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My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You
2011/11/26 20:18:07瀏覽534|回應0|推薦0

I never said I'd lie and wait forever
If I died, we'd be together如果我死了,我們就在一起
I can't always just forget her我不能永遠只是忘了她
But she could try可以嘗試

At the end of the world世界的盡頭
Or the last thing I see或者我看到的最後一件事
You are您是
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Could I? Should I?我能我應該
And all the things that you never ever told me所有的東西,你從來沒有人告訴我
And all the smiles that are ever ever...所有的笑容永遠不斷... ...
Ever...自從... ...

Get the feeling that you're never得到的感覺你永遠
All alone and I remember now所有單獨現在還記得
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies她死在我的懷裡我的胸前
She dies她死了

At the end of the world世界的盡頭
Or the last thing I see或者我看到的最後一件事
You are您是
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Could I? Should I?我能我應該
And all the things that you never ever told me所有的東西,你從來沒有人告訴我
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me所有的笑容不斷要去纏著我
Never coming home 永遠回不了家
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Could I? Should I?我能我應該
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me所有傷口不斷要我留下疤痕
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me對於所有的鬼魂們從來沒有要去追上我

If I fall如果我失望
If I fall (down)如果我失望(低落)

At the end of the world世界的盡頭
Or the last thing I see或者我看到的最後一件事
You are您是
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Could I? Should I?我能我應該
And all the things that you never ever told me所有的東西,你從來沒有人告訴我
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me所有的笑容不斷要去纏著我
Never coming home 永遠回不了家
Never coming home永遠回不了家
Could I? Should I?我能我應該
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me所有傷口不斷要我留下疤痕
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me對於所有的鬼魂們從來沒有要去追上我
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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