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Think Green!-空中英語教室
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Think Green!綠色思考!(淨零綠生活)(上)
空中英語教室 20240805
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us for our lesson today
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe our lesson is called think green
although Anne Marie judging by the color of our shirts
and some of our background here
it looks like
we’re thinking pink
today it certainly does
but to think green means to be thinking about the environment
is that something that you think about friends
one way to consider the environment
and all the impacts we’re having on
it is to think about our carbon footprint is
this something that you consider Gabe
carbon footprint
always makes me think about the bottom of my foot
but well
carbon footprint is referring to the amount of carbon dioxide
that our activities leave in the world
and so
it’s not something i always think about because after all
you can’t see carbon dioxide
and it takes maybe a long time to really notice
the effects of carbon dioxide
but the facts are out there
the statistics are out there right
one thing i know that me and my family do intentionally is
when we order from a restaurant for example
we often opt not to take their chopsticks or their utensils
because we have those things at home yeah
that’s a good point that is one way you can start thinking green
but there are many other ways as well friends
and we are going to learn about them
in today’s lesson
as usual today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
think green simple ways to make your lifestyle more sustainable
in a world buzzing with modern conveniences
responsible consumption
is the key to a sustainable future
here are some simple ways
that allow you to tap into the power of deliberate choices
and help save the planet
eating green
adopting eco friendly eating habits
holds immense potential to reduce our carbon footprint
and improve our well being opting for local seasonal produce
for example can reduce transportation energy and kerb pollution
choosing fresher
unprocessed food with fewer
harmful additives will promote personal good health as well
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看sustainable这个形容词
the company implemented sustainable practices in its operations
hoping to conserve Resources
或是investing in sustainable energy sources
like solar and wind power
is essential for reducing the pollution
we are experiencing
例如the conference on environmental issues
talked about the importance of sustainability
in preserving the earth
for future generations
city implemented new policies to curb
noise levels in populated areas after ten
或是efforts to curb
the spread of invasive species
included public awareness campaigns
譬如if you park next to that curb
and block the path of people walking
you are sure to get a ticket
all right friends
let’s get right into our lesson here
we read simple ways to make your lifestyle more sustainable now
when we talk about lifestyle
we’re talking about the way
you live on a day to day basis
some people really like a simple lifestyle
that means they don’t need a lot of fancy things
maybe their schedules are very simple
and they live in a simple apartment
some people might like a luxurious lifestyle
a luxurious lifestyle means that they like expensive things
maybe they commonly eat expensive food
and they maybe even live in a big house
there are many different kinds of lifestyles
but speaking of simple lifestyles and luxurious lifestyles
another word i might use
there is extravagant right
have you ever heard of lifestyle creep
oh maybe i have yeah
so lifestyle creep is
when you maybe start to make more money right
and then you think you’re going to have more
money because you’ve made more money
but you also started to change your lifestyle decisions
so that now you’re spending more as well friends
if you are trying to earn more or more of an income
make sure that your lifestyle does not change with that income
otherwise you won’t have anything extra after all
that’s lifestyle creep it kind of creeps up on you so here
we’re talking about a sustainable lifestyle in a world buzzing
with modern conveniences
responsible consumption is the key to a sustainable future now
Gabe let’s talk about that word buzzing there for a minute yeah
you can kind of imagine the sound of a Buzz right
what kind of animals Buzz
well bees Buzz
Buzz Buzz
mosquitoes Buzz
so there’s this stuff that’s going on
there’s a lot of activity right
that’s the idea a world buzzing
with modern conveniences
it’s almost like there’s so
much noise going on all around us with everything that is there
so you could also use this word in other ways
you could talk about how something is buzzing
with excitement
that means a lot of people are talking about something
or excited about something that’s right
we have one more sentence in this introduction paragraph here
here are some simple ways
that allow you to tap into the power of deliberate choices
and help save the planet now before
we get into some of these ways
let’s talk about that phrase to tap into something yeah
if you’re tapping into something that means
it is there
and you’re going to do something with it now maybe before you
weren’t really doing anything with it one way
we often use this phrase tap into is with potential
everybody has potential
you just need to find out what
that is you need to tap into your potential
alright friends
it’s time to get into some of these ideas
that can help you think more green
the first one
we’re looking at is eating green adopting eco
friendly eating habits
holds immense potential to reduce our carbon footprint
and improve our well being opting for local seasonal produce
for example can reduce transportation
transportation energy and curb pollution all right well
if you opt for something
it means that you are choosing it usually
there are two or more options and the one that you like
or the one that you go with is the one that you opt for here’s
an example many people opt for a car
with good gas mileage
that is the choice for many people choosing fresher
unprocessed food with fewer
harmful additives will promote personal good health
as well let’s continue learning right now with our next reading
think green
style with a purpose despite fast fashions
detrimental effects on our planet and society
it remains widely popular fight back by replacing impulse
buying with carefully planned purchases
proper cleaning techniques to extend the life of your clothes
and search for hidden
gems in second hand shops
if you need a special outfit
consider using a clothing rental service like rent the runway
then when it’s time to freshen up
your wardrobe remember to recycle
owners often create eye catching displays to encourage impulse
buying among shoppers
或是on an impulse Bev
bought a plane ticket eager for an adventure to a place
she’d never been Bev一时兴起
Brad struggled to control his impulse to interrupt someone
when he disagreed with them
okay friends
it’s time to look at the second way
we can think more green style with a purpose
despite fast fashion’s detrimental effects on our planet
and society it remains widely popular
all right well
there’s a really good word we can look at here in this sentence
friends the word detrimental yeah
if something is detrimental
that means
it is bad for you or society harmful for you or society
we talk about things that are detrimental to your health
for example smoking of course
is detrimental to somebody’s health
the opposite would be the beneficial
we want to do things that are beneficial to us and to others
exactly all right fight back
by replacing impulse
buying with carefully planned purchases now fight back
is another phrase that we could look at friends
if you fight back against
something it means that you don’t want it to happen
and you are actively looking for ways to keep it
from happening again
for example maybe there’s violence in a community
so the entire community comes together to fight back against
that that’s right
sometimes if you feel like you’re about to cry
nobody really wants to cry in front of other people
sometimes we cry alone
but sometimes we try to fight back tears
that means you’re trying
not to let those tears roll down your face all right
so using proper
proper cleaning techniques to extend the life of your clothes
now this is a really great phrase for you to know
as well friends
if you extend the life of something
it means that you can use that product or that item
for as long as possible
for example
many people don’t put their clothing in the clothes dryer
because they want to extend the life of their clothing
drying clothes often
makes them last
not as long or wears them out faster
but it’s so much easier to put your clothes inside
a dryer instead of hanging them out
but we’re not talking about convenience in this lesson
we’re talking about what’s good for the planet exactly
what’s good for the planet or
in this case what’s good for your clothes right
and in this section
of course we are talking about fast fashion versus
doing things that are good for the environment so
search for hidden gems in second hand shops
what’s a hidden gem
well a gem is another name for either
a jewel or something else that is really valuable so
if it’s a hidden gem
that means you didn’t know about it
or a lot of people didn’t know about it
and it’s true
if you go into a second hand store or a thrift shop
often you will find things that somebody has gotten rid of that
most people don’t really want or don’t even know is there
but is actually really cool
that’s right if you need a special outfit
consider using a clothing rental service like rent the runway
now i did check this website out
because i’ve heard about this a lot
i think we’ve talked about it here on the program before
and i wondered how expensive is this program actually
so it’s really not that bad if you have a very formal event
that you are going to some of the addresses on there
are like between 50 and 100 us dollars okay
and now that is expensive
but if you don’t want to spend 2000 us dollars
on a really fancy formal dress
this is a really good way to save money
and also think more green
that’s a great point and
just as a little note here runway
here refers not to what you see at an airport
but what you see at a fashion show
real quickly the phrase in the next sentence to freshen up
means to refresh yourself by washing
or changing into clean clothes
i need to freshen up before we go out on our date tonight
or it could mean to make something look newer
or more attractive
and i think that’s how it’s used in our lesson
all right friends we’ll be back after today’s infocloud
hello everyone welcome to infocloud
there are times in our
when we get tired of doing the same things over and over again
and really need a change
garret are you thinking of something specific
i am actually when i was in my last year at university
i was a bit tired of the classes for my degree
i wanted to take other classes that were different and fun
so did you take an art class oh
or a sports class
not exactly that’s when i started learning Chinese
it was definitely a challenge but at the same time
it was also a breath of fresh air
it sounds like it
even a tough challenge can be refreshing when you need a change
we can call that change a breath of fresh air
there are many situations when we can use this phrase
think of a work place
where everyone has been there for a long time
yeah they’re
used to always doing things in the same way
and there may not be many new ideas
but a new co worker full of excitement
and new ideas can be a breath of fresh air
they can bring back enthusiasm to everyone around them
so if you feel like you’re stuck in the same patterns in life
find a breath of fresh air you may just need to step outside
而是a breath of fresh air
a breath of fresh air就是一口清新的空气
这样的转变就是a breath of fresh air
learning Chinese is a breath of fresh air for Gary
通常a breath of fresh air
think green
eco friendly homes
you can transform your living space by incorporating plants
using natural light
when possible and ensuring proper ventilation reimagine
how you use space to reduce clutter
and integrate energy efficient appliances
and be sure to make water and electricity conservation
a priority
譬如the cook
decided to incorporate fresh vegetables from his garden
when he was making his beef stew
或是the new school program will incorporate technology
and digital learning tools to help
prepare students for the future
再看剧to improve teamwork
the manager suggested incorporating team
building exercises into their monthly meetings
thanks for incorporating that word into the language lab Jack
it is time now to talk about eco friendly homes friends
you can transform your living space by incorporating plants
using natural light
when possible and ensuring proper ventilation now
what is ventilation
yeah ventilation is what makes your room feel comfortable
in the middle of summer
when you open the windows and when you turn on the fan
or turn on the ac ventilation
is the movement of fresh air around a closed space
and we’ve all been in situations
where we felt like there was not enough ventilation right
that’s why you turn on something like a fan
the ac or open the windows
it’s nice to open windows on different sides of the house
so you can get what we call a crossbreeze
here’s another example of how you can use that word ventilation
the ventilation in the room was terrible
so it wasn’t safe to
paint it all right well
we see another interesting word in the next sentence
the word reimagine reimagine
how you use space to reduce clutter
and integrate energy efficient appliances
let’s talk about that word reimagine yeah
you know what the word imagine means
you can think creatively about something
you use your imagination to think
outside the box about solutions to problems right
well here
you’re reimagining how you do something so reimagine
how you use space to reduce clutter
let’s review that word clutter
so clutter
is when there’s too much stuff around your house
and some of those things
don’t serve a specific purpose
you can think about as you walk into a room
and maybe every surface in the room has things on it
maybe you trip over some things when you walk across the floor
that is considered clutter now
that is the noun just like it’s here in our less
used here in our lesson
but you can use this as a verb as well often with the word up
my desk got cluttered up over the months right
so there’s a lot of clutter on your desk
and you need to do the opposite
you need to declutter your desk or declutter your room
that’s right we have a reminder here
at the end of this sentence
be sure to make water and electricity conservation
a priority well
right now it’s time for something fun with today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun aluminum fact for you
today did you know that aluminum cans can be recycled
in about two months
ha ha
that’s pretty good aluminum is a kind of metal
and it can be recycled many times
so i guess that’s good news if you’re a can
that is today’s fun fact
are you ready for a quiz friends
i am you’re ready for a quiz
okay here
we go fill in the blank
when it comes to close search for blank gems
in second hand shops
we talked about gems earlier
remember their jewels are very valuable things
so what kind of gems
in these second hand stores
buzzing gems unprocessed gems
hidden gems or natural gems well
we usually use the word unprocessed when talking about food
not clothes
i’m going to go with hidden gems
because sometimes you find something that
you think nobody else knows about this
it’s a hidden gem
we hope you got that right as well friends hidden gems
that’s all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio class room

Think Green!綠色思考!(淨零綠生活)(下)
空中英語教室 20240806
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe
we’re very happy that you are joining us here
for our second day on our lesson about thinking green
that’s right yesterday
we started looking at some ways
we can begin to think more green in our everyday
lives to create a more sustainable lifestyle
we talked about three things in eating green
also style with the purpose and eco friendly homes
what’s one thing
you can do to eat green
well you can choose produce that was grown locally
that way you can reduce transportation and curb pollution
while we were talking about style with a purpose
we mentioned how fast fashion is very detrimental to the planet
it’s just really bad for the planet
and it’s not sustainable so
it’s better to extend the life of the clothing you already have
or even try a rental service
if you need to buy something new and one thing
you can do in your homes
is switch some of your appliances to eco friendly appliances
i know at first
you have to spend a little bit of money
but over time it actually does save both money and energy well
we do want to get into today’s part of our lesson
today of course
is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
think green
green transportation
nearly everything with wheels and a motor uses fossil fuels
but if you reduce your personal vehicle
usage by utilizing public transportation
you’ll be helping to cut down on carbon emissions
and for those who need to drive
regular vehicle
maintenance can ensure that your vehicle is both safe
and fuel efficient
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看动词utilize
pill to make more room in her classroom
Missus Collin decided to utilize the area
under the stairs for storage space
或是in an effort to save energy
the city began to utilize solar panels on public buildings
the engineers utilized advanced software to test their designs
before actual building began在实际建造之前
regular maintenance of your car can prevent costly repairs
and extend its life
或是after the storm
the city’s maintenance crews cleared tree
branches and bushes from the roads暴风雨过后
或是Pauline set
aside part of her money for the maintenance of her garden
so it would be healthy all year round
all right thank you
Jack we are going to get into our lesson
by talking about green transportation
nearly everything with wheels and a motor uses fossil fuels
but if you reduce your personal vehicle
usage by utilizing public transportation
you’ll be helping to cut down on carbon emissions now
the first thing we want to look at here friends
is this phrase to cut down on something
if you cut down on something
it means you do it or use it less yeah
i often hear people talk about
how they need to cut down on their sugar intake
or cut down on caffeine
maybe they used to have five cups of coffee a day
but now they’re cutting down to only two cups of coffee
so they’re cutting down on caffeine
all right
you could also cut down on calories as you can see here friends
these are all things that you consume
just like cars consume gas
so that might be a good way
for you to remember that phrase all right
reading on
and for those who need to drive regular vehicle maintenance
can ensure that your vehicle is both safe and fuel efficient
now in the language lab
a moment ago you just saw that word maintenance and of course
that is the way you keep up with something
you can say this about your appearance as well
for example you could do skin maintenance or you
could do maintenance on your hair
as well that’s to make sure your hair stays healthy and shiny
and there’s a related word if you add the word
high to maintenance something
or somebody can be high maintenance
we often use this to refer to people who need a lot of attention
and need a lot of people to pay attention to them
and do a lot of things for them
so that person may be high maintenance
i’ve seen this phrase used in two different ways
when you talk about people first of all
it can refer to the amount of time
that someone needs to take care of themselves
so if someone is high maintenance
it could mean that they need a lot of time to put on their
makeup they maybe have to wear very expensive clothing
maybe they need a lot of time to get ready in the morning
but i also see
this used in the way that Gabe was just mentioning
and that has to do more of an emotional high maintenance yeah
emotionally high maintenance right here
we’re talking about maintaining your car
maintaining your scooter
or whatever vehicle that you have
you want to take it in for regular maintenance
so this can ensure that your vehicle is both safe
and fuel efficient
if something is fuel efficient
that means it does not use a lot of fuel
especially compared to other vehicles
because there are some vehicles that are gas guzzlers
do you know what a gas guzzler is oh
a gas guzzler is a vehicle that uses up a lot of gas
and often more gas than the average vehicle that’s right
when you were in university
did you have a gas guzzler
or did you drive another type of more fuel efficient car
i had a more fuel efficient car it had good gas mileage good
okay that’s the opposite okay if something has good gas mileage
that means you can go farther on the same amount of gas
if it’s a gas guzzler
that means it’s the same amount of gas
but you really can’t go for as long right
of course
you want to try to buy a vehicle that is more fuel efficient
and try to stay away from gas guzzlers well
that’s green transportation next
we’re going to talk about green tourism here we go
think green
when you plan a trip
try to avoid air travel and when you do fly look for airlines
that are conscious of their carbon footprint
when you arrive at your destination
take it slow and embrace the local culture
a few thoughtful days in one place is more gratifying
than a hurried week of trying to see it all
譬如seeing the positive impact of her volunteer
work on the community
helped to gratify
Natalie’s desire to make a difference
比如completing the Marathon was a gratifying experience
for Paul as it reflected months of hard training and dedication
或是the chef found it deeply gratifying
when customers complimented the unique flavors of his dishes
okay thank you Jack
let’s look at green tourism friends
when you plan a trip try to avoid air travel now
this may be pretty impossible to do
if you’re flying to another country
or if you live in a country that you weren’t born in
and you need to visit family
but i think what the author is talking about here
is going on vacations
yeah well
i mean what are you supposed to do take a cruise to America
how long that’s gonna take
yes i think what we’re talking about here is planning vacations
that are more eco friendly
sure and especially with those countries
that may be close by a cruise
or a boat trip
there could actually be an option
the point is take as few flights as possible right
so we read here when you do fly look for airlines
that are conscious of their carbon footprint
we already talked about what someone’s carbon
footprint is
that is the measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide
that your activities produce so that’s your carbon footprint
and we talk about the carbon footprint not only of people
but of everything that produces carbon dioxide in the world
that’s right
we also see that word conscious here in this sentence friends
if you are conscious of something
it means that you are aware of it
or you know that it’s happening so
if you are conscious of your carbon footprint
then you know how much energy you are using
you know the impact of your travel on the environment
here is another way to use that word
when you are giving criticism to others
be conscious of how your words affect them
yeah because i also
i also think about the word aware when i think of conscious
and we often use them in the same way
you can be aware of something or conscious of something
i think one difference to keep in mind
is that being conscious is like it involves
or includes the idea of how that thing may affect other people
whereas being aware of something is simply
just having the knowledge of something
so you want to be conscious of your carbon footprint
because that of course will impact our world
okay when you arrive at your destination
take it slow and embrace the local culture sometimes
when we go on vacation
we want to do everything all at once get
up super early in the morning and pack
our day full of activities
but our writers suggestion here is to take it slow
that means that the pace you’re going at
isn’t fast
i often see this phrase used when talking about relationships
they just got together their boyfriend and girlfriend now
and they’ve decided to take their relationship slow
so they’re taking it slow whenever i see this phrase
it automatically makes me think of that song kokomo
by the beach boys we’ll get there fast
and then we’ll take it slow
you want to get to your destination fast
but with a relaxing place like cokomo
it’s nice to just take it slow
a few thoughtful days in one place is more gratifying
than a hurried week of trying to see it all
see it all is a great phrase to friends if you see it all
it means that you want to see everything
we sometimes also use this phrase
with the word do to do it all
we use this to talk about people’s lives
as well sometimes he’s really doing it all
that means he has a lot on his plate
the schedule is very full when we were in
when my wife and i visited Germany
we visited some friends
and we wanted to do everything that was there
but our friends reminded us hey
you just need to take it slow you don’t need to see it all
this time just really relax
and take it in go to the places
you want spend a little more time there
and just take in what you can there friends
what do you think about this
this could be one way to reduce your carbon footprint
when you go traveling well
we do have more to learn in today’s infocloud
well friends welcome to info cloud hey Garrett
i recently had a reunion with my classmate Johnny
from elementary school
he is a very successful entrepreneur and a millionaire now wow
it must have been a special reunion with your old friends
you think that successful people like him would be arrogant
but no
he is down to earth and humble just like when we were kids
that’s actually very impressive
because it is very easy to be arrogant and full of yourself
when you’re successful to be down to earth
like that is quite difficult when a person is down to earth
they are just normal or practical
even though you might expect them to be arrogant
and looking down on others
because of their success or position
yes they are on earth like everyone else here
the expression down to earth can be used to describe anybody
who is very humble and practical
it is a character
trait and attitude that we should all try to have
if you are down to earth
people will be comfortable around you
享的用语down to earth来形容他
down to earth字面上就是在地上
John is a millionaire
and he’s very down to earth John是一位富豪
这就是今天的NFL cloud
think green
eco conscious clicks
the era of one click
purchases has not led to healthy consumption
habits challenge the norm by prioritizing necessity
favoring secondhand options
and supporting businesses with eco friendly practices
redefine what it means to be a conscious consumer
and pave the way for sustainable
online shopping in the face of a planet in peril
each conscious choice pushes us toward a brighter future
join the movement of conscious consumers and together
let’s be the change earth so urgently needs
譬如the hikers faced great peril
as they try to find their way
across the mountain during the storm
或是in the novel
the hero faces
various perils to rescue the villagers from the Dragon
ignoring the warning signs the sailors sailed into the fog
unaware of the perils that lay ahead
thanks Jack friends
let’s finish out
this article by talking about eco conscious clicks now
as we learned earlier to be conscious
means to be aware of something and clicks
of course just to remind
you is talking about
clicking things on your computer with the mouse
or maybe clicking things with your fingers on your phone
the era of oneclick
purchases has not led to healthy consumption habits
now just to remind you when we’re talking about consumption
it means the amount of things you are consuming
or the amount of things you’re taking in this
isn’t just talking about food this is also talking about how
much you buy
sure i also use this word when talking about
maybe what you’re learning as well
someone is consuming a lot of books
that means they’re reading a lot of books right
not eating them of course
we read here challenge the norm by prioritizing necessity
favoring second hand options and supporting businesses
with eco friendly practices
just kind of how yesterday
we talked about going to second hand stores to find some things
that you might
think are pretty cool
right those are second hand options
the word favor here means to show or feel preference for so
of course you have a lot of options
but you’re going to favor some things over others
now favoring is kind of similar to that word
prioritizing as well
but if you prioritize it
means that you put it in front of other things
or you say that that is the most important thing
so the most important thing
here should be necessity and favoring
is kind of like a synonym for that word
yeah do you really need these things
is it really a necessity
or is it just something that you want
well let’s go to the next sentence here
where we see the word redefine
just like we learned the word reimagine earlier in this lesson
you can redefine something
maybe you had a specific definition for something before
but now you need to think about that thing in a little bit
of a different way
that’s right towards the end of this sentence
we also see that phrase to pave the way redefine
what it means to be a conscious consumer
and pave the way for sustainable online shopping now
if you pave the way somewhere
it means that you are the first one to do it
and everyone who comes after
you has an easier job of doing that thing so
for example
maybe there’s a scientist and he made some early discoveries
those discoveries
paved the way for the scientists
that followed him on one of our social media channels
we have a song called what’s stopping you posted there
and it features this phrase to pave the way
pave the way for somebody else to have a brighter day
what we do see the word brighter
here in this next section right
we’re talking about a brighter future
in the face of a planet in peril
each conscious choice pushes us toward a brighter future
and Jack just talked about that word peril
but the adjective form is perilous
and it means dangerous or risky all right
join the movement of conscious consumers and together
let’s be the change earth so urgently needs now
if there is a movement
this often means that there are a lot of people
who want to see a change
so they come together
and they try to work towards that change together
this movement that we’re talking about is
of course being more environmentally conscious
here’s another example of how to use that work many movements
advocating for change
find traction on social media
so a lot of movements happen because of social media right now
it’s time for us to join the fun fact movement
let’s see what Ernest finder is up to right now
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact about breathing for you
today did you know
you can reduce your carbon footprint by breathing less
because our breath releases carbon
it’s true
but a better way is to drive less because we need to breathe
that’s today’s fun fact
as we finish our lesson
let’s look at one of these talk about it questions friends
which of these sustainable tips do you want to try in your life
you know one thing
that our lesson mentioned was
that you should eat more local produce
or things that are grown close by it’s just something
i don’t think about too often is like oh
where was this food grown
that i’m now buying at the supermarket
but that’s something that i should probably be a little
more intentional about because even the transportation energy
it takes to get from one place to the supermarket leaves
a carbon footprint that’s right what do you think friends
what can you do to think green
talk about that in English
and we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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