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Ask Good Questions
2024/08/27 16:47:55瀏覽26|回應0|推薦0
Ask Good Questions-對話的開場問題(上)
大家說英語 20240826
Can you start a good conversation?
It’s not hard. You just have to ask good questions.
Can a person answer your question with only yes or no?
Then it’s not a very good question.
It can stop the conversation.
You can ask, "What hobbies do you enjoy?"
Or ask, "What do you do in your free time?"
Maybe the other person is carrying something.
Maybe it’s a book.
You can ask, "What’s that book about?"
Good questions can build good friendships!

Good questions can build good friendships.
It’s important to ask good questions to have relationships with people.


Hey, Susie. What are you reading?
I’m reading Dr. Dolittle.
It’s a kid’s book.
But it’s fun for everyone.
What’s it about?
It’s about an amazing doctor.
He can talk to animals. He has funny conversations with them.
The animals can understand him?
Yes. Doctor Dolittle builds friendships with many animals.
They travel together, too.
Is Dr. Dolittle your favorite book?
It’s one of my favorites. 
I read it every year.
Sometimes I carry it around with me.
Do you read in your free time?
Maybe I can try Dr. Dolittle.
Here. You can read my book.
Thanks! I can start it tonight.
Great. Then we can talk about it sometime.

Children’s book, we also heard kids’ book of course.
But kids’ books and kids’ movies as well can be interesting for people of all ages.

Your friendship is very important to me.
He has a membership in that gym.
She has great leadership skills.

It’s one of my favorites.

sometimes I carry it around with me介係詞with在此指带在谁的身边的意思
He doesn’t have any credit cards with him.
I’d always carry an umbrella with me.
Do you have a pen with you?

You might say the competition starts at 8:00(eight o’clock) tonight.
If that means that it will begin, that is the time that you will start this competition or race.

When does the class start?
What is the conversation about?
He often hikes in his free time.
He carries lots of books with him.
Your friendship is important to me.

Are you free this afternoon?
They are starting the game now?
We are having a conversation about dogs.
Thank you for your friendship.
Can you carry this box for me?

How often does Susie read  Dr. Dolittle?
She reads it every year.
What is your favorite book?

Ask Good Questions-對話的開場問題(下)
大家說英語 20240827
run into就是碰巧遇到

I just had a fun conversation with the student.
I ran into him outside.
What did you talk about?
He asked, "Which sport do you like best?"
Did you say basketball?
Actually, I said, "I like watching baseball."
That led to a fun debate.
A debate about baseball?
Yeah. He asked, "Which team do you think is best?"
We didn’t agree.
What a perfect conversation for you!
What would be a perfect conversation for you?
Maybe one about food.
I’d ask, "If you could have any kind of food for dinner, what would you have?"
And I’d say Chinese food. Fried noodles, actually!
Or I’d ask about a person’s plans.
I’d ask, "Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?"
Another good question.
This weekend I’m going to play soccer.
Let’s talk about it next week.
I’ll ask, "Did you win?"

If you run into someone it usually means that you did not plan to meet that person.
But you just happen to meet him or her.
So Greg just happen to meet his student when he was outside.

What did you talk about?

Debates are fun.
You have an idea and someone else has a different idea.
Then you both tell your reasons that is a debate.

动词三态为lead lead lead
故此lead to something表示导致某种结果
Smoking leads to serious health problems.
Studying a lot can lead to better grades.
Eating good food can lead to better health.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
If you could have any animal for a pet, which kind would you get?
If you could have dinner with any famous person from history, who would you choose?

Soccer is a sport you play with your feet.
You kick a ball with your feet and you get a point when it goes into a goal.
Right, you kick it into the net.

I ran into George at the store.
He actually likes his work.
We had a debate about the movie.
Ted likes to eat fried fish.
Can you play soccer?

The kids are playing soccer in the park.
He just moved here last week.
Fried chicken is very delicious.
Everyone agrees. There is no debate.
It’s fun to run into friends.

I’m going to a party soon, I’ll be meeting a lot of new people.
I’m thinking about things to talk about, I want to have good conversations.
And maybe make some new friends.
Can you start a good conversation?
It’s not hard.
you want to ask open-ended questions.

ask open-ended questions 的中文意思是“提出開放性問題”。

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