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The End of Ponies 最終的小馬
2013/01/06 03:09:14瀏覽472|回應0|推薦0

Verse 1:第一節

Chaos reigns, sirens call混沌統治,警報響

I hear the roar of Cloudsdale's fall我聽到巨響,雲中城陷落

A shattered moon decends from high月亮自高空支離破碎,

And through this scene a rainbow flies彩虹飛逝通過這個現場

On her sky blue back I ride我騎在她藍色的背上

A filly far to young to fly一個年輕的小雌馬飛遠

I'm stricken by this night of death and woe這天晚上,我遭受死亡,榮辱與共

She tells me things will be okay她告訴我,一切都會好起來

So in this crucible I stay所以我留在該嚴酷的考驗

But you stole her from me, you stole my dream, my soul但你從我這裡偷走了她,你偷了我的夢想,我的靈魂

Verse 2:第二節

Eternal night pervades the day永恆之夜瀰漫的日子

And there's no moon to light the way而且也沒有月亮,照亮前進的道路

The world is dead, it's turned to dust世界是死的,它化為塵土,

All that's left is ruins and rust剩下的就是廢墟和生鏽

Darkest night and constant cold黑暗的夜晚,永恆的寒冷

Awaken ancient beasts of old喚醒的古老野獸

From these monsters, from these beasts I run從這些怪物,從這些野獸,我逃跑

Lighting flares and storm fronts rage閃電閃焰和風暴前的憤怒

The heralds of this worlds new age預示著這個世界的新時代

This empty land will never see the dawn這空蕩的土地將永遠不會看到曙光


In the night of today在今夜

In the light of those lonely days在這些日子的寂寞光景

Why do you curse me, why do you bring me down.為甚麼你罵我,為甚麼你擊倒我.

At the end, here I stand最後,我站在這裡

In the dust, of this barren land在這片貧瘠的土地上的灰塵,

You're always there surrounding me你總是在那裡我周圍

Pervading the very air I breathe普遍存在的我呼吸的空氣中

With no one else to take or tease沒有其他人可以帶走或捉弄

'Cause I'm the one, the End of Ponies“因為我是一個,最終的小馬

Verse 3:第三節

Tongues of flame, of many kinds許多種的火舌

An artificial rainbow shines人造彩虹,閃耀著

And with an unexpected friend與一個意想不到的朋友

We search to find a reason for this end我們找到一個理由為此尋找

Through the fire and flames of time通過火和火焰的時間

You follow me as I try to find你跟著我,我試圖找到

The reason why I've now been left alone我之所以現在被單獨留下

Meeting souls now dead and past相遇的靈魂已經死了,成過往

While wondering why it couldn't last雖然不知道為什麼無法持續

You took away my friends, my life, my home你帶走了我的朋友,我的生活,我的家



Flashing lights of green and black閃爍著的綠色和黑色

I'm trying not to get pulled back我不想把被拉回

Loosing my cohesion失去我的凝聚力

While searching for a reason雖然是有原因的

All of time yet none at all在一切的時間仍未沒有

I'm trying to ignore your call我試圖忽略您的呼喚

In an exiled goddess' skin在一個被流亡女神的“外皮

I'm searching for this cataclysm!我在尋找著浩劫與重生!

I'm standing at the end!我站在終點!

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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