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Elephant Learns a Lesson
2024/08/29 21:30:12瀏覽22|回應0|推薦0
Elephant Learns a Lesson(上)
大家說英語 20240828
In some stories, animals have personalities個性; 特性 and might even be able to talk.
(their son has a very strong personality 他們的兒子個性很強)
Elephants are the largest land animals and they have a very long nose, we call a trunk.

pass by就是经过

Elephant Learns a Lesson
Many animals lived in a forest near a river.
The biggest of the animals was an elephant.
He always talked about his great strength.
He’d say, "I can easily move this big rock."
The elephant wasn’t very nice to the other animals.
He often teased them.
When he was near the river, he sprayed water on them.
Then he laughed at them.
They did not like the elephant at all.
The other animals asked the elephant to stop bothering them.
But he didn’t listen to them.
"Why should I listen to you?" he said.
"I am bigger and stronger! You can’t stop me."
So he continued to tease them.
One day, an ant was walking near the river.
He was searching for food.
He spent hours each day doing that.
He was going by the elephant without saying a word.
The elephant saw the little ant passing by and sprayed him with water.
A little water for an elephant is a lot for an ant.
The ant said, "Why did you do that? It hurts when you spray me with water."
The elephant said, "If I want to do something, I’ll do it. I am more powerful than you.
Don’t bother me, or I will squish壓扁 you with my big feet."

如果想要保留基本的礼貌体面不想直接批评对方mean英文会用not nice来表达
我们来学习比较委婉的说话方式首先mean是心地不好的意思你可以委婉地说not very nice
The new student isn’t very nice to me.
另一个rude是粗鲁无礼的意思你可以委婉地说not polite
The children aren’t being very polite.
再一个angry是愤怒的你可以委婉地说not happy
I broke her window, so she’s not very happy with me.

he was mean to the other animals
he used his big size and strength to take advantage of利用, 善用; 佔便宜 them.

You can’t stop me.

This ant was just walking by this elephant without saying anything.
It doesn’t sound like he was thinking much about the elephant.
He didn’t want to bother the elephant, he was just doing his own thing.

There’s even a company trying to bring back an extinct絕種的,滅絕的 or dead
kind of elephant with hair all over it called the mammoth.毛象KK[ˋmæməθ] DJ[ˋmæməθ]

a little water for an elephant is a lot for an ant
句型A little什么for ais a lot for B
A little noise for me is a lot of noise for my sister.
Alittle chocolate for me is a lot for my mom.
Alittle exercise for me is a lot for my grandmother.

I it squishes the ant that means it would step on the ant.
T squish means to push on something very hard to flatten it.
I you have a piece of bread and you use your hand and go like this.
Then you are squishing that piece of bread to make it flat.

That elephant is huge!
Pease don’t tease me about my clothes.
Mike can carry that. He’s strong.
Look at all the ants in the grass.
We pass by your house yesterday.

She’s not strong enough to help.
I don’t like ants in my house.
They passed by the school.
The boy teased his little sister.
Did you see the elephants at the zoo?

Elephant Learns a Lesson(下)
大家說英語 20240829

The ant continued on his way, but he was very upset.
"Someone should teach that elephant a lesson," he said to himself.
He thought and thought.
"Aha! I have an idea. I just need an opportunity."
A few hours later, the ant passed by the river again.
He saw the elephant napping in the shade of a tree.
This was his opportunity!
He quietly crawled into the trunk of the elephant.
The elephant felt something in his trunk.
Then the thing bit him.
"Ouch!" he cried.
Then it bit him again!
He shook his trunk.
But the thing did not come out.
It bit him again!
The elephant jumped around shaking his trunk.
The ant kept biting the elephant.
After a few minutes, the elephant heard a voice from his trunk.
"Being big and strong can’t help you now!" it said.
The elephant recognized the voice of the ant.
"Stop biting me!" he begged.
"Why should I listen to you?" said the ant.
"Say sorry to all the animals, or I will keep biting you."
"OK, OK!" the elephant cried.
So he went to all the animals in the forest and said, "I’m sorry."
After the elephant apologized, the ant crawled out of his trunk.
He said to the elephant, "I am small, but I am powerful too! Treat everyone nicely from now on."
And the elephant did.

Someone should teach that elephant a lesson.
What does it mean?
When you think someone needs to be taught a lesson, of course, it could mean a teacher is just teaching a class.
But here, it means that someone needs to be taught that they are doing something wrong.
Maybe something bad needs to happen to them, for them to realise that.

If you take a nap you’re taking a short sleep.
Maybe 15 minutes or maybe 30 minutes.
It’s not the main time when you’re sleeping at night.

Treat everyone nicely.
Is it OK to scream at others?
No! Treat everyone nicely.
Is it OK to say bad things?
No! Treat everyone nicely.
Is it OK to fight?
No! Treat everyone nicely.
Yes. Especially me!

The baby is napping now.
The animal crawled into the hole.
Be careful! The dog may bite you!
He is shaking his head.
He talked nicely to the child.

The boy bit into an apple.
My grandpa naps every afternoon.
She thanked him nicely for dinner.
The the children are crawling on the floor.
Don’t shake the eggs. They’ll break.

Fun Time
Ants are small, but they can carry 50 times their own weight.
Ooh, that is strong!
There’s a funny saying about ants.
Ants in your pants.坐立不安,心神不寧
What does that mean?
It means someone is excited and they can’t sit still.
They have ants in their pants.
Speaking of funny, what do you call an ant that is 100 years old?
I have no idea.
An antique古董
Things that are really old are called antiques.
Hey, how do you know if an elephant is under your bed?
I have no idea.
Your nose touches the ceiling!
What do you call an elephant that doesn’t take baths?
A smelly feet!
What is the biggest ant in the world?
An eleph-ant!

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