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Xiaohongshu 小紅書(上)
空中英語教室 20240916

小紅書,是中華人民共和國的網路購物和社交平台,成立於2013年6月,該網站聲稱截至2019年1月擁有2億使用者。在小紅書社群有桌面跟手機端,資訊以瀑布流(Pinterest-style layout)的方式呈現,但又結合影片與直播功能,使用者還可以分享產品評測和旅遊目的地的文字介紹,即「種草筆記」。該軟體被視為中國改良版的instagram,使用者相對年輕而受教育程度高,細分的化妝品搜尋功能成功打入購物市場,同時透過素人跟口碑來創造體驗旅遊消費真實感,尤其對於新博主曝光度相對友善、但也有容易盜用個人照的質疑,小紅書也為網路和電視的多個節目冠名贊助,為小紅書帶來使用者和內容的增長。

Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom. My name is Anne Marie, and my name is John, friends. Today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together. It’s also a great day to start off with a question. Here’s today’s question: John, what do you usually use social media for?
Okay, so social media means websites where you can share information and usually have some kind of friends or followers or apps as well. I do use social media to share photos with my family and friends. I like to share photos of my kids or just quotes that really encourage me and share that with people.
I guess I usually use social media for a similar purpose. I will share photos of my family sometimes, but I usually use social media to keep in contact with people I don’t see nearby anymore. I live overseas now, away from where most of my family and friends from growing up live, and I’ve moved cities several times since moving to Asia. So, there are a lot of people I don’t see face-to-face anymore. I like using social media to keep up with them.
Me too. It’s a great way to stay in touch or talk with people from around the world now. You do have to be careful with social media, of course—be careful about what you post. But generally, it’s a great way to know what your friends are doing.
That’s right. And we are going to talk about one social media platform specifically today, and that is called Xiaohongshu. Maybe you are already familiar with it. Let’s get into our first reading of the day:
The Big Influence of the Little Red Book App
Despite its name, there’s nothing little about Xiaohongshu. Every day, millions of people swipe its electronic pages. The app has a huge goal. Its website states: “Our mission is inspiring lives to share and discover the wonders of the world.”
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack. 我们首先来看形容词电子的意思是电子的或电子设备的。譬如:“In the classroom, electronic devices like tablets and laptops have become necessary tools for interactive learning.” 平板电脑和笔记本电脑等电子设备在教室里已成为互动学习的必备工具。或是:“The rise of electronic music has totally changed the music industry.” 电子音乐的兴起已彻底改变了音乐产业。或者是:“The shift toward electronic medical records has improved the efficiency of health care.” 改成电子病例后,医疗保健的效率提高了。
All right, friends, we begin our lesson by reading “The Big Influence of the Little Red Book App.” Now, I always teach this when we get to it, friends: you know what I’m going to say. 

How do you pronounce that word that is spelled “app”? 
You have to say “app.” 
You cannot say “a-p-p.” 
People in the Western world will not understand what you’re talking about. 
It’s one of my favorite things that I have seen—“a-p-p.” But it’s true; say “app” instead, because that is short for “application.”

So, what is this app that we’re talking about today? It’s Xiaohongshu, and it has a big influence. We use the term “influencers” to talk about people on social media, but the verb “influence” means to affect the way people act and think. That’s right. We read here: “Despite its name, there’s nothing little about Xiaohongshu.” And we see that word “despite” there, and that just means “even though.” Even though its name has the word “little” in it, there’s nothing little about it. Here’s another example of how we might use the word “despite”: “Despite being tiny, the little dog barged loudly at people he didn’t know.” Or: “Despite losing the first game, the team went on to win the tournament.” There’s another phrase, “in spite of,” that means the same thing—“even though” something bad happened, something else still happened. So, despite its name, Xiaohongshu, there’s nothing little about Xiaohongshu.
And every day, millions of people, we read, swipe its electronic pages. Okay, we’ve got some useful vocabulary words there. What’s “swipe”? Well, “swipe” is an actual action, and you can do this with different things. You can do this with your credit card when you pay for something; you can swipe the card in order to pay, or you can do this on an app as well. It has the idea of flipping through pictures. There’s actually another term that we use that means something very specific—“to swipe right.” If you swipe right, this is used for dating apps; it means that you hope to match with the person in the photo that you’ve chosen. So, you swipe right on them. This has kind of become some slang that we use nowadays.
That’s right. Did you know “swipe” can also mean to swing at something? Sometimes you might say the cat “swiped” at the bird. It’s this swinging motion. So you can see how swiping with your fingers on an app does the same thing.
So we learn about this app. The app has a huge goal. That’s right. On the app’s website, it states: “Our mission is inspiring lives to share and discover the wonders of the world.” So what does it mean if something or someone has a mission? It means they have a purpose—the reason that they do something. So, your mission is to do something big with your life. Believe it or not, the word comes from a word that means “to send.” So we do get the word “missile” from the same word. So “mission” means to be sent out to do something, and the mission here is “inspiring lives.” I love that—“inspiring lives to share and discover the wonders of the world.”
Usually, when we’re talking about wonders of the world, we’re talking about something cultural or historical from all around the world. But we’re going to find out in a minute that is not what we’re talking about in this instance. Find out what these wonders of the world are in just a moment in our next reading:
These wonders were originally luxury brands, and the users who shared their discoveries were mostly women from China’s major cities. Xiaohongshu was created in 2013 as a shopping platform. Beauty and fashion have always been its most popular topics, but new categories keep getting added. Now, companies everywhere are paying attention to this vast community of consumers.
接着来看“category”这个名词,意思是类别。例如:“Every book in the library was carefully sorted into a specific category to assist people.” 图书馆里的每一本书都经过精心分类,以便帮助人们查询。或者是:“The grocery store changed its layout and grouped items by category to create a better shopping experience for its customers.” 这间杂货店改变了陈设位置,将商品按类别分类,为顾客创造更好的购物体验。或是:“The quiz show featured questions from a wide range of categories that included history, science, and pop culture.” 这个益智问答节目的问题涉及历史、科学和流行文化等多个类别。
All right, friends, well, we found out what these wonders of the world are—they are luxury brands. John, what is a luxury brand?
Well, a luxury is something that’s expensive, that you don’t exactly need, but it’s nice and cool. We talk about fancy food, fancy clothes, things like gold and silver are luxuries. A luxury brand, though, is a company that sells expensive things like an expensive purse or fancy clothes. That’s right. So, these wonders were originally luxury brands, and the users who shared their discoveries were mostly women from China’s major cities.
So right now, we’re talking about this app’s demographic. Now, you don’t see the word “demographic” in our article, but an app’s demographic is talking about the people that it’s targeting or the people who mainly use the app. This demographic is talking about the people who are using it, whether it’s men or women. Sometimes it can refer to the age of the people who are using it and where their location is. That’s right. Demographics are important when you’re thinking about your brand, the company that you’re working for.
We learned a little bit more about the history of this app. We learned here in our reading that Xiaohongshu was created in 2013 as a shopping platform. A platform is a website or an app where you do something very specific. So, for example, there are shopping platforms out there like Amazon, for example, or there could be a gaming platform like Discord. We talked about that in an article recently. There could also be a search platform, for example, like Google. Interesting.
So the word “platform” originally just meant a raised place. A table could be a platform for showing something, or there could be a step up to a platform where someone speaks. It’s kind of like the word “plate,” which means something flat, or a “plateau,” a platform. So this platform is for beauty and for fashion. We read beauty and fashion have always been its most popular topics. People love getting tips about style and beauty. But we learn new categories keep getting added. We’ll learn about that word “categories” in our Language Lab.
That’s right. So now companies everywhere are paying attention to this vast community of consumers. There’s a lot in this last sentence. Let’s take a look at a few things. If you are paying attention to something, it means that you are giving it attention or that you are focusing on it. So, for example, if you want to go hiking this weekend, you really need to pay attention to the weather. That means you need to check your weather app to see what the weather is going to do.
Interesting. Normally, “paying” means to give money, but here we’re talking about giving time and thought to something. So new companies are paying attention to what’s going on in Xiaohongshu, and it’s because there’s this vast community of consumers. For a moment, let’s talk about consumers. If you consume something, it means you eat it usually. But a consumer as a noun is a little bit different.
Yeah, that’s right. Especially when we’re talking about social media, we’re talking about someone who is taking in content or consuming content. Okay, so there’s a vast community of consumers, and “vast” just means really big. So there’s a huge bunch of consumers here.
Well, friends, it’s time for our Info Cloud, but we’ll learn more about this interesting app after this.
Hello, 欧拉, coroniciwa, goodentag. Welcome to Info Cloud, where variety is the spice of life. Well, thanks for those greetings, Garrett. You certainly did add a lot of variety. Variety means things that are different or diverse. Some of the forms of this word are “various” or “varied.” For example: “The magazine covers various topics while highlighting varied useful English words and phrases.”
So, saying that variety is the spice of life means changing what you do can make life more interesting. Food without spices might not taste terrible but isn’t very interesting either. So, adding different spices to your food will make it more enjoyable, and adding new experiences to your life will do the same. Try a new restaurant; learn a new language. Variety is the spice of life.
Did you know that this idiom comes from a poem that was written in 1875?
I didn’t know that, but it’s an interesting fact. Maybe I should start reading more poetry.
Maybe you should. Variety is the spice of life, after all. 如果你觉得生活一成不变很枯燥乏味,你可以参考一下今天分享的谚语:“variety is the spice of life.” 字面上就是多样性是生活的调味料。 Variety is the spice of life. 这句话可以表达多多尝试新鲜的事物或是让自己有新的体验能够让生活更多彩多姿。例如学习一个新的语言,品尝新的食物等等,都可以让你的生活更有趣,甚至更刺激。因为 variety is the spice of life.
这就是今天的 Info Cloud. 我们下次云端见。
Xiaohongshu blends lifestyle tips with business. Key opinion consumers demonstrate products and strike a note of friendship. As users make comments, connections grow among like-minded people, and brands build marketing strategies around the latest trends. For example, millions of Xiaohongshu users have posted about dopamine dressing. Search “dopamine” in the app, and you’ll find endless products, including furniture and dog clothing. Brands hope that you and a few million others will buy their products.
接着来看“demonstrate”这个动词,意思是展示或是演示。例如:“During the workshop, the chef will demonstrate various skills that will help people cook like professionals.” 在工作坊中,这位厨师将演示各种技巧,帮助人们像专业厨师一样烹饪。或者是:“The science teacher set up an experiment to demonstrate the principles of chemical reactions.” 这位科学老师安排了一个实验来示范化学反应的原理。 “Demonstrate”也有示威的意思,例如:“The workers demonstrated in front of the factory because they wanted better working conditions.” 工人们在工厂前示威,因为他们想要更好的工作条件。
最后来看“trend”这个名词,意思是趋势。例如:“The recent trend in healthy eating has raised organic food sales as people have become more aware of food choices.” 随着人们对食品选择的意识不断提高,近来健康饮食的趋势提升了有机食品的销售量。或者是:“The trend toward remote work has changed the traditional office, with more companies allowing flexible work policies.” 远距工作的趋势改变了传统办公方式,越来越多的公司允许灵活的工作策略。 “Trend”也可以当动词,意思是成为趋势。例如:“In recent years, plant-based diets have begun to trend, which reflects a concern about health.” 近年来,以植物性饮食为主已开始成为一种趋势,反映了人们对健康的关注。
All right, thank you so much, Jack. We read here: Xiaohongshu blends lifestyle tips with business. What are we talking about here? When we mention lifestyle tips, a lifestyle tip is a piece of advice about everyday activities like how to dress or, for women, how to put on makeup or even what to eat. That’s right. And we find out that the people who are doing this have a very specific name—key opinion consumers.
We talked about the word “influencer” earlier. I think that this is just another way of saying these people are influencers. They demonstrate products and strike a note of friendship. If you strike a note of friendship, what does that mean? “Strike a note” means to be familiar with or relevant or connected to something. So, you could say, “Wow, your speech really struck a note with me. I’ve experienced something very similar.” So, it’s good to strike a note with your customers if you’re a brand.
Yeah, and it seems like this note that they are striking is a very friendly one. People feel that these key opinion consumers are friendly and maybe that they have some type of relationship with them. As users make comments, connections grow among like-minded people. I really like being around like-minded people. These are people who think the same way as you. Maybe they have some of the same interests as you as well. There are many clubs that are formed at schools or in communities around the world because like-minded people want to get together.
That’s right. And Xiaohongshu is no different. Like-minded people get together and comment, which is a word we use that means to talk online. To comment. And finally, brands build marketing strategies around the latest trends. A strategy is basically a plan. So, what kinds of plans would your brands do if you were marketing to people online? We read a little bit more here about the users also.
Yeah, we read here: “For example, millions of Xiaohongshu users have posted about dopamine dressing.” This is a term that should be familiar to you, friends, because we had an article about dopamine dressing a few months ago. But to review, what is dopamine? Well, it’s a compound in the body, and it acts as a chemical messenger. So, it’s transporting different hormones to cause you to feel different ways. And dopamine dressing is the idea of dressing in a way that makes you happy.
Interesting. So if you want to feel better, you might dress in a different color or a different style.
You’ve got it. That’s exactly right. So, you could search “dopamine” in the app, and you will find endless products—not just clothes, but furniture and dog clothing as well.
Interesting. Well, there’s nothing that releases dopamine like a cute dog dressed as a bumblebee or something like that.
That’s a good point. Brands hope that you and a few million others will buy their products. I think it’s kind of funny here that our writer wrote “a few million others” because, of course, brands want to make sales. And if they get a few sales, that’s great, but we’re reading here they hope that they get millions of sales.
That’s right. But here’s how we use the word “few” when we are talking about numbers. If you have a category of numbers, like hundreds or dozens, which means twelves, or thousands, you can say “a few hundred” if you’re talking about a number that’s like five or less. And you can use the word “many hundreds of” if it’s a number that’s higher than five, like 800 would be “many hundreds,” but 200 would be “a few hundred.” But, of course, most brands want to sell many millions of products to their users.
That’s right. All right, friends, we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact.
Hello, facts friends, I’m Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that people on Xiaohongshu love food? Well, everyone loves food, but there are lots of suggestions for good food on there. But putting on makeup is the number one topic. Ha ha, and that is today’s fun fact.
Friends, John, are you ready for a quiz?
Okay, here we go. Now, companies everywhere are ____ attention to this vast community of consumers. Fill in the blank: taking, paying, giving, or offering.
I remember this—it’s “paying.” They’re not paying money, but “paying attention” means listening to and thinking about the opinions of something.
You got that right. And I hope you got that right as well. Friends, we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom.

你好,朋友們,歡迎來到《Studio Classroom》。
我的名字是 Anne Marie。
我的名字是 John。朋友們,今天是學習新知識的好日子,讓我們一起開始吧。
大家好,歡迎來到語言實驗室。我是 Jack。我們首先來看形容詞“electronic”。它的意思是電子的或電子設備的,例如:在教室裡,像平板電腦和筆記型電腦這樣的電子設備,已經成為互動學習的必備工具。或者是“電子音樂的興起徹底改變了音樂產業”,還有“改成電子病例後,醫療保健的效率提高了”。
那麼今天我們講的這個應用就是小紅書,它有著巨大的影響力。我們用“influencers”這個詞來談論社交媒體上的人們,但動詞“influence”意味著影響人們的行為和思維。我們在這裡讀到,“儘管名字裡有‘小’字,小紅書卻絕非小事。”我們看到“despite”這個詞,它的意思是“即使”或“儘管”。例如,“儘管體型小,那只小狗仍然大聲吠叫。”或者“儘管第一場比賽輸了,球隊還是贏得了比賽。”另一個意思相同的短語是“in spite of”。
接下來我們要講到“swipe”這個詞。這個詞的實際動作是你可以用信用卡“刷”來付款,或者在應用程式上翻閱圖片。另一個有趣的用法是,"swipe right"通常用在約會應用上,表示希望和照片中的人匹配。除此之外,"swipe"還可以表示揮動。例如,"貓撲向鳥"。
最後,我們談到的“pay attention”意思是“關注”或“集中注意力”。例如,“如果你這個週末想去遠足,你需要關注天氣。”而“consumer”則是指消費內容的人,與“consume”這個詞的含義略有不同。在社交媒體上,我們談到的是那些消費內容的人,而“vast”意思是非常大的。
歡迎來到 Infocloud!多樣性是生活的調味料。謝謝 Garrett 的問候,你確實增加了很多變化。“Variety”意思是不同或多樣的事物。這個詞的一些形式有“various”或“varied”。例如,“雜誌涵蓋了各種主題,同時突出了各種有用的英語單詞和短語。”說“variety is the spice of life”意味著改變你的生活方式可以讓生活更有趣。沒有香料的食物可能味道不好,但也不夠有趣。所以,給食物添加不同的香料會使其更美味。嘗試新的餐館,學習新語言,這些都會讓你的生活更有趣。
我們瞭解到,小紅書將生活方式技巧與商業結合在一起。生活方式技巧是關於日常活動的建議,例如如何穿衣、化妝或飲食。關鍵意見消費者展示產品,並建立友誼。如果你“strike a note of friendship”,意味著你與某事物有一定的聯繫或相關性。用戶的評論使志同道合的人之間的聯繫增加。
大家好,我是偵探 Ernest Finder。今天的趣聞是:小紅書上的人們都喜歡食物。不過,化妝是最受歡迎的話題!
好,現在的問題是:現在,各地的公司都在______注意這個龐大的消費者群體。填空:taking, paying, giving, or offering。
我記得是“paying”。他們不是在支付金錢,而是“paying attention”意味著關注和考慮某事物的意見。
你答對了!希望大家也答對了。朋友們,我們下次《Studio Classroom》再見!

Xiaohongshu 小紅書(下)
空中英語教室 20240917

小红书 to learn more English?” Okay, that’s a pretty good idea. English is very useful, and you can learn it on 小红书. “Why not” is a little expression that we use to suggest something. You could say, “Oh, why not go try a new food?”
That’s right! We have another phrase in this next sentence as well: “After all.” We use this phrase when we’re about to say something that is true. So we say one thing in the first sentence and then are about to say something else that relates to that sentence. We use the phrase “after all” to say that the second thing is important in relation to the first sentence.
So, “after all, one of the greatest wonders of the world is human language.” And just to review, we talked about what wonders of the world are yesterday. Yes, sometimes when we talk about wonders of the world, we’re talking about big, famous buildings like the Great Wall of China or the pyramids in Egypt. We also learned that wonders of the world can be really fancy, beautiful things, and language is amazing. It’s something worth exploring.
Exactly! That’s what our article is saying here: “One of the greatest wonders of the world is human language.” On this app, you can look for teachers who speak clearly. John, why is it so important to speak clearly?
John: Well, speaking is only one half of the problem. People need to understand what you say. So speaking clearly is really important for your listeners.
And we also learned a phrase here: “natural conversations.” A “natural conversation” means a normal conversation so that you sound like a native or natural speaker. Ideally, it can also mean a conversation that’s not awkward. I have been in conversations with native speakers before that were not very natural. It felt very forced, and the conversation was a little bit awkward. So the idea here is just to have conversations that happen naturally.
You also need to communicate sincere friendship. If something is sincere, it means it is true, honest, or genuine. For example, you could give a sincere apology. An apology that is sincere is one that you really mean. That’s really important. You’ll also use this word “sincerely” when you’re writing a formal letter in English, right? For business, you could say whatever you want to say in your letter, then you sign it “sincerely, John.” It means that you’re sincere.
That’s right!
All right friends, we have something new to learn right now in today’s Infocloud.
Hello friends, welcome to Infocloud. How do parents motivate their kids to practice a musical instrument, or how do teachers motivate their students to study hard? There are several ways. One is through negative consequences for not doing something, like not being allowed to play with your phone for getting a low grade. However, a lot of people take the opposite approach, offering rewards for doing something well. After all, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Now, that is an interesting mental picture. It’s common to see little fruit flies in the kitchen; they fly around sweet things. They are attracted to things like honey, but vinegar has a sour smell and helps keep the flies away. So, if you really want someone to do something for you, consider using something a person will enjoy, like honey. It could be a friendly request or an attractive bonus. Then, the person will be more likely to help you and they are more likely to feel good about it. Using threats or other negative words may work for a little while, but it might not be good for your relationship. Those things are like vinegar that people won’t like. Being kind or sweet is more likely to bring about help—in other words, you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
当你想要激励一个人去做某件事情,不晓得你会用比较严厉的方式还是正面的鼓励呢?今天要分享的用语是 “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar”。字面上的意思非常有趣,那就是蜂蜜比醋更能够抓到多一点苍蝇。 “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” 就是在表达,用正面鼓励或是奖励的方式,更能够让人愿意为你做事情。不过奖励和惩罚之间到底哪一个更能够激励人去做事,这就见仁见智了,没有标准答案。这就是今天的 Infocloud,我们下次云端见。
小红书—remember that even in the huge world of social media, you were made to be more than a consumer statistic. You were made to be known and understood. Learning to strike up a good conversation could be your mission on 小红书.
最后我们来看名词 statistic,意思是统计数字。例如:
The latest statistic showed an increase in energy usage this year, which is why everyone’s rates were so high. 最新的统计数字显示,今年能源使用量增加,这就是为什么大家的费率那么高的原因。
Researchers put together statistics on consumer behavior, revealing patterns in online shopping trends during the holiday season. 研究人员整理了有关消费者行为的统计数据,揭示了节日期间网购趋势的模式。
The health department released a concerning statistic about the rise in cases of a rare disease. 卫生部发布了一项令人担忧的统计数字,关于罕见疾病的病例有所增加。
Okay, it’s time to find out how our article is going to end. Friends, we read, “Remember that even in the huge world of social media, you were made to be more than a consumer statistic.” This sentence is so important, so I want to talk about what it means a little bit.
So, we have a huge world of social media. There are endless apps you can use and hundreds and thousands of people you could meet online. The possibilities are endless. And what’s the purpose of most social media as far as companies are concerned? Well, of course, it is to make money—to get you as a consumer to spend money on their app.
So, it’s just important to remember that that is not why you exist. That’s right—you’re not just here to be part of a one-sided thing. Sometimes we talk about one-sided communication if one person is just listening. So, you’re not just a consumer getting information. You were made to be known and understood. If we say someone is known, it means that there is a friendship there or a real relationship.
So think about that when you are on social media. Try to be known because you are genuinely really important. That’s right—your personality, the way you think, your opinions—those are all important things that some people care about. So be careful who you talk to on social media and make sure you’re talking to those people who understand that those things are important.
Well, we have our last sentence here: “Learning to strike up a good conversation could be your mission on 小红书.” To strike up a conversation just means to begin a conversation. I’ve met some people before who are really good at striking up conversations. You just see them on the street, and they automatically have topics in their mind and are ready to ask you questions. Those kinds of people are really good at striking up conversations.
Are you good at striking up conversations? There are different things you can do, but asking people questions about their life is useful. So maybe try striking up a conversation on your social media. We also learned that this could be your mission on 小红书. Again, like we learned yesterday, the mission is the reason you do something.
All right friends, it’s time for today’s fun fact.
Hello fact friends, I am Detective Ernest Finder and I have a fun fact for you. Did you know that 小红书 was founded in 2013? That’s right! But what was it called back then? Well, it used the name “Red,” which is still its marketplace. That’s right—it was a place to buy and sell things. And that is today’s fun fact.
John, are you ready for a quiz?
John: Oh yes, I am!
Okay, don’t look at your notes. I am not going to give you choices; you just have to know. Are you ready?
John: I am.
All right, this is for you too, friends. A talented pianist can show you how to practice what?
John: Okay, a pianist is like a piano player, right?
Yes, that’s right!
John: A talented pianist can show you how to practice the trumpet?
No, they play the piano.
John: Oh yeah, what are they playing on the piano? What do we call it when the pitches go up in ascending and descending order?
Those are the scales.
John: I remember that because we learned about scales today.
That’s right! A talented pianist can show you how to practice scales. I hope you got that right, friends.
And we are done talking about 小红书, but the conversation is not over. This is a great topic that you can talk about in English. We’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

首先來看名詞 goods,意思是貨品或者商品。例如:
After the storm, the community gathered essential goods like food, water, and blankets for those affected.(暴風雨過後,社區為受災戶募集了食物、水和毛毯等必需品。)
The manufacturing industry reported an increase in the production of consumer goods, which signaled a positive trend in economic activity.(據製造業報告,消費品產量有所增加,顯示經濟活動呈現積極趨勢。)
The international trade agreement aimed to reduce taxes on imported goods and encourage cross-border economic growth.(國際貿易協定目的在於降低進口貨物稅並促進跨境經濟增長。)
再來看動詞 promote,意思是宣傳或推廣。例如:
To promote her new book, the author went on a nationwide tour to sign books in stores and libraries across the country.(作者為了宣傳她的新書,展開了全國巡迴,在全國各地的商店和圖書館舉辦簽書會。)
Social media influencers often promote products, introducing their large following to a variety of markets.(社群媒體網紅經常會推廣商品,向廣大的粉絲介紹各種市場。)
The organization worked tirelessly to promote awareness about homelessness by holding events to educate and engage the community.(這個組織努力不懈地透過舉辦活動來教育並吸引社區參與,以推廣人們對無家可歸問題的認識。)
Jack: 好的,非常感謝。讓我們馬上進入今天的課程。我們讀到了小紅書提供的不僅僅是物質商品。當我們談論物質事物時,我們是指那些我們可以看到或擁有的東西。你可能會在搬家時搬走所有的物品,那意味著你把你擁有的所有東西搬到新地方。可是我們這裡讀到的是,它的使命是激勵生活,這也發生在當人們促進學習和創造力的時候。我們昨天在實驗室學到了學習,而創造力就是像創作藝術或做一些新的事情。
John: 對的,我們在昨天的課程中見過“inspire”這個詞,你能為我們回顧一下嗎?
John: 當然。 “Inspire” 可以意味著給某人新的想法。通常藝術家喜歡靈感來激發創造力。所以這個使命不僅僅是物質層面的,而是激勵生活。結果是,激勵生活發生在當人們促進學習和創造力的時候。因此,學習就是我們在實驗室中學到的,而創造力就像創作藝術或做一些新的事情。
John: 好問題。專家對某個主題知道很多,而愛好者則非常喜歡某個主題。所以通常區別在於專家在這個領域有教育背景,而愛好者只是非常喜歡它。專家可以是愛好者,但不是每個愛好者都是專家。
接下來,我們來看動詞 scroll,意思是卷動。例如:
Phoebe scrolled through her phone looking for the message she remembered reading earlier in the day.(菲比在手機上滾動,尋找她記得在當天早些時候讀過的消息。)
Lost in thought, Benjamin scrolled up and down the webpage without actually reading the content.(本在沉思中,上下滾動網頁,實際上沒有閱讀內容。)
She spent the evening scrolling through social media feeds, catching up on friends’ updates and trending topics.(她花了一個晚上在社交媒體上滾動,跟進朋友的更新和趨勢話題。)
John: “為什麼不利用小紅書來學習更多的英語呢?”這個說法不錯,英語非常有用,你可以在小紅書上學習它。 “Why not” 是我們用來建議某事的表達。你可以說:“哦,為什麼不去嘗試新的食物呢?”
John: 好吧,講話只是問題的一半。人們需要理解你所說的話。所以講得清晰對聽眾來說真的很重要。
你還需要傳達真誠的友誼。如果某件事是“真誠的”,那意味著它是正確的、誠實的或真實的。例如,你可以給出一個真誠的道歉。一個真誠的道歉就是你真的意味著的道歉。這非常重要。當你寫正式信件時,你也會用到“sincerely”這個詞,對吧?在商業信函中,你可以在信件結尾寫“sincerely, John。”這意味著你是誠心的。
大家好,歡迎來到Infocloud。我是Detective Ernest Finder,我有一個有趣的事實要告訴你。父母如何激勵他們的孩子練習樂器,或者老師如何激勵他們的學生努力學習?有幾種方法。一種是通過對未完成某事的負面後果來激勵,比如因為成績低而被禁止使用手機。然而,很多人則採取相反的方法,提供做得好的獎勳。畢竟,用蜂蜜吸引更多的蒼蠅比用醋更有效。
當你想激勵一個人去做某事時,不知道你會使用比較嚴厲的方式還是正面的鼓勵呢?今天要分享的用語是 “你用蜂蜜比用醋更容易吸引蒼蠅”。字面上的意思非常有趣,那就是蜂蜜比醋更能吸引多一點的蒼蠅。 “你用蜂蜜比用醋更容易吸引蒼蠅” 就是在表達,用正面鼓勵或是獎勳的方式,更能讓人願意為你做事。不過獎勳和懲罰之間到底哪一個更能激勵人去做事,這就見仁見智了,沒有標準答案。這就是今天的 Infocloud,我們下次雲端見。
最後我們來看名詞 statistic,意思是統計數字。例如:
最新的統計數字顯示今年能源使用量增加,這就是為什麼大家的費率那麼高的原因。(The latest statistic showed an increase in energy usage this year, which is why everyone’s rates were so high.)
研究人員整理了有關消費者行為的統計數據,揭示了節日期間網購趨勢的模式。(Researchers put together statistics on consumer behavior, revealing patterns in online shopping trends during the holiday season.)
衛生部發布了一項令人擔憂的統計數字,關於罕見疾病的病例有所增加。(The health department released a concerning statistic about the rise in cases of a rare disease.)
大家好,我是Ernest Finder偵探,帶給你有趣的事實。你知道小紅書的用戶可以用這個平台來提升自己的技能了嗎?試著去尋找講得清晰的老師,進行自然的對話,並建立真誠的友誼。這些不僅僅是統計數字,而是能讓你在社交媒體中找到真正的價值。

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