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Car Racing
2024/09/18 15:15:04瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0
Car Racing 瘋賽車(上)
大家說英語 20240917
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Lets Talk in English. I’m Garrett, and my name is Esther. Today we have a sports lesson.
That’s right, our topic is car racing. Now, friends, when you think of sports, you probably think of ball sports. But car racing is another popular sport, right? When you are in a race, it means you are in a competition or an event to try to win and be in first place. Yes, in a race, people try to be the fastest and finish the race first. So, in a car race, the different drivers will drive their cars and try to finish first.
Now, we are going to learn more about car racing in today’s reading. Car racing is a very exciting sport. Race cars have special engines; they can go much faster than normal cars. Some can go over 300 kilometers an hour. There are many kinds of car racing. The most famous is Formula One, or F1. The cars sometimes race on city streets around the world. The cities close off the streets and prepare them for the race. An F1 race is very exciting, and F1 drivers are the best in the world.
Thank you, Garrett. Wow, there is so much to learn about car racing. Now let’s go to our “Find It” question. Our question is: What does a city do if there is an F1 race in their city? What does a city do if there is an F1 race in their city? Well, friends, try and find the answer in today’s lesson. Now, let’s go to Sonya, who will teach us today’s keywords.
Sarah asked Sam, “你在看什么?” Sam said, “看比赛。” Racing (动词) means participating in a race. Sarah joined him and said, “那些车开得真快.” Those cars go really fast. The adverb “fast” means quickly. Sam said, “赛车装的都是特殊的引擎.” Race cars have special engines. The noun “engine” means 引擎. An F1 race needs to cover over 300 kilometers. It’s more than 300 kilometers. The noun “kilometer” means 公里. F1 drivers are the best in the world. The noun “driver” means 驾驶员.
Hey Sam, what are you looking at? Racing. It’s an F1 race, and it’s very exciting. Can I see? Wow, those cars go really fast. They do. Race cars have special engines. It looks like they’re driving on streets. They are. F1 races are often on city streets around the world. So does a city close the streets off for the race? Of course.
How long does a race last? An F1 race is 90 to 100 minutes, and it’s more than 300 km. They must drive very fast. Oh yes, some cars go over 300 km an hour. The drivers are the best in the world. They would have to be to drive that fast. I know it would be fun to drive an F1 car, but not for me.
Ah, I think Sarah has a good question here: How long does a race last? She’s talking about how much time it takes to finish the race. Sonya, can you help us with this phrase? “Long” plus a noun. Sarah asked Sam, “一场赛车会花多少时间?” “How long does a race last?” The adjective “long” can refer to both the length of time and the length of distance.
For time, we use “long” as in “I waited for my friends for a long time” or “I haven’t seen her in a long time.” For distance, “long” is used as in “It’s a long walk home from here” or “Did you run a long way today?” Thank you, Sonya.
Sam tells Sarah that an F1 race is 90 to 100 minutes long, and it’s more than 300 km. That’s quite a long drive. Friends, could you stay focused for an hour and a half driving at high speeds? One kilometer equals one thousand meters. It takes about ten minutes to run or walk one kilometer if you run slowly.
Sarah says that these drivers must drive fast to try and win the race. Sam says that some cars go over 300 kilometers an hour. They are driving very, very fast, and these drivers are the best in the world. A person who drives is called a driver. But it doesn’t have to be someone who is in a car race. If you drive a car, that means you’re a driver too.
Earlier, we heard Sam say that these drivers are some of the best in the world. That means they can drive very well. F1 drivers are some of the best and fastest in the world. There are many other kinds of car racing, but Formula One is one of the most popular kinds. I believe it’s very popular in Europe. If you like to watch these races, you can always watch them online if you are not able to watch them in the city they are being held at.
If you want to try it out without actually getting in a car, I know there are some cool video games where you can test your skills driving around the city. When you are driving, you have to be sure to hold onto the steering wheel well. That’s what you use to turn the car to the left or the right. F1 drivers need to be really good at controlling that steering wheel, so they train for a long time.
Well, I do think that driving an F1 car is not for me. I don’t think it’s for me either. But Sam says that he would like to try driving an F1 car. What do you think, friends? At least in today’s lesson, we learned some great words that we can use when talking about racing. Let’s review those together now.
Here is your first keyword: race. Race – The two boys will race each other. Engine – Start the engine and drive the car. Fast – Alice can run really fast. Kilometer – My house is one kilometer from here. Driver – Who is the driver of this car?
Friends, those are today’s keywords. Keep practicing, and now it’s your turn. The words for today are race, engine, fast, kilometers, and driver. Now, it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First, “We drove 100 kilometers today.” Good job. Next, “The driver got out of his car.” That’s right. Next, “Can you talk faster?” Correct. How many horses will race today? Good job. The last one: “The bus has a big engine.” You’re right. The bus has a big engine.
Well done, friends. I will see you again for your turn.
Hey Sam, what are you looking at? Racing. It’s an F1 race, and it’s very exciting. Can I see? Wow, those cars go really fast. They do. Race cars have special engines. It looks like they’re driving on streets. They are. F1 races are often on city streets around the world. So, does a city close the streets off for the race? Of course.
How long does a race last? An F1 race is 90 to 100 minutes, and it’s more than 300 km. They must drive very fast. Oh yes, some cars go over 300 km an hour. The drivers are the best in the world. They would have to be to drive that fast. I know it would be fun to drive an F1 car, but not for me.
Ginger, what are you doing? Practicing. Practicing what? Racing. I want to be a race car driver. You, a race car driver? That’s right. Car racing is an exciting sport. That is true. Race cars have special engines. I know, and they go really fast. Yeah, F1 races are on city streets. Did you know that? Yes. Some of the cars go over 300 kilometers an hour. Whoa. The drivers are the best in the world. That’s right. Sorry, Ginger, but you’re not one of the best drivers in the world. I know, that’s why I’m practicing.
Hey everyone,
Welcome to Jack’s File. I’m Jack. I’m reading about car racing. What an exciting sport! The cars can go really, really fast, and the drivers are really good. It would be exciting to be a race car driver, but it would also be a little scary. Most race cars go over 300 kilometers per hour. Car racing is a very exciting sport. Cars zoom around a special track at high speeds. Drivers must be very good to drive so fast, and they have to be careful. They wear helmets and special suits to keep them safe. They also wear seat belts. When drivers are ready to race, they hop in their cars, press the gas pedal, and off they go. Their engines are very loud. The track is full of twists and turns. Drivers need to be very careful and steer their cars around tight turns. They don’t want to crash. Some parts of the track are long and straight. On these parts, cars can reach very high speeds. Race car drivers have to be quick thinkers too. They have to decide how and when to pass other cars. They also have to know when to stop and get more gas or new tires. All these decisions are important and can cause a driver to win or lose a race. Every driver wants to reach the finish line first and be the winner of the race.
Wow, I just watched some races on YouTube. I didn’t know there were so many different kinds of car racing. All of them are a little different, but the speeds are always really fast. The races are exciting. I would like to go
to a car race someday. And that’s all for today, everyone. Goodbye! I’ll see you next time on Jack’s File.
Well, friends, we had an exciting lesson. We went at high speeds as we talked about car racing and Formula One. Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about another kind of race. But think about it: these people are driving up to 300 km for 90 to 100 minutes, right? And it’s important that we talk about how we express these speeds.
In most of the world, you will hear "kilometers per hour" or "kilometer an hour." In the US, however, we would say "miles per hour" instead. One mile is about 1.6 kilometers.
Garett, I want to ask you: Are you a driver? Do you know how to drive a car? Well, I don’t have a car right now, but I do know how to drive, and I’ve driven quite a lot in the past. Right, me too. I know how to drive, but I don’t drive right now.
Friends, would you like to learn how to drive? Would you like to drive around town just to get to work or school, or do you want to drive at high speeds and feel the excitement? If you want to drive at high speeds, you can go to a racetrack and try being a race car driver. Oh, sounds like fun!
Well, friends, we’ll see you again tomorrow right here on Let’s Talk in English. Goodbye!

Car Racing 瘋賽車(下)
大家說英語 20240918
Sure! Here’s your text with corrected grammar while keeping the Chinese parts intact:
My name is Esther, and my name is Garrett. We’re back with more sports, and the name of our lesson is car racing.
Yes, car racing involves cars racing at high speeds to see who will finish the race first. We started yesterday by talking about Formula 1, or F1. Right? In these cars, they have very strong engines, so the drivers can drive very fast. Yes, these engines push them to go as fast as three hundred kilometers an hour. That means within one hour, they could drive 300 km. But of course, they’re not driving at that speed for the whole race, right?
These drivers are very qualified. They have to go through a lot of training and get lots of practice to drive in these races. They sure do! But they are not the only race car drivers in the world. Today we’ll talk about another style of race car driving, and we will try to answer our question: Can you answer our "find it" question? Why is car racing a dangerous sport?
Now, when something is dangerous, it means that it might cause you to get hurt. So why do you think this happens to drivers who are in car races? What could happen to them or their cars? Think about that and try to find the answer in today’s lesson. Now let’s go to Sonya with our keywords.
Greg 和 James 这个周末要去看赛车。Greg 说车子通常是绕着赛车道比赛的,对吗?The cars usually race around a track, right? 名词 track 就是赛道。James 说赛车手会开车绕着车道一圈一圈地跑。The drivers drive laps around a track. 名词 lap 就是跑道的一圈。
至于比赛的总长度是多少,就要取决于车道和比赛本身了。It depends on the track and the race. 动词 depend 就是取决于。在美国,纳斯卡赛车是大家非常喜欢看的赛事。NASCAR is a very popular sport for people to watch. 动词 watch 就是观看。由于车速很快,所以赛车其实是一项很危险的运动,因为有时候会出现撞车的事件。Because cars crash sometimes. 动词 crash 就是碰撞、撞毁。
Oh, I’m excited to go to the NASCAR race this weekend! Me too! Thanks for going with me. Do you go to a lot of NASCAR races? Some; I watch them on TV too. The cars usually race around a track, right? Yes, the drivers drive laps around a track. How long is a race? It depends on the track and the race. Some races are one hundred fifty to three hundred miles long; others are four hundred to six hundred miles. Wow!
Oh, wow! Greg is actually going to a race. He’s going to a NASCAR race. Right, this is a special race that is held in the United States, and Greg’s going to go this weekend. Now NASCAR is a type of car racing you will only find in the United States. There are many different tracks that they race on, or those are the special places where they race. They’re held in many different cities.
And James is also very excited because Greg is going to go to this race with him. Yes, we all know that James loves to watch sports. He often shares news with us about different kinds of ball sports, but it sounds like he enjoys car racing too, right? And Greg wants to know if he goes to a lot of these NASCAR races. James says some; he also likes to watch them on TV.
Now, Garrett, I think the reason why James probably doesn’t go to too many is that these tickets can be very expensive. Yes, you can only go to a few of them if that’s the case. Well, Greg says that the cars usually race around a track, right? Yes, a track is the place where the cars drive. It’s kind of like a big loop with a road on it.
Now, in NASCAR, there aren’t lots of twists and turns back and forth; the cars always turn the same way, right? They always turn to the left. Now, you might hear this word "track" if you’re into running. You might run on a running track as well. That’s right! And on one of these tracks, the drivers need to drive laps around a track. A "lap" is one full circle around the track. You can use this when you’re talking about a running race too. You might say, "The runners need to run four laps around the track."
Earlier this month, we learned the word "loop" in our "how to" lesson. A loop is also like a track; it means one circle. Now, friends, it’s time for us to go to Sonya as she teaches us a bit more about that word "driver."
James 说赛车手绕着赛车道跑好几圈。The drivers drive laps around a track. 很多动词或是名词的结尾加上 er 就变成从事某种行业或是活动的人。以本句为例,drive 是开车,直接加上 r 变成 driver 就是驾驶司机。其他还有在字尾加 o r 和 ist 的也是一样。
第一种加 er 的例句是 "Did the teacher help you?" 那位老师有没有帮你?第二种加 o r 的例句是 "The actor in the film was really great." 电影里的那位演员真的很棒。还有第三种加 ist 的例句是 "Which artist painted this picture?" 这幅画作是哪位画家画的?
Well, thank you so much, Sonya. Yesterday, we learned that a Formula One race is about ninety to a hundred minutes, but how long is a NASCAR race? We will find out! "How long is the race?" is today’s calendar frame.
How long is the race? 这个赛程多远?I’m getting ready for the big race. How long is the race? I’m training every day. How long is the race? I’m exercising every day. How long is the big race? The big race is two k. Two k? That’s not a big race! It is for me.
How long is the race? 这个赛程多远?Okay, well, James’ answer is interesting here. There’s not just one answer to our question, right? He uses the word "depends on." If something depends on it, it means there are many reasons why something might be the way it is. Well, it depends on the track and the race. Some races are 150 to 300 miles long, while others are 400 to 600 miles long. So, of course, those longer distances will probably take a lot longer, right? It depends on many different things.
Well, it’s time for us to take a break. Don’t go away; we’ll be right back!
Talking English ten minutes every day. Every day, that’s the way! Welcome back to the show, everyone. Today we learned that in NASCAR, drivers drive laps around a track. I thought of another time when we use that word "laps." Right? Can you tell us how we use it? Is it for another sport?
It is! You can swim laps in a swimming pool. Is this when you are going back and forth in a swimming pool? Because you are not going to swim in a circle around the pool, right? Not usually. We might say one lap is going to the other end and back again.
Well, it’s time for us to keep learning about NASCAR. In the US, NASCAR is a very popular sport for people to watch because people like fast cars, right? All of the cars go around two hundred miles an hour. That makes car racing a dangerous sport because cars crash sometimes. Yes, it often happens when cars try to pass one another. Everyone wants to be first and win, of course, and the drivers are really, really good.
Ah, I can’t wait to watch the race! Well, friends, sports are fun to play, but of course, many people also enjoy watching professional sports on television. And if you are watching something, it means you are looking at it. But we say "watch TV" and not "see TV." No, you could also watch a movie or even watch a sports game live when you’re actually at the stadium.
While we learned that NASCAR is a very popular sport for people to watch, Greg tells us that’s because people like fast cars. They like to see drivers drive very fast. Yes, they do! And we like to answer our "find it" questions. Today’s question is: Why is car racing a dangerous sport? Because cars drive very fast!
Oh, yes, cars in NASCAR drive very fast. We hear that all of the cars go around the track at 200 miles an hour. Wow! Yesterday, we used kilometers because the F1 races take place in many countries around the world. But because the NASCAR races take place in the United States, we’re using miles. So 200 miles an hour is very fast! You wouldn’t want to drive that fast on the freeway.
Well, this makes car racing a dangerous sport because when cars smack into each other, someone might get hurt, right? We heard the word "make." Sonya, can you tell us how to use this?
James 说那让赛车成为危险的运动。That makes car racing a dangerous sport. 动词 make 是使或让的意思。本句句型是主词加 make 加上动名词片语作为受词,再加上名词片语作为受词补语,表示主词使什么成为什么。来看
"Dishwashers make doing dishes an easy job." 洗碗机使洗碗盘成为一件轻松的事。
"Live music makes dining out an enjoyable event." 现场音乐表演让出门用餐成为令人愉快的事。
"My science teacher makes learning a fun activity." 我的科学老师让学习成为一项有趣的活动。
Thank you, Sonya. Earlier, Garrett used the word "smack." If two things hit each other, then we can say they smack, or we can use the phrase "crash into each other." Yeah, because cars crash sometimes at high speeds; therefore, this is a dangerous sport.
James tells us that when this happens a lot, it often occurs when cars try to pass one another. This means the car in the back wants to get ahead, so they are going to try to pass the car in the front. Yeah, of course, they are going to do that because everyone wants to be first and win. You don’t just want to stay behind the other cars the whole time or you are not going to win the race.
James reminds us that the drivers are really, really good. This means they have good skills. Yeah, even though they do drive at these high speeds, and it can be dangerous, most of the time, it’s not. The drivers are so good that they can pass each other without too many accidents.
Greg is excited; he can’t wait to watch the race with James. If you can’t wait to do something, it means you really look forward to doing it. You don’t want to wait; you want it to happen right now!
And friends, we can’t wait to look back at our keywords with you together. Now, here are your first keywords:
The track was very long.
He swam five laps around the pool.
Our plans depend on the weather.
Did you watch the basketball game?
What if this car crashes?
Friends, those are today’s key words. You’re doing a great job! Now it’s your turn. Today’s words are track, laps, depend, watching, and crash. Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one:
"They are the children play."
Correct! They are watching the children play.
"Sally is running around the…"
You got it! Sally is running around the track.
"Did you ___ your bike?"
Good job! Did you crash your bike?
"How many ___ is the race?"
That’s correct! How many laps is the race?
Last one:
"We may go, but it ___ on the time."
That’s right! We may go, but it depends on the time.
And we are all out of time! Come again tomorrow for your turn.
I’m excited to go to the NASCAR race this weekend!
Me too! Thanks for going with me.
Do you go to a lot of NASCAR races?
Some; I watch them on TV too.
The cars usually race around a track, right?
Yes, the drivers drive laps around a track. How long is a race?
It depends on the track and the race. Some races are one hundred fifty to three hundred miles long; others are four hundred to six hundred miles. Wow!
In the US, NASCAR is a very popular sport for people to watch because people like fast cars, right? All of the cars go around two hundred miles an hour. That makes car racing a dangerous sport because cars crash sometimes. Yes, it often happens when cars try to pass one another. Everyone wants to be first and win, of course, and the drivers are really, really good.
Ah, I can’t wait to watch the race!
Ginger, are you still practicing?
Yeah, because today we’re talking about NASCAR!
Ah, NASCAR racing is exciting! The drivers drive laps around a track.
That’s right! It’s a popular sport for people to watch.
That’s because people like fast cars. Yeah!
Vroom vroom vroom!
Haha, the cars pass each other.
Hmm, that can be dangerous.
Yeah, dangerous but exciting.
Everyone wants to be the first one and win.
Would you like to watch a NASCAR race?
No, I don’t want to watch; I want to be a driver!
Hello, Grandpa! Guess what? You have some questions for me.
That’s right! Here’s the first one. Are you ready?
Yes, I’m always ready! Good! When do cars often crash?
When Grandma’s driving? No!
Yes, she’s a crazy driver! Try again. When do cars often crash?
When they go too fast? Sometimes that’s true, but that’s not the answer I’m looking for.
Oh, oh! I know! Cars often crash when they try to pass each other!
Yes, that’s correct! Here’s the next question. Okay, I’m ready! What sports do you like to watch?
I like to watch NASCAR races!
You do? Why?
The cars go really fast around the track. Around and around and around!
Yes, they drive laps around the track, and they go fast!
Yeah! Around and around and around!
Car racing is a fun sport, but it can be dangerous sometimes. The cars crash.
Yeah, especially when Grandma’s driving, Grandpa!
Hey, Esther, I think we need to practice making some more sentences with one of our phrases from today, which is "depends on" or "depend on."
Okay! Let’s talk about it. When talking about making plans, I like to go on a picnic, but it depends on the weather.
And I’ll talk about some other sports: My baseball team might win the game. It depends on how hard we hit the ball.
And I’ll talk about food: I like to make some spaghetti tonight, but it depends on whether I have meat or not.
Oh, friends, I think you can make a great sentence too! It doesn’t depend on how you’re feeling; you can always make a great English sentence, right?
And I want to talk about what these drivers wear. Here, I’ve seen pictures of car drivers wearing helmets. Why do they wear helmets when they are in a car?
Well, because accidents do happen, and when they hit their heads, they want to be safe. They also have clothes that help them if their car were to catch fire.
Oh friends, we’ll see you again tomorrow right here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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