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Under the Weather
2024/08/30 22:06:11瀏覽24|回應0|推薦0
Under the Weather氣候相關慣用語
大家說英語 20240830
Today under the weather is not talking about the weather outside.
It’s an idiom or a saying that we use.
When you put a group of words together and they have a new meaning.
Then we can call this group of words an idiom.

Everyone talks about the weather, so it’s no surprise that there are so many weather idioms.
When you’re under the weather, you don’t feel well.
When you are under the weather, you sometimes have to take a rain check.
That means you say "no" to something and hope you are invited to do it again later.
When you have a lot of things to do, you can say you’re snowed under.
Sometimes you get really great news, and you’re very happy.
Then you can say you’re on cloud nine.
But when you steal someone’s thunder, you do or say something someone was planning to do before they do it.

under the weather就是指人身体微恙不舒服
take a rain check就是下次吧以后再说
snowed under就是指他工作忙得不可开交
on cloud nine就是说他乐不可知欣喜若狂
steal someone’s thunder抢别人的风头

Hi, James. Are you feeling OK?
Not really.
I’m feeling a little under the weather.
I’m sorry.
S you don’t want to go to a movie tonight?
Probably not.
Can I take a rain check?
Sure. Go home and rest.
I can’t rest too much.
I’m pretty snowed under with work.
You still need rest.
I’m sure I’ll be better soon.
I hope so.
Have you seen Greg today?
Not yet. Why?
He’s on cloud nine.
Something good must have happened.
Yes. His sister just had a baby.刚刚生了一个宝宝
He’s an uncle now.
He’ll be a really great uncle.
I know. But don’t say anything to Greg about the baby!
Why not?
I don’t want to steal his thunder.
He’ll want to share the good news himself.

We start with Susan asking James if he is feeling OK, if his body is doing OK?
When you’re under the weather, you’re feeling a bit sick, you’re not feeling well.
Can I take a rain check means you want to do something later.
You are saying no for now but hoping that you can do it at a later time.

Can I take a rain check?
Let’s go to the beach.
Not today.
Can I take a rain check?
Let’s go to the park.
Not today.
Can I take a rain check?
Let’s go fishing.
Not today.
Can I take a rain check?
OK. When can we do these things?
When it’s not raining.

If you are snowed under, it means you have a lot of things you need to do, a lot of work to do.
If it is snowing a lot outside and you are in your house.
And you can’t really go outside, because the snow is covering your house.
We’d say you are snowed under just like a pile of work covering over you.
And then you might need to take a snow day where you don’t go to work.
You work from home(WFH居家工作) or you take a day off because of the snow.

To be on cloud nine means you’re very very happy something happened.
If your brother or sister has a child, then you are that child’s uncle,  if you’re a boy.
steal someone’s thunder means that you will take the attention from someone who wants to share something.

She will want to talk to the teacher herself.
They want to paint the house themselves.
by oneself表示不靠他人独立完成某事的意思
She came to the party by herself.
They like to study in a quiet place by themselves.

Jim is feeling under the weather today.
Bob is busy, so he’s taking a rain check.
I have to work late. I’m snowed under.
Lynn won, so she’s on cloud nine.
You shouldn’t steal someone’s thunder.

I can’t come. Can I take a rain check?
The good news put him on cloud nine.
Mike told my joke. He stole my thunder.
I’m snowed under with all my homework.
Are you under the weather?

on cloud nine這個表達源於對九號雲的形象化描述。

work at home 
Janice works at home as a blogger and graphic designer.
(Janice 在家工作,作為一名部落客和平面設計師。)
work from home
Joe wished to work remotely, saying he could be more productive working from home.
(Joe 希望能遠距工作,他說他在家中工作會更有生產力。)

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