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2022/07/22 14:31:13瀏覽401|回應0|推薦0 | |
最近常看到這個片語, 感覺有趣, 所以再整理一下. 奇摩字典上的解釋如下:
1. 咽下, 淹沒, 使消失. The plane was swallowed up in the clouds. 飛機消失在雲層之中. 2. 侵佔. The Edison Telephone Company was recently swallowed up by the Bell Telephone Company. 愛迪生電話公司最近被貝爾電話公司併作. 我的例句如下: 1. AMD and Nvidia have been swallowed up in the bear market, with each stock declining at least 50%. 超微和輝達在空頭市場中, 已經被淹沒掉了, 他們各自下跌至少50%. 2. The companys foray into mobile handsets was ill-advised, and was quickly swallowed up by the competition. 公司的前進於移動裝置是欠週詳的, 而且很快地在競爭中被吞噬掉了. 3. For several months, the most popular cryptocurrency exchange has been mired in a crash that has swallowed up more than $2 trillion. 幾個月以來, 這個最受歡迎的虛擬貨幣交易所深陷在一個崩盤中, 那己經吃掉了超過兩兆美元(的市值). 附註: 1, ill-advised欠考慮的, 輕率的, 愚蠢的 2. foray n. (為糧食,武器等的)突襲, 短暫的訪問. 這個字很好用, 常見在公司多角化, 轉型到其他領域時的句子中. 我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2293630354246962 Welcome to join the group.. Thanks .. |
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