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A Midsummer Night's Dream-空中英語教室
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之夢(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us today
my name is Anne Marie
and my name is Gabe we’ve got a great lesson
just for you we sure do
and it is a Shakespeare play
do you have any thoughts about Shakespeare
that we would like to share Gabe
you know it’s hard to understand some of shakespeare’s writing
i remember taking a class in high school
where i learned that shakespearean English is not old English
it’s not even middle English
it’s cont it’s considered contemporary English
which is kind of strange because when you read Shakespeare
you might think wow
this is really hard to understand just the way
that the words and sentences are structured
Shakespeare came up with a lot of words himself
but i really like Shakespeare
i think that he is um very was a very clever
writer very humorous um
but something that you need to know is that it’s better to see
Shakespeare performed on stage
than it is to simply read through one of his plays well
that’s a good thing to keep in mind as we go through
this play a midsummer night’s dream this is a really fun play
and there’s a lot of characters in it
so we will do our best to explain it to you friends
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
a midsummer night’s dream enjoy a night of fun and
confusion in shakespeare’s famous play
as shakespeare’s comedy a midsummer night’s dream opens theseus
the duke of Athens and hippolyta are planning their wedding
just four days away
while conversing the couple is interrupted by aegius
who storms in with his daughter
Hermia and two young men
demetrius and lysander
Aegis asks theseus to intervene and order hermia to marry
demetrius instead of lysander whom she loves
if his daughter won’t obey him
aegius insists she be executed
while theseus agrees that hermia should obey her father
he gives her one more option a conven
hermia has until theseus’s wedding day
to concede to aegius’s demand or face
the consequences
hello everyone welcome to language lab i’m Jack
例如the teacher had to intervene
when the argument between the two students got loud
international organizations often intervene in crisis
situations to provide aid and support to the people suffering
in the fifteen years that intervened between seeing my cousins
they had all gotten married and had children
例如after a lengthy discussion
Ben considered that he might have overlooked some details in
his report经过长时间的讨论
或是after many of their cars experienced the same issue
the company finally conceded that there was a problem
and recalled the cars
the Politician finally conceded the election
once it was obvious
that she Hadn’t received the majority of votes
okay thank you Jack well
let’s get into it
friends enjoy a night of fun
and confusion in shakespeare’s famous play now confusion there
of course
is the noun form of being confused and if you’re confused
you don’t know what’s going on
that is really what is going to be happening in this play
that’s right
we read as shakespeare’s comedy a midsummer night stream
opens and then we are introduced to some characters now
i wanted to talk a little bit about the word comedy
because when it comes to plays
especially shakespearean plays
this means something different than you might think of
when you think of a movie
right a movie
that’s a comedy is one
that is funny
there are dark comedies where people might die as well
but it might still be kind of considered funny overall
but when it comes to plays and stage productions
if the story goes through
a lot of things maybe there’s a lot of happy and sad moments
but in the end
if it is on an upward trend and it’s happier at the end
it’s considered a comedy if the end is on a downward trend
and it’s depressing
that is considered a tragedy so Hamlet
Romeo and Juliet
those are examples of tragedies whereas midsummer night’s dream
this is an example of a comedy
all right so this play is going to eventually
have a happy ending
where everything is resolved at the end well
here we go when it opens theseus
the duke of Athens
and Hippolida are planning their wedding just four days away
okay here’s our first two characters
theseus and hippolida they are going to get married
yes that’s what we know so far
a duke by the way is a high ranking official
but not necessarily royalty okay
so they’re going to get married just four days away
that means we know that their wedding is in four days
that’s another way of expressing this
or you could say it’s four days from now
but don’t say it’s four days later okay
use the words four days away
four days from now or in four days now
while conversing the couple is interrupted by aegius
who storms in with his daughter
hermia and two young men
demetrius and liasander
so this
duke and hippolyta are just talking
they’re conversing when these other people come in
okay we’re introduced
to a lot of characters here
let’s read on to find out who these people are egius
asked theseus to intervene and order
Hermia to marry demetrius instead of Lysander whom
she loves okay
so Hermia wants to marry lysander she loves him
yes Hermia wants to marry lysander
but i get the idea that Aegius has a good relationship
with demetrius
at any rate he wants his daughter to marry demetrius instead
and not lysander
so i know that in some cultures they have arranged marriages
and i think maybe this is aegius mentality
as well as that he can have more control in whom
his daughter marries okay
so hermia is aegius’s daughter
he wants her to marry demetrius yes
let’s read on so aegius says if his daughter won’t obey him
she’s going to be executed
okay now executed
you know
we use the word execute today to mean to carry out a task right
we talk about execution however
as you might have guessed execution
here in our lesson means to be killed okay
um this is kind of strange
it’s a little bit messed up
i would say i would say this is messed up
yeah i would say
this implies kind of a dysfunctional family relationship here
yeah i think so too yeah okay
so theseus remember he is the duke of Athens
he’s engaged to hippolyta
theseus agrees that hermia should obey her father
he gives her one more option a convent
so he’s saying you could marry demetrius
or you could die or you could go live in a convent
which is a community of nuns now
these nuns
are people who have vowed to never have sex in their life
they have a vow of poverty
most of the time that means to live in very poor conditions
and of course obedience
another related word
that means the same thing is a nunnery hamlet
has a very famous line in play hamlet
and he says to his kind of girlfriend get thee to a nunnery
he wants to prevent her
from having children that might turn out
like his uncle a nunnery
and a convent they mean the same thing okay
so she has a certain amount of time to make her decision
hermia has until theseus’s wedding day
to concede to aegius’s demand
or face the consequences face
the consequences that’s a great phrase for you to know
because if you’re going to do something
if you’re going to make a decision
there’s going to have consequences right
that could be good consequences
or bad consequences if you’re going to face
the consequences
it probably means you did something bad or at least
it’s going to be negative whatever
it is you have to face all right friends
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to infocloud
Garrett guess what the craziest thing happened to me yesterday
oh no what happened
i lost my wallet
i was in a panic searching everywhere for it
i checked all the usual spots
but couldn’t find it i always find that frustrating me too
then just when i was about to give up hope
i found it in my jacket pocket oh
well that’s not a fun experience
but all is well that ends well
that’s a good phrase to describe yesterday
all’s well that ends well
means that as long as the outcome is good or satisfactory
any difficulties or problems
along the way are forgotten or forgiven
that’s right it’s also
the name of one of William shakespeare’s plays that basically
describes a situation
where early events are frustrating or sad
but the story has a good outcome
think of a project where one of the participants is injured
while doing the work however
in the end
the group finishes the project and the injured co worker is okay
all’s well that ends well
but keep in mind that it’s not always just about the ending
we should work hard to do our parts well
if something goes wrong
though hopefully we can still say all is well that ends well
这个时候你可以说all’s well that ends well
as well的and well
这就是今天的NFL cloud
a midsummer night’s dream
unwilling to be separated lysander
and Hermia decide to run far away from Athens to get married
and they share their plan with Hermia’s friend
Helena unfortunately
Helena has always loved demetrius
and decides to reveal the couple’s plans to him
in hopes of winning him back
demetrius who feels nothing for
Helena decides to catch the young couple in the woods
Helena follows him in the same forest
a group of amateur actors are preparing a play
they hope to perform at theseus and hippolytas wedding
but oh do any of them know that these woods are enchanted
and full of fairies led by their king Oberon
and Queen Titania
the outdoor event had to be cancelled
because of an unexpected storm
或是Lucy searched everywhere for her last wedding ring
but unfortunately
she couldn’t find it anywhere
Vincent arrived at the train station
just as the last train of the day was pulling away
例如the ancient trees
and the mysterious lights in the magical forest
seemed to enchant
everyone who wandered into it
或是Milo’s ability to enchant wild animals
with his gentle whisper amazed
all who witnessed it
譬如the enchanting stories
their uncle told them took the children to worlds
filled with dragons
heroes and adventures叔叔所讲的迷人故事
all right friends
hermia has a decision to make let’s find out what decision
she makes unwilling to be separated lysander
and hermia decide to run far away from Athens to get married
right well
that was not one of the choices no
it wasn’t one of the choices that was offered to them
but they weren’t willing to accept those choices
they were unwilling right
so they ran away to get married
we have a special word for that
when you run away or at least when you get married
without other people’s consent whom
you usually would want and that is called eloping that’s right
so if you elope
it means that you and the person
you want to get married to you just leave and go get married
somewhere else often without telling anyone else
which is going on here
except they decide to tell one person
they share their plan with hermia’s friend
Helena all right
so unfortunately
Helena has always loved demetrius
and decides to reveal the couple’s plans to him
in hopes of winning him back
we’re not exactly sure what she was thinking here
how she could win him back
by telling him about their plans
but we get a little idea here
he has an interest in this case as well
but let’s take a look at that phrase
in hopes of to do something in hopes of something else
that means
you’re doing something for the purpose of something else
or hoping that something else will happen for example
we usually leave here for lunch at 1145
and i like to leave to go to lunch right away
i like to go then in hopes of beating the crowds
and getting to the restaurant when it’s not too crowded
okay so the hope here is that
Helena will win demetria’s back
i want to talk about this phrase to win someone back
we often use this when we’re talking about somebody’s romance
and usually if it’s like an ex boyfriend or an ex girlfriend
it means that they were together at one time and they’re not now
but now one of the people in this relationship
wants to get back together with that person yeah
so she wants to do something to kind of earn his admiration
or respect again to
win him back to get him back right
well demetrius
who feels nothing for Helena
decides to catch the young couple in the woods
and Helena follows him
what does it mean to feel nothing for someone well
we often use this phrase when talking about a relationship
where somebody has feelings for the other person
but this person doesn’t share those feelings
so i feel nothing for you for example right
we might call this unrequited love
that’s a very big word
but Helena loves
demetrius he does not love her back
that is unrequited love
we’re gonna meet some new characters friends in the same forest
a group of amateur actors are preparing a play
they hope to perform
this play at theseus and hippolita’s wedding okay little
do any of them know that these woods are enchanted
handful of fairies now
a fairy is a mythical creature
a lot of times
fairies are shown as being smaller than humans
they usually have wings
they can fly and there is a king and queen of the fairies here
oberon and Titania
yes okay
so these fairies they live in this forest or these woods
the woods or the forest that mean the same thing right
but we see here little
do any of them know that these woods are enchanted
and full of fairies so
maybe they don’t even know about oberon and Tatania
and any of the other fairies or the magic that is there again
if you see the phrase little
did someone know you know
you’re reading a story or listening to a story first of all
where the speaker or the writer is telling you
something that the characters don’t know yet
that’s right all right
so let’s review here right now
the problem is that lysander and hermia are eloping
they want to get married
and they’ve told hermia’s friend Helena now
Helena loves demetrius who
Hermia is supposed to get married to
because that’s who her father wants her to marry
but he is not interested in Helena
at all no demetrius is not interested in Helena no
but he is interested in catching
hermea and lysander as they go into the woods
exactly and in that same woods
there is a group of amateur actors
and they are preparing a play that they want to play
do at this wedding
yeah they’re going at whose wedding again
theseus and hippolyta threat yes
that’s the original wedding
that’s going to happen sometime in the future
and of course
who else is in this forest is these fairies
the king and Queen of whom are oberon and Titania okay
those are how many characters
i didn’t count how many characters
i’ll have to do that in just a minute but right now
let’s go to today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that running away and
getting married is called eloping ha
ha yes
it’s true eloping can be risky hermia
and lysander try to elope in a midsummer night’s dream
but it doesn’t really work and that is today’s fun eloping fact
goodness Anne Marie
i counted eleven characters is that how many you counted
i guess if you count the actors as well
that would be even more characters yeah
even more characters
and we’ll see if there are even more characters
that we’re going to be introduced to tomorrow okay well
let’s finish our lesson today with a quiz
something we talked about fill in the blank
demetrius feels blank for Helena
uh feels nothing for her
well here are your nothing feelings enchantment
or hope do you still stick with that first dance
he does not feel feelings definitely he feels nothing for her
yeah exactly
she loves him
but he feels nothing for her
and we talked about how that is unrequited love right well
we’ll see what happens with this relationship
tomorrow friends make sure that you come back here
we’ll see you then right here on studio classroom

A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之夢(下)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe
and we’re very happy that you are joining us here
today as we continue the summary of this shakespearean play
called a midsummer night’s dream
i remember doing Romeo and Juliet when i was in college
and my aunt came to see the show oh
yeah well you know
like a lot of my relatives did
and i remember her saying if you were not in this play
i would never see Shakespeare okay
because it’s very difficult for her to understand the language
it is better to see
it acted out than to read it
because at least when you’re acting
if the actor is good enough
they’re really getting the message across right
and you’re not really confused about things
but i have to admit Anne Marie
that i was a little bit confused after yesterday’s lesson
because of so many names
i was kind of confused as well so before we get into our lesson
let’s take a minute to review who all of the characters are
and their relationships to each other okay
so we’ve got the duke of Athens
who is going to get married to hippolita in four days
yes and then we’ve got Hermia and lysander who are in love
but Hermia’s father
does not approve of their relationship
he would like his daughter hermia to marry
this guy named demetrius
that’s right and the father’s name here is aegius okay
and there are some serious consequences
if his daughter does not do
what he wants
he wants her to be executed
he’s going to have his own daughter
killed what a messed up relationship
what a messed up guy
and then so what happens after that
then they decide to run away and elope
that’s right lysander and hermia run away
they decide to elope to get married away from everyone else
but they share the plan with Hermia’s friend
Helena that’s right
and Helena is trying to win demetrius back
she thinks that in order to do that
she can just share their plan with him
he doesn’t really love Helena
but he does want to catch lysander and Hermia
and stop them from getting married now
we’re introduced to some other characters in the woods
who are some fairies
oberon and Titania
and we’re gonna
meet another very interesting and classic character from this
shakespearean play his name is puck
let’s find out who he is right now
a midsummer night’s dream
oberon and titania are quarreling
and oberon is upset
he tells puck his court jester to find a magical flower
the juice of which when put on a sleeping
person’s eyelids will make them fall in love
with the first person
they see when they awaken
oberon plans to use it on titania
then oberon overhears Helena begging demetrius to love her
but he rejects her upset at the young
man’s cruelty oberon
tells puck to use the love potion on demetrius
but puck mistakenly uses it on lysander later
puck also puts it on demetrius after realizing his mistake
resulting in both men loving Helena
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
譬如Clara applied a light color to her eyelids
enhancing the natural beauty of her eyes
或是every time Nora tried to read her eyelids
grew so heavy with sleep that she finally took a nap
或者是as the dust blew all around them
they shielded their eyelids
with their hands to protect their eyes
再来看over here这个动词
偷听到譬如while at the coffee shop
Matty couldn’t help but over here
an interesting conversation about a local art exhibition
或是Max pretended to be reading his book
but he was actually trying to overhear the discussion
at the next table
the spies were careful about what they discussed in public
where they could be easily overheard by others
all right friends where we are starting here in our story today
obron and Titania are quarreling all right
if you quarrel with someone
it means you have an argument and a lot of times
this is a discussion back
and forth two people have a different point of view
and it seems here that because of this quarrel
oberon is upset all right
so this is where we’re introduced to puck
he tells puck his court jester to find a magical flower now
before we learn more about this magical flower
and what it does i want to talk about that word jester
for a minute because a long time ago
in certain courts
in different countries around the world
there would be the king and the Queen
and the Prince and Princess and Duke
and everybody else and the royalty
and there would be this character called the jester
who was there
basically to entertain the crowd whenever
there was a royal court or a royal meeting
but also this person’s role was to advise the king or the queen
or maybe even to act as a critic and the jester
had the role of entertaining people
but sometimes i don’t know
i always felt like
it would be kind of a scary job to be the gesture
because what if you said something
joking that really made the king or queen upset like offended
really offended
them right
because there was a chance that that might happen right
that’s true
so these are things that i think are important to keep in mind
as we go through this story
so puck is the court jester
he is this person
who is meant to entertain the king of the fairies
and he’s supposed to find this magic flower now
why is this flower magic
well we find out here
the juice of which when put on a sleeping person’s eyelids
will make them fall in love with the first person they see
when they awaken all right
well i think this could have been one sentence okay
because the juice of which could really flow with that
first sentence quite nicely
as well this flower
the juice of which when put on a sleeping person’s eyelids
but that would make a very long sentence right
but we do see the word put on a few times in this section
as well as the phrase to use it on
or use something on somebody else what do you think about that
and Marie someone puts a potion on your eyes and then
so the first person you see
when you wake up
that’s who you’re in love with terrible
and because Oberon and Titania are quarrelling
he wants to oberon
wants to use it on titania that makes sense right
so maybe he feels like titania has fallen out of love with him
she’s certainly really upset with
him about something
and so he wants basically
for her to forget all those negative feelings
and only feel love for him
so he’s going to he wants to use it on titania
that’s one way to win
an argument that is definitely one way to learn argument
only in a shakespearean play i guess so yeah
so then oberon overhears Helena begging demetrius to love her
but he rejects her now before
we move on to how oberon feels about this situation
i wanted to talk a little bit
about the difference between to over hear something
and to eavesdrop on somebody or someone’s conversation
because sometimes you might accidentally
overhear someone’s conversation
you’re not doing it on purpose you just happen to be close by
and you hear what’s going on
but eavesdropping has the idea that you’re trying to listen in
on what the other people are saying
that’s a really good point
we also see this word begging here
someone begs someone for something
it means that they are asking him
but they are pleading with them to give them what they want
i’ve heard children beg for pets before
especially when i was growing up
i had so many friends that would beg their parents for a puppy
they just really really wanted to have a pet dog yeah
kids love pets with the idea of having a pet right
have you ever begged your parents for something
sometimes we might beg for forgiveness right
if we apologize
and we really want the other person to forgive us
so oberon doesn’t like this situation
i think it’s because he doesn’t like how his wife has made him
feel he doesn’t like
feeling rejected by his wife right the queen
so he’s upset at this young
man’s cruelty at demetrius’s cruelty
he thinks it’s cruel that demetrius doesn’t love Helena
i think there’s more to this story there must be yeah
because it’s natural
for people just to not have feelings for somebody exactly
and you shouldn’t lie to people
and say you do have feelings exactly if you don’t right
so i think that
maybe demetrius is doing some other things
kind of treating Helena
in a cruel way
okay so what does Obran’s help hook to do
he tells him to use the love potion on demetrius okay
so before we move on
let’s talk about the idea of a potion
a potion is a liquid that has healing
magical or poisonous properties
so this
would be an appropriate word to call the juice of this flower
that’s right
so there’s this potion
he’s supposed to put the love potion on demetrius
but puck mistakenly uses it on lysander now
if you do something mistakenly
that means you did it
but it was a mistake you did the wrong thing
here’s another example
i mistakenly took somebody else’s umbrella
after i left the restaurant at lunch right
but here mistakenly is used to talk
about how put this potion on lysander instead
later puck
also puts it on demetrius after realizing his mistake
resulting in both men loving Helena
it sounds like the beginning of a love triangle
it certainly does
and a love triangle is when there are three people involved
and usually it’s two people who love the same person well
we will continue this story in a moment right
after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud
hey Rex
have you ever seen a play
where everything seems to go wrong
but in a funny way
yeah like when the actors forget their lines or trip over
the props
exactly that’s what we call a comedy of errors
a comedy of errors describes situations
in which a series of mistakes or mishaps happen
in a humorous or ridiculous manner
oh so it’s like a chain reaction of funny mistakes you got it
the term
actually comes from a play written by William Shakespeare
called the comedy of errors
Shakespeare again he’s everywhere yep
in the play two sets of identical twins get mixed
up leading to all sorts of misunderstandings
and hilarious situations so
when we say something as a comedy of errors
we’re saying everything went wrong
but it wasn’t a serious disaster instead
it was kind of funny and it all worked out in the end
like when you’re organizing a party and everything
that can go wrong does go wrong
but everyone ends up laughing about it got
it like when i try to bake a cake
but i mistook salt for sugar
and everyone ended up eating salty cake exactly
that’s a perfect example of a comedy of errors
it’s all about finding humor in life’s little mishaps
and mistakes
你可以说这是a comedy of errors
a Comedy of errors这个用语
这就是一种a comedy of errors
a midsummer night’s dream
oberon also uses the potion on Titania
but when she awakens the first thing
she sees is the actor nick bottom
whom puck has given a donkey’s head in a mischievous trick
she immediately falls in love with the part man part donkey
after a night of hilarious chaos
oberon reverses the curse on Titania
and she awakens no longer in love with bottom in the morning
theseius and hippolyta find the four exhausted
young people asleep in the forest
when they wake up lysander
once again loves hermia and demetrius now
loves Helena
theseus relents
and agrees to let them all be married on his wedding day
the new comedy show was hilarious
and left the audience laughing from start to finish
the family gatherings were always full of hilarious moments
as everyone loved to share funny stories and jokes
chase described the process of baking a cake for the first time
so hilariously
that everyone at the table couldn’t help
but laugh
the storm showed no signs of relenting destroying the area
with wind and rain for the third day in a row
或是despite saying no at first
Nick’s mother finally relented
and let Nick get a puppy
例如the relentless heat broke records
this summer challenging people to find ways to stay cool
all right friends
let’s get right into it here
oberon also uses the potion on Titania
but when she awakens the first thing
she sees isn’t her husband the king oberon
she sees the actor nick bottom dun
dun duh
okay so that was not
what oberon was expecting
he does not want his queen
his wife to fall in love with somebody else
but this is what happens okay
and this guy has an interesting name nick bottom
whom puck has given a donkey’s head in a mischievous trick
so basically titania has fallen in love with somebody
who has the head of a donkey
and from what
i remember i’m pretty sure
that Shakespeare plays around with another word that also
means donkey and bottom in this play
but let’s talk about the word mischievous okay
mischievous this is behaving in a way slightly bad
but not really intending serious harm
here’s an example
the mischievous monkey stole
the tourist sunglasses monkeys of course
aren’t intending to be bad
they’re usually just looking to have fun
or maybe they’re very curious
so that would be an appropriate way to use this word
so what happens with Titania
she immediately falls in love with the part man
part donkey nick bottom
that’s right part man
part donkey hey
can you think of any other creatures
that are part human and part something else like
i think in the narnya stories
weren’t there centaurs
they were part people and then part horses yeah
that’s right
there are lots of different mythical creatures like that
right or other creatures
that are half one animal half another
yeah or like a mermaid right
you know the top half is a person
but then the bottom half is a fish
can you think of any other creatures that are part human
and part some other animal
but we’re learning about nick bottom here who is part donkey
after a night of hilarious chaos
oberon reverses the curse on Titania
and she awakens longer in love with nick bottom
so i’m really glad that he’s able to reverse this curse
if you reverse something that means
you make it have the opposite effect
that’s right now
what is a curse
well i looked up the definition for you
so you know the exact definition
it is a way to invoke a supernatural power
to do harm to someone
or something so a curse is always bad friends
the opposite of to curse
something would be to bless someone
and that would be to make something good happen
but a curse is always going to be something bad
so in this case that love potion
it really did a bad thing to titania right
it wasn’t a good thing so we can consider this a curse
there’s a related word i don’t think it’s in a lesson
but it’s the word spell now in some fairy tales
you might use the word spell
which cast a spell on somebody
it’s kind of used in the same way as a curse
sometimes it can be okay for example
this potion if it’s
supposed to help you fall in love with somebody
maybe that could be a consider a blessing
if it turns out right
all right okay
but we read on in the morning
theseus and hippolyta
find the four exhausted young people asleep in the forest
and who are these
four people
we find out in the next sentence when they wake up lysander
once again loves hermea and demetrius now loves Helena
so how did this happen once again
there must be more to the story
because i believe yesterday
we learned that demetrius did not love Helena
yes exactly so they’ve had this potion put on their eyelids
so i guess the curse was reversed for lysander and hermia okay
right but then not for demetrius
so basically
demetrius still loves Helena
he’s under the spell
he’s under the spell okay
exactly okay so we see here the phrase once again
and that’s a great phrase for you to know
because this just means something has happened once
or many times in the past
and now it’s just happening again so for example
the director has once again made another hit movie
he liked the movie so much that he went and saw it once again
all right let’s keep reading here what happens at the end
relentz and agrees to let them all be married on his wedding day
sounds like everyone is going to have a wedding now yeah
let’s all get married on the same
day what did they call
those is that called a mass wedding
or at least it’s called a group wedding right
maybe where many couples are married on the same day
in the same location at the same time
these aren’t very common
they’re not very common
they’re not very common
i had a friend who was part of a part of a mass wedding
but yes so it sounds like that’s going to happen here anyway
friends it is a fun story to watch
especially okay
if you have a chance to read it
that would be quite a challenge
so i encourage you to watch a version of a midsummer nightstream
all right friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and this is my dog bones
finder at the end of a midsummer night’s dream
a group of actors perform a play it is funny
because the play is very badly done
but the duke enjoys it and that is today’s fun fact
let’s end our lesson with a quiz are you ready
i’m ready you’re ready okay
here we go fill in the puck blank
uses the love potion on lysander he jokingly uses it
mistakenly uses it
mischievously uses it
or lovingly uses it
a couple of those words could actually work we know
he’s a jester
so he jokes around for his job
but that’s not what he’s doing here
we know that he is mischievous
so he could have mischievously placed a love potion on lysander
but not in this situation in this situation
it was a mistake remember
so he mistakenly put the lotion on or the potion on licender
that’s right friends
i hope you got that right as well
and i hope you’ll join us for our next lesson
we’ll be waiting for you right here on studio classroom
to have you in my life

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