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Invented by Mistake-空中英語教室
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Invented by Mistake 意外發明(上)
空中英語教室 20240909
Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom! We’re so glad you’ve joined us for our program today. My name is Ann Marie, and as you can see, we have a new teacher with us today. You might recognize him from the Fun Fact segment we have on the program. This is Teacher John.
Hi, Ann Marie! Hi, friends! It’s great to be here with you all today. I’m really excited to learn English together. I’m really proud of the progress you have made. Hopefully, this will still be fun. It will be very fun! To continue with our program being fun, we are going to ask a very fun question. John, what would you invent if you could invent any type of food item?
Wow, any type of food item? There are so many choices, but my favorite kind of food item to invent is called a smoothie. You can put anything into a blender and make a delicious smoothie—fruits, even chocolate. There are so many options to invent! Hmm, okay. Well, if I were to invent a new food item, I would fry sour gummies. Whoa, hang on. Frying is to cook things in hot oil. But would sour gummies melt? They might, but you can fry anything. You can fry Oreos, you can fry pickles, and I love sour gummies. It’s one of my favorite kinds of candy, so if I could invent any type of food item, that’s what it would be.
We are going to learn about a lot of other kinds of food inventions in our article today, friends. The article is called "Invented by Mistake." Today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together!
Invented by Mistake
Popular foods that came about by accident
When snacking on a favorite food, we seldom wonder how it came about. Truth be told, some popular foods and drinks were created by accident. Take potato chips, for example. They were invented in 1853 by a chef whose customer kept complaining that the French fries were too thick. Frustrated, the chef, George Crumb, cut the potatoes paper-thin and fried them until they became crispy. After sprinkling on some salt, he sent them to the customer. To Crumb’s surprise, the customer loved them, and the rest is history.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack. Let’s start by looking at the verb "invent." It means to create or devise something new. For example:
The chef invented a new dish that combined flavors from different countries around the world.
The team managed to invent a new app that made it easy for people to order products from the company.
As a child, Winnie loved to invent stories about faraway lands where she had amazing adventures.
Next, let’s look at the verb "complain," which means to express dissatisfaction. For example:
After waiting for more than a half hour, the customers began to complain about the slow service at the restaurant.
Mark decided not to complain to his new neighbors about their loud music, hoping it wouldn’t happen again.
The noun "complaint" also means dissatisfaction. For example:
Mark’s new neighbors paid no attention to his complaint about their loud music and continued to be noisy night after night.
Next, let’s look at the verb "sprinkle," which means to scatter a small amount of something. For example:
Betsy decided to sprinkle some cheese over the pasta before she served it to her guests.
It began to sprinkle as we were walking home through the park.
As a noun, "sprinkle" can refer to small pieces or particles, such as in:
Emily ordered a chocolate donut with sprinkles on top.
Alright, thank you so much, Jack. We begin our lesson by reading "Popular Foods That Came About by Accident." Let’s talk about what that means. What does it mean if something came about by accident?
When we use the phrase "came about," we mean it started or this is how something began. For example, you could say the game of soccer came about when people were kicking around a ball. So, foods are also invented by people, right?
Yes, that’s right. But "came about by accident" means that it happened without planning. An accident is something unplanned, and it can be positive or negative. Let’s find out about some of these positive food accidents.
When snacking on a favorite food, we often don’t think about how it came about. If you snack on something, it means you eat it casually, outside of regular meal times. For example, I really like snacking on popcorn or chips in the evening.
We read that when you’re snacking on your favorite food, you often don’t think about how it came about. Here’s another example of how you could use that phrase: "How did this problem even come about? How did this problem happen?"
We read, "Truth be told, some popular foods and drinks were created by accident." Another useful phrase is "truth be told," which means honestly or the real answer. It’s a way of sharing more in-depth information.
Let’s look at some specific foods created by accident. One of my favorites is potato chips. Take potato chips, for example. Before we move on, let’s look at the sentence pattern "to take something for example." We use this to show one example of a topic being discussed.
For potato chips, we learn they were invented in 1853 by a chef. A chef is someone who cooks food, usually at a restaurant. This chef had a customer who complained that the French fries were too thick. The chef got frustrated. What does it mean if you get frustrated?
Frustrated means feeling upset or annoyed because you can’t change something. For example, you might feel frustrated if your pencil keeps breaking. The chef, George Crumb, cut the potatoes paper-thin and fried them until they became crispy. "Paper-thin" means very thin, almost like paper.
After frying them, Crumb sprinkled on some salt and sent them to the customer. To Crumb’s surprise, the customer loved them, and the rest is history. The phrase "the rest is history" means that everyone knows the outcome and no more explanation is needed.
We’ll be right back, friends, after we learn something new in today’s InfoCloud.
Hello, friends! Welcome to InfoCloud. Hey, Rex, have you ever heard the word "happenstance" before?
Hmm, I’m not sure. What does it mean?
Well, happenstance refers to something that happens by chance or coincidence, rather than by design or plan.
Ah, so it’s when something occurs unexpectedly.
Yes, exactly. It describes random, unplanned events. For example, if you run into an old friend at the grocery store, you might say it was happenstance if you didn’t plan to meet.
Oh, I get it. It’s like when you’re thinking about someone, and then they suddenly call you out of the blue.
Exactly, or when you take a different route home and find a lost wallet on the sidewalk.
Hey, Garrett, do you think it’s happenstance that we’re having this conversation right now?
Who knows, Rex. Maybe it is, but whether it’s happenstance or not, I’m glad we’re talking about it. Many times, things don’t go as planned, and we might end up with unexpected results. You can call it happenstance, which is a term for random occurrences.
As the story goes, another accident occurred in the 1930s when Ruth Wakefield was making cookies. She added broken pieces of chocolate to her cookie dough, thinking they would melt and make chocolate cookies. When they didn’t melt, one of the world’s favorite cookies was born: the chocolate chip cookie.
One summer favorite was invented by 11-year-old Frank Eperson in 1905. On a cold night, Eperson poured some powdered soda mix into water, added a stick, and left it outside. What he discovered the next morning has become a favorite cold treat: the popsicle.
Finally, let’s look at the word "powder." Usually, it’s a noun meaning powder, but here it’s a verb meaning to sprinkle or turn into powder. For example:
To prepare for the hike, Glen powdered his feet to keep them dry.
Maureen powdered the nuts to use them as a topping on her cake.
Powdered milk refers to milk powder. For example:
Sandra’s children drank powdered milk when they were little because fresh milk was too expensive.
Okay, thank you so much, Jack. Let’s read on here together, friends. We have a great phrase in this first sentence: "As the story goes."
This phrase is used to continue a story or explanation that has already been introduced. It’s useful for telling the rest of the story. For example, if someone asks, "How did he become so good at basketball?" you might reply, "Well, as the story goes..."
We also learn about Ruth Wakefield, who accidentally invented the chocolate chip cookie. If you’re using "accident" as an adjective, you can say "accidental," and as an adverb, it’s "accidentally."
So, Ruth Wakefield added broken pieces of chocolate to her cookie dough, thinking they would melt, but they didn’t. Instead, they became chocolate chip cookies.
One of my favorites is the chocolate chip cookie. I like mine chewy, not crunchy. Do you like yours crispy or melty?
I agree. I like chocolate chip cookies with a bit of crispiness on the outside but with melted chocolate inside.
Let’s move on to the next food accident: the popsicle. If something is a "summer favorite," it means it’s especially liked during the summer.
This summer favorite was invented by 11-year-old Frank Epperson in 1905. So, this food invention is over 100 years old. On a cold night, Epperson poured some powdered soda mix into water, added a stick, and left it outside. We still don’t know what this summer favorite is yet, but maybe you can guess while we teach this next point.
Let’s talk about what it means to leave something or someone somewhere. If you left it outside, it means that it was put outside and you didn’t bring it back in. You could leave other things in places too. I often leave my umbrella at work and then don’t have it at home. That’s not on purpose, though. You don’t want to accidentally leave people outside, or pets, maybe in a backyard. But you could say, “I left my dog outside because he was too noisy.” I got him later.
So, we learned that this 11-year-old boy poured the mix into the water, added a stick, and left it outside where it was cold. What did he discover the next morning? Well, what he discovered the next morning has become a favorite cold treat: the popsicle.
Now, we see that at the end of "popsicle," there’s a little circle with an “R” inside. That means it is a registered trademark. The word “popsicle” is an actual brand, but we often use this term for this style of frozen treat, regardless of the brand. For example, if something is a kind of juice or liquid that’s been frozen into an icicle-style stick that you lick and is very cold, we call it a popsicle, whether it’s the Popsicle brand or not. Sometimes, the name of a brand becomes so famous that we use that name for all kinds of similar products. When writing, it’s really important to include the registered trademark symbol to avoid any issues.
Well, friends, there are a lot of things to think about. This is making me want to invent a new food myself!
Me too. I definitely want to try frying a bunch of different things. I think that would be fun.
We’ll be right back, friends, after today’s fun fact.
Hello, Fact Friends! I’m Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that a popsicle gets its name from an icicle? That’s right! An icicle is when ice freezes and hangs down from something. It can be very sharp. Another kind of popsicle is the push pop. In a push pop, you push ice up, and you can eat it. It’s good for ice cream.
And that is today’s fun popsicle fact!
Alright, friends, it’s the end of our lesson, and you know what that means: it’s time for a quiz! Put the magazines away. John, you also need to put your notes away so that you don’t cheat. Are you ready?
I think so. I thought you were going to say it was time for food, but we have to take a quiz. Alright, let’s do this!
Here we go: What phrase can we use to tell about the history of something when we aren’t sure of the details?
Here are your choices: A) According to the story B) According to what I remember C) As the history goes D) As the story goes
Some of those might work, but “as the story goes” is the best way to say that idea.
That’s right, and that’s the one we learned about in our lesson today.
Well, friends, we are not done talking about food accidents, so make sure you come back tomorrow to join us for the second half of our lesson. We’ll see you then, right here on Studio Classroom!
大家好,歡迎來到《Studio Classroom》!我們非常高興你們今天加入我們的節目。我是 Ann Marie,正如你們所見,今天我們有一位新老師來到節目中。你們可能會在我們節目的趣味事實環節認識他。他就是 John 老師。
嗨,Ann Marie!嗨,大家好!今天能和你們在一起真是太棒了。我很興奮能和大家一起學習英語。我對你們所取得的進步感到非常自豪。希望這仍然會很有趣。一定會非常有趣!為了讓我們的節目繼續保持有趣,我們要問一個非常有趣的問題。John,如果你可以發明任何一種食物,你會發明什麼呢?
哇,任何一種食物嗎?選擇實在太多了,但我最喜歡的食物是「冰沙」。你可以把任何東西放進攪拌機裡,做成美味的冰沙——水果,甚至是巧克力。發明的選擇實在太多了!嗯,好吧。如果我要發明一種新食物,我會炸酸味糖果。哇,等一下。炸的意思是把東西放在熱油裡煮。但是酸味糖果會不會融化?可能會,但你可以炸任何東西。你可以炸 Oreo 餅乾,可以炸酸黃瓜,我很喜歡酸味糖果。它是我最喜歡的糖果之一,所以如果我能發明任何一種食物,那就是它了。
當我們享受自己喜愛的食物時,我們很少會去思考它是如何誕生的。事實上,一些流行的食物和飲料是意外發明的。以薯片為例。它們是在 1853 年由一位廚師發明的,他的顧客一直抱怨法式炸薯條太厚。廚師喬治·克拉姆(George Crumb)感到沮喪,就把土豆切得像紙一樣薄,並炸至酥脆。撒上一些鹽後,他把它們送給顧客。令克拉姆驚訝的是,顧客喜歡它們,接下來的故事就這樣流傳開來了。
大家好!歡迎來到語言實驗室。我是 Jack。我們先來看看動詞「invent」(發明)。它的意思是創造或設計出新的東西。例如:
好,謝謝你,Jack。我們開始閱讀《意外誕生的流行食物》。讓我們來談談這句話的意思。如果某物「came about by accident」(意外誕生),這意味著它是如何開始或起源的。舉例來說,你可以說,足球是當人們踢球時誕生的。所以,食物也是由人發明的,對吧?
是的,沒錯。但是「came about by accident」意味著它是沒有計劃的情況下發生的。意外是指未經計劃的事情,可能是積極的,也可能是消極的。我們來了解一些這些積極的食物意外吧。
當我們享受喜愛的食物時,我們通常不會想到它是如何誕生的。如果你在「snack on」(吃零食)某物,這意味著你在正餐之外隨意吃它。例如,我很喜歡在晚上吃爆米花或薯片。
我們讀到,「事實上,一些流行的食物和飲料是意外誕生的。」另一個有用的短語是「truth be told」(說實話),它的意思是誠實或真實的答案。這是一種分享更深入資訊的方式。
讓我們看看一些具體的意外發明食物。我最喜歡的之一就是薯片。以薯片為例。在我們繼續之前,讓我們看看「to take something for example」(以...為例)的句型。我們用它來展示一個正在討論的話題的例子。
對於薯片,我們了解到它們是由一位廚師在 1853 年發明的。廚師是一個通常在餐廳裡煮食的人。這位廚師有一位顧客抱怨法式炸薯條太厚了。廚師感到沮喪。那麼,當你感到沮喪時,這是什麼意思?
沮喪意味著因為無法改變某件事而感到不安或煩惱。例如,如果你的鉛筆不斷斷裂,你可能會感到沮喪。廚師喬治·克拉姆(George Crumb)把土豆切得像紙一樣薄,然後炸到酥脆。「紙一樣薄」意味著非常薄,幾乎像紙一樣。
炸好後,克拉姆撒上了一些鹽,然後把它們送給顧客。令克拉姆驚訝的是,顧客喜歡它們,接下來的故事就這樣流傳開來了。短語「the rest is history」(接下來的故事眾所周知)意味著大家都知道結果,無需進一步解釋。
我們稍後會回來,朋友們,在今天的 InfoCloud 節目中,我們將學習一些新知識。
大家好!歡迎來到 InfoCloud。嘿,Rex,你聽過「happenstance」(偶然)這個詞嗎?
正如故事所說,另一個意外發生在 1930 年代,當時 Ruth Wakefield 在做餅乾時,她把破碎的巧克力片加入餅乾麵糰中,原本以為它們會融化,變成巧克力餅乾。結果它們沒有融化,於是世界上最受歡迎的餅乾之一——巧克力片餅乾就這樣誕生了。
另一個夏季最愛是在 1905 年由 11 歲的 Frank Epperson 發明的。某個寒冷的夜晚,Epperson 把一些粉末狀的汽水混合物倒入水中,放上木棒,然後放在外面。第二天早上他發現的東西,成為了受歡迎的冷甜點——冰棒。
Glen 在準備遠足時,把腳上撒了一些粉末以保持乾燥。
Maureen 把堅果磨成粉,用來做蛋糕的裝飾。
「Powdered milk」(奶粉)指的是牛奶粉。例如:
Sandra 的孩子們小時候喝奶粉,因為鮮奶太貴了。
好,謝謝你,Jack。我們一起繼續閱讀,朋友們。在這第一句中,我們有一個很棒的短語:「As the story goes」(如故事所說)。
我們還了解到 Ruth Wakefield 意外發明了巧克力片餅乾。如果你要用「accident」(意外)這個詞做形容詞,可以說「accidental」,作為副詞則是「accidentally」。
所以,Ruth Wakefield 把破碎的巧克力片加入餅乾麵糰中,原以為它們會融化,但實際上卻沒有。反而成為了巧克力片餅乾。
這個夏季最愛是由 11 歲的 Frank Epperson 在 1905 年發明的。所以,這項食物發明已有 100 多年的歷史。某個寒冷的夜晚,Epperson 把混合粉末倒入水中,放上木棒,然後放在外面。我們現在還不知道這個夏季最愛是什麼,但也許你可以在我們教這一點時猜猜。
我們來談談把某物或某人「leave something or someone somewhere」(留在某處)這個意思。如果你把它留在外面,意味著它被放在外面而你沒有把它拿回來。你也可以把其他東西留在某些地方。我常常會把雨傘忘在公司,然後回到家就沒有雨傘了。不過這不是故意的。你不希望不小心把人或寵物留在外面,也許在後院。但你可以說:「我把狗留在外面了,因為牠太吵了。」我後來把牠帶回來了。
所以,我們了解到這個 11 歲的小男孩把混合物倒入水中,放上木棒,然後把它留在外面,結果他發現了什麼呢?他發現的東西成為了受歡迎的冷甜點:冰棒。
現在,我們看到「popsicle」結尾有一個小圓圈,裡面有個「R」字。這意味著它是一個註冊商標。單詞「popsicle」實際上是一個品牌,但我們通常用這個術語來指這種風格的冰凍甜點,不管它是否是 Popsicle 品牌。例如,如果某樣東西是一種果汁或液體,凍成冰棍樣的棒狀物,你舔它並且非常冷,我們都稱之為冰棒,不管它是否是 Popsicle 品牌。有時候,一個品牌的名稱變得如此著名,以至於我們用這個名稱來指所有類似的產品。在書寫時,包含註冊商標符號非常重要,以避免任何問題。
大家好,事實朋友們!我是偵探 Ernest Finder,今天我有一個有趣的事實要告訴你們。你們知道冰棒這個名字來自於冰柱嗎?沒錯!冰柱是指冰凍後從某物上垂下來的東西,它可以非常尖銳。另一種冰棒是推棒冰。在推棒冰中,你推冰上升,就可以吃它。這對冰淇淋來說很好。
選擇如下:A) According to the story B) According to what I remember C) As the history goes D) As the story goes
其中一些可能有效,但「as the story goes」是表達這個意思的最佳方式。
好了,朋友們,我們還沒有說完食物意外的故事,所以記得明天回來,參加我們課程的第二部分。我們在《Studio Classroom》見!

Invented by Mistake 意外發明(下)
空中英語教室 20240910
Hello friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom! We are so glad you’ve joined us for our program today. My name is Ann Marie, and I’m John.
Yesterday, we learned a lot about foods that were invented by accident, and we learned about one of my favorite cookies — actually, my favorite cookie — the chocolate chip cookie. It turns out it was accidentally invented!
That’s right, chocolate chip cookies were invented by mistake. "Invented by Mistake" was the title of our article yesterday, and today we will learn about several other foods that were also invented by mistake.
Yes, some very popular snacks! One of them is the potato chip, which was invented by a chef. Another one, called the popsicle, is a sweet, icy treat that was invented by an 11-year-old kid. He left some frozen mix outside, and it became a popsicle. Pretty cool, right?
That is pretty cool! And we’re not done talking about food accidents yet, friends. We have more to learn in today’s article. Get ready for it! Today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together.
One of the world’s most popular drinks, Coca-Cola, also had an accidental start. John Pemberton of Atlanta, Georgia, came up with a syrup to help people with medical problems like headaches. Legend has it that the drink, first served in 1886, contained some harmful ingredients, which were later removed. The story goes that carbonated water was added as a tasty alternative to the missing ingredients. Whatever the truth may be, the drink became a huge international success.
Hello everyone, welcome to Language Lab! I’m Jack.
First, lets look at the word "accidental," which means "happening by chance" or "unintentional." For example:
"Their meeting at the coffee shop was accidental, but it started a friendship that lasted for years." Or:
"The accidental discovery of a hidden room in the old house excited the new homeowners."
When you add "-ly" to "accidental," it becomes the adverb "accidentally":
"The scientist accidentally mixed some chemicals together, which led to an unexpected reaction and started a new line of research."
Next, let’s talk about the word "alternative," which can be a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it means "a substitute," and as an adjective, it means "offering a choice":
"With the main road closed, Marion had to take an alternative route through the countryside." Or:
"The doctor suggested an alternative treatment after the standard medicine didn’t work as expected."
Thank you so much, Jack! Before we dive into the next section, I have a question for you, John. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?
Wow, am I going to get in trouble with either of those brands? Well, I think I like Pepsi.
I like Pepsi better too, yeah. But that’s not what we’re talking about today. We’re talking about Coca-Cola, but the drinks are quite similar.
Right, so let’s talk about how Coca-Cola was invented — another accidental food mistake! One of the world’s most popular drinks, Coca-Cola, also had an accidental start.
Let’s review a few things before we move on. You might have noticed the little "®" symbol. John, what does that mean?
That stands for "registered trademark." A trademark is like a brand, and the "®" symbol means that the name is officially registered.
Exactly! And we also saw the word "accidental" in the Language Lab. If something happens by mistake, it’s an accident.
We’re also introduced to John Pemberton from Atlanta, Georgia, who came up with a syrup to help people with medical problems like headaches. John, what does "come up with" mean?
Well, we’ve already learned the word "invent." To "come up with something" means to invent or to get a new idea.
So, John Pemberton didn’t come up with a soft drink or soda at first, but a syrup. A syrup is a thick, sweet liquid made by dissolving sugar in boiling water.
That’s right! Syrups can be used for many things. Maybe you’re familiar with maple syrup — I love it on pancakes! It’s thick, sticky, and very sweet. My favorite latte is made with vanilla syrup.
Exactly! Most of the time, we use the word "syrup" for things like maple syrup, but it can also be used for medicines. In fact, that’s what John Pemberton’s syrup was for: medical problems like headaches.
That’s right. And we read that "legend has it" that the drink first served in 1886 contained harmful ingredients that were later removed. "Legend has it" means there’s a story about something, but we don’t know if it’s true. It’s similar to the phrase "as the story goes."
Exactly! You also get words like "allegedly" from this. So, what does the legend say? It says carbonated water was added as a tasty alternative to the missing ingredients.
And what is carbonated water? It’s water infused with carbon dioxide under pressure. An easier way to describe it is "water with bubbles." Carbonated water goes by different names: sparkling water, soda water, club soda, or seltzer.
Growing up, we called it "fizzy water." Fizzy just means "bubbly."
Yes, fizzy works too! So, this carbonated water was added as a tasty alternative to the harmful ingredients. We learned that "alternative" means "another option," and "tasty" means "delicious."
Right! And finally, we read, "Whatever the truth may be, the drink became a huge international success." Success means achieving your goals, and Coca-Cola is certainly one of the most successful brands on the planet.
That’s true! There aren’t many people on the planet who haven’t heard of Coca-Cola. But if you prefer Pepsi, that’s fine too!
That’s all right! We won’t hold it against you. All right, friends, let’s move on to today’s Info Cloud.
Hello everyone, welcome to InfoCloud! Garrett, happy birthday!
Oh, haha Rex, it’s not my birthday yet. You don’t need to say that.
But it’s coming up soon, right?
Uh, yes, you’re right about that. It’s later this month. I just hope this year there won’t be any crazy surprises like last year.
What happened? Wait, you don’t like surprises?
Not really. Last year, I was just having a regular evening, and then, out of the blue, my friends showed up at my door with balloons and cake. I had no idea they were planning a party.
Ah, out of the blue is a great phrase to teach today, Garrett. It’s used to describe something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly, without any warning.
You might think this phrase refers to something jumping out of the great big blue ocean, but most people believe it refers to the blue sky. What jumps out of the sky suddenly and unexpectedly? A lightning bolt! At least, that’s where we think the phrase comes from—because a lightning bolt coming out of a clear blue sky would be quite surprising.
So, next time something surprises you, you can say that the news came out of the blue. And of course, be cautious of lightning bolts on clear blue-sky days!
当一群朋友突然出现在你面前为你庆祝生日,那真是非常大的惊喜!今天要介绍的用语是 out of the blue,也就是出乎意料的意思。My friends showed up at my door out of the blue 我的朋友们出乎意料地出现在我家门前。
蓝色的 blue 可以指蓝天或海洋,有人说 out of the blue 这个用语是形容在蓝色的海面上突然跳出某个东西;也有人认为这是形容蔚蓝的天空突然出现一道闪电。
This is today’s InfoCloud. We’ll see you next time in the cloud!
Invented by mistake, the ice cream cone has several origin stories. Perhaps the best-known story says that this popular dessert was born at a fair in 1904. An ice cream vendor ran out of bowls to serve his ice cream. The man beside him was making thin waffle treats, and in a stroke of genius, he shaped his waffles into cones and let them cool. He then shared them with the ice cream vendor, who served ice cream inside the cones. The customers loved it!
Now, let’s keep these delicious mistakes in mind, so next time you have a food accident, you might want to think twice before throwing it away!
接下来我们看 dessert 这个名词,意思是“甜点”。例如:No matter how full she is, Virginia always has room for dessert, especially if it’s her mom’s apple pie. 无论吃得多饱,Virginia 总是有空间吃甜点,尤其是她妈妈做的苹果派。
最后,我们来看看片语 keep in mind,意思是“记住”或“牢记”。例如:Pam had to keep her budget in mind when she was shopping for her new party dress. Pam 选购新派对礼服时必须牢记自己的预算。
All right, thank you so much, Jack! It’s time to talk about another delicious favorite—the ice cream cone.
An ice cream cone is the crunchy part of your ice cream that you can hold on to. We’re going to find out what it was originally made out of, but now it’s kind of like a crispy cracker.
That’s right. And a cone is a specific shape, isn’t it? If you’re driving on the road, you might see orange cones. They have a round bottom and a pointy top. So, flip that upside down, and you have the perfect way to hold your delicious ice cream!
But it turns out the ice cream cone was invented by accident. So, what’s the story?
We’re going to learn the origin story of this treat. But first, let’s talk about what an origin story is.
Yes, an origin story is the story of how something began. Many superhero movies are origin stories, which are a lot of fun.
Right! For example, Batman’s origin story, which I’m familiar with because I watched it growing up. His parents were killed, and then he decided to avenge them. That’s how his journey to become Batman began.
So, how did ice cream cones begin? What’s their origin story?
Well, perhaps the best-known story says that the ice cream cone was born at a fair in 1904. If something is the best known, it means it’s the most familiar or recognized.
Exactly! Here’s an example: Cinderella is one of the best-known fairy tales. When you think about fairy tales, Cinderella probably comes to mind.
That’s right! So, what’s the ice cream cone’s origin story? It’s not as dramatic as Batman’s. An ice cream vendor ran out of bowls to serve the ice cream. When you serve food, it means you put it in a container and give it to people.
And a vendor is someone who sells food or other goods. You’ll often see different vendors at a night market selling all kinds of foods.
The man next to the ice cream vendor was making thin waffle treats. Yesterday, we learned the term paper-thin, but waffles are usually not that thin—they’re thicker and have little holes in them.
Here’s the corrected version of your text:
I’ve seen a lot of different kinds of waffles before. You could have Belgian waffles, which are probably taller and fluffier, and then there are thinner styles of waffles. There are also toaster waffles, which I ate growing up—they’re frozen, and you put them in the toaster for a quick meal. Oh, and cookie waffles too! So, there are a lot of different kinds of waffles.
These particular waffles were thin waffle treats. In a stroke of genius, the vendor shaped his waffles into cones and let them cool. What does it mean if someone has a stroke of genius? Well, the word stroke means a hit, like a swiping motion, but when you say stroke of genius, genius refers to high intelligence. It means there’s a moment when you suddenly get a brilliant idea—like when the idea struck you.
That’s right! Here’s another example of how you can use stroke of genius in a sentence: "The new plan for engaging customers was a stroke of genius."
So, these waffles were shaped into cones, they cooled off, and then the waffle vendor shared them with his fellow vendor, who served ice cream inside the cones.
Let’s take a minute to talk about the word fellow. Fellow is really useful. Your fellows are the people who are with you. For example, if you’re selling something, your fellow vendors are the other people doing the same thing. You could also say, "My fellows in school were all studying for the same test."
That’s right! John and I are fellow co-workers, which means we work together.
Okay, so the ice cream was served inside the cones, and the customers loved it. Now, I’m just trying to imagine the situation: you go to order ice cream from a vendor, expecting to get it in a bowl.
That’s right! Can you imagine how excited you’d be if, instead of ice cream in a bowl, you received ice cream with a waffle treat on the bottom?
I would scream for ice cream!
Yes, there’s a famous poem that goes, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” You can impress your fellow students with that in class sometime.
So, the ice cream was served inside the cone, and the customers loved it. But what can we keep in mind when we think about these inventions?
Well, we read keeping these delicious mistakes in mind, a phrase from the language lab. You might want to think twice before throwing away your next food accident. When the lesson says think twice, it means to consider something again or to rethink before making a decision. It’s another way of saying reconsider.
I think it’s important to note that a lot of food accidents happen, but it’s important to value food. Many people don’t have access to the kinds of food we might take for granted.
That’s a really good point. So, before you throw food away, try to find another use for it or see if it’s still edible.
Well friends, we have something new to learn in today’s fun fact!
Tea on the rug? Oh no!
Hello friends! I’m Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that waffle can be a verb as well as a food? Haha, that’s right! To waffle means to give an unclear answer. For example: "He waffled when I asked him about the test." Do you ever waffle? Don’t waffle with people—give them a real answer! And that’s today’s fun waffling fact.
Friends, as we wrap up our article today, let’s take a look at one of the Talk About It questions from your magazine. Of all the food accidents listed in the article, which is your favorite?
Do you have a favorite food accident, John?
Well, my favorite food is chocolate chip cookies, so I’m very grateful for that accident. But I think my favorite story is the one about the ice cream vendor and the waffle vendor teaming up to make a new invention—it just makes me happy.
I’d have to say that the potato chip story was my favorite because I just love potato chips! You guys know I’m all about salty, crunchy snacks.
Which food accident was your favorite? Friends, talk about that in English, and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!
大家好,歡迎來到《空中英語教室》!我們非常高興你能加入我們的節目。我是 Ann Marie,這位是 John。
大家好,歡迎來到《語言實驗室》!我是 Jack。
首先,我們來看看 "accidental" 這個詞,意思是 "偶然發生的" 或 "無意的"。例如:
“他們在咖啡館的相遇是偶然的,但它開始了一段持續多年的友誼。” 或: “在舊房子裡偶然發現了一個隱藏的房間,這讓新房主們感到興奮。” 當你給 "accidental" 加上 "-ly" 後,它變成副詞 "accidentally":
“這位科學家無意中把一些化學物質混在一起,導致了一個意想不到的反應,並開啟了新的研究方向。” 接下來,我們來聊聊 "alternative" 這個詞,它既可以作名詞,也可以作形容詞。作為名詞時,它指的是 "替代品",作為形容詞時,它表示 "提供選擇的":
“主要道路封閉了,馬里昂不得不選擇了一條穿過鄉間的替代路線。” 或: “當標準藥物無效時,醫生建議了一種替代療法。” 謝謝你,Jack!在我們進入下一部分之前,我有一個問題想問你,John。你喜歡可口可樂還是百事可樂?
在我們繼續之前,我們先回顧一下剛才學到的一些內容。你可能注意到那個小小的 "®" 符號。John,這代表什麼?
這代表 "註冊商標"。商標就像是一個品牌,而 "®" 符號則意味著這個名稱已經正式註冊了。
完全正確!我們在《語言實驗室》裡也看到了 "accidental" 這個詞。如果某事發生是個錯誤,那就是一個意外。
我們還了解了來自亞特蘭大喬治亞州的約翰·彭伯頓,他發明了一種糖漿來幫助治療頭痛等健康問題。John,"come up with" 是什麼意思?
嗯,我們已經學過 "invent" 這個詞。"come up with something" 意思是發明或想出一個新點子。
完全正確!我們通常把 "糖漿" 用於楓糖漿之類的東西,但它也可以用於藥物。事實上,約翰·彭伯頓的糖漿就是用來治療頭痛等健康問題的。
沒錯。我們讀到 "legend has it" 說這款飲料最早於1886年問世,當時含有一些有害成分,這些成分後來被去除了。"legend has it" 的意思是,有這樣一個故事,但我們不知道它是否真實。這類似於 "as the story goes" 的說法。
完全正確!你還會聽到像 "allegedly" 這樣的詞。所以,傳說說了什麼呢?傳說說是碳酸水被加入了,用來代替那些有害的成分。
那什麼是碳酸水呢?碳酸水是通過壓力將二氧化碳注入水中的水。更簡單的描述是 "有氣泡的水"。碳酸水有不同的名稱:氣泡水、蘇打水、蘇打俱樂部水或賽爾茲水。
我小時候,我們稱它為 "fizzy water"。fizzy 就是 "有氣泡的" 的意思。
是的,fizzy 也可以!所以,這種碳酸水被加入,用來代替那些有害的成分。我們學到 "alternative" 意思是 "另一種選擇",而 "tasty" 意思是 "美味的"。
對的!最後,我們讀到,"無論真相如何,這款飲料成為了巨大的國際成功。" "success" 意思是實現你的目標,而可口可樂無疑是地球上最成功的品牌之一。
啊,out of the blue 是個很棒的短語,今天我們就來教這個吧,Garrett。它用來描述某件事突然且出乎意料地發生,沒有任何預警。
所以,下次當某事讓你感到驚訝時,你可以說那個消息是 "out of the blue" 出現的。當然,也要小心晴天裡的閃電!
當一群朋友突然出現在你面前為你慶祝生日,那真是非常大的驚喜!今天要介紹的用語是 out of the blue,也就是 出乎意料 的意思。My friends showed up at my door out of the blue ——我的朋友們出乎意料地出現在我家門前。
「藍色的」blue 可以指藍天或海洋。有人說 out of the blue 這個用語是形容在藍色的海面上突然跳出某個東西;也有人認為這是形容蔚藍的天空中突然出現一道閃電。
接下來我們來看名詞 dessert,意思是「甜點」。例如:No matter how full she is, Virginia always has room for dessert, especially if it’s her mom’s apple pie. 無論吃得多飽,Virginia總是有空間吃甜點,尤其是她媽媽做的蘋果派。
最後,我們來看片語 keep in mind,意思是「記住」或「牢記」。例如:Pam had to keep her budget in mind when she was shopping for her new party dress. Pam選購新派對禮服時,必須牢記自己的預算。
沒錯,origin story 是指某件事如何開始的故事。許多超級英雄電影都是起源故事,非常有趣。
完全正確!這裡有個例子:Cinderella is one of the best-known fairy tales. 當你想到童話故事時,灰姑娘可能會浮現在你的腦海中。
沒錯!那麼,冰淇淋甜筒的起源故事是什麼?它並不像蝙蝠俠的故事那麼戲劇化。一位冰淇淋販賣商的碗用完了,無法盛裝冰淇淋。當你 serve 食物時,意思是你將食物放入容器並分發給他人。
而 vendor 是指販賣食物或其他商品的人。你經常會在夜市看到不同的小販,出售各種食物。
冰淇淋販賣商旁邊的人正在製作薄脆的鬆餅點心。昨天,我們學了 paper-thin 這個詞,但鬆餅通常不那麼薄——它們比較厚,並且有小孔。
這些特別的鬆餅是薄鬆餅點心。小販靈光一現,將他的鬆餅捲成圓錐形,然後讓它們冷卻。那麼,什麼是靈光一現呢?stroke 這個詞的意思是擊打,像是一個快速的動作,但當你說 stroke of genius 時,genius 是指高智商。這表示你突然有了一個絕妙的點子,就像靈感乍現那樣。
沒錯!這裡還有一個例子告訴你如何在句子中使用 stroke of genius:「這個吸引顧客的新計劃真是一個天才之舉。」
讓我們花一點時間來談談 fellow 這個詞。Fellow 非常實用。fellow 是指和你一起的人。例如,如果你在賣東西,其他的小販就是你的 fellow vendors。你也可以說:「我學校的同學們都在準備同一場考試。」
沒錯!John 和我是同事,意思是我們一起工作。
嗯,我們讀到要記住這些美味的錯誤,這是語言實驗室中的一句話。下次發生食物事故時,你可能會重新考慮是否應該把它丟掉。當課程說 think twice,意思是再次考慮某件事,或在做決定之前重新思考。這是 reconsider 的另一種說法。
朋友們好!我是偵探 Ernest Finder,今天有個有趣的小知識要分享給你們。你知道嗎?waffle 不僅是一種食物,它還可以作為動詞使用!哈哈,沒錯!To waffle 意思是給出一個含糊不清的答案。例如:「當我問他考試的情況時,他支支吾吾的。」你會 waffle 嗎?別支支吾吾,給別人一個確切的答案吧!這就是今天有趣的 waffle 小知識。

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