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Go Team Go!-空中英語教室
2024/07/31 15:52:12瀏覽33|回應0|推薦0
Go Team Go!衝啊~加油!
空中英語教室 20240731
you’re here welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie all right well
our lesson today is called go team go
so we’re going to be talking about what
you might see at a sporting event well
speaking of what do you think makes sports games exciting Emory
what do i think makes sports games exciting the food
of course what yeah you can get a hot dog
you can get popcorn
some soda that’s definitely
one of my favorite parts of a sporting event okay
by the way have you been to a lot of live sports games
like baseball or football
i have i used to go to baseball games pretty
frequently at least a few times a year
when i lived in the States
and also hockey games as well
oh yeah
that’s right i’d love to see a hockey game in person okay well
for me what makes sports games exciting
you know i don’t go to a lot of live sports games
but i do think that the half time show during the super bowl
is always pretty interesting
there’s usually
a lot of music
a lot of dancing
which is something i love
that’s right
especially music but friends of course
music is not a main part of a sporting event usually however
you might see something running around the field or on the court
during a game
and that something is called a mascot that’s what we’re going
to be talking about with our lesson today
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
go team go
the mascot is the spirit of a team on a football field
baseball field
or basketball court
a mascot fires up the crowd wearing a costume he
or she does silly things for the fans amusement
a mascot encourages fans to cheer their team on to victory
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
she watched the puppies with great amusement
as they chased each other around the yard
或是the Magician’s tricks
brought a sense of amusement to the audience
或是the visitor asked some people on the street
what they did for amusement
in the tiny town
thank you so much Jack another way
we use that word amusement is when talking about an amusement
park right
maybe you can go to an amusement park
some time but not right now
let’s get into our lesson right go
team go when might we say go to somebody or go
when someone’s running a race and you want them to run faster
or you want them to win you might
say go go go
Anne Marie
some people ask me what is a good translation for jayo
right go
seems like a pretty good translation right
i think it’s a better translation than something like add oil
because it really doesn’t mean anything in English
or fighting that doesn’t really make sense in English either
yeah that’s right
we would understand if you said fighting
but maybe go is even a better way to encourage somebody right
because after all you want them to keep going forward go
team go right
while we read here the mascot is the spirit of a team
so the mascot that is the symbol for your team
and it usually represents good luck
but it also as our lesson is going to say it kind of represents
maybe an animal or something from the world
that has some really good or admirable qualities
that’s right now
there are other things besides sports teams
that can have mascot
as well for example
an organization could have a mascot
as well like studio classroom
we have a mascot Oscar
the owl right
that’s right
he’s on the front of our clipboards with some pom poms
you may see cheerleaders at a game
a sporting event and they may be holding pom poms in their hands
and of course
you would have the mascot
which is Oscar for studio classroom
that’s right now
events can have mascots
as well something like the Olympic Games every four years
there’s usually a different mascot so sports teams
organizations and events they can all have mascots
and of course
you see here the spirit of a team sometimes we use the word
spirit not just to talk about those invisible things
like ghosts in the invisible world right
but kind of the feeling that you get from something so
we read on here on a football field
baseball field or basketball court
a mascot fires up the crowd and yeah
we see a couple of examples here in this sentence of the places
where you could play different sports
you could play in a football field or a baseball field
sometimes called a baseball diamond right
or some sports are played indoors on a court
like a basketball court
or volleyball court that’s right
and we want to review this phrase to fire up here
as well friends to be fired up means to be excited
but it can also mean to be angry as well
the way she was treated really got me fired up
it made me very upset all right
but in this case
the mascot is making the crowd excited wearing a costume he
or she does silly things for the fans amusement
a mascot encourages fans to cheer their team on to victory
that’s right
of course you know the phrase to cheer up right
that means to try to become a little happier
but you can cheer someone on that’s another way of saying
you’re going to encourage them
to keep on going
especially in a difficult situation
let’s go to the next reading right now
go team go
a person animal or object can be a mascot
its purpose is to be a symbol of something
and to bring it good luck
teams choose a mascot for its power and strength
they hope it can impart its characteristics to the team
for that reason
mascots are rarely
rabbits or mice they are usually tigers
bears or other large powerful creatures sometimes
they are mighty warriors
such as Trojans
譬如in the ocean
the swimmers came across a new creature
unlike anything
they had ever seen
或是the forest was home to various creatures
from tiny bugs to majestic deer
再看一句at the Zoo
the children saw creatures from different countries
around the world
譬如the ancient soldiers were known for the mighty deeds
stories of which were passed down through the years
或是over the years
mighty rivers have cut deep valleys into the mountains
再看一个例句despite its size
the mighty ant can
lift objects
many times its own weight蚂蚁体型虽然小
thank you so much Jack so we read on here a person
animal or object can be a mascot
just like Oscar
the owl is our mascot here
its purpose is to be a symbol of something and to bring it
good luck so by the way
when when do you say good luck
do you ever say good luck to people amory
yeah i do say good luck to people sometimes
when i hope that they do well on a test or on a project
that they’re trying to do
or maybe a presentation
i’ll say okay good luck
yeah that’s right now
there’s one situation where you shouldn’t say good luck
but instead you should say break a leg
and that is to actors before they go on stage for a show
in fact they consider it bad luck to say good luck instead
you should say break a leg you can go look up
why we say that if you are curious but here
of course a mascot is something that brings
good luck teams choose a mascot for its power and strength
in other words they choose it
because it represents some kind of power and strength
this is a good sentence pattern for you to know
though okay so verb
and then noun for something here’s another example
the company hired her for her soft
skills that means they recognized she had good soft skills
that’s why they hired her
that’s a good example
all right
they hope it can impart its characteristics to the team in part
is a great word for you to know friends
this means to bestow a quality
or to give a quality
so what people are hoping when they choose a mascot is
that the power that this mascot has
it will give that power to the team
or the quality that that mascot has
it will help the team have that quality now
what kinds of things can we impart to other people
i have often heard this word used with the word wisdom
or knowledge abstract things
that we have
in our lives that could be beneficial to other people
so thank you for imparting your wisdom to us
thank you
Jack in the language lab for imparting your knowledge to us
that’s right
teachers often hope to impart their knowledge to their students
all right let’s keep reading for that reason mascots are rarely
rabbits or mice do rabbits
and mice
not have qualities that a team would want i’m sure they do
i’m sure they do and actually when i read this
it made me think hmm
i’m going to come up with a team
and give it some kind of mascot that
usually makes people think of something weak oh
but actually those animals also have their strengths as well
it’s just they’re not
as obvious right
that’s true interesting so
but this is usually
why most people don’t choose things like rabbits
or mice for their mascots
because they are kind of weak animals
or at least we perceive them as being weak
all right so what kind of animals are mascots
usually chosen to be well
they are usually tigers
bears or other large powerful creatures okay
that makes sense right
that reminds me of my high school growing up
i went to a school called Morrison
so we had a mascot that also started with an m
it’s a type of horse
a wild horse called a Mustang that was our high school mascot
when i was in university
we were the APU cougars also a type of cat
a very powerful and wild cat
my college was the PCC eagles eagles yes
eagles was the mascot of our competitors in college
oh okay all right
but the biola eagles i think anyway
those are a pretty common mascot
they are because they’re also powerful creatures right well
friends does your school have a mascot so we read here
sometimes they are mighty warriors such
as Trojans and yes
in history Trojans were mighty warriors
let’s go to some other mighty warriors
right now in today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud everyone today we are going to teach you
i don’t really know what we should talk about today actually
let’s think of ideas together Garrett after all two heads are
better than one hey
that’s it two heads are better than one
that’s what
i just said so do you want to start thinking of ideas no Rex
i mean that’s it
let’s teach everyone what two heads are better than one
means in fantasy stories
you might see an animal like a two headed dragon
but that’s not
what this phrase is about it means
that when two or more people get together
they can do great things
so two heads is talking about two people
twice the brain power
twice the ideas the idea isn’t really limited to just two people
there’s a similar phrase that talks about groups being better
i’ve heard people say the more the merrier
right that basically means
you will have more fun with a group than just by yourself
Two heads are better than one.
i asked TED for help because two heads are better than one
你可以说the more the moreer
这就是今天的INFO cloud
go team go
not all sports mascots are humans in costume
some professional and university teams have
live animal mascots
the Bulldog
UGA attends sporting events for the university of Georgia Tama
a large Hawk is the mascot of the nfl team
the Seattle Seahawks
mascots create a bond between the team and its fans
which hopefully leads to many victories
you the Hawk circled above the trees
looking for any sign of movement from small animals
可是the teacher watched her students like a Hawk
when they were taking their final exam
譬如at the night market
people lined the side of the streets and hawked various goods
thank you very much Jack well
we read here not all sports mascots are humans in costume now
that’s interesting humans has an s but not costume well
that’s because this is a set phrase in English
if somebody is in costume
or if many people are in costume
that means they have some costumes on
but this is just the phrase we use okay
so when might somebody be in costume
and Marie you like celebrating Halloween
sometimes right
yeah i do so during Halloween my kids are always in costume
yeah that’s right
so friends when do you ever put on a costume now
some mascots are humans in costume
but not all some professional
and university teams have live animal mascots
the bulldog UGA
attends sporting events for the university of Georgia
when i saw that
i thought it should be pronounced UGA UGA
UGA but it is UGA UGA
the Bulldog i wonder
if UGA the Bulldog enjoys going to sporting events or not
i would hope so i imagine he enjoys all of the attention
but i imagine some cats might enjoy that attention
even more
can you imagine a cat on a leash
at one of these big sporting events that’d be pretty funny
it would be kind of funny okay
so here’s ugga
and this is just an example we see another one here Tama
a large hawk is the mascot of the nfl team
the Seattle Seahawks and Marie mentioned eagles earlier eagles
and Hawks are related
and i know that in Chinese there are many types of ing right
even Malto ing is a type of ing
and so there are these big birds of prey okay
that they prey upon other animals or smaller birds
but Hawks and eagles are very similar now
while we’re talking about these live animals
i should mention that the usc
that’s university of southern California Trojans
they actually do have a live mascot and it’s a horse
whose name is traveler oh
really yeah
interesting now
i don’t know
if usc is the only school that has Trojans as their mascot
i’m assuming other schools also might use Trojans
but at their school that’s pretty cool i mean this is a pretty
pretty powerful
looking horse yeah
pretty interesting okay well
here’s how our lesson wraps up friends
mascots create a bond between the team
and its fans
if you create a bond between something two different things
it means that those people
or those two different things have a closer relationship than
maybe someone would have a close bond between them
and their pet
that’s two different things
that the relationship has become closer
and this is
what mascots are doing for the team and the fans of the team
which hopefully leads too many victories
and i think that the atmosphere
the encouraging atmosphere could really make a difference
if you’re the one playing on the court or in the field right
mascots and the team and your fans can really make a difference
Emory i actually was the mascot in high school oh
you were for a period of time
did you have to wear like a costume
like a really big fuzzy costume yeah
nobody else wanted to do it at the time
and i thought it would be kind of fun i wouldn’t want to do it
it seems very hot in there
it was very hot
i remember one time at our school
and the tas that the type American school
tigers came down to compete against our basketball team
and i was running around
and they had brought their tiger mascot down okay
but anyway
i was dressed in this mascot outfit and then during the game
some tas students came over three or four of them
they turned my mascot head around
oh no
and they started whaling on the back of the mascot horse
and i just pretended you know like how was a horse
that was you know falling over
and it was it was a good time
it sounds more like acting than being a mascot
it was a little bit of acting
but you know created some entertainment for the spectators
who want to watch the basketball game
it’s kind of fun to be a mascot
all right friends
we have something else fun right now
it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i’m detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that there
was a Japanese baseball mascot called mysterious fish
hmm sounds like a name for a detective
but what did mysterious fish
do that was so mysterious
well mysterious fish would change forms during the game
it even had a skeleton form inside its costume wow
sounds pretty mysterious and that is today’s fun mascot fact
as we close our lesson today i have a question for Ann Marie
i shared my experience as a mascot
have you ever had any experiences with mascots well
i don’t really like mascots very much
i’m assuming that’s why
you’re asking me this question well
because you never know who’s inside the costume
is the first reason
and that kind of bothers
me not to be able to see people’s faces oh
and then also
i’m very claustrophobic
so the thought of being inside a mascot costume
also kind of freaks me out huh
well what about you friends
have you had any interesting experiences with mascots
or perhaps were you
a mascot talk about that in English do you know of any animal
that would make a good mascot talk about all of this
we will see you next time next month
right here on studio classroom
i am so proud to have you in my life

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