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競爭時可用的英文 take out the boxing gloves 和 blow something or someone out of the water
2023/10/20 13:10:04瀏覽426|回應0|推薦5

A. to take out the boxing gloves. 字面的意思是拳擊手把手套拿掉, 少了有護壂手套 padded gloves的拳頭, 比賽就會造成嚴重的身體受傷serious physical injury. 兩個對手間不再玩遊戲 play around, 也不再保留, 抑制 hold back, 進而強硬起來了. 商業上, 也可以說是捲起衣袖, 認真做事roll up sleeves and get down to business. 類似的相同意思片語, 可寫成 take the gloves off.

A-1. War between the two tech giants seems inevitable. After several years of peace, Microsoft and Google have taken out the boxing gloves. 這兩個電子巨擘的戰爭看起來是免不了. 在多年的和平之後, 微軟和谷歌準備互相較勁.

A-2. He has threatened to take off the gloves. 他已威脅說要不客氣了.

A-3.The gloves are off. 做好戰鬥準備.

A-4. Gloves are off in conflicts between new and old mayors. 新舊任市長間的衝突是認真起來, 白熱化了.

B. to blow something or someone out of the water. 這個片語起源是說在海事戰爭上, 魚雷把一條船炸成廢片, 也把人打到浮到水面上而戰勝. 字典上的解釋: to destroy or defeat something or someone completely (以壓倒性姿態)戰勝…, 完全徹底地超越, 擊垮某事或某人.

B-1. The electric-vehicle maker Fisker looks to blow the competition out of the water. Fisker is looking to leave its competitors in the dust. 電動車製造商Fisher打算徹底地完全戰勝競爭. Fisker 意圖抛開它的對手於灰塵中.

B-2. They came to court with fresh evidence that would blow the prosecution's case completely out of the water. 他們出庭時帶來新的證據, 可以徹底推翻原告的指控.

我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例


No. 129

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