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Back to School (syndrome) 開學症候群
2024/09/04 22:36:30瀏覽22|回應0|推薦0
Back to School (syndrome) 開學症候群(上)
大家說英語 20240903
Many students feel excited about going back to school.
They want to meet new teachers, new classmates and learn new subjects.
But some students worry.
Once school starts, they can’t sleep in睡到很晚起床 or text their friends all the time.
They also worry about homework, exams or friendship troubles.
Do you worry about going back to school?
Try some deep breathing exercises to relax.
If you worry about homework or exams, talk to your teachers.
Get help from classmates, too.
They can help and encourage you.

sleep in就是睡到自然醒

What’s wrong, Sam?
You look tired.
A friend just texted me.
He’s going back to high school next week.
That’s great!
I loved high school.
I was always excited to meet new teachers and learn new subjects.
He’s not.
He’s really worrying.
He doesn’t want to go back.
Going back to school isn’t always easy.
You can’t sleep in or text your friends all day anymore.
He’s thinking about those things.
He’s also worrying about homework and exams.
He needs to relax.
He should do some deep breathing exercises.
I’ll suggest that.
He should study with friends, too.
That makes homework easier.
Right. He should also talk to his teachers.
Yes. They can help him worry less about homework and exams.
And I’ll keep encouraging him, too.

You look tired.
You look tired.
I went to bed late.
You look tired.
I didn’t sleep well.
You look tired.
I got up early.
You should sleep more.
Good idea.
Later! Not now.

If someone text you then it means they are using their phone to send you a message.
And what you read is also called a text.
You text someone a text.
What subjects are you learning in school?
Subjects are things like math, science, social studies.
That are big topics, you might spend a long time studying at school.
You might take one class that is one subject for a whole year.

He is always late for school.
They are always worried about the future.
He always goes to the gym after work.
I’d always buy cakes in this bakery.

Those are things you can do during the summer break暑假.
If you like to sleep in, it means you just sleep a little bit later. 
Or wake up when your body wants to get up without an alarm clock.
Another word for exams is tests.
These are both things that might give you some stress as you’re going back to school.
If you’re really stressed, doing deep breathing exercises can help.

I helped my friend move to a new apartment last week.
They helped us paint our house over the weekend.
Can I help you carry those boxes?

What subjects are you taking in school?
I plan to sleep in on Saturday.
Text your mom about the party.
I like to breathe fresh air.
Let’s sit down and relax.

He’s breathing hard after running.
She slept in until noon.
We can relax in a quiet place.
What’s your favorite school subject?
Did you text him back yet?

My daughter is very nervous about going back to school again after summer break.
When it’s time to go back to school some kids are happy to go back.
But other students feel a bit worried or stressed.
They might need extra support from their parents and teachers.
These students may have back to school syndrome症候群.
They feel upset because the holidays are over and they have to go back to school.
They may feel very nervous, get headaches or have an upset stomach.
There are many reasons for this.
Kids may not want to leave their family, they may have trouble getting used to the new schedule.
To help kids get used to school again, parents should help students make a school routine.
They can encourage the kids with kind words, parents should spend time with their kids.
Ask about their day and encourage them by being positive about school.
With this help, most kids will feel better about school in a week or two.

Back to School (syndrome) 開學症候群(下)
大家說英語 20240904
When students go back to school, they might be coming off a fun summer break during the summer.
If you are stressed during this time, slow down, make sure you breathe deeply and find some good ways to relax.


Did you see all the students going back to school today, James?
It’s that time of year.
Yes. This time of year still gives me bad feelings.
I didn’t like going back to school.
Why not?
Some of my classmates bullied霸凌 me.
They called me names罵我 and teased me.
That’s terrible!
They posted horrible things online, too.
They made me feel really bad.
That’s really mean.
Yes. It really was.
What did you do?
At first, I didn’t do anything.
I wasn’t brave enough.
Then I told the bullies to stop.
Did they?
No. so I talked to a teacher and then the principal.
Some friends went with me.
That’s good.
Friends should stand up for支持 friends!
I told my parents, too.
They talked to the school as well.
Did the bowling stop?
It finally did.
But it was a difficult time for me.

It’s that time of year.
The weather is getting colder.
It’s that time of year.
The days are getting shorter.
It’s that time of year.
And kids are going back to school.
It’s that time of year.

To bully someone is to be very mean to them.
It might be an older student calling a younger student bad names or making fun of them.
But it could also be physically hurting them.
If someone bully someone, they do it on purpose, because they want to hurt or make that person feel upset.
The person who is bullying others is also called a bully.
That bully is doing something wrong.

they called me names and teased me动词call有不同的意思
课文里的惯用语call someone names指小孩行为的谩骂或是取笑
The teacher told students not to call each other names.
I have to go. The boss just called me over to her office.
我得走了 老板刚叫我到他的办公室
"Tommy, I need your help." he called.
Tommy 我需要你的帮忙 他喊着

And these people also put up or posted horrible things online.
The word horrible is very similar to terrible.
A lot of bullying does happen online or on the internet.
The principal is the person in charge of the school.
Friends should stand up for friends.
stand up here means to speak for someone, to say that someone you care about is right and to care about their opinion.

I love Chinese food and I enjoy Japanese food as well.
We should buy some food for dinner and get some snacks as well.
Besides being an excellent writer, she is a great photographer as well.

That dead fish smells horrible.
Did you post the picture online?
That was a mean thing to say!
You are very brave to travel alone.
She finally answered my question.

Don’t be mean to others.
Finally, the meeting ended.
I’ll go online and look for the answer.
Hugo is a brave and strong man.
I had a horrible day yesterday.

It’s that time of year.

call someone names是指「罵人」或「侮辱」
They called me names and teased me.
He called me names.
不要以為這是他叫我的名字;call someone names有一點像指名道姓一樣,注意names用複數;
call someones name是指「呼喊某人的名字」,call後面是用his/your/our或Peters,而且 name 不加s。
He called him(bad)names. 他罵他。
(bad也可省略,寫成 name-calling 時,name 用單數)
I called his name in the supermarket.
I called him by his name.

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