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2022/07/29 16:20:29瀏覽282|回應0|推薦1
A revamped management team properly pivots the companys focus toward software and cloud-based products as growth catalysts to supplement its legacy hardware dominance. And we think the company is set to thrive.
一個重組後的管理團隊/階層正確地轉移公司焦點至軟體和雲端產品, 以作為成長觸媒來增強/補強它在老式/傳統硬體上的優勢. 我們認為它即將興旺.

1. Revamp 修補, 改造, 改寫
I want to have my old car completely revamped. Can you tell me how much it will cost? 我想將我的舊車重新翻修,你能告訴我要花多少錢嗎?
2. Pivot n. vi. vt
vi. 隨……轉移;依……而定[(+on/upon)] Success or failure pivoted on a single exam. 勝敗取決於一次考試.
3. supplement n. vt.
vt. 增補,補充;為……補編附錄[(+with/by)] She got a part-time job to supplement the family income. 她找了一個兼職工作以補充家庭收入.
4. thrive vi
* 興旺,繁榮;成功[(+on)] The real estate business is thriving. 房地產生意興隆.
* 茁壯成長;茂盛生長 Rice thrives in this hot weather. 水稻在這種熱天氣中生長旺盛.

我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例
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