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Study With Me (SWM)-空中英語教室
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Study With Me (SWM)和我一起讀書(上)
空中英語教室 20240918
Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom!
We’re so glad you’ve joined us for the program today.
My name is Ann Marie,
and my name is John. Friends,
today is a great day to learn something new. It certainly is!
So let’s do that together. What we are talking about today, friends, is studying. It’s something that we all have to do at one time or another.
Maybe you’re a student right now and you have to study a lot.
So here is our question to start us off today:
What is your ideal study environment?
Oh, great question! Well,
I do love a quiet environment,
but sometimes not too quiet because if I know that
I’m all by myself, I sometimes take my time.
I get a snack, and by the time
I’m settled in, a lot of time has passed.
So I love a place like a library
where other people are studying. How about you?
I agree, a library is a good study environment for me
because I need accountability.
I need other people to know that I am studying
and that I’m supposed to be studying.
But one place even better than a library for me
is a café. Oh!
Yes, in a café,
it’s quiet, and people usually won’t bother you.
You can have a snack and study in peace.
The internet can be pretty good there too. That’s right!
And that’s what we’re talking about today.
If you prefer to study by
yourself or with someone else,
there is another option.
Our article today is called "Study With Me."
Let’s get right into it!
Study With Me
Discover the popular study tool that people around the globe
are using. In the world of social media,
people often create videos to share their knowledge
about an array of topics,
from piano lessons to computer repair.
As a result, when someone is seeking an answer to a question,
they often turn to YouTube for an answer.
It stands to reason that those who have trouble with studying
would also consult YouTube for a solution.
Hi everyone!
Welcome to Language Lab.
I’m Jack.
我们先来看 "Globe" 这个名词,
譬如 "The teacher spun a large globe,
letting her finger stop it to determine the next country
the class would study."
或是 "As the news reported on international events,
a digital globe spun in the background,
showing viewers the locations being discussed."
或是 "Travel bloggers often show a globe in their photos
and point to different places around the world that hold a story."
接着来看 "array" 这个字,作为名词,
譬如 "In the garden,
bloomed an array of colorful flowers that attracted bees and butterflies alike."
或是 "The chef prepared an array of dishes for the banquet
that featured flavors from around the world."
如果 "array" 当动词,则是排列的意思,
譬如 "Arrayed in the latest designs,
the model stood in line,
waiting to show off the newest designer's creations."
Here is our topic, friends: "Study With Me."
Discover the popular study tool that people
around the globe are using.
So we’re talking all about a very specific study tool.
Find out what it is in a moment.
But first, let’s define what a study tool is. A study tool
is something that you use to study,
and we’re not just talking about pencils, paper, or books.
We’re talking about other things as well. For example,
flashcards that you use to learn vocabulary, or maybe a quiz
service online, or even ChatGPT.
A lot of people are using that as a study tool these days.
That’s right!
You could say the chatroom for students
is a useful study tool for comparing your notes.
So what is the study tool that we’re talking about today?
Well, we read here: in the world of social media,
people often create videos to share their knowledge about an array
of topics, from piano lessons to computer repair. As a result,
when someone is seeking an answer to a question,
they often turn to YouTube for an answer.
This still hasn’t given us an exact definition of what
this study tool is,
but let’s talk about a few things first before we find out.
Check out this term: "turn to." First, if you turn to something,
it means it’s what you go to for something specific. For example,
when you need help with your homework,
who do you turn to?
Is there a specific friend or teacher that you ask?
Yeah, this phrase always reminds me of being in a classroom.
If the teacher asks a question and you don’t know it,
you could literally turn to your fellow student.
So when you turn to someone or something for the answer,
it’s the same thing as going to them for the right answer.
That’s right! We read on here:
It stands to reason that those who have trouble with studying
would also consult YouTube for a solution.
Here’s a great phrase for us to talk about, friends:
"It stands to reason."
Yes, this one means it makes sense.
If something stands to reason,
or stands the test of your reasoning,
that means it makes sense; there are no problems with it.
So it stands to reason
that people are going to the video resources
that they have available.
And it stands to reason
that those who have trouble studying
would also consult YouTube for a solution.
That’s right! We have this word "consult,"
which is really similar to that word "turn to" we just learned,
isn’t it? Yeah, right.
And "consult" means to go to someone who can be a counselor
or give you advice.
It really is the same as "turn to,"
but it has just a different feeling. That’s right!
Here’s an example of how to use it in a sentence:
"If you don’t know how to spell that word,
you should consult a dictionary."
Now, we’ve talked about that word "solution" before together, friends,
and a solution is what you get as an answer to a problem, isn’t it?
If you find a solution to a problem,
it means you have found a way to solve it.
That’s right! So what is the solution to studying better?
Well, let’s go to the next reading and find out.
Study With Me
That’s where "Study With Me" (SWM) videos come into play.
In Korea, the popular videos are called "gongbang,"
which means study broadcast.
In Japan, they’re called "benkyo doga,"
and in America and other countries,
they’re called "Study With Me."
No matter what their names are,
millions of viewers have jumped on the SWM bandwagon.
接下来看 "no matter" 这个片语,
譬如 "No matter how hard the task may seem,
determination can lead to surprising achievements."
或者是 "Brad decided to support his friend
no matter what challenges might arise."
或是 "No matter how many times he failed,
the inventor continued on
because he believed his idea could change the world."
Friends, we finally have an answer!
Here’s what the study tool is: "Study With Me" videos,
and here we see it abbreviated as SWM videos.
That’s where "Study With Me" videos come into play.
Now, when we use this phrase "come into play," it
means that something
starts to have an effect on a particular situation. That’s right!
You could say, "His soccer experience came into play
when he became a coach for his kids."
So something coming into play means it begins working,
like you said.
So what’s coming into play?
Well, in Korea, we learn that the popular videos are called "gongbang,"
which means study broadcast,
and in Japan, they have this different name, "benkyo doga,"
which is a little tough to pronounce.
And in America and in other countries,
they’re called "Study With Me."
Okay, we’ve got a lot of different names for these SWM videos, right?
That’s right!
But the point is that they’re all a study broadcast.
Now, "broadcast" can be used as a noun or a verb.
To "broadcast" something means to transmit it
by radio or television,
but a "broadcast" is a radio or television program.
We also use this on YouTube
as well, even though YouTube isn’t technically television, right?
It basically just means a program that people can watch. Yeah!
This word is easy to remember
when you break it down into the two words:
"broad" and "cast." "Broad" means wide,
and "cast" means throw. So a "broadcast"
kind of gets thrown out to everybody on the internet or TV.
So these broadcasts are online.
They’re called "benkyo doga" or "Study With Me."
But we read:
No matter what their names are, millions of viewers
have jumped on the SWM bandwagon.
I think that’s an idiom we’ve had before,
but what does it mean to jump on the bandwagon?
Yeah, if you jump on the bandwagon,
it means you start
following something that a lot of people are doing.
We often use this phrase to talk about things that become very trendy
or popular quickly,
and a lot of people are doing them.
And then when you decide to do it as well,
we say that you jump on the bandwagon. Yeah!
For example, recently,
finding out your color scheme
or what colors look good on you
has become really popular on the internet. Yeah!
A lot of people have jumped on that bandwagon.
You know, I think the internet is a place where whatever is
popular is kind of its own bandwagon. So
sometimes you can add a noun right before "bandwagon."
I remember we talked about Taylor Swift
at the beginning of the month. Millions of people are jumping on
that Taylor Swift bandwagon. That’s right!
But about these "Study With Me" videos,
John, have you actually personally watched any of these before?
Because I haven’t. Yeah,
I haven’t actually.
I think this is a great bandwagon to jump on.
You don’t want to jump on every bandwagon,
but if there is a bandwagon like this
that helps you study, jump on it!
So the videos are really interesting. Usually,
there’s like a YouTuber who’s sitting at their desk, okay,
studying. Some of the channels have a really beautiful location,
maybe like the Metropolitan or the city of Tokyo
or something like that out their window, so it’s very peaceful.
But I find it very motivating. Well,
we’ll learn more about these and why they work,
but I think it’s time for our Infocloud!
Hello everyone,
welcome to Infocloud!
Have you ever taken a big English test?
Even if you are not in school,
it can be a good way for you to find your level
and challenge yourself. Tests
like the GEPT and TOEIC are offered throughout the year in different places,
so it’s not hard to find one to register for. Then,
you just need to buckle down and study.
Having a deadline will help you buckle down for sure.
But let’s discuss that: buckle down.
Think about a seat belt; it
has a buckle. When it is buckled,
you will stay in one place.
You can’t go anywhere.
When you buckle down,
you stop rushing
around doing things and focus on working hard.
The phrase may come from knights
buckling down their armor
and buckling themselves to their horses
when getting ready for battle.
The idea of buckling down
also includes the action of starting.
You are starting to take your deadline seriously.
For example, our team can win if we really buckle down.
If they start working together and playing their best,
they have a chance to win the game.
So what do you need to buckle down and get started on now?
那就必须 buckle down 才能够有成果。
Buckle down 字面上是扣好安全带。
当你坐飞机或者坐车 buckle down 的时候,
Buckle down 就代表
buckle down 也是士兵在打仗之前
Our team can win
if we really buckle down 如果全心投入,
这就是今天的 INFO cloud。
Study with Me
Students create and share videos of themselves studying earnestly,
usually for an exam.
Many of the videos are shot in a quiet room.
The camera often focuses on a clean desk with a tidy display
of books, notebooks,
a computer, and a timer.
Throughout most of the videos,
no words are spoken; the focus is on the creator
as he or she studies.
The point is not to teach anything
but simply to provide a steady companion.
最后来看副词 earnestly,
"The teacher earnestly explained the importance of honesty
and integrity in hopes that her young students would honor these values."
或是 "Sophia listened earnestly to the feedback from her boss,
determined to improve her skills."
如果把 earnest 里字尾的 ly 去掉就变成名词 earnest。
偏于 in earnest 也是认真的意思,
譬如 "With spring’s arrival,
the gardeners set to work in earnest,
turning over the soil and planting seeds."
All right, thank you so much, Jack! Well,
we read on here:
"Students create and share videos of themselves studying earnestly,
usually for an exam."
I think this is a key point here, students,
because the thing is that these aren’t videos
people are making where they’re pretending to study, yeah,
or necessarily to help you study.
These people are actually studying for themselves, yeah.
Sometimes people are copying down lists of terms,
and there are all kinds of different ways to film these videos,
but the point is that they’re studying earnestly.
We learned about that word; it means super seriously, right?
And so,
it’s a good channel if you yourself are a serious student.
I know studying for an exam is really stressful,
so it’s nice to have that motivation, yeah.
It seems like this is a way that could kind of
take the stress off the situation
because you have someone doing it with you.
We’re going to talk about that more in just a moment. For right
now, let’s read on, friends.
Many of the videos are shot in a quiet room. Now,
this word "shot" is really interesting
because it can be used as a noun or a verb.
That’s right! You can say the video was shot.
We’re talking about a camera shooting things, right?
Like capturing a picture of something is
called to shoot a picture
or to shoot a video.
But you can also talk about the shot.
You can say, "Wow,
the shots you took from your vacation were really good,"
and that’s just talking about the photos, right?
Yeah, that’s right! And because students are filming these,
we can say that they are shooting these videos in a quiet room.
The camera often focuses on a clean desk with a tidy
display of books.
All right, John,
I have a question for you: Is your desk tidy?
Oh no!
Actually, okay,
my desk at work is usually really tidy, but at home, not
so tidy. So I don’t know what the problem is,
but I do like a workspace that’s tidy.
I feel like it’s easier to be creative and focused,
and I think that’s why people like a tidy desk.
Though maybe some of the videos have a messy desk,
it’s much nicer to study with someone who’s organized.
Yeah, a tidy desk doesn’t have a lot of papers lying around it;
it usually doesn’t have a layer of dust over everything.
Everything is stacked very neatly.
I think your desk is pretty tidy, John; I was just kidding!
Okay, thanks!
Oh, no, but there’s another thing that these desks
have: a display of books,
notebooks for writing,
right, a computer, and a timer. A timer is really useful. Normally,
the timer is on the screen somewhere, actually,
so people can watch that timer,
and sometimes it has a little countdown.
This is the amount of time
until we all take a break, so
it’s nice to have an idea of how long you’re going to study
so you can focus and give it your attention, yeah.
You can set a timer ahead of time. For example,
if you want to study for 30 minutes,
you can set that timer for 30 minutes,
and then when the alarm goes off,
you can stop studying.
I like to use a timer when I’m exercising.
Okay, yeah,
because I don’t really like to do it very much, yeah,
and I know I have to do it for that amount of time,
and when the time is up on the timer, I can stop.
That’s right! We call that a countdown.
So when we’re talking about a timer
counting down, that is the word that we use: the countdown.
Well, the last thing about our study habits today is
the point is not to teach anything
but simply to provide a study companion. Okay,
so these aren’t instructional videos,
but it’s a companion, that’s right!
A companion is someone who does something with you.
You could have a travel companion;
a travel companion is someone who goes traveling with you.
I think that we have said it before,
but dogs and cats make really good companions as well—
someone to stay with you all the time.
We’re going to learn about another term tomorrow
called "study buddy,"
which is a very specific type of companion.
That’s something to learn tomorrow.
Right now, let’s go to today’s fun fact!
Hello, friends!
I am Detective Ernest Finder,
and I have a fun fact for you today: Did you know
there are videos of cats that are called "Study with Cats"?
Ha ha!
Would you study with cats? Well,
this would be great for studying for an exam about cats,
but maybe
it would be distracting; I don’t know.
But that is today’s fun cat fact!
Put those magazines away, friends!
It is time for a quiz to see how much you remember from our
lesson today.
Okay, here’s the question:
Those who have trouble with studying
blank YouTube for a solution:
ask YouTube for a solution,
ignore YouTube for a solution,
jump YouTube for a solution,
or consult YouTube for a solution?
I feel like "ask" could work,
but not the verb that we normally
use there was the other one: "ignore."
Yeah, "ignore" was one,
"jump" was one, and "consult" was one, yeah.
I don’t think it’s "ignore" because you should pay attention to it.
I think it’s "consult." "Consult" is to look for an answer, right?
That’s right: to consult
or to turn to YouTube for an answer.
I hope you got that correct, friends!
Good job on that, John!
That’s all the time we have for today, friends.
Make sure you come back for the second half of this
lesson tomorrow.
We will see you then right here on Studio Classroom!

Study With Me(SWM)和我一起讀書(下)
空中英語教室 20240919
Hello friends and welcome to Studio Classroom.
We’re so glad you joined us for our lesson today.
My name is Anne Marie,
and my name is John. Friends,
today is a great day to learn something new,
so let’s do that together!
We are on day two of our article called "Study with Me,"
where we are learning about a very popular study tool.
It’s not flashcards,
it’s not ChatGPT,
it’s not a quizzing app—
it is a "Study with Me" video on YouTube.
That’s right!
We learned the word "broadcast,"
which refers to something in media like video or TV that goes out.
So it’s a study broadcast with a timer,
allowing people to look at someone
who is studying and study with them
for a certain amount of time—
maybe a few hours or a few minutes. That’s right!
So these videos feature
other people studying for tests or exams
or something like that, and they have the camera pointed at them
so that you can have a study companion.
We aren’t done talking about "Study with Me" videos, friends,
so let’s get into our first reading of the day.
Study with Me
Are SWM videos just lazy content, or are they beneficial?
The financial site Business Insider says this type of video serves a real purpose:
helping people focus.
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
performed research on "Study with Me" videos
and discovered several benefits.
First, people can set up quiet study areas in their homes
to view the videos.
This cuts down on their commute to libraries
or established study rooms.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab!
I’m Jack.
例如: The website’s content was regularly
updated with articles
and videos to keep the audience coming back for more.
或是: The content of the senator’s speech was so interesting
that people listened
intently to what was being shared.
或是: The professor handed out his plan for the semester,
which listed the content that would be covered
in both his lectures
and tests.
譬如: David’s daily commute to the office took an hour by train,
which gave him time to catch up on his reading.
或是: The heavy snowstorm made the morning
commute a challenge as roads were blocked
and public transport was delayed.
或是: Rose commutes to work by bicycle
to get some much-needed exercise
and enjoy the daily scenes in the park.
Well, our lesson today starts with a question, friends:
Are "Study with Me" videos just lazy content,
or are they beneficial?
You saw that word "content" in the Language Lab,
and it just refers to what people are creating and putting online.
And yes, "Study with Me" videos would be pretty easy to film and put online—
all you have to do is sit and study.
But are they beneficial?
Let’s talk about that word for a minute.
Okay, "beneficial" is something that helps you.
You could say working out was really beneficial
because I had more energy.
So it also comes from that word "benefit,"
which we will learn later in this reading.
If something benefits you
or is a benefit,
it’s a help; it helps you. That’s right!
But we read here that the financial site Business Insider says
this type of video serves a real purpose.
That purpose is to help people focus.
If something serves a purpose,
it means that it has value
or it can actually be used for something.
Yeah, you could say the vase on the shelf serves no purpose—
it’s just for decoration.
Or it serves a purpose: it’s for holding flowers. That’s right!
So these videos are actually useful for people—
it’s not just lazy content.
We read here that the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
performed research on "Study with Me" videos
and discovered several benefits.
Well, what does it mean?
If something is an institute,
it’s an organization that has a specific purpose.
We use the verb "instituted" to mean
you’ve set something up as a rule to follow.
But an institute for science
or for learning
has a purpose to help those specific things,
and technology means things that you’ve invented.
We learned this is an institute of science and technology,
and they did all this research. What did they find?
There are several benefits. Okay,
there’s that word again; we learned about "beneficial."
And here are the benefits—
the things that are beneficial.
That’s right! "Benefits" is the noun form of that verb.
So in this next part of our lesson,
we are going to list a few of these benefits, friends.
First, people can set up quiet study areas in their homes
to view the videos.
So why is this a benefit? Well,
I get the idea that some people, when they study,
don’t create a smooth environment for themselves.
Maybe there is a lot of noise going on,
maybe it’s not very tidy,
but these videos encourage
people to set up the same kind of space in their own homes.
That’s right!
And because they’re studying in their own homes
and not traveling away,
we learn that this cuts down on their commute to libraries
or established study rooms. Okay?
A commute, as we learned in the Language Lab,
is your trip to work or to school. But if it
cuts down on something, it means it lowers
the time or reduces it. Here,
so the commute being cut down is great, right?
That’s right! You could cut down on time,
or you could cut down on other things as well.
People who are trying to lose weight might cut down on calories—
they’re going to eat less food to lose weight. Okay?
And these established study rooms are study rooms
that are set up for the specific purpose of studying.
We have more to learn, friends,
so let’s get into our next reading.
Study with Me
Next, observing the diligence of the creator often motivates
viewers, especially
those who have trouble studying. Finally,
viewers gain emotional support by knowing that
they are part of a group
with perhaps thousands of others all working toward the same goal.
Some viewers have said that "Study with Me" satisfies
the need for belonging
and social contact by providing a sense of companionship.
The creator becomes a steady buddy,
which reduces the isolation many students feel.
例如: The coach’s speech before the game
motivated the team, making them determined to win.
或是: To motivate herself to study,
Jennifer set up a reward system,
treating herself to a small gift for each chapter
she completed.
Finding it hard to motivate himself to exercise regularly,
Joseph joined a fitness class.
Thank you so much, Jack.
It is time for the second reason that "Study with Me"
videos are beneficial.
We read next that observing
the diligence of the creator often motivates viewers.
If someone is a diligent person,
it means that they are a hard worker.
They are able to focus on the task that they are doing,
and they do it well.
That’s right! Do you have someone that motivates
you to study more?
I know it’s always nice to have a study group with students
that are really good at a subject,
because normally
it encourages us to do better, right?
So that’s what diligence is—hard work.
But it motivates the viewers, especially
those who have trouble studying.
And then we come to an interesting sentence here
that I think of as the theme sentence for both of these days
we are talking about: finally,
viewers gain emotional support by
knowing that they are part of a group
with perhaps thousands of others all working towards
the same goal.
Everyone is in it together, and they have this thing called emotional support. What does that mean? Well, emotional support is the support that you receive emotionally. We all have emotions—different emotions throughout the day. Some emotions are positive, and some emotions are negative. As we experience these emotions, if there's someone with us who can support us, validate our emotions, or help us work through difficult emotions, that would be emotional support.
That's right. To show emotional support to someone, you need to demonstrate that you care, right? It's helpful to have emotional support. These YouTubers know that, let's be honest, just by studying diligently, they’re helping other people emotionally. Because, let's face it, it can be difficult to study hard sometimes, especially with all the distractions.
So what do we read next? What do the viewers say? Well, some viewers have said that "study with me" satisfies the need for belonging and social contact. If something satisfies a need, it means it meets that need and provides a sense of companionship. The creator becomes a study buddy. I love this term! When I was in language school, I had several study buddies—classmates who helped me study because we were learning the same things. So we would get together and study together.
That's right! I was just finishing up my master's degree at seminary, studying Hebrew. It took a lot of study buddies to get everyone through that difficult language. A study buddy can also be called a study companion. We learned about that, but here we get another form of companionship, which is like friendship—you know, two companions being together.
But what's the benefit of a study buddy? We read that it reduces the isolation many students feel. And "isolation" is also a word we need to know. That's right! If you are isolated, it means you are alone; you are apart from other people. A lot of people felt really isolated during the pandemic, didn’t they? They felt alone, even when there were other people around them. That can be a feeling that's true physically or just mentally—you feel that there’s no one near you who understands you. So it’s very important that people in life don’t feel isolated. Study buddies can really help you feel like you have someone helping you and that you’re not alone.
That's right! No one likes to be isolated. The verb, by the way, for isolation is "isolate." You could say, "I was sick, so I had to isolate myself." But don’t be isolated; it’s not good for people to be alone. That’s right! Alright, friends, we’ll be right back after today’s InfoCloud.
Hello everyone! Welcome to InfoCloud. Hey Rex, I heard you sounded really good at that big concert last weekend! Well, I was one of the soloists who sang, and I’m happy with the result. I saw you putting your nose to the grindstone over the last three months just to prepare for that concert. Yes, it was a very important concert for me because a lot of important people were there. I wanted to do my best. So, like you said, I put my nose to the grindstone.
But you should explain what that means. A grindstone is used to sharpen knives and swords, and in the old days, people had to do that job manually. That meant you needed to watch carefully or be focused and put in a lot of effort. So putting your nose to the grindstone simply means to focus and work really hard on something. There are times when we have to put our noses to the grindstone. We sure hope that once in a while, you will put your nose to the grindstone while studying English.
如果有人手动地用磨刀石把刀子磨利,那是一件相当辛苦的事情。因此"put your nose to the grindstone"这可以代表勤奋或埋头苦干的意思。Grindstone就是磨刀石,"put your nose to the grindstone"字面上就是把鼻子贴近磨刀石,意思就是非常地专注、努力地做一件事情。Tony put his nose to the grindstone for the exam. Tony为了考试非常努力,勤奋地念书。这就是今天的INFO Cloud,我们下次云端见。
Study with me! Some SWM live streams allow viewers to chat with each other in real time, feeling like online study groups. This helps create a satisfactory study environment where students—even those who struggle—can find the inspiration they need to stay on task.
最后来看片语"on task"意思是专心工作。Hero, the teacher, checked on her students frequently to make sure everyone stayed on task during the project. 这位老师经常查看学生们,以确保大家在专案进行期间都在工作。或者是Sharon posted a quote above her desk to remind herself to stay on task, especially when she wanted to chat with her colleagues. Sharon在桌子上方贴了一句引述来提醒自己要专心工作,尤其是当她想跟同事聊天的时候。或者是the team leader assigned specific roles to each member to help them stay on task and work toward their project deadline. 团队领导分配给每一位成员一个特定的角色,以帮助他们保持专心,并在专案截止日期前完成工作。
Alright, friends, it’s time to find out how our lesson is going to end. Today we talked earlier in this article about broadcasts; now we’re going to talk about live streams. Some SWM live streams allow viewers to chat with each other in real time, feeling like online study groups. A livestream, of course, involves things happening in real time that are being filmed and put on some type of platform.
That’s right—a livestream lets users comment sometimes or interact. But it’s nice to know that two things are happening at the same time; it makes the companionship more real, I think, when we’re talking about the internet. Yeah, especially if you’re chatting in real time. Now, on some social media platforms, you can leave comments, and then people can respond to them later. But with live streams, it’s different, right? You can say what you want to say, and then someone can respond to you immediately. We call that "in real time."
The word is pretty simple English; it just means actual time when there’s interaction. You’ll see this phrase a lot. There’s a type of video game called RTS—real-time strategy—and that’s where players have to compete against each other in real time. So real-time and the internet is kind of fun because you can connect with people from across the world, which is amazing, especially for studying language. So these real-time groups feel like online study groups.
Okay, wait just a minute, though. I have a question—chatting online while you’re supposed to be studying? For me, that would be very distracting. Yeah, okay. Do you think this would actually help you study? I think that’s a really good point. You need to not get too distracted by talking or worrying about impressing people.
Right! Ideally, you’re studying with people who don’t try to distract you. So if you’re in an online study group, make sure that you’re not talking so much that other people get distracted. I think there are different ways to handle that. Good question!
Okay, so we read that this helps create a satisfactory study environment where students, even those who struggle, can find the inspiration they need to stay on task. Where do you find inspiration? What do you find inspiration for? Inspiration, of course, is a feeling that you want to do something new, or you want to accomplish something, or feel creative.
That’s right! I think the best place to find inspiration is from others. It’s important to look and see what other people are doing well. I find a lot of inspiration from my wife. I feel like in our conversations, she often has really good ideas and inspires me. I’m sure there are many people who inspire all of us. Find good study buddies who can inspire you to study harder.
I think another word that could be used here is "encourage" because inspiring people is one thing—that’s the idea that you want to do something new. But sometimes, when I need to study for something, I don’t need new ideas; I just need to be encouraged to be diligent. I need someone to tell me, "Look, you need to sit down and focus on the work you need to do," and encourage me to just put in the hard work. I think these "study with me" videos could be helpful for that as well. Absolutely! They help you stay on task.
Like we learned in our language lab, it’s important to stay focused on the work you need to do. Well, friends, we will be right back in just a moment, but right now we need to focus on today’s fun fact.
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that many "study with me" channels use lo-fi music? Wait, Ernest, you say, what is lo-fi? Well, lo-fi means low fidelity, and it’s music that sounds scratchy. You know the kind of music I’m talking about, right? And that is today’s fun fact.
Friends, as we end our lessons today, I want us to talk about one of those "talk about it" questions in our magazines. We want to discuss whether these videos would actually be helpful to you. Why or why not? I think they would help me. I was doing some research on "study with me" videos, and I’ll tell you what—I don’t have to prepare for any
tests this month, but they made me want to study. Really? Yeah! I know I often struggled with motivation as a student.
Okay, I struggled with being encouraged to study. I don’t know about you, but did you ever find that there were groups of study buddies that helped motivate you?
Yeah, definitely! Especially when I saw it as kind of a challenge—like, "Okay, I see that they’re working hard and learning the material, so I better work hard and learn the material too."
Yeah, it’s helpful! Well, friends, I know that sometimes you’re at school, and it’s hard to find the right study buddy. Maybe try a "study with me" group online, but remember that in person is always better.
I think so too! It’d be great to find a study buddy that you can focus on your studies with and maybe even talk about what you are learning.
Well, friends, talk about this topic in English! We have a brand new topic for you next time. We will be right here waiting for you here on Studio Classroom.

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