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Dashie Mine ~ by Feather
2012/11/18 15:26:10瀏覽151|回應0|推薦0

Dashie mine我的Dashie
Don't you cry別哭泣
Dashie mine我的Dashie
Dry your eyes擦乾你的眼淚
Rest your head 抬起你的頭
Close to my heart接近我的心
Never to part永不分離
Dashie of mine我的Dashie
Little one小不點
When you fly當你飛
Don't you mind你不需要介意
Don't be shy不需要害羞
Let those wings讓那些翅膀
Flutter and glide撲動和滑行
Never to fall永遠不下墬
Dashie of mine我的Dashie
If they saw how you could soar如果他們看到你如何能翱翔
Rainbow crash you'd be no more彩虹墬毀再也不是
All those same colts that scold you所有這些責罵你的小馬,
What they'd give to just fly half like you為什麼他們只是想讓你這樣飛一半
From your nose down to your tail從你的鼻子,你的尾巴
You're made to fly, made to sail你飛,航行
You're just so precious to me,你對我是如此珍貴,
Fast as can be, Dashie of mine可以如此快,我的Dashie
All those same colts that scold you所有這些責罵你的小馬,
What they'd give to just fly half like you為什麼他們只是想讓你這樣飛一半
From your nose down to your tail從你的鼻子,你的尾巴
You're made to fly, made to sail你飛,航行
You're just so precious to me,你對我是如此珍貴,
Fast as can be, Dashie of mine可以如此快,我的Dashie
Dashie of mine (x2)我的Dashie(X2)
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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