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形容詞 : Untenable
2022/07/26 11:49:45瀏覽115|回應0|推薦0
1. 難以防守的, 不能防守的
2. (論據等)站不住腳的
3. 不能租賃的
* 特別是處在一個立場/看法, 無法在面對批評或者攻擊時, 繼續地被保持住, 無法再被支持/容忍(insupportable).

1. The U.S. government said that the U.S.’ dependence on Taiwan for chips is untenable and unsafe, adding that the U.S. needs to pass legislation to support the domestic production of high-end chips. 美國政府說美國對台灣的晶片依賴是站不住腳而且不安全的, 指出美國需要通過法案來支持國內生產高端晶片.
2. The U.S. criticized China for moving too slowly on allowing the yuan to appreciate, and said it was pursuing an untenable economic policy.
美國指責中國對於允許人民幣升值的行動太慢, 並且說中國是在追求一個站不住腳的經濟政策.
3. New small apartments in Taipei are increasingly untenable for first-time home buyers. 台北市新的小公寓, 對首購屋者是越來越無法容忍的.
4. Analysts said that the run-up in the optical networkers’ shares was untenable, because enthusiasm for the stocks exceeded the realities of the market’s revenue and spending levels by telecom carriers, in particular. 分析師說光纖網通業者股票的上漲是站不住腳的, (也就是缺乏基本面), 因為(投資人)對這些股票的熱情超出其(本身)市場營收, 還有特別是通訊商的支出水平的事實.
5. His job had become untenable. 他的工作早己不保.
6. He proposes untenable ideas. 他提出一些無法容忍的想法.

我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例
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