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2024/08/14 22:04:37瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0
Watersports 水上運動(上)
大家說英語 20240813
Summer is a great time to be at the ocean.
Some people just like to play or swim in the waves.
Other people enjoy surfing.
Learning to surf isn’t hard, but it does take practice.
You just need a surfboard, some waves and good balance.
You need to learn to stand on the board and not fall off!
It takes time to learn, so keep trying.
You can also learn to do tricks!
Some people can even jump over waves.

Do tricks的中文意思是“表演把戏”或“耍把戏”。
例如,狗狗可以“do tricks”来娱乐观众,或者一个魔术师表演一些“tricks”来惊艳观众。


Are you having a good summer, Sam?
Yeah. I drove to the ocean with some friends last weekend.
We went surfing.
It was great!
I can’t wait to go again!
Wow, do you surf a lot?
Sometimes, but my friends go surfing very often.
Do you surf any big waves?
I tried. But my balance wasn’t very good.
I fell a lot!
Is surfing hard to learn?
Not really.
You just need a surfboard, some waves and good balance!
I’m still learning to stand on my board and not fall off.
That doesn’t sound very easy.
Can your friends do any tricks?
They sure can!
They can even jump over waves.
How did they learn to do that?
They spent a lot of time surfing.

This is the action that you do when you’re surfing.
But those waves or when the ocean water moves up and down can also be called surf.
So be sure you use this word correctly.

I can’t wait to see my friends next weekend.
She can’t wait to open her birthday present.
We can’t wait for school to start.

fall,fall off, fall over的不同词义与用法
Leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
fall off是指从某处掉下或是脱离
The little boy fell off his bike.
fall over指的是倾倒
The tree fell over in the typhoon.

That doesn’t sound very easy.

Look out for the big waves!
Surfing is a fun sport.
Where can we stand to watch the game?
Do you want to see a trick?
He jumped over the big rock.

Her dog can do many tricks.
Jerry likes to swim in the waves.
Can you jump very high?
Let’s go surfing in the ocean sometime!
Everyone is standing outside.

Watersports 水上運動(下)
大家說英語 20240814
Surfing is something you do when you are riding on and over the waves in the ocean.
You need a surfboard衝浪板 and maybe something called a wetsuit that keeps you warm  if the water’s really cold.
When you surf you are standing up on a surfboard.


Hey, James, do you go paddleboarding?
(paddleboard 蹼板;槳葉式衝浪板 Paddleboard is a simple, inexpensive, and popular water sports. 滑蹼板是一種簡單,廉價及普遍的水上運動。)
I just watched a program about it.
I go now and then偶爾.
My friends and I rent paddleboards sometimes.
It’s fun.
I’d like to try it.
Is it hard to paddle the board for a long time?
Not at all.
You stand up and paddle.
If you get tired, you can sit on the board and rest.
You won’t sink?
No, not if you stay on the board.
I’d like to try windsurfing風帆衝浪運動, too.
Me, too. It looks really fun, but it looks harder than paddleboarding.
Yes. You have to use the sail on the board to move over the water.
So the weather needs to be windy?
But not too windy!
You’d go too fast.
Maybe we can try windsurfing on our day off 休息日.
(She took a day off. 她請了一天假。)
That’s a good idea.
I’ll find a windsurfing class!
Great! It will be fun.

now and then表达某情况偶尔发生不是常态 可以放在句首或句尾
Now and then, I go out to eat at a nice restaurant.
I take a walk in the park now and then.
They visit their grandparents now and then.

Paddleboarding just like surfing, you stand up on a board.
But unlike surfing, you don’t need to catch a wave and then stand up.
You are standing on the board the whole time.
And this board is called a paddleboard.
Sometimes this board is also called standup paddleboarding.
Or you might see the letters sup.
(SUP是Stand Up Paddle的縮寫,立式划槳,顧名思義就是以站姿划槳前進的運動。

you have to use the sail on the board to move over the water
over有越过的意思over the water指越过水域
over the water越过水域
The birds flew over the water
on the water
The boat is sailing on the water.
in the water
The children are playing in the water.

Day off means the day they don’t need to work.
You might ask someone when is your next day off?
Do you want to get together and have a meal?
Your days off might be your vacation days or even just weekend days when you don’t need to go to work.
It’s probably a better idea to join a class, and get some lessons first.
I love to cook, so I’m always up for打算 taking a cooking class参加烹饪课程.

Can we rent a car to drive?
Jeff can paddle for a long time.
What if this boat sinks?
The boat has a big white sale.
Yesterday was windy and cold.

Oh no! There is a hole in the sail!
We paddled the boat on the lake.
Do you like windy weather?
I rented a bike on Saturday.
A rock always sinks in water.

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