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I Am No Hero - Original MLP song by MandoPony[Chinese translation of the lyrics]
2012/08/22 00:25:15瀏覽346|回應0|推薦1

Don't look for me in the spotlight在聚光燈下,不要找我

Don't think that I am the one不要認為我是一個

Who brightens your lives,照亮你生活的那一個,

And endlessly strives,不斷地努力,

To live a life in the sun居住生活在陽光下

I will never shine, I'll never be beautiful,我永遠不會閃耀,我永遠不是美麗的,

And I will never be yours,我永遠不會成為你,

She made it clear, I should stay right here,她很清楚,我應該待在這裡,

So you can be sure...所以,你可以肯定的...

That I am no hero我不是英雄所以

I can't answer your prayers我不能回答你的祈求

No matter how I feel inside無論我內心的感受如何

I know that nobody cares我知道,沒有人關心

For I am no hero因為我不是英雄

And when you look to the sky當你仰望天空

You will never see my face你永遠不會看到我的臉

You'll never see me cry你永遠也看不到我哭

This is the real me,這是真實的我,

Unashamed, but not unafraid無與倫比的,但不是不怕

I won't say I'm sorry我不會說我很抱歉

For who I was,為了我是誰,

I can't say I've never strayed我不能說我從來沒有誤入歧途

Far from the light, away from the path遠離光明,離群所居

That all the righteous have tread,這一切正義遭到踐踏,

But I'll never lie, no I'll never try但我永遠不會說謊,我永遠不會嘗試

To claim I'm perfect instead去宣稱我是完美的,

For I am no hero因為我不是英雄

I can't answer your prayers我不能回答你的祈求

No matter how I feel inside無論我內心的感受如何

I know that nobody cares我知道,沒有人關心

For I am no hero因為我不是英雄

And when you look to the sky當你仰望天空

You will never see my face你永遠不會看到我的臉

You'll never see me cry你永遠也看不到我哭

No I am not perfect,不,我不是完美的,

I just wanna be我只是想當

The one you look up to你看顧的這一個

In times of need,在需要的時候,

But you love another,你愛別人但是,

I'll never be the same我永遠都不會是相同的

When you're lonely like me,當你像我一樣寂寞,

Don't call for my name...不要叫我的名字...

Don't call my name.不要叫我的名字。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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