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公司治理單字 - proactive, hallmark
2022/07/28 10:28:54瀏覽258|回應0|推薦1
1. GM stock slumps after Q2 earnings miss. GM is taking proactive steps, including reducing discretionary spending and limiting hiring to critical needs and positions that support growth. 通用第二季獲利未達標後, 股價下跌. 通用採取主動積極的方法, 包括減少可自由支配的支出, 以及在僱用員工上, 專注於實際重要的需要, 和可以支撐成長的職位.
2. 3M announced plans to spin off its healthcare division, which it plans to complete by the end of next year. The deal will follow its earlier plans to separate 3M's food safety business. Disciplined portfolio management is a hallmark of its growth strategy. 3M宣布分割醫療保健部門計畫, 希望能夠在明年底達成. 這個事務是緊跟在它之前的計劃去分拆食品安全部門. 有紀律的(事業)組合管理是它成長策略的特徵.

adj. (人, 政策, 行為等)主動的, 先發制人的
1. The government is taking proactive measures against terrorism. 政府正採取積極措施打擊恐怖主義.
2. The company has been proactive in expanding in first-tier cities in China. 公司在中國的一級城市, 一直很主動積極的擴展.

n. 特徵, 特點
1. Simplicity is a hallmark of this design. 簡潔是該設計的一個特點.
2. This explosion bears/has all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. 這次爆炸帶有恐怖襲擊的所有特徵.
3. Thursday’s drop might have been a capitulation that is the hallmark of a tradable market bottom. 週四的下跌有可能是一個(市場賣壓)衰竭, 那是一個可以進場交易的特徵.
4. Smartphone centricity will continue to be the hallmark of the mobile phone market. 智慧手機為中心會持續是行動電話市場的特徵.
5. Media noted that Apple’s prestigious hallmark is in a precarious situation in China. 媒體說蘋果有名望的的商標, 在中國地區是處在一個危險狀況.
vt. 及物動詞. 給...蓋上品質證明印記, 使具有...標誌.
6. Taiwan Mobile’s 2015 target will be hallmarked by the largest number of 4Gusers in Taiwan. 台灣大的2015年目標會是以在台灣最多的4G用戶為特徵.

1. hallmark 這個子平常會和標誌mark, 商標trademark搞混在一起. hallmark出現時, 大部份是" (人或物的)特徵"的意思.
2. 分割, 分拆, spin off = split off = separate ….

我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例
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