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Truth Bombs-空中英語教室
2024/08/27 16:10:02瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0
Truth Bombs 真相炸彈(上)
Truth Bombs 的中文意思可以翻譯為“真相炸彈”或“真相炮彈”。這個短語通常用來形容那些揭示或揭露重大、震撼性真相的言論或資訊。用這種表達方式,通常意味著這些真相會對聽眾產生很大的影響或衝擊。

hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we are so glad you joined us for our lesson today
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe yes
thank you so much for joining us here
we have i think a very important lesson to talk about
is a very important issue or topic
but the title is truth bombs now before reading the text
just looking at those two what do you think
this lesson
could be about well the truth can sometimes be kind of shocking
or when you tell someone
the truth and it’s something that
they don’t want to hear
it could be a pretty unpleasant experience yeah
i thought the same thing just like a bomb
just seems to come out of nowhere
it drops on a place
and it causes a lot of devastation and harm
and can be shocking like you
said sometimes if the truth is not shared carefully
it can be just like a bomb and that is what
we are going to be talking about today
how to properly drop a truth bomb
with the right timing in the right way today
of course is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
truth be careful about how you tell hard truths
honesty is the best policy is a common saying
but in many situations
people do not want to hear the truth
whether it’s a fact of life that they wish were otherwise or
a criticism of their behavior
everyone has truths
that they want to ignore these truths are
sometimes called truth bombs especially
when they are told in a harsh way
this metaphor shows that truth can cause damage
if not handled well
so caution should be exercised
when pointing out difficult truths
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
例如to describe the emotions of a broken heart
the poet used the metaphor of a stormy sea
Hoshi faith’s metaphor of the bridge
illustrates the importance of understanding and connection
between different cultures
或是Leon used the metaphor of a garden
to explain the concept of personal growth
emphasizing patience
care and time
thanks Jack well be careful about how you tell hard truths now
i think this is a great first point to make
when talking about truth bombs
of course telling the truth all the time is a good idea
we’ll talk about that in a minute
but the thing about truth bombs they are specifically hard
or difficult truths
things that are hard
for others to hear
but our lesson starts out with this
common saying that you probably learned a long time ago
honesty is the
best policy it’s a common saying
but in many situations
people do not want to hear the truth now
i would say that most of the time honesty is the best policy
there are a few situations
where it may not be good here’s an example okay
if you’re in a toxic or a very abusive relationship
you may want to think about leaving that relationship
or getting to a safe place
instead of always sharing hard truths with that other person
so in that situation
i might say leaving
might be better than sharing hard truths
it’s not always appropriate to be honest about everything sure
but for most of us in our everyday lives
honesty is the best policy
but whether it’s a fact of life
that people wish were otherwise
or a criticism of their behavior
everyone has truths that they want to ignore
let’s talk about this idea that something is a fact of life now
what this means is that
there are some things in life that happen
whether we want them to or not
and as life progresses
they’re just going to happen for example
the fact that our pets are going to eventually all pass away
that’s just a fact of life
it’s not something that we like to think about
it’s something we like to ignore
but it is definitely going to happen taxes
is another one of those facts of life
we have to deal with taxes we can’t avoid them
is just there
but we see that whether
it’s a fact that they wish were otherwise
or criticism of their behavior now often
we see the word
otherwise as a conjunction so if it if we can’t do this
then we’ll do that so if this happens
we can do that
but otherwise
we will do the other thing
but i want to talk about it used as an adjective
because that’s how it’s used here this means in another way
or in a different state here’s another example
it’s raining
i wish it were otherwise that means i wish it were different
okay i wish it were otherwise
but it looks like the picnic should be cancelled
so think of another way to use the word
otherwise as an adjective
okay so these truths that people don’t want to hear
are sometimes called truth bombs especially
when they are told in a harsh way now
what does this word harsh mean
it means that it is very sudden unkind or maybe set in a way
that’s a little bit
mean the teacher was too harsh
when she punished the whole class
so in this situation
it’s saying that
maybe she should have just punished a few students
but instead her punishment was very harsh
she punished all the students yeah
it’s more severe than necessary
sometimes people have harsh words
and you need to think about how you express things
we read here this metaphor shows that truth
can cause damage
if not handled well
so caution should be exercised
when pointing out difficult truths
sometimes we use that word exercise when talking about something
like caution you can practice telling people in a cautious way
or a careful way
you should exercise caution that’s right
all right friends we’ll be back right after this
truth bombs
sometimes we drop truth bombs out of anger
we may rationalize our words by saying that
we need to express our emotions
or to help the other person change their ways
but often the truth bomb is a way of taking revenge
we use the truth
as a weapon to make the other person feel bad
and to repay them for what they did
譬如art tried to rationalize his decision to quit his job
by listing the benefits of having more time to pursue his dream
Jasmine rationalized her purchase of an expensive purse
by reminding herself of how hard
she had been working lately
例如Chloe remained calm during the economic crisis
and made a rational decision that saved the company
thanks Jack here’s another
truth we need to look at friends sometimes
we drop truth bombs out of anger now here
we do see the verb that we use for bombs
whether they are real bombs
or whether they are truth bombs and that is the verb drop okay
we also see this phrase at the end of the sentence out of anger
let’s talk about that yeah
if you do something out of a certain emotion
that means it is
that emotion
that is causing you to do or say something at least partially
it’s partially causing what you are doing or saying
maybe you really have good reasons
for sharing something with somebody else
but maybe you are also doing it out of anger now
this made me also think of the phrase to do something in anger
or in a certain emotion
and i think the difference is this
that if you’re doing something out of anger
it’s a reaction and it often will affect other people however
you could just maybe walk away in anger
so do something in anger
is just a general emotion that
maybe won’t affect other people at the present moment
but here we’re talking about dropping truth bombs out of anger
and this is something that we do
and it’s not a good thing to do okay
we may rationalize our words by saying that
we need to express our emotions
or to help the other person change their ways
when we’re talking about
a person changing their ways
we’re talking about a person’s character or actions
being a certain way
but then later
there’s some type of change so for example
in the past he was a bully
but after seeing how others were affected he changed his ways
this phrase always reminds me of that song man in the mirror
by Michael Jackson
he says i’m asking him to change his ways
he’s talking about himself of course
the man in the mirror
all of us have ways that we could probably change
right these set patterns
we have in life
that are probably bad habits that we should change we read here
but often the truth bomb is a way of taking revenge hmm
this is rarely
a good thing i would say
it’s never a good thing to take revenge
but the idea of taking revenge is doing something bad
against somebody else
because they treated you negatively first
that’s right we use the truth
as a weapon to make the other person feel bad
and to repay them for what they did now
this word repay is related to that word
revenge that we just looked at the idea is
that they did something bad
so you want to pay them back
or repay them to get even to repay him for the joke
he played on me
i played a joke on him the next day
and i like that you mention that phrase to get even that’s not
in our lesson friends
but that’s the idea when you’re taking revenge as well
you want them to experience something negative
like you experienced and so now
you can say we got even again
i don’t think
it’s a good thing to try to get even with other people
because that’s not the best way to make the world go around
however these are great phrases to know
when it comes to revenge and Emory that word repay
it is used in kind of a negative way here
but it can be just neutral right you can repay somebody
that’s a really good point it can be neutral as well
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to info cloud hey
Gareth when people say that the truth hurts
what are they trying to express to people
hmm that is an interesting question we live
in an imperfect world and the truth can hurt especially
when it is something that
you don’t want to hear when people say the truth hurts
they are telling people to have the courage to face the truth
but don’t you think sometimes the truth can be overly hurtful
yes but i also think we can choose the words
we use when we tell the truth and for me
i don’t think we always have to say the truth out loud
we need to be considerate of other people’s feelings
i think so too
i like to encourage people i don’t like
telling people they can not do something i like telling them
they can do it it’s also important to realize
we often don’t really know what the truth is
or at least we don’t really understand the situation
that’s why we need to be very careful in how we handle what
we think is true
there is one truth about learning English
that will not hurt anybody yes
we believe that anybody can learn English
if they put in the work
and practice every day
因此很多人会说the truth hurts
当有人跟你说the truth hurts
虽然the truth hurts
truth bombs
truth bombs rarely lead to productive discussion
because they trigger a defensive reaction
the receiver may reduct the criticism
or counter it with a truth bomb of their own over time
truth bombs can increase conflict
and weaken trust in relationships
truth bombs also often fail to represent the whole truth
anger can make it difficult to see the big picture
leading to an accidental distortion of the truth
如the sudden loud noise
triggered the alarm system
and caused lights and warnings to flash throughout the building
或是reading old letters from a friend
triggered a flood of memories for Naomi bringing back moments
they had shared years ago
或是certain Foods can trigger
allergic reactions in some people
and make it difficult for them to breathe
譬如during the debate
Michael’s words were taken out of context
which led to a distortion of his original message
或是the loudspeaker’s poor quality
resulted in a distortion of the music
making it difficult to recognize the song
例如false information on social media
can easily distort the public’s thinking
which often leads to confusion and misunderstanding
okay thank you Jack well
we read here truth bombs
rarely lead to productive discussion
because they trigger a defensive reaction
there are a few things we want to take a look
at in this sentence
the first
one being that word productive when something is productive
it means something is getting accomplished
generally speaking
when people are talking about a problem
over and over without looking for solutions
it’s not productive
so what our lesson here is
saying is that truth bombs
don’t lead to productive discussion what happens
is the other person gets defensive
that’s right
and that’s another word we see here in this sentence right
because depending on how you share something
the other person might get defensive
that’s often how we talk about the idea of being defensive
is oh he got defensive or i got a little bit defensive okay
it’s like you’re defending yourself
you build up this imaginary wall
in the conversation when you get defensive
that’s right the receiver may reject the criticism
or counter it with a truth
bomb of their own
if you counter something
you can think of this as kind of like some kind of a sports game
maybe one player tries to make a move
and the other teams
player tries to counter that move to make sure
that that move is not successful
so this often happens right someone shares something with you
and then you’re thinking what should i say
is it all my fault and so you think well
how can i blame the other person for something that
they did and maybe it’s not even related to the current issue
maybe it’s something they
did in the past right this happens all the time
so the receiver may reject the criticism or counter it
with a truth bomb
of their own over time
truth bombs can increase conflict
and weaken trust in relationships
weakening trust first of all
how can this result in weakened trust well
when you trust somebody
it means that you believe that they probably
have your best interest in mind
that you have a good relationship with them
and you trust them not to lie to you
but when there’s weakened trust
it means that there’s doubt in your mind
you’re not sure if that relationship is as good
as it once was so this
lesson is saying is that truth bombs make conflict
happen more and more
and then the two people stop trusting each other as much
and this is not to say that it’s inappropriate to tell the truth
but how you tell the truth is so important
because if you’re just sharing the truth of me
in a way that’s getting revenge or is hurtful to me
then i may listen to your words
and just take them with a grain of salt
that means to kind of consider what you’re saying
but not everything necessarily
but i may also know where your motives are
and that may cause me to distrust you over time
especially if you do it over and over again
that’s a good point it is still important to tell the truth
that’s not what our lesson is saying our lesson is not saying
don’t tell the truth
our lesson is specifically talking about truth bombs
so here’s another problem with truth bombs
truth bombs also fail to represent the whole truth again anger
can make it difficult to see the big picture
leading to an accidental distortion of the truth well
right now it is time for something fun today’s fun fact
hello friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know a famous
book said to speak the truth in love
that means to care about the other person
as if they were you ha
that’s some pretty good advice
sometimes we call that the golden rule to treat others
the way we want to be treated
so if my hat looks silly
i don’t want someone to be mean about it does my hat look silly
and that is today’s fun fact
okay friends
it’s time to fill in the blank to see
if you remember this fact from today’s lesson here
we go often a truth bomb is a way of taking blank
it’s a way of taking honesty
a way of taking revenge
a way of taking facts
or a way of taking weapons
hm well honesty is the best policy
but sometimes we are honest with other people
with wrong motives
and it could be because we want to take revenge am i right
that is exactly
right i hope you got that right as well friends
and we will see you next time for the other half of our lesson
right here on studio classroom

Truth Bombs 真相炸彈(下)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Anne Marie and i’m Gabe
thank you very much
for joining us for day two of our lesson about truth bombs
that’s right
we started talking about how truth bombs aren’t a good idea
the idea of a truth bomb
is that you’re telling something that is the truth
but it’s said in a mean or harsh way
and the intention is often to take revenge
or hurt the other person
that’s right one line from our lesson read
we use the truth as a weapon to make the other person feel bad
and one reason why it can be compared to a weapon is
because it causes the other person to feel shame in my opinion
i read this book recently by Bernay brown called daring greatly
and it’s all about shame and vulnerability
and shame is one of she says
is the emotion that we try to avoid most in life okay
and so this is something else
she writes when it comes to honesty
isn’t the best policy when driven by frustration resentment
hurt or anger because it’s likely to trigger
frustration resentment
hurt or anger in the other person
so you really do have to think about your motives
when sharing truth with others
very interesting
we also learned that over time
truth bombs can increase conflict
and weaken trust in relationships
we are not done talking about truth bombs friends
let’s get right
into our lesson today is a great day to learn something new
let’s do that together
truth bombs
sometimes people do need to hear hard truths
pretending that problems do not exist can we can trust
just as much as dropping truth bombs can
failing to address problems
in relationships can lead to resentment
which may eventually boil over into conflict
but it is possible to communicate truth
without turning it into a bomb
here are some ways to do that
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看resentment这个名词
比如Sheila’s constant criticism led
to resentment in her relationship
with Dan that was hard to break down
或是despite trying to hide it
PAM’s resentment toward her former friend was evident
whenever their paths crossed尽管Pam试图掩饰
譬如black resented his sister
because he had many
more chores to do than she did black对妹妹很不满
all right thank you Jack well
we read here sometimes people do need to hear hard truths
and that’s the point people do need to hear the truth
and know the truth from you
and hard truths are of course
truths that are difficult to accept that’s the
definition of a hard truth
right sometimes we say something is hard to swallow
talking not only about food or drinks
but also about ideas or truths that are hard to accept
it’s hard to swallow
but we read here
pretending that problems do not exist can weaken trust
just as much as dropping truth bombs can well
this is such an important point for our lesson to make yesterday
we talked about how important
it is not to share things with other people
out of bad motives or just to take revenge
but it’s equally detrimental
or bad for the relationship
if you just refuse to talk about these things altogether
i know that personally
i have been in both types of relationships before with friends
and the friendships that i have held onto over the years
are friendships
that i’ve worked through conflict with
for sure
because those friendships that i’ve ignored problems
with i’m not friends with those people anymore
and it’s not because you don’t like those people right
and it’s not because they don’t like you
but maybe
there were some things that you could have faced together
gotten through to deepen the relationship
but we just didn’t i mean i’m the same way yeah
that’s right and like our lesson
says sometimes we pretend that problems
don’t exist that means we act like they’re not there mm hmm
that’s right
so don’t just pretend problems don’t exist another phrase
i thought of was to
sweep something under the rug
that’s an idiom or an expression that
just means to instead of sweeping the dust
in a dustpan and getting rid of the dirt
all together and dealing with it in a proper way
some people like to just sweep it under the rug
so the problem is still there
it’s just hidden or out of view
so the problem in a relationship can still be there
if you don’t deal with it
that’s right okay
reading on here
failing to address
problems in relationships can lead to resentment
you did just see that word
resentment in the language lab a moment ago
that’s right now
this idea made me think of a famous
saying from ancient Israel a long time ago
Moses told the people love your neighbor as yourself
and a lot of people
when they think of this saying
they think oh
i just have to have those loving feelings toward other people
all the time and everything is positive and yes
you want to have positive relationships but actually
the very first time
this appears you know as this quote
there is talking about relationships
where somebody else has done something harmful to you
or to other people and instead of just keeping it to yourself
you want to address the situation
because otherwise
your resentment will grow so in that way
it is loving to tell other people truthful things
that they need to hear
and why do you want
to do this because eventually
this resentment could boil over into conflict
boil over is such an interesting phrase that we use in English
especially to talk about some type of emotion
a lot of times we talk about an emotion like anger
or resentment building up inside of us we don’t say anything
we don’t act on it
but that anger continues to fill us up and fill us up until
eventually just like a pot of boiling water
it boils over i like those phrases build up
and then eventually to boil over we read here
but it is possible to communicate truth
without turning it into a bomb
here are some ways to do that
let’s continue with the next reading right now
truth bombs
pay attention to timing
do not try to offer criticism when you are angry or in public
it is often helpful to give the person some advanced warning
so they have time to mentally prepare
ask questions don’t make assumptions about people’s motivation
but ask them
the reasons for their actions also ask if there are problems
that are contributing to their mistakes
that you could help with these questions will help you grasp
the situation more fully
and the recipient may accept the criticism more easily
than he would if you had seemed condescending
例如the assumption that the project would be easy led
to a lack of preparation that resulted in
numerous problems因为假设这个专案很容易
或是many people make the assumption that higher priced
products are of better quality
which isn’t always true许多人认为
Ryan’s assumption that Neil would help him with his homework
meant that he didn’t pay attention in class
his condescending tone
made it clear that he didn’t value her abilities
which ended up being a big mistake他高
the teachers condescending attitude discouraged students
from asking questions
they would be criticized老师居高临下的态度
譬如despite being wealthy
Connie did not condescend to talk about those less fortunate
but treated everyone with respect尽管很富有
all right friends
there are some great tips in here
about how to share the truth with someone
without making the truth into a truth bomb
here’s the first one pay attention to timing
do not try to offer criticism when you are angry
or in public i think this is a really great tip
nobody likes to be criticized in front of others
that is so true so if you can do it in private
that’s the opposite of doing something in public
you’re going to do it in private
it is often helpful to give the person some advance warning
so they have time to mentally prepare advance warning well
that is telling someone
that something is going to happen in this case
telling someone that you would like to have a conversation
but we see the word warning here
so warning is the idea of something negative or something bad
i don’t know and Marie do you like having advanced warning
if someone wants to talk to you about something like this yeah
i think so and basically what this means is for example
if you had an argument or a disagreement with a classmate
you could say hey
could i talk to you after class today
and maybe you don’t exactly tell your classmate
what it’s going to be about
they probably already know
but that gives them a chance to think about the situation
maybe if they have any opinions about the situation
or if you know what’s going to be an argument
it kind of gives them a chance to prepare what they want to say
and Marie could we give some
i don’t know
examples of actual sentences to use in giving someone
advanced warning
what do you think about
this one can i have a word with you later
is that does that one sound okay
or is it better to say
can we talk about something later
if you say can i have a word with you
that’s definitely negative okay
it’s definitely negative yeah
i think so okay
there’s something about that phrase a word with something
i’d like to have a word with you
that kind of seems a little bit negative
so maybe can we talk about something later
or there’s something
i’d like to discuss with you later
something like that all right friends
maybe you can find some other useful phrases online
because there are ways to mentally prepare people
for conversations like this read also
here ask questions
don’t make assumptions about people’s motivation okay
i want to talk a little bit
about the difference between an assumption
which you just learned about in the language lab
and the word presumption
which you may be heard before
we often use these words in the same way
but one slight difference is that often with assumptions
there is no proof or evidence about something whereas
with a presumption
there is already some reasonable evidence
for why you are presuming something
that’s a great point now friends with this word motivation here
it just means the reason that people are doing things
and i have found for myself in my life
this is something really really important
to pay attention to especially during confrontation
or dropping truth bombs
you might think of someone’s reason
as one way for doing something
because that’s the reason you would have for doing it
but that’s not always
the case
it’s very important to find out the reasons for their actions
also ask if there are problems
that are contributing to their mistakes
that you could help with these questions will help you grasp
the situation more fully
and the recipient may accept the criticism more easily
than he would if you had seemed condescending mmm
that’s a very good point
don’t be condescending in your relationships
don’t talk to other people as if they are below you in any way
but i like the idea here of grasping a situation
grasping here has the idea of understanding
especially for practical reasons
like furthering your relationship that’s right
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hi everyone welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett that meeting yesterday was really tense
wasn’t it i felt like everyone was walking on eggshells oh
it was a stressful meeting Rex
i didn’t know what to say that phrase
you use walking on eggshells
is a great way to describe the situation
we should talk about it sure Garrett to walk on eggshells
means to be extremely
cautious and sensitive in one’s words or actions usually
because the situation is delicate or tense
absolutely it’s like trying to navigate a situation
without causing any harm or offence
egg shells can break easily so if
you are walking on egg shells you need to be very careful
or you’re going to break them
that’s a great way to put it
when someone says they feel like they’re walking on eggshells
they are saying they are nervous or uncomfortable
because they don’t want to cause any problems or conflicts
precisely Rex
the phrase is used in almost any setting
where people are being careful to avoid causing conflict
it is useful in business
politics and social settings
walking on eggshells
walking on eggshells就是在蛋壳上走路
例如everyone was walking on eggshells during the meeting
be as specific as possible about the problem
avoid sweeping statements and generalizations that use terms
such as always and never
by presenting truth
and addressing problems in a constructive way
you can strengthen relationships
and avoid the emotional damage
that comes from using overly blunt words
譬如Cora appreciated Carl’s blunt honesty
even if it was sometimes hard to hear Cora
譬如the scissors became so blind
that they could barely cut through a sheet of paper
譬如the constant use of the knife on hard surfaces
blunted its edge
making it dull and in need of sharpening
okay friends
we have one more tip to talk about when delivering the truth
to someone be as specific as possible about the problem
avoid sweeping statements and generalizations that use terms
such as always and never
i want to take a minute to talk about this
because i have been in situations before
where truth bombs were dropped on me
and people attacked my character instead of the problem
and that is the worst thing to do
people are never going to accept truth bombs
if you are attacking them
as a person instead of their behavior
and this often happens online
i have seen in public online forums
where people are exchanging ideas about things
and sometimes somebody will attack the other person’s character
even though they don’t even know that person
but they’ll make jokes about the person and in Latin
there’s a phrase for this
it’s called ad hominum attacks
they don’t really address the real issue
but they’re just attacking the other person’s character
so don’t do that also
so our lesson says be as specific about the problem as possible
it reminded me of a phrase don’t beat around the bush
that’s an idiom that we have
that means you want to be direct don’t beat around the bush
that means don’t go around the problem
you want to be as direct as possible here
you see that that phrase sweeping statement okay
i talked about the phrase to sweep something under the rug well
here you could think of a sweeping statement
as something that just kind of covers a large area
like you do with your broom right
this sweeping statement
and it’s not good to generalize like this
because after all
somebody is not always this way
and somebody is not never this way either
that’s right here’s
an example of how to use sweeping statements in a sentence
assuming all politicians are corrupt
is a sweeping statement
it’s impossible to know
if every single politician in the world is corrupt
and many of course are not so
that is an example of a sweeping statement all right
but how does our lesson conclude
we read by presenting truth
and addressing problems in a constructive way
you can strengthen relationships
and avoid the emotional damage
that comes from using overly blunt words okay
let’s take a look at a few things from this last sentence
you want to present the truth to people
that’s another way of saying that you’re sharing the
truth with somebody
you want to address problems in a constructive way
that reminds me of that constructive criticism
don’t just attack people for something bad
they did
but talk about ways that it can be better in the future
with constructive criticism
and what is emotional damage
of course these are hurts that you
receive from other people that hurt your feelings
or even that damage you in a more permanent way sometimes
this happens in relationships where someone hurts us
so much that it affects our future in short
and our whole lesson
in summary
speak the truth in love right now let’s go to today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that there is another kind of bomb
a stink bomb
no it’s not a truth bomb
but a stink bomb is very smelly or stinky
this bomb makes a terrible smell
do not use one in class
thank you Ernest finder
all right here is your quiz for the day friends Phil
in the blank are you ready Henry
i’m ready
okay pretending problems don’t exist can weaken what
they can make something weaker right
they can weaken what a trust b resentment
c assumptions or d damage mm
i remember this
pretending problems
don’t exist can weaken trust in relationships that’s right
so you want to be careful about
how you share truth with other people
but you don’t want to avoid sharing truth
altogether both could be harmful
that’s right
we hope you’ve learned a lot from this lesson friends
i know it’s been really good for me to read it as well
we have a new one for you next time
make sure you come back
and join us right here on studio classroom

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