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A Dream Come True-空中英語教室
2024/09/03 15:07:57瀏覽42|回應0|推薦0
A Dream Come True 美夢成真(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we’re so glad you’ve joined us for our program today
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe friends
welcome to the month of September
we have a lot in store for you this month
that’s right
and what is a better way to start out our program for September
than with a question
let’s ask this question today do you follow any celebrities
who do you follow and why
well when i think of celebrities
i automatically think of musicians or actors
and i have been following two bands for a long time
from the 90s the smashing
pumpkins and Radiohead
i’ve been listening to their music for a long time
but i have to say over time Emory
especially these days with social media
i tend to follow other people
who have a way of interacting with their fans better
so for example
i didn’t use to follow weezer too much that’s another band
but i follow the drummer Dave elych on social media
because he’s really good at putting out content
and engaging with his followers
and so i think it’s really important to be on social media
you know in this day and age
that’s a really good point
and not all celebrities are good at interacting with their fans
so if you want to see a celebrity or connect with a celebrity
is going to a concert a good way to do
it will you actually
connect with the celebrity at a concert
that’s one thing we’re going to talk about in our article
today today as usual is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
a dream come true
are you two into a celebrity
Ethan and Grace are sitting at a table in a coffee shop
both are looking at messages on their phones
oh my goodness
Ethan i can’t believe
it can’t believe
what i get to go to a Taylor Swift concert
it’s a dream come true
what where her tour isn’t coming anywhere near here
i know but she’ll be in Miami on October 18th and i’m going
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看片语
be into someone or something
例如since Annalise is into music
she goes to a lot of concerts Annalise很喜欢音乐
或者是Shane has really been into Jane
since they started dating last month
Betty would say that she is more into non fiction than fiction
thank you so much Jack before we get into our lesson friends
we want to talk about the a dream come true now
if something is a dream come true
it has the idea that this is something someone has wanted for a
really long time and finally
it has come to pass yeah
you could use this to talk about
lots of different things in life right
for example in our lesson
we’re going to be learning about someone
who is going to a Taylor Swift concert
that’s a dream come true for her however
maybe you got the job that you’ve been wanting for a long time
that is a dream come true
maybe you’re going to a destination on vacation
that you’ve been wanting to travel to for
maybe several decades
that’s a dream come true
that’s right we read on here
are you two into celebrity now
we just learned about this phrase to be into something
in the language lab
and there are lots of different ways
we can use this phrase yeah
that’s right so
for example you can be into a person
you can be really into a certain type of food
i love Mexican food
i’m into Mexican food i love all kinds of music
but i’m really into jazz okay
so we have two characters in our lesson today
Ethan and Grace
they are sitting at a table in a coffee shop
both are looking at messages on their phones Grace says oh
my goodness Ethan
i can’t believe it now i’m sure you’ve heard this phrase oh
my goodness before this is a really common phrase in English
and this is just a phrase that is expressing
belief shock surprise
or it could even
be annoyance if you’re a little upset at someone
but there are lots of other phrases
we can use to mean the same thing yeah
that’s true
i mean you could simply replace this phrase with the word wow
right because it kind of conveys the same meaning
especially if you’re using it to talk about something
positive as in our lesson
but you could replace the word goodness with word or gosh
there are other words we can use here oh my word
oh my gosh oh my goodness
Grace says oh my goodness
Ethan i can’t believe it
that’s right now
this phrase can be said in different ways to convey what
you’re exactly feeling here’s a few examples
i could say oh my goodness
that’d be more like shock
so what kind of thing would you be talking about
if you said that oh my goodness
i wouldn’t be very happy okay yeah
or i could say oh my goodness
oh my goodness
yeah it’s kind of like shocking the little disappointment
or you don’t know what to do yeah
so it depends what situation is making you say this phrase
and that will make you say it in a different way
but Grace is really happy here
i can’t believe it
Ethan says can’t believe what
she says i get to go to a Taylor Swift concert
get to is very positive
that means you really want to do something
or you’re happy about having the chance
to do it
if someone says i have to do something what does that mean it
means they don’t have a choice they have to do that thing
whether they want to or not all right
well Grace gets to go to a Taylor Swift concert
we can use this phrase a something concert to talk about whoever
you’re seeing several years ago when Radiohead came to Taiwan
i got to go to a Radiohead concert or the Radiohead concert
so for Grace this is a dream come true
Ethan says what where her tour isn’t coming
anywhere near here
Grace says i know
but she’ll be in Miami on October 18th and i’m going
we will talk about that more in just a moment right now
let’s go to the next part of our conversation
a dream come true
you and what bank her concert tickets cost an arm and a leg
or maybe two arms and two legs
so what a ticket to her concert is worth
i have to pay for it i’ll go into debt to see her perform live
and you may just have to airfare
and a hotel in Miami aren’t cheap
i don’t care i get to see her
i love all her songs
i think i have six Taylor Swift playlists i know you’ve told me
she’s just about all you talk about
譬如the magician’s ability to perform card
tricks left the audience
in all魔术师的表演
或是despite having a lot of pressure
the athlete performed well in the final match
譬如Maddie was let go
because she didn’t perform her duties at work correctly
just about意思呢
Patty said she would do just about anything to get the job
或是Brandt was just about ready to leave
when Brad showed up
或者是the movie was just about ready to start
so we had to hurry in order
not to miss the beginning电影快开始了
well i really like the phrase
that Ethan uses here to respond to Grace
he says you and what bank
this is a really interesting phrase
that we can use with a few different words
let’s talk about what it means yeah
so this basically means you
and what kind of help or assistance it’s a way of
saying you can’t do this on your own
and who is going to come and help you
he finds it
hard to believe that anybody can assist her in the way
that she needs this
reminds me of the title
of a song by Radiohead i know
i’ve mentioned the band Radiohead
a few times but there’s a song called you and whose army
so you’re going to do this and whose help
are you going to have
whose army is going to help you you and whose army well
Ethan says you and what bank so
where is she going to get the money
in other words
that’s right you and what bank you and what army you
and what friends
those are three common words
i’ve seen used in this way in this phrase
we read here
that Taylor swift’s concert tickets cost an arm and a leg now
if something costs an arm and a leg
it means that it is really really expensive that’s right
so it’s used to talk about something that we pay for
or that we go and buy or purchase right
so if you were fined for example
i wouldn’t necessarily use this phrase
the fine was an arm and a leg
because that’s kind of a negative thing
but maybe there’s something that you really wanted to buy
it just happens to cost a lot of money
it costs an arm and a leg
here’s an i’d love to visit my family this Christmas
but airfare costs an arm and a leg
plane tickets are just too expensive and apparently
Taylor Swift concert tickets are as well because
Ethan says
maybe two arms and two legs they are really that expensive and
of course we don’t actually say it costs two arms and two legs
that’s not an expression in English
but ether is having fun with this idiom
right to cost an arm and a leg
so Grace says so what a ticket to her concert is worth
whatever i have to pay for it now
that’s an interesting idea Ann Marie that something is worth
whatever you have to pay for it
do you agree with that really depends on what it is
and i can’t really think of any experience
or any material possession
i would say that about yeah
me too it reminds me of the idea of scarcity
though if something is scarce
that means it is hard to find or hard to buy
there’s not a lot of supply for it
and a lot of demand for it okay
it is scarce and i think that’s one of the reasons
why Taylor Swift’s tickets are so expensive
these days is because everyone wants to get one
and so they have become kind of scarce
so maybe that’s what is driving the prices up
that’s true well
we see here
that Grace is willing to go into debt to see her perform live
if you go into debt
it means that you are going to owe money
you have to borrow money from a bank
or borrow money from someone
or put something on your credit card
in order to purchase it
you are going to pay for it later
that’s right credit cards can be a good thing
but basically every time you use a credit card
technically you are going into debt
so you need to make sure that you pay that off
as soon as possible
we see a key word here in Ethan’s line it is the word airfare
that is how much you pay to fly
in a plane we could also talk about taxi fare or bus fare
you can guess what that means as well
that’s right and skipping down a few lines
we see what Ethan is so concerned about
he says she’s just about all
you talk about it
sounds like Grace is pretty obsessed with Taylor Swift
we’ll talk about that more in a moment right
after today’s invocaloud
hello friends welcome to infocloud hey
Rex did you hear that Roger is planning to move to Japan
after his business takes off
well i wouldn’t call that a plan i know
Roger has a dream of living in Japan
but i keep telling him
don’t count your chickens until they hatch
what do you mean
the saying don’t count your chickens until they hatch
just means you shouldn’t make plans based on successes
that haven’t happened yet
i see so his plan is to start a business
and make enough money to move to Japan right
but he’s assuming his business will succeed
and that he will make enough money to move to Japan
so that’s why you
told him not to count his chickens until they hatch yes
i told him that because i don’t want him to make decisions
based on something that might
or might not happen
don’t count your chickens until they hatch
is a good reminder that we should not be over optimistic
when we make decisions for the future

Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.
Don’t count your chickens until they hatch
Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.
这就是今天的INFO cloud
a dream come true
well she has an amazing voice so how do you know
you’re going you don’t even know if you can get a ticket
my friend already bought us tickets
she just texted me
i’ll remo the money to her i wonder
if i’ll be able to get Taylor’s autograph her autograph
you need to come down to earth Grace
譬如the fan was so happy
when she managed to get an autograph from her favorite singer
是the Baseball player’s autograph on the Baseball
increased its value
譬如after the concert
the pop star stage to Autograph tickets and other items
all right thank you so much Jack well
before the break
we found out that Ethan is pretty concerned about Grace
because she is so obsessed with Taylor Swift excuse me
that’s all she talks about
and Grace has an excuse Grace says well
she has an amazing voice she thinks that the reason
Taylor Swift is so great is because of how amazing her voice is
and really kind of makes me laugh because well
because so many musicians have amazing voices
it’s not only
Taylor Swift
and a lot of other musicians have much more reasonable prices
for their tickets
and for their concert
okay this is a really good point and i did want to mention this
because i did a little research yeah
i went and looked this date up
i don’t even want to know October 18th
okay Taylor Swift concert okay
so that’s a real
it’s a real date it’s a real concert in Miami in Miami
when i checked as of this recording date
it was almost sold out
of course hence the scarcity exactly what drives the prices up
so i don’t know if i want
to know the price of her tickets
were thousands of us dollars for the tickets that were left
i don’t know
if every single ticket cost that much
but the mid range price tickets were a couple thousand dollars
i spend a thousand dollars or so on concerts here
but that’s not us dollars no
that’s a big difference it is a big difference
so you really would have to be a pretty big fan
i think in order to pay that much to go to a concert and Grace
she says because Taylor Swift has an amazing voice
she’s willing to pay this much
Ethan says so how do you know
you’re going you don’t even know if you can get a ticket
there’s that idea of scarcity again
okay well
what is grace’s response
my friend already bought us tickets
this kind of reminds me of
when Radiohead came to Taiwan several years ago
i think they’ve only been here once and it was actually
a friend who bought the tickets online
and they sold out very quickly after she bought those tickets
okay so if my friend hadn’t bought those tickets for us
i wouldn’t have been able to go
i wouldn’t have been able to go
and see one of my favorite bands well
did you use venmo to pay her back for the tickets
i didn’t even know what venmo was and in fact
i have never used venmo in my life
Venmo is
a paying service that you can use with your mobile phone
it’s an app i just found out
it’s owned by Paypal because i was thinking well
that’s kind of similar to Paypal right
so it’s owned by Paypal or it’s been owned by Paypal
since 2013
what makes Venmo different from the way
we usually use Paypal is
that it’s usually for users who want to split the bill kind of
like they’re doing in our lesson
that’s pretty useful
and as you can hear as we’re talking friends
Venmo and Paypal are proper nouns
but that’s not how it’s used in our lesson is it
we actually use Venmo and Paypal as proper nounce
but also as verbs now
so we will say i’ll Venmo you the money later
that means i will give you that money through Venmo at a later
time yeah
maybe you could think of some other apps that are used as nouns
but sometimes we use them as verbs right well
i wonder
if i’ll be able to get Taylor swift’s or Taylor’s autograph wow
Grace is really daydreaming here
Jack did just talk about that word Autograph now
i wanted to compare the word Autograph with the word signature
because technically
someone’s autograph is also their signature
but your signature is just any time you sign your name
you might have to sign your signature on an official document
however an autograph is a word we use to talk about when you’re
getting someone famous to sign their name
that’s right
Ethan says her autograph you need to come down to earth
Grace when we use this phrase to come down to earth
it has the idea that the other person is thinking of things
that aren’t rooted in reality
they’re not thinking of things that could actually happen
that’s right
so Ethan could even say earth to Grace
that’s another phrase we have hey earth to Grace
that means you need to come back down to reality well
right now it is time for todays fun fact
oh hello friends
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that swift means fast and Taylor
which sounds like Taylor
means someone who makes and fixes clothes so if you are a swift
Taylor it means you fix clothes quickly pretty cool
that’s today’s fun fact
okay friends
it’s time for a quiz are you ready
i am all right
how much do Taylor Swift’s concert tickets cost well
you told me like at least a couple thousand dollars well
that’s true
but what’s the phrase that we used to talk about this
it has to do with body parts oh
yeah her tickets cost an arm and a leg
that’s right well
that’s all the time we have for today friends
we hope you come back for tomorrow
for the second half of our lesson
we’ll see you then right here on studio
classroom to have you in my life

A Dream Come True 美夢成真(下)
we’re so glad you joined us for our program today
my name is Anne Marie
and my name is Gabe
it’s been an interesting conversation about someone
who has tickets to go to a Taylor Swift concert
we’re in a conversation with Grace and Ethan
so Grace is going to this Taylor Swift concert
how did she get these tickets well
her friend helped her get the tickets
but they’re not cheap they cost an arm and a leg that’s right
not only are these tickets not cheap
but Grace says
she’s willing to go into debt to buy them
she’s going to have to venmo her friend money for them later
i don’t i’m not on the same wavelength with Grace
you’re not thinking the same way no
i don’t think the same way
i don’t think it’s wise ever to go into debt anyway friends
what do you think about this
what would you do to see your favorite
celebrity perform
and how much would you be willing to pay
that’s an interesting thing to think about
as we get into our lesson today
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
a dream come true
what do you mean
what’s so bad about
wanting her autograph
nothing but it’s a pipe dream
it could happen
but it’s very unlikely you seem to be obsessed with Taylor swift
she comes up in almost every conversation we have she does not
she does too
you just don’t realize it you read everything about her
every online article and every fan blog
how do you know
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
譬如Marion decided to start a blog
to share her travel experiences with the world
his blog on history has become a valuable resource for students
譬如Marion decided to blog about her travel experiences
and share them with the world
all right friends well
at the end of yesterday’s lesson we found out that
not only is Grace hoping to go to Taylor Swift’s concert
she’s hoping to get her autograph
that would require
her to actually come in contact with Taylor Swift herself
of course
as you remember
Ethan said you need to come back down to earth
Grace that means be real right
you’re not really going to get Taylor Swift’s autograph
very few people can do that
Grace says what do
you mean what’s so bad about
wanting her autograph
now this is a good sentence or question structure
for you to know what’s so bad about something
she could say what’s wrong with that
or what’s wrong with
wanting that how else can you use
that phrase well
here’s an example
what’s so bad about
wanting nice things
we often use this phrase with the word bad or wrong yeah
and it’s kind of the idea that maybe
some people will find what you want bad in some way
exactly right
so what’s so bad about
wanting nice things well
you might
encourage your friends to be content with what they have right
but sometimes it’s natural just to want other things have you
ever borrowed somebody’s umbrella without
asking just to take it for a little while
and come back and return it i have done that before
i will confess yeah
and you’re thinking in your head well
what’s so bad about
borrowing an umbrella
i’m going to return it in a minute
but the fact is we didn’t ask to borrow the umbrella friends
can you think of another situation
where you might ask this in your heart
what’s so bad about
that so Grace feels like there’s nothing wrong with
wanting Taylor swift’s on a graph
but Ethan said well
there’s nothing wrong with it
there’s nothing bad about it
but it’s a pipe dream what does it mean
if something is a pipe dream
right well
it’s kind of like that phrase that we talked about yesterday
someone needs to come back down to earth
so that means they are living in a pipe dream
that means they’re thinking about something
that is unattainable
it’s probably very impossible
have or
to ever get in real life well
Grace insists that it could happen it’s possible it could happen
Ethan says well
actually it’s very unlikely
you seem to be obsessed with Taylor swift Grace
let’s talk about the idea of being obsessed with something
or someone
all right if you’re obsessed that means
it’s probably all that you think about
it could be all that you talk about with other people
that’s a sign that you’re obsessed with something anyway
this word
reminds me of a phrase or a book that i read a long time ago
called the magnificent obsession now
this is about somebody
who had an obsession in his life
to actually do something really good
and positive for other people
often though the way
we use the word obsession
or to be obsessed with something is kind of in a negative way
that’s a good point
being obsessed with something could be good or bad
but most of the time we use it in a negative way that’s right
so is
there something or somebody that you’re really obsessed with
you probably need to start
thinking about other things
and doing other things with your life
and with your thoughts well
it seems that Grace rather is very obsessed with Taylor Swift
Ethan says
she comes up in almost every conversation we have now
we use the phrase come up to talk about a topic
that is mentioned in a conversation so
Taylor Swift comes
up in every conversation
we could also say that Grace brings up
Taylor Swift in a lot of conversations
that’s a related phrase to bring up something
that means you are actively bringing up
or mentioning something in a conversation that’s right
we could use both of these phrases to refer to the way
we talk about things in a meeting so
for example you could bring something up in a meeting
but a topic could come up in a meeting
just naturally through the conversation all right
what we read on here
Grace says she does not Grace saying this doesn’t happen
she doesn’t bring up
Taylor Swift constantly
Ethan says she does too so in other words
Taylor Swift does come up in these conversations
all the time you just don’t realize it you read everything
about her every online article
every fan blog Grace says how do you know well
how does even know
well i think
we’re going to find out in the next part of our conversation
let’s go there right now
a dream come true
because you tell me i know all about Taylor Swift too
and i don’t really care and you buy her stuff
you even wear her perfume well
it smells good
and how many Taylor Swift t shirts do you have
i’ve seen at least four
and i’m sure her official side is on your favorites list
so what if it is
譬如the scent
you smell is a perfume that Natalie bought when she was in Paris
譬如as we walked through the garden
we could smell the sweet perfume of flowers
譬如Heidi likes to perfume her LETTERS
with a bit of lavender oil to add a personal touch
all right well
we find out
why Ethan feels that Grace is obsessed with Taylor Swift
he knows all about Taylor Swift
because Grace tells him
i know all about Taylor Swift too
and i don’t really care yeah
you know this
also made me think of a phrase that we sometimes say
i couldn’t care less
that means you care
so little about something that is impossible for you to care
even less you could say i couldn’t care less
but the fact is he knows a lot about Taylor Swift
and it’s because of Grace that’s right
and it turns out that Grace is also buying Taylor swift’s stuff
now this word stuff has the idea of things or products
but when we use the word stuff
it’s much more casual and kind of almost careless in a way
as well so
he’s just saying like all of this Taylor Swift junk
or stuff now the official word we would use to talk
about a celebrity
who also makes products
or sells things with a line in their name
is merchandise
or merch for short
so Ethan could say and you buy all of her merch M E R C H
which is sort for M E R C H a and D I S E right merchandise okay
you even wear her perfume well
it smells good
i mean she has a point maybe the perfume smells good yeah
it just happens to be the Taylor Swift perfume true
i’ve never smelled the perfume so i can’t speak to that
but i did want to mention here friends that the verb
where is what we use
when we’re talking about perfume
you can put on perfume
but if it’s already on your body
then we say you are wearing perfume
that’s a great point
and that reminds me of a video
we made for our social media account a little
while ago that’s right wear versus put on
maybe you can look for those words in the thumbnail
because yeah we talk about that well
Ethan says how many Taylor Swift t shirts do you have
he’s kind of bringing up another subject here
but it’s related everything is related to Taylor Swift
he knows that
she has a lot of Taylor Swift t shirts
seems like Ethan’s counting
because he said
i’ve seen at least four
so he’s saying there’s at least four there could be more
but at the very very least there’s four of them
and he says i’m sure her official site is on your favorites list
perhaps it’s even her home page
your home page is when you open up your internet browser
and it’s the page that is set there by default right
it’s the first page that pops up that is your home page
i wouldn’t be surprised
if grace’s homepage was Taylor Swift’s official site
yeah i wouldn’t be surprised either
and when you do have favorites on your web browser
it means it’s a list of websites that you frequent
you can actually put them on that list
so you can find them more easily
we also have this on our iPhones right
there’s like a little
there’s a little app that you can for your photos
and you can put photos that you really like in your favorites
as well that’s right so grace’s response here is so what
if it is so
we get a hint that maybe it is on her favorites list and Marie
it sounds like Ethan
and Grace may be kind of having a heated discussion here
and i wonder if it’s going to cause some bad blood between them
it could and maybe it’s something that Grace needs to shake off
it’s possible that she will need to shake off
you know what i’m doing opinions
i know what you’re doing yeah
bad blood’s a Taylor Swift song right
bad blood yeah
and of course
shake it off there’s
a lot of Taylor Swift songs out there
with lyrics that could be applicable to a lot of situations well
maybe here in a minute
we’ll get out of the woods yeah
that’s good
that’s good
i’m never ever ever going to stop talking unless
we have an info cloud to talk about today
so let’s go to today’s info cloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud
hey Rex
i heard you’ve been to Italy before it’s my dream to go to Italy
can you tell me about your trip
sure for my first few days there
i was really nervous about driving in a foreign country
with my family
and i didn’t speak Italian
so what happened fortunately
i had a translator
and that is something that is worth its weight and gold
when you’re in a foreign country
you found a translator that must have been expensive
no i met up with my friend Connie who lived in Italy
she became our translator and tour guide we had a great time
the expression worth its weight in gold
means something is very valuable and important
yes when something is compared with gold
it implies that thing has a lot of value like gold well
we want to tell you
that your English education is worth its weight in gold
and we hope you will cherish every opportunity to learn English

worth its weight in gold
worth its weight in gold
Having a translator is worth its weight in gold.
worth its weight in gold
a dream come true
i dare you to go a whole hour without mentioning her name
that won’t be difficult
are you sure
i don’t think you can it’s doubtful you have any other hobbies
i do and i will prove it to you we’ll see
Bob Dared his friend to try the spiciest dish on the menu
胆敢譬如Andy wanted to ask Rachel out on a date
but he didn’t dare Andy想约Rachel出去
譬如accepting the dare Pete stepped onto the old bridge
his heart beating loudly with every step Pit
比如his promise to complete the project on time
seemed Doubtful
given his past record鉴于他过去的记录
they were Doubtful about the success of the new restaurant
in an area that already had so many
再看一句the weather for the weekend seems Doubtful
so we may have to cancel our Picnic
Ethan has a suggestion here
he suggests that Grace goes a whole hour
without mentioning Taylor Swift’s name
we saw that word dare in the language lab
he thinks that Grace can’t do this
that’s why we use the word dare now
this should give us an indication of how obsessed
Grace is because her friend
her good friend
Ethan knows how much Grace talks about Taylor Swift
so she’s really obsessed she talks about him all the time
every hour probably
she’ll mention her name okay
so can you go
a certain amount of time without doing something
that’s a good sentence structure for you to know as well
i think we’ve all heard
before that camels can go for days without drinking water
that’s right
i also want to look at the word mentioning here in this sentence
if you mention something something
you don’t really talk about it in detail
you maybe say it in passing in a conversation
that means
that you say it quickly without going into a lot of detail
for example maybe someone would mention to you
that they’re going away for the weekend
but they didn’t tell you their plans
or exactly what they’re going to be doing
that’s a good point yeah to mention something versus
really talk about something in depth
and i would also say here
Ethan could also use the phrase come up here or bring up right
he says i dare you to go whole hour without bringing up
Taylor swift’s name well
Grace says ha ha
that won’t be difficult
she thinks it won’t be difficult and often
when people are obsessed with something
they may not know it themselves
they may not realize
how much they talk about or think about something
that’s a really good point and Ethan says here are you sure
i don’t think you can it’s doubtful you have other hobbies now
at this point in our lesson
i feel the need to give my opinion a little bit
why was that
well i think that it’s totally okay
if people follow celebrities or have hobbies
or even have things that they’re really obsessed with
but to me that is your own personal life
and if the person that you’re with
isn’t super interested in that
then you could really be wasting that other person’s time
by constantly talking about your interests
and not talking about the other person’s interests that’s true
you really do need to pay
attention to what the other person is saying in a conversation
even their body language can tell you
if they’re interested or maybe
not interested in a certain topic
but it’s also important to be like Ethan
and to kind of tell your friend when they’re being
a little too obsessive about something right
that’s right
and Ethan has already said that he couldn’t care less
that means
he really doesn’t want to keep hearing about Taylor Swift
well Anne Marie
you shared your opinion about something
can i share my opinion about something
you sure can i think you kind of look like Taylor Swift
i don’t look like Taylor Swift
you don’t look like Taylor Swift no friends
do you think Anne Marie looks like Taylor Swift
share with us on our social media okay
fine then here’s a more general question of all celebrities
who do you think Anne Marie looks like
i kind of want to know what you think i look like as well
all right
i don’t know what would look like you just look like Gabe yeah
i kind of look like Gabe well anyway
we continue here with grace’s last line
i do and i’ll prove it to you in other words
she does have other hobbies
and she’s going to prove it to her friend Ethan
i don’t think she can do it
i don’t think she can either all right friends well
this is a good thing for you to talk about as well
what do you think about people who are obsessed with celebrities
or are you yourself obsessed with a celebrity
we’ll be right back after
today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fact for you today did you know that a Stan is
someone who is too crazy about a celebrity
are you a Stan of anyone
ah Stan comes from the word
fan and means someone who follows a celebrity too much ha ha
who are you a Stan of well
that’s today’s fun fact
thank you Ernest finder
it sounds like Grace is a Taylor Swift Stan
she’s definitely a Hardcore fan well
Ann Marie i have a little announcement to make myself
are you going to a Taylor Swift concert
no that would cost an arm and a leg
and i would not be able to afford it
especially with what i’m going to do
i’m going on paternity leave
you are going on paternally
you’re going to take a break for a while
exactly i’m really glad to have the time
the opportunity to be able to spend a little
more time with my family now
you may have some questions friends for example
am i coming back well
i am coming back to the company
but i’m not sure in what role or position
but another question you may have is how can we stay in touch
well you can find me on social media Gabe Harbor
or my full name Gabriel Harbor
my last name is har B O U R can find me there
i hope that we can stay in
touch well
Gabe if you’re not going to be here
who’s going to be on the program
well that’s a great question
and that is something that you are going to find out next time
right here on studio
classroom friends
i’ll see you later

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