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轉折延續的寫法 - And to do this
2022/07/18 12:20:28瀏覽197|回應0|推薦0
A legacy automaker is on the offensive in the electric vehicle market. Nissan is determined to expand its presence in the electric vehicle market. And to do this, the legacy carmaker recently announced a strategic plan providing for 2 trillion yen in investments over the next five years to accelerate the deployment of its electric vehicles.
一個老牌汽車公司在電動車市場採取主動攻勢. 日產決定在電動車市場擴大存在度. 為了達成這個目標, 這個老牌汽車公司最近宣布一個策略性計畫, 在未來五年提供兩兆日圓投資, 以加速它在電動車的佈局.

1. 作者用on the offensive, expand its presence, 和accelerate the deployment, 來表示日產的積極性.
2. presence(存在), deployment(佈局, 佈署)是作者用來替換說在什麼領域.
3. on the offensive 採取攻勢, 主動出擊. 平常這個片語, 大多是用來形容攻擊, 冒犯, 少出現在商業文章上.
He's always expecting criticism of his work, so he's always on the offensive. 他料到自己的作品總歸要受到批判, 所以總是以攻為守.
It's difficult to make friends with her; she's constantly on the offensive. 跟她交朋友十分困難, 她這個人口角尖酸, 咄咄逼人.
4. legacy (老式的, 可以當作形容詞), 常會和legendary (傳奇的, 傳說的)令人搞錯.
5. 上面英文用的單字不是很深, 我寫這篇主要是看到這個寫法, and to do this, 作者用來轉折, 延續另一段, 很好的一個方法.

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