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My Chemical Romance - SING歌唱
2011/11/26 19:31:34瀏覽228|回應0|推薦0

Sing it out,唱出來,
Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings.小子,你已經看到了明天帶來什麼。
Sing it out,唱出來,
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs.女孩,你明天就需要什麼。

For every time對於每一次
That they want to count you out,他們要算計你,
And use your voice並使用您的聲音
Every single time you open up your mouth每一次你打開你的嘴

Sing it for the boys,為了男生歌唱,
Sing it for the girls,為了女孩歌唱,
Every time you that you lose it sing it for the world每次你,你為失去歌唱為世界
Sing it from the heart為了心歌唱
Sing it till you're nuts唱,直到你是堅果
Sing it out for the words that'll hate your guts歌唱出來的話,他們會恨你的膽量
Sing it for the death為了死亡歌唱
Sing it for the blood為了血歌唱
Sing about everyone that you left behind歌唱為後頭離開的每個人
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱

Sing it out, 唱出來
Boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means男孩,他們要去賣明天意味著什麼
Sing it out 唱出來
Girl, with all the kill what tomorrow brings女孩,全部殺死,明天帶來什麼
You've got to你一定要
Make a choice,做出選擇,
If the music drowns you out.如果音樂淹沒你。
And raise your voice,並提高你的聲音,
Every single time they try and shut your mouth.每一次他們試圖和閉上你的嘴。

Sing it for the boys,為了男生歌唱,
Sing it for the girls,為了女孩歌唱,
Every time you that you lose it sing it for the world每次你,你為失去歌唱為世界
Sing it from the heart為了心歌唱
Sing it till you're nuts唱,直到你是堅果
Sing it out for the words that'll hate your guts歌唱出來的話,他們會恨你的膽量
Sing it for the death為了死亡歌唱
Sing it for the blood為了血歌唱
Sing about everyone that you left behind歌唱為後頭離開的每個人
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱

Cleaned up corporation,清理公司,
Park rats dying in the process公園老鼠的死亡過程中
Children that can talk about it兒童他們談論這
Living on the railways鐵路生活
Creeping, moving sideways爬行,側身移動
Sell it till your last days直到你出售最後的日子
Buy yourself the motivation!買自己的動機!
Should've reckoned nothing沒什麼應該忽視
Nothing 'bout a dancee沒有什麼'買跳舞
Burning down the white tree燒毀的白樹
I am not the singer that you wanted,我不是你想要的歌手,
But a dancer,但一位舞者,
I refuse to answer我拒絕回答
Talk about the past, son,談過去,孩子,
Rolling for the ones who want to get away軋製那些想脫身

Keep running!繼續奔跑!

Sing it for the boys,為了男生歌唱,
Sing it for the girls,為了女孩歌唱,
Every time you that you lose it sing it for the world每次你,你為失去歌唱為世界
Sing it from the heart為了心歌唱
Sing it till you're nuts唱,直到你是堅果
Sing it out for the words that'll hate your guts歌唱出來的話,他們會恨你的膽量
Sing it for the death為了死亡歌唱
Sing it for the blood為了血歌唱
Sing about everyone that you left behind歌唱為後頭離開的每個人
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱

You've got to sing what tomorrow brings!你一定要唱的明天帶來什麼!
Sing it for the world,為了世界歌唱
Sing it for the world為了世界歌唱
Yeah, you've got to be what tomorrow needs!女孩,你明天就需要什麼。
Sing it for the world,為了世界歌唱
Sing it for the world.為了世界歌唱
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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