There is no one that can replace you.
您把我平安地送到世上的那一刻 It took much hardship and greatness 是多麼艱鉅!多麼偉大! for you to deliver me upon this world. 值得我對您一輩子的敬愛! That is worthy of lifelong reverence.
媽媽我好想您。 Mother I miss you
您的快樂和憂愁全成了縈繞的懷念, Your joy and sorrow have become looping memories 而我眼中盈满淚水 只為這一世我們 母女的深爱 。 my eyes are teary; there is but one such maternal affection.
雖然歲月已把思念化成了煙縷 Though age may have turned thoughts to dust , 我依舊珍藏著您的書法卷軸 您的畫作, I still collect your writing and painting,
小心地觀賞 深怕會失去您 特有的 溫馨 I study them with care, lest I shall lose that special warmth.
您親手縫製的毛衣圍巾依舊溫暖著我的身心。 That handmade scarf still keeps me warm. 媽媽我好想您 。 Mother I miss you.
當我失意的时候,面臨挫折, When set-back, or frustrated, 您的精神總是給我安慰與勇氣。 your spirit will always give me comfort and courage.
雖然不能與您一起駕馭人生方舟前駛 Though I may not be able to take the same paths as you did, 在您的精神感染下, 我不會偏離方向. I will not go astray under your guidance. 不管將來我走向何方, 走向哪裡, No matter where I may end up.
一路都會有您的微笑陪伴 I shall have the company of your smile,
一直温暖我的行程和心房 To keep my heart warm
媽媽我好爱您, 您是我心中永遠的摯爱 Mother, I love you; you are forever in my heart. Mother I miss you. 媽媽我好想您 。 Mother I miss you.
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |