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One Grain of Rice 一粒米
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One Grain of Rice 一粒米(上)
Hello everyone,
Welcome to “Let’s Talk in English.” My name is Garrett,
and my name is Esther. Today,
we have a story. That’s right,
the title of our story is “One Grain of Rice.”
That’s the name of our story today.
One grain of rice—a grain is a very, very small
bit of something. We also use this word when we talk about sand.
You can say, “one grain of sand,” yeah.
We only use this word for very small things, often.
When you eat rice,
you eat many, many grains of rice.
But our story is about one grain of rice, maybe. Well,
we will learn more about this story
and the characters in it today.
And we also have our “Find It” question.
Our question is: What did Ronnie notice?
What did Ronnie notice?
Well, friends, we already noticed
that Ronnie must be one of the characters in our story, right?
And if you notice something,
you pay attention to something or you see it.
So Ronnie is going to see something
or pay great attention to something. That’s right,
and you can find that in our story today. Now,
let’s go to Sonya for our keywords.
His people were rice farmers. 名詞 farmer 就是農夫。
For many years,
the rice grew well. 動詞 grow 就是生長。
村裡的小女孩 Ronnie 發現了一件事。
Ronnie noticed something. 動詞 notice 就是注意到。
Ronnie 注意到有一頭大象,
Ronnie 赶快把那些米捡起来,
“I wish to give you a reward.” 動詞 wish 就是想要,
希望;名詞 reward 就是獎賞。
沒想到 Ronnie 只要一粒米作為獎賞。
One Grain of Rice—a story about being clever.
Long ago,
Raja lived in India.
His people were rice farmers.
The Raja said to them,
“Give me most of your rice and I will store it
when the time of famine comes.
Everyone will have rice to eat.”
So each year,
the Raja took most of the people’s rice and stored it.
For many years,
the rice grew well.
Then one year,
the rice did not grow and there was a famine.
So our story takes place long ago, or a long time ago,
and there was a Raja in India.
A Raja is like a local leader or a prince, right?
And the people he lived with were rice farmers. Now,
farmers grow plants for a living
and they sell these plants to other people, right?
These ones grow rice.
And the Raja said to them,
“Give me most of your rice and I will store
it or put it away when the time of famine comes.
Everyone will have rice to eat.”
Famine is a time
when things don’t grow very well—
maybe there’s not enough water,
and then people won’t have enough to eat.
So each year,
the Raja would take most of the people’s rice and store it.
He kept this rice for the people in case of a famine,
and for many years,
the rice grew well.
It grew— that is, it grew from a small grain into a big plant
because it grew well.
People had enough to eat, right?
And it’s not just plants that grow—people also grow as well.
If you look at a 9-year-old and you see them again in two years,
well, they will be taller. That’s right.
Well, one year, the rice in this place in India
did not grow and there was a famine.
But that’s okay, right?
The Raja is storing lots of rice for them, right?
Remember, we heard that
he said he kept most of the rice,
so he has a lot of rice to give to people. That’s right.
But will he be kind and help them out? Let’s keep watching.
“Give us rice,” the people begged.
“No,” cried the Raja,
“The famine may last a long time.
I must have the rice for myself.
A Raja must not go hungry.”
One day,
an elephant was carrying two big baskets of rice to the Raja.
A village girl named Ronnie
noticed something.
A little rice was falling from one of the baskets.
She walked behind the elephant
and caught the falling rice in her skirt.
Hmm, so the Raja stored rice for the people. Well,
he said he was doing it for the people,
but now they say they need rice—they’re hungry,
but he’s not giving it to them, right?
They’re even begging him for rice.
If you’re begging someone for something,
you keep asking and asking and asking,
but he says no.
The famine may last for a long time.
He wants to keep the rice for himself, yeah.
He’s afraid that he will go hungry,
but how much rice does one person need?
I’m not sure. Let’s go over to Sonya for more on this sentence.
“A Raja must not go hungry.” 句中 go 為連綴動詞,
我們來看例句:“This family is quite poor,
so they often go hungry.”
或是 “Why is everything going wrong today?”
再一句 “Everybody went crazy when they heard the great news.”
So one day, as they still had
a famine,
an elephant was carrying two big baskets of rice to the Raja, right?
And in India,
elephants often carry heavy things, so two big baskets
would contain many, many thousands of grains of rice.
Well, a village girl named Ronnie
noticed something. Remember, friends, this is what we talked about
at the beginning of the show—she noticed something. What
did she see? What
did she pay attention to
or notice? Well,
the answer to that is also
the answer to today’s “Find It” question: What did Ronnie notice?
A little rice was falling from one of the baskets. Now,
this rice was going to the Raja,
and he would not be happy
if he didn’t get all of his rice, right?
But what did Ronnie do? Well,
she walked behind the elephant,
so she stood at the back of the elephant,
and she used her skirt to catch the falling rice, right?
She wanted to catch that rice
so it wouldn’t just be wasted and fall on the ground. Sounds
like a smart idea in a famine.
Well, friends, it’s time for a quick break.
We’ll be right back to continue our story just after
“Let’s Talk in English Every Day.”
Every day, that’s the way.
Welcome back to the show, everyone.
Today we’re talking about ancient India, a long time ago. Now,
in India, people love to eat rice, right?
And remember, in our story, we have a Raja
who told the people in his village
he would store or keep the rice for them in case of a famine.
But when a real famine comes, does he do that? He
does not. He keeps the rice for himself
because he’s afraid.
But friends, we will see what happens in our story.
Can the people find a way to get their rice back?
Let’s keep watching.
Ronnie took all the rice to the Raja. This rice fell from one
of the elephant’s baskets, and I’m returning it to you,
she said.
“I wish to give you a reward for returning my rice.”
The Raja said,
“Ask me for anything.”
Raja said to Ronnie,
“I do not need any reward,
but if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice.”
“One grain of rice?” cried
the Raja, “That’s not enough.”
“Oh wow.
When I heard Ronnie was catching that rice in her skirt,
I figured she might just take that rice home,
right? But Ronnie is a very honest girl.
She caught that rice with her skirt,
but then she took all the rice and gave it back to the Raja.
Yeah, she tells the Raja
that the rice fell from one of the elephant’s baskets
and she wants to return that rice to the Raja.
She feels like it belongs to him.
Well, sounds like the Raja is moved.
He says, “I wish to give you a reward for returning my rice.”
If you wish to do something,
it means you hope to do it—you really want to do something.
Yeah, this is a little bit different from
wishing for something when you blow out the candles on
your birthday cake.
Then it’s often something you’re not really sure
will happen. Here, the Raja wants to do something he knows
it’s something he can do, right?
He wants to give the girl a reward.
Another word for reward
is a prize or a gift. When you do something well,
you might get a reward from your parents or from your teacher.
That’s right.
So what kind of reward would you ask for from this Raja?
Would you ask for some rice to eat,
or maybe some important position at the Raja’s house?
Well, we find out what Ronnie asked for. She says, “Oh,
Raja, I do not need any reward,
but if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice.”
Hey, there’s the title of our story: “One Grain of Rice.”
That doesn’t sound like a good reward.
That’s just one tiny little bit of rice.
I wonder what she will do with that one grain of rice.
Hmm, well, friends,
like we said earlier, we measure rice in grains,
just like we measure paper by saying “a piece of paper.”
Here’s Sonya to tell us more.
Ronnie said, “But if you wish, please give me one grain of rice.”
“But if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice.”
Rice 米是不可數名詞,
“A grain of rice” 一粒米。
其他量詞例句: “Several drops of water fell on my book,”
或是 “May I give you a piece of advice?”
再一句 “She drank two glasses of milk this morning,”
Thank you, Sonya. Yes,
“One grain of rice” is not a lot. That certainly
would not be enough for one meal, right?
That’s not enough, and that’s today’s calendar phrase:
“That’s not enough.”
“That’s not enough.” 那樣不夠。
“I’ll take a cookie.”
“That’s not enough. I’ll take another cookie.”
“That’s not enough. I’ll take another cookie.”
“That’s not enough. I’ll take another one. Should I take one more?”
“No, that’s enough. Okay.”
“That’s not enough.”
“That’s not enough.” 那樣不夠。
Hmm, what will Ronnie do with that one grain of rice?
It’s not enough to feed her or her family.
Maybe Ronnie has a magic trick that we don’t know about. I’m sure
we’ll find out tomorrow. First,
let’s review the keywords that we learned in today’s lesson.
Here is our first keyword: farmer.
Farmer: the farmer has many pigs.
“Grow what flowers grow in your garden.”
“Notice, did you notice her new shoes?”
“Wish, she wishes to help us.”
“There’s a reward for finding the cat, friends.”
Those are today’s keywords. Keep practicing.
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s keywords are: farmer, grow,
notice, wish, and reward. Now,
it’s your turn to use them in a sentence. First,
“One: I didn’t notice the dog in the kitchen.”
“That’s correct: I didn’t notice the dog in
the kitchen.” Next, “He sold his corn.”
“You got it.”
“The farmer sold his corn.” Next, “They got a hundred dollars as a reward.”
“That’s correct: They got a hundred dollars as a reward.” Next,
“How much did the boy grow this year?”
“How much did the boy grow this year?” Last one: “What do you wish for?”
Good job.
“What do you wish for?”
“Did you wish to come again?”
“For your turn.”
“That’s great because I’ll see you tomorrow for your turn.”
One Grain of Rice—a story about being clever.
Long ago, Raja lived in India.
His people were rice farmers.
The Raja said to them,
“Give me most of your rice
and I will store it
when the time of famine comes.
Everyone will have rice to eat.”
So each year,
the Raja took most of the people’s rice
and stored it for many years.
The rice grew well.
Then one year, the rice did not grow and there was a famine.
“Give us rice,”
the people begged. “No,” cried the Raja,
“The famine may last a long time.
I must have the rice for myself.
A Raja must not go hungry.”
One day,
an elephant was carrying two big baskets of rice to the Raja.
A village girl named Ronnie
noticed something.
A little rice was falling from one of the baskets.
She walked behind the elephant
and caught the falling rice in her skirt.
Ronnie took all the rice to the Raja.
“This rice fell from one
of the elephant’s baskets, and I’m returning it to you,”
she said.
“I wish to give you a reward for returning my rice.”
The Raja said,
“Ask me for anything.”
Raja said to Ronnie,
“I do not need any reward,
but if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice.”
“One grain of rice,” cried
the Raja, “that’s not enough.”
Once there was a Raja in India.
He told the rice farmers to give him their rice to store.
Why would he store their rice?
So that if there was a famine,
everyone would have rice.
Oh great.
So was there a famine?
But the Raja decided to keep the rice for himself.
Hey, that’s not fair. Yeah.
One day,
an elephant was carrying two baskets of rice to the Raja,
and rice was falling from one of the baskets. Oh,
did anyone notice?
Haha, yes.
A girl named Ronnie,
she caught the rice in her skirt and took it to the Raja.
That’s nice. Did the Raja give her a reward?
He did. Ah, she asked for one grain of rice.
“One grain of rice,” that’s not enough.
Well, hello Maria.
Hello, Grandpa.
Do you know what time
it is?
“Yes, it’s time to eat.”
“No, it’s time to answer questions. Are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m ready to eat later.”
“First, answer the question.”
“Well, okay. What’s the first question?”
“What happens to people
in a famine?”
“Well, they don’t eat, right? And what
happens to people that don’t eat? They go hungry.”
“Yes, and that’s not good. I’m hungry.”
“And that’s not good. Let’s eat.”
“Not yet. I have another question.”
“Ah, okay. What’s the question?”
“What would you ask for as a reward?”
“I would ask for food because I’m hungry.”
“Ah, would you ask for rice?”
“Yes, rice and fruit and pizza and cake and ice cream.”
“Grandpa, so can we eat now?”
“Okay, okay.”
“Finally, friends, as we said today, things can grow—
plants grow out of the ground and grow
bigger and bigger.
But as you learn English,
we hope your knowledge grows as well, right?
How much you know will also grow,
but it takes time,
hard work, and effort, just like it takes a plant
water and sunlight and time to grow.
So don’t forget to look back at the things
you’re learning and review,
and of course
always come back and learn more with us. You know,
our story hasn’t ended.
We’re at the most exciting part, so be sure to join us again
tomorrow, right here on
“Let’s Talk in English.”

One Grain of Rice 一粒米(下)
Hello everyone.
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English. My name is Esther.
歡迎來到《Let’s Talk in English》。我的名字是Esther。
And my name is Garrett. Today we finish up our story lesson, and the name of our story is "One Grain of Rice."
One grain of rice.
Remember yesterday? We learned there was a rajah taking most of the people’s rice, rice they needed during a famine.
But he offered to give a reward to a girl that was one grain of rice.
Right, we’re going to find out more about this reward now.
Let’s go to our "Find It" question.
Our question is: What will Ronnie do with all the rice?
What will Ronnie do with all the rice?
What rice isn’t? There is just one grain.
We’re going to find out. It sounds like maybe she will get more than just one grain of rice.
Right, friends? Let’s go to Sonya to learn our keywords.
The king is going to give Ronnie a reward, but Ronnie only wants one grain of rice.
She says today give me one grain of rice, and tomorrow you will give me twice as much rice.
Then tomorrow, you can double it. 動詞 "double" 就是加一倍。
然後明天,你可以把它加倍。動詞 “double” 就是加一倍。
She hopes the king will give her rice for 30 days, and each day the amount of rice is double the previous day.
The king listened and thought this request wasn’t too much, so he agreed and said, "You shall have it."
助動詞 "shall" 表示某件事肯定或必須會發生。
According to the doubling rule, on the ninth day, Ronnie received 256 grains of rice.
The king thought this girl was not very clever.
She currently has less rice than she taught me.
On the 27th day, the rice amount was very large.
The king delivered 64 baskets of rice to Ronnie.
On the final day, the king had to send 256 elephants to deliver the last day’s rice.
Ronnie used the rice she received to help the hungry people.
Wasn’t she very clever?
Very well, said Ronnie. Today you can give me a single grain of rice, then tomorrow you can double it and give me two grains of rice. The next day, four grains of rice, and so on for 30 days.
That’s not much of a reward, said the Raja.
But you shall have it.
And the Raja gave Ronnie a single grain of rice.
The next day, Ronnie got two grains of rice.
Ah, so Ronnie isn’t just asking for one grain of rice.
It’s almost like she’s a mathematician or someone who is really good at math.
Right, she says, today you can give me a single grain of rice (a single means one), then she continues, tomorrow you can double it. To double something means to multiply by two.
So then she will get two grains of rice.
Exactly. But it won’t just double once the next day or on day number three, four grains of rice, and so on for 30 days. So it will be doubled every single day for 30 days.
Now, what does that phrase "and so on" mean? Let’s go to Sonya.
現在,“and so on”這個短語的意思是什麼?讓我們去找Sonya。
“and so on”指此情況後以此類推,但“and so on”也有“等等”的意思。
“and so on”指的是在此情況後以此類推,但“and so on”也有“等等”的意思。
我們來看例句:“He added one to each number seven plus one, eight plus one, and so on.”
我們來看例句:“He added one to each number seven plus one, eight plus one, and so on.”(他在每個數字上加一,7加1,8加1,以此類推。)
“或是 he enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, camping, and so on.”(他喜愛戶外活動,如登山、騎自行車、露營等。)
再一句:“The store sells all kinds of clothes, shirts, pants, jackets, and so on.”
再一句:“The store sells all kinds of clothes, shirts, pants, jackets, and so on.”(那家店賣各式各樣的服飾,有衬衫、長褲、夾克等。)
Thank you, Sonya. Well, the Raja hears what Ronnie is saying and thinks it doesn’t sound like very much rice, so he’s okay with it.
He says, "That’s not much of a reward." He doesn’t think it’s too much rice.
But then he continues, "But you shall have it."
Now this word "shall" is a word we don’t hear very often now, but people used to say a lot more a long time ago. It means you will have it.
You might see this word in books.
So the Raja gave Ronnie a single grain of rice to start day one, and the next day, Ronnie got her two grains of rice.
Friends, let’s continue our story.
On the ninth day, Ronnie got 256 grains of rice.
“This girl is not very clever,” thought the Raja.
There was more rice in her skirt; why didn’t she keep it?
On the 16th day, Ronnie received 32,768 grains of rice.
On the 27th day, the Raja delivered 64 baskets of rice to Ronnie.
One grain of rice is turning into a lot, the Raja thought.
But I shall give her the reward as a Raja should.
Okay, so just like a math problem, this reward keeps doubling.
On the ninth day, Ronnie got 256 grains of rice. You know, that’s probably not enough to fill a big bowl of rice, right?
And the Raja is thinking that this girl is not very clever now.
You might hear the word “clever” used when we’re talking about someone who is smart.
Someone who is smart is clever; their mind moves quickly, right?
Well, there was more rice in Ronnie’s skirt when she first caught it behind the elephant than she got on day 9.
The Raja wonders why she didn’t just keep that.
Well, actually, Ronnie is quite clever because on the sixteenth day, she got 32,768 grains of rice.
That’s a lot of rice.
Oh, a whole lot. And by the 27th day, we’re not even counting the rice in grains; we’re counting it in baskets.
The Raja delivered 64 baskets of rice.
Wow, yes, they delivered a lot of rice.
Now, if you deliver something to someone, it means you are sending it to them.
You might say the mail carrier delivered my package to me.
So they started with one grain of rice, and now it’s a lot.
But the Raja says, “I shall give her the reward.”
Now let’s go to Sonya.
The Raja thought, but I shall give her the reward as a Raja should.
This phrase means I will do something just as it should be done.
句型為 “I shall 做什麼 as a 什么 should”。
句型為 “I shall 做什麼 as a 什么 should”。
我們來看例句:“I shall teach my children manners as a mother should.”
我們來看例句:“I shall teach my children manners as a mother should.”(我將會教導我的孩子們禮儀,如同一名母親該做的一樣。)
“或是 I shall say please and thank you as a polite person should.”
“或是 I shall say please and thank you as a polite person should.”(我會說請和謝謝,如同一個有禮貌的人該做的一樣。)
再一句:“I shall do my homework as a good student should.”
再一句:“I shall do my homework as a good student should.”(我會做我的功課,如同一個好學生該做的一樣。)
Thanks, Sonya. Well, friends, it’s time for a quick break before we finish our story.
Don’t go away.
Welcome back to the show, everyone.
So we know Ronnie has many baskets of rice. What is she going to do with it?
Well, we’re going to find out in the next part of today’s teaching. Let’s continue.
On the final day, 256 elephants carried the last of the rice to Ronnie: 536,870,912 grains.
“What will you do with this rice?” asked the Raja.
“I have no more. I will give it to all the hungry people,” said Ronnie.
“And I will leave you a basket. From now on, you’ll only take as much rice as you need. Promise?”
“I promise,” said the Raja.
And from then on, the Raja was truly good as a Raja should be.
Oh wow. So on the final day of this special reward, they needed a lot of elephants just to carry the rice, right?
They needed 256 elephants, and how many grains of rice did the Raja need to give Ronnie?
Well, friends, do you see the number in your magazines? Can you read it aloud?
It’s 536,870,912 grains on the final day, or the last day of this deal.
That’s a lot of rice.
The Raja asks Ronnie, “What will you do with this rice?”
“I have no more. I will give it to all the hungry people,” said Ronnie.
And leave the Raja a basket. Just one basket.
So Ronnie is a very kind young woman. She wants to help the hungry people who are in the middle of this famine.
Yeah, just like the Raja always said he would, but he will leave some rice for the Raja so the Raja can eat.
And Ronnie says, “From now on, you’ll only take as much rice as you need. Promise?”
Right, it means he shouldn’t be greedy and try to take more. Only take as much as you need. That’s today’s calendar phrase: "Only take as much as you need."
對,這意味著他不應該貪婪地多拿。只拿你需要的量。這就是今天的日曆短語:“Only take as much as you need."Only take as much as you need" means to take only the amount you need.
Only take as much as you need. 
Hmm, this tea needs more sugar.
Only take as much as you need.
Oops, I think I took more than I needed.
Mmm, sweet.
Only take as much as you need.
Well, our story has a happy ending. From this time on, the Raja was a good man as a Raja should be.
We hope that all the leaders, whether you’re a leader at work, at home, or school, you are a good leader.
Now it’s time for us to go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s our first keyword for today:
Double the money for her.
What shall we do now?
Mary is a clever student.
They delivered the cake to our house.
What were his final words?
Well, friends, that was your final keyword for today’s lesson. Keep on practicing.
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s keywords are double, shall, clever, deliver, and final. Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
今天的關鍵詞是double、shall、clever、deliver 和 final。現在輪到你們在句子中使用它們。
First: One, they shall be back soon.
That’s correct. They shall be back soon.
Next: When can they deliver the flowers?
You’re right. When can they deliver the flowers?
Next: That is a very clever plan.
You got it. That is a very clever plan.
Next: The principal gave the final speech.
Good job. The principal gave the final speech.
Last one: You can double 10 to get 20.
Great answer. You can double 10 to get 20.
And you can join me again for your turn.
Very well, said Ronnie. Today, you can give me a single grain of rice. Then tomorrow, you can double it and give me two grains of rice. The next day, four grains of rice, and so on for 30 days.
“That’s not much of a reward,” said the Raja.
“But you shall have it.”
And the Raja gave Ronnie a single grain of rice. The next day, Ronnie got two grains of rice.
On the ninth day, Ronnie got 256 grains of rice.
“This girl is not very clever,” thought the Raja.
There was more rice in her skirt; why didn’t she keep it?
On the 16th day, Ronnie received 32,768 grains of rice.
On the 27th day, the Raja delivered 64 baskets of rice to Ronnie.
One grain of rice is turning into a lot, the Raja thought.
But I shall give her the reward as a Raja should.
On the final day, 256 elephants carried the last of the rice to Ronnie: 536,870,912 grains.
“What will you do with this rice?” asked the Raja.
“I have no more. I will give it to all the hungry people,” said Ronnie.
“And I will leave you a basket. From now on, you’ll only take as much rice as you need. Promise?”
“I promise,” said the Raja.
And from then on, the Raja was truly good as a Raja should be.
One grain of rice, it isn’t enough. That’s what the Raja said.
So Ronnie asked the Raja to double it the next day and the next day for thirty days.
That still doesn’t sound like much. On the ninth day, she got 256 grains of rice.
Oh, that’s still too little; she wasn’t very clever.
On the 16th day, she received 32,768 grains of rice.
Oh, one grain of rice is turning into a lot. On the 27th day, the Raja delivered sixty-four baskets of rice.
What about the final day?
On the final day, 256 elephants carried the rice to Ronnie. It was 536,870,912 grains of rice.
Who counted all that rice?
I don’t know.
Hey, everyone.
Welcome to Fun Time. Today we’re talking about the word “double.”
That’s an easy word. It means twice the amount of something.
That’s right. If you have one grain of rice and you double it, you have two grains of rice.
But that’s still not very much.
No, it’s not, but if you keep doubling it again and again, it really adds up.
That is true. So Hazel, what do you have here?
Well, this is called the rice device.
That’s cool. What does it do?
It helps us understand how doubling works.
Oh, so if we put one grain of rice here and double it, we will get two grains of rice.
Exactly. And if we keep doubling, we’ll see how quickly the amount grows.
So let’s try it.
One grain of rice.
Now double it.
Two grains of rice.
Double it again.
Four grains of rice.
Double it one more time.
Eight grains of rice.
Wow, look at that. It grows fast!
Yes, it does. And by the 30th day, the amount of rice is enormous!
So the next time someone tells you that doubling something is not a big deal, just remember the rice story!
Well, that’s it for today. Thanks for joining us.
See you next time!

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