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Restrained Madness - Guardian of Dreams
2012/12/22 22:07:26瀏覽288|回應0|推薦1

Close your eyes, and rest now, 閉上你的眼,然後入睡

and let the slumber take you in並讓沉睡的你

another night has dawned, another dream begins又一個夜晚來臨,另一個夢開始

Step into my kingdom; 走進我的王國;

Here lies a world that's just for you 這裡長眠著,只屬於你的世界

so venture forth and I'll make sure you make it through所以如此真實,且我會確保你能通過

If you're scared, 如果你很害怕

then do not fear, 'cause 請不要害怕,因為

I am the guardian of the night我守護著夜

I am the shadow just out of sight我只是視線外的陰影

I am the guardian of your dreams我守護著,你的夢

I am more than I seem我非常了解

You cannot remember你可能不記得

'cause every morning you forget因為每天早上你會忘記

what you had dreamed about, the creatures you had met你曾夢到有關你所見過的生物

But you seem to wonder但你似乎不知道

where dreaming ends, and real life starts 當夢結束了,現實生活開始

but you must realize they're not that far apart但你必須理解到他們不是距離很遠

If you're scared, 如果你很害怕

then do not fear, 'cause 請不要害怕,因為

I am the guardian of the night我守護著夜

I am the shadow just out of sight我只是視線外的陰影

I am the guardian of your dreams我守護著,你的夢

I am more than I seem我非常了解

I am the guardian of the night我守護著夜

I am the shadow just out of sight我只是視線外的陰影

I am the guardian of your dreams我守護著,你的夢

I am more than I seem我非常了解

I am the guardian of the night我守護著夜

I am the shadow just out of sight我只是視線外的陰影

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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