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Paris 2024 Olympics-空中英語教室
2024/07/27 16:05:09瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0
Paris 2024 Olympics 2024巴黎奧運(上)
空中英語教室 20240726
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us for our lesson today
my name is Ann Marie
and i’m Gabe
here’s a question friends to start us off
would you like to go to Paris
to see the Olympics
this summer or would you like to go to Paris
another time when it won’t be so crowded oh
that’s a good question
i’ve never been to Paris
i would like any excuse or a reason to travel to Paris
i went to Greece for the summer Olympics
i think it was two thousand four hmm yeah
and that was my first time to Greece
it was fun with the Olympics
it would have been fun without as well
i i don’t know
i think being there for the Olympics
would make it extra exciting Anne Marie
what about you
that’s true i’ve never been to the Olympics at all
so i think that just going to the Olympics
would be just as exciting for me anywhere
anywhere in the world yes
but what about you friends
this is a great thing for you to talk about in English
as we get into our lesson today called Paris
2024 Olympics
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together wherever you are
Paris 2024 Olympics
the whole world has its eyes on the city of light
it has been 100 years since
olympians last set foot on the streets of the
city of light but today history is being made as the Olympics
triumphantly returned to Paris for the third time Paris
a city where fine
art and culture go hand in hand
has always been a center for Innovation
it’s no surprise
then that Paris has found exciting new ways to play its role
in Olympic history
hi everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看triumphantly这个副词
譬如the athlete crossed the finish line
triumphantly securing a new world record
或是Stella held the signed contract above her head
triumphantly signaling a successful deal
例如after hours of working on the complex puzzle
Lily raised her ARMS in Triumph at finishing it
thank you so much Jack all right friends
let’s get right into our lesson
we read the whole world has its eyes on
the city of light to have its eyes on something
or all eyes on something
let’s talk about what these phrases mean
yeah if the world has its eyes on something
that means everyone is paying attention to what is going on
there perhaps
if there’s a big news story that affects the entire world
then everybody wants to pay attention right
they have their eyes on this story
i also use this phrase in other ways to talk about
maybe something that you’re thinking about buying for example
there’s a camera
i really want to get i’ve got my eyes on this camera
i haven’t decided whether i’m going to buy it yet
or not all right
that’s a great example
reading on here friends
it has been one hundred years since olympians last
set foot on the streets of the city of light
here’s another great phrase for us to talk about
does this phrase to set foot on something
literally means
we’re putting our feet on the streets of Paris actually
in this case it could have that definition right
but we do use this phrase to talk about
it’s kind of a dramatic way of
saying that you’re entering a place
whether you’re entering on your feet or in a wheelchair
it’s okay
we could still use this phrase to set foot on the streets
or to set foot in something
here’s another example
because of the terrible food
he will never set foot in that restaurant again
all right but today history is being made
as the Olympics
triumphantly returned to Paris for the third time
so the Olympics have been held in Paris for the third time now
that’s kind of cool actually
it’s the second city
that will have hosted the Olympics three times
already and the first
do you want to guess what city
it is is it Rome no
but it is somewhere in Europe
yeah so
think of people who speak English
with a more distinguished accent
oh are you talking about London
yeah at least a lot of people like the British accent
more than the American accent anyway
but yeah London hosted the Olympics in 1908
nineteen forty eight and in 2012
so Paris will be the second to do this now
they’re making history
that is another great phrase for you to know
that means you’re doing something significant
that will probably be recorded by a lot of people
and remembered in history right
for example
Taylor Swift made history by winning best album of the year
for the fourth time
all right that’s a great example
we read on here Paris
a city where fine
art and culture go hand in hand
has always been a center for innovation
here’s another good phrase for us to look at friends
for something to go hand in hand well two things
rather it means that these two things go together really well
like wine and teas they go hand in hand
yeah one happens as a result of the other
or they are always perceived together
so education and health often go hand in hand
which is why if you go into some hospitals
they will be playing let’s talk in English and studio classroom
i’ve never seen any
other establishment play our programs before
but the hospitals like to i’ve seen it playing there myself
it’s no surprise
then that Paris has found exciting new ways to play its role
in Olympic history
all right
well to play a role means to have a position of influence right
what role does music play in your life
or what role does exercise play in your life
what role does studio classroom play in your life
talk about that in English
right now it’s time for us to go on to our next reading
Paris twenty twenty four Olympics
the parade of Nations
which traditionally happens within the Olympic stadium
the opening ceremonies has been transformed into a boat parade
on the Seine river
each national delegation on its own craft
will float through the city
surrounded by screaming fans on every side
the boats will eventually arrive at the trocadero
in the center of the city
in another historic first
the opening ceremony will be open to the public
and free for most spectators
譬如delegations from various countries
arrived at the international conference
ready to discuss global issues
或是a delegation of students
represented their school at the national science fair
presenting their Innovative project to the judges
the mayor delegated five people to visit the town’s sister city
to strengthen their cultural and economic ties
every spectator held their breath as the soccer players
lined up for the penalty kick
或是cheering and waving
thousands of spectators lined the route as the parade
wound its way through the city streets
it seems that during election years in particular politics
is a spectator sport
okay thank you Jack well
we read here the parade of Nations
which traditionally happens within the Olympic stadium
during the opening ceremonies
has been transformed into a boat parade on the Seine river
okay let’s talk about what opening ceremonies are yeah
well it’s a formal ceremony
a formal way of starting an event it could be a very big thing
especially if it’s something like the Olympics
it’s a very grand event right
where people come in
where the teams come in and represent their countries
this is the opening ceremonies and so just as you
might imagine
there also may be closing ceremonies at the end of a big event
like this
that’s right
and we see this phrase to be transformed into something
if something is transformed into something else
it means it’s completely changed into something else
here’s an example
each Christmas
downtown is transformed into a winter wonderland
maybe they are hanging up lights
and putting up decorations for Christmas
so downtown is transformed but i have to say Gabe
i went online to see the website for the Olympics in Paris
and there was an artistic rendering of what
this trade of Nations is supposed to look like an artistic
what a rendering
so somebody probably on the Olympic committee
made an actual like kind of like a picture of what
this might look like on the river
when all these boats are going down
it looks really really cool
well you got me curious
Anne Marie i’m going to have to check out that rendering myself
it’s like a version of something
coming from someone’s imagination right
and there’s so many things we can do with graphics
these days online
you can kind of let people imagine what it’s going to be like
even if they don’t have a chance to go
there themselves right
which probably describes us
but yeah actually
i thought it was really cool
that they’re going to do the parade on the seine river
this year because as we read here traditionally
this happens in
the streets but this is so cool
it’s going to take place on the river
it’s something different each national delegation
on its own craft will float through the city and yes
friends a craft
here means a boat or a ship and this is how they’re doing it
there is one boat or ship for each nation
and then all of those boats are going to go
parading down the river that’s right
the word craft can be referring to a boat
or maybe even an airplane right
we call it aircraft but here we’re talking about boats of course
they will float through the city
surrounded by screaming fans on every side
the boats will eventually
arrive at the trocadero in the center of the city
and Marie did this artistic rendering
could you hear the screaming fans
as well was it just visual
it was just visual
but you could see the fans on either side of the river
and this is the best part
this next sentence says it in another historic first
the opening ceremony will be open to the public
and free for most spectators
means you can go and watch this on the river
for free in most areas well
this is very significant because for any Olympic event
people do have to pay to go and watch them right
but it will be different this time pretty cool well
you know what else is cool friends
the info cloud
hello friends welcome
to infocloud hey Rex
i’m thinking of buying a new car
and i’m looking at a Japanese cars
which brand do you recommend Honda or Toyota
i’m a Toyota fan i have been driving toyotas for over 20 years
but i drove a Honda when i was living in the us
i like the Honda too
it’s very hard to choose between the two brands
because they’re neck and neck well Toyota
is the top selling brand in the market
but in terms of quality
i do think those two are neck and neck from my experience
so the expression we just used neck and neck implies
two things are almost equal in a competition
just like in a horse race when two horses are neck and neck
that means they are so close together it’s hard to tell
which is faster fortunately when you are learning English
you only have to be neck and neck with yourself
because the only person you should compete with is you
你就可以用neck and neck并驾齐驱
neck and neck字面上就是脖子对脖子
看起来就是neck and neck
the two candidates are neck and neck in the election
这就是今天的INFO cloud
Paris twenty twenty four Olympics
many iconic landmarks
have also been transformed into venues for various sports
new construction for the event
includes a temporary area
near the Eiffel tower for beach volleyball
and another at the place de la concorde for urban sports
even the chateau de Versailles is hosting equestrian events
among others
例如the couple searched for weeks
before finding the perfect venue for their wedding
或是a small music venue
was a favorite spot for both musicians and music lovers alike
the city’s newest entertainment
venue boasts areas for both indoor and outdoor events
all right friends
let’s get into our last section for the day here
many iconic landmarks
have also been transformed into venues for various sports
we saw that phrase to be transformed into earlier in our lesson
already so these landmarks
these iconic historical landmarks
are being changed to accommodate different sporting events
i really like this idea
because i feel like
it’s really using
what the city
already has to offer
without having to build a bunch of new buildings
this really makes me think of some places in the states
where the Olympics have been held in the past
and a lot of those stadiums are just standing empty
and they are kind of a waste of space now
but i really like that Paris is trying to reuse some buildings
they already have
Paris can do that because it’s a beautiful city anyway right
i mean we’re reading here about how
you can play beach volleyball
next to the Eiffel tower
like what a great place to play beach
volleyball or any sport for that matter
but you can’t say the same thing about a lot of other cities
around the world right
maybe what makes that city special is the Olympic Stadium right
and if it weren’t for that Stadium
people wouldn’t even go travel to that place
but speaking of the Eiffel tower what
if they were to put that to use what kind of sport
could include the Eiffel tower
maybe like rock climbing of some kind yeah
rock climbing or pole vaulting
maybe pole vaulting
you could go through some of the you know the structure oh
that’s right through the holes in the structure yeah
maybe that’s a good idea i don’t know if you’re gonna do that
i don’t know if they’re going to do that or not
but you can use your imagination friends
what can Paris be used for in the Olympics
you see that word various of course
that’s talking about a variety of something
all sorts of something
right that word construction
new construction for the event includes a temporary area
we could talk about something being under construction right now
for example
if it’s fully made then it’s not under construction anymore
but if it’s in the process
we call it being under construction
that’s right or being renovated if something is already built
but something is being changed
those are called renovations all right
so there are some new constructions as well for this event
there’s a temporary area near the Eiffel tower
so i assume that when the event is over
this is going to be taken down because it’s temporary
another at the place de la Concord
for urban sports now
what does this word urban
mean well
urban is relating to or characteristic of a town or city
so urban sports would be sports that happen in the city
and you see a word in this place right here
this proper name plas de la Concord
Concord is also a word we have in English
it does not have an e on the end
and this word
usually refers to agreement or harmony of some kind okay
so it implies harmony or agreement now
we read even
when the chateau de Versailles is hosting equestrian events
among others sorry
there’s no
when even the chateau de Versailles will be doing something
there right equestrian events
equestrian is a word that relates to horses
and horse activities
that’s right all right friends we’ll be
right back after today’s fun fact
hello fat friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know that
only one other city has hosted the Olympics three times
that’s right Paris will have three hosting times this year
but London is the other city
London and Paris
are the only two cities that have hosted three Olympic Games
and that is today’s fun fact that doesn’t seem fair
well as we finish out our lesson today
i want to share some very interesting information
that i just found out about the medals
for this year’s Olympics does it have to do with Paris
and Marie it has to do with Paris
and it has to do with a very famous landmark
that we were talking about pole vaulting through earlier
you’re talking about the Eiffel tower i am apparently
the metals at this year’s Olympics
were not only inspired by the Eiffel tower
but these metals actually contain a piece
piece of the Eiffel tower what as well
yes you can’t dismantle the Eiffel tower and put it in a metal
well apparently
it was being renovated before
and when the renovations were being done
they saved pieces that came off of it
they took off the brown paint
and they stamped the 2024 Paris logo for the Olympics on them
so that athletes could take a piece of Paris home
with them way to reuse the Eiffel tower
and i like
that athletes can take home a piece of Paris with them well
our lesson is not over friends
so make sure you come back and join us next time
we’ll be here waiting for you right here on studio classroom

Paris 2024 Olympics 2024巴黎奧運(下)
空中英語教室 20240727
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe you are here just in time for a great lesson
we’re continuing to learn about the Paris Olympics
this year 2024
that right
we are talking about how the Olympics in Paris will be different
because the opening ceremonies
are going to be open to the public
they’ll be open to the public
and perhaps one reason for that is
because it’s impossible to keep people away
when you have the opening ceremony
is taking place on the San river
so instead of walking through the streets
or maybe going into the stadium as a lot of Olympics will do
there is going to be a lot of boats floating down this river
that’s right i would love to see that parade of Nations
we also learned yesterday
that many iconic landmarks have been transformed into venues
for different sporting events at this year’s Olympics
we have more to learn with our lesson today
and today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
Paris 2024 Olympics
the 2024 Paris games aim to celebrate
france’s diverse heritage
by extending events beyond the capital way
beyond in addition to several cities in France
tahiti’s teyahopoo
will showcase its stunning waves as the site of the Olympic
surfing competition
but river parades
new venues and the inclusion of an overseas site
aren’t the only new additions
braking or brake dancing
will also make its official Olympic debut in Paris
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the annual art
fair provided a place for local artists to showcase
their latest works of art in Indu的艺术博览会
或是the chef’s menu was designed to showcase
local ingredients
each dish telling a story of local culture
或是many students showcased their diverse abilities
at the school’s talent contest
hero in the software update
the inclusion of user
features was shown to improve their overall experience
或是the inclusion of several rare
documents in the exhibition
attracted scholars from around the world
the inclusion of spinach and the dish might seem strange
but it adds a nutritious boost without changing the flavor
all right
thank you so much Jack well getting into today’s lesson friends
we read the
2024 Paris games aimed to celebrate france’s diverse
heritage by extending events beyond the capital way
beyond i want to take a minute
to talk about the difference between heritage
and culture because these two words are kind of similar
and they can be a little bit confusing
especially to know the difference of when to use them
so how would you differentiate these words
or distinguish between these words
well heritage is something handed down from your ancestors
or from your past
so a lot of times this has to do with the past traditions
or the past ethnicities that have to do with a country
or a culture now
a culture has to do with the present day
it’s influenced by heritage culture of course
is influenced by heritage
and there’s a lot of things we may not know about our heritage
right that influence our culture
but that’s a great point
a great way to distinguish between these words friends
heritage and culture and of course
France has a very diverse
heritage and culture
i would say that means
there’s a lot of different kinds of people groups
represented here
so by extending advance beyond the capital way beyond
so they’re not just going right outside the capital city
they’re going way
beyond to places that are very far off
that’s right so
some of these places are going to be different cities in France
but also a city in Tahiti teyahu poo yeah
will showcase its
stunning waves as the site of the Olympic surfing competition
we see that word stunning
their friends of something is stunning
it means it stuns you
it’s so beautiful or so amazing to look at you
just feel in awe
when you see it
yeah you could say i’m stunned when you see something like this
right these stunning waves
or these amazing or spectacular waves have you ever seen
really big waves and Marie in person
i know we’ve all seen movies
where surfers are writing these enormous waves
but have you ever seen big waves in person
i’ve seen some big waves on the east coast before there are some
really really big waves
because there’s a drop off on that side
but i haven’t been out in the big waves yeah
neither have i friends have using big waves in person
it can be stunning right
talk about your experience in English perhaps
you’re a surfer yourself
but we continue here but river parades
new venues and the inclusion of an overseas site aren’t
the only new additions
braking or brake dancing
will also make its official Olympic debut in Paris well
people have been talking about this for years
when is brake dancing going to be included in the Olympics
that’s right i think we even had a lesson about it
when it was finally announced
that brake dancing was going to be included
we’re going to talk a little bit more about some of the
we use when talking about breakdancing in just a minute
as we go into our next reading
Paris twenty twenty four Olympics
the competition will include 16 male break dancers
b boys and 16 female break dancers b girls engaging in one on
one battles set to a random selection of music
chosen by a dj finally
there is plenty of Buzz around the young athletes
all of whom will push themselves to the limit
at this year’s competition team
USA’s Coco golf will no doubt deliver
a grand slamworthy performance on the tennis court
the teacher assigned essay topics by drawing
random names from a hat
so every student had a different subject to write about
或是the scientist used a random sample of the population
for the study
to obtain results from a diverse group
everyone who works at this company
is required to comply with random drug tests
all right let’s continue talking about break dancing
at this year’s Olympics
the competition will include 16 male break dancers
these are called b boys and 16 female break dances
b girls engaging in one on
one battles set to a random selection of music
chosen by a dj
there’s a lot of interesting information in this sentence first
let’s talk about what one on one means yeah
this means one person is competing against another person
it’s not one team against another team
this is one against one right
we use this phrase to talk about other things as well perhaps
you’re a teacher and you teach a class
or maybe you tutor one on one well
something else interesting that
i wanted to talk about in this sentence
was the idea that
this music is randomly selected by one specific dj
what do you think about this game
because it would be really really hard to prepare
i think as a breakdancer
oh as a break dancer yeah
exactly so
you probably
have to practice to a lot of different types of music
or at least different
you know a beats per minute surely different paces
or speeds different types of music
so that you’re prepared for whatever the dj throws at you yeah
but it sounds like a pretty fun job for the dj don’t you think
i think it does very interesting competition
we’ll have to see what happens all right
we read on finally
there is plenty of buzz
around the young athletes now what is buzz
or Buzz is an atmosphere of excitement and activity
a general sense of excitement or interest
or it could mean something else too it
could also mean a rumor
there could be a lot of Buzz about something going around
but i think what our writer is talking about here
is the general feeling of excitement
surrounding these young athletes yeah
and i imagine it
includes a lot of people talking about the different athletes
you know their favorite athletes and who is going to win
who do you think is going to win
oh did you see that competition
he was so close right
so there’s a lot of buzz
when people are talking about these things
so there’s a lot of buzz around the young athletes all of whom
whom is referring to
the athletes will push themselves to the limit
at this year’s competition
what does it mean to push yourself to the limit
this is a great phrase for you to know
and a great thing for you to do
if you’re trying to improve in anything in life
don’t just get to a certain level and say yeah
i’m okay no
you want to push yourself to the limit if you push yourself
it means that you encourage yourself
or you force yourself to keep going
if you force yourself to keep going
or push yourself to the limit
it means that you really couldn’t go any further
or try any harder than what
you’re already doing push yourself to the limit
all right team
usa’s coco Goff will no doubt deliver
a grand slam worthy performance on the
tennis court i like this phrase no doubt here
it’s used to indicate the speakers firm
belief that something is true
so our writer here really feels that this is going to happen
you can also use the adverb form undoubtedly so for example
coco Goff will undoubtedly
deliver a grand slam worthy performance now
we don’t know if she will actually accomplish a grand slam
a grand slam is the act of winning
all of a series of an important competition
that’s a grand slam
a grand slam worthy performance means that
even if she doesn’t win all of them
she will have done an amazing and excellent job
it will be comparable to winning a grand slam that’s right
all right friends
we’re going to finish out our lesson here in just a moment right
after today’s infocloud
hello everyone welcome to infocloud
if you’re a sports fan then there are some games
you will never forget they were just too exciting
do you have one in mind Garrett
definitely college football is one of the most watched sports
in the United States
and in 2007 there was a game between Boise state
and Oklahoma that was truly a nail biter
a nail biter were you biting your nails
not that i remember
it’s a phrase that makes you think of doing that
though a nail biter is a tense situation
where the outcome isn’t certain until the very end
like an exciting race or a hot dog eating competition
totally usually
a nail biter is a sports game
or some type of competition that game back in 2007
was a nail biter the score went back and forth in the end
the game went into over time
the fans must have been on the edge of their seats
they were both teams made some incredible plays but in the end
Boise state was the winning team
with a score of forty three to forty two
wow nail biters are unforgettable games
i agree what nail biters can you remember
就可以称它为nail biter
nail biter基本上就是咬指甲的人
因此nail biter
the championship game last night was a NAIL biter
这就是今天的INFO cloud
Paris twenty twenty four Olympics
Tai prodigy a taia tittical the youngest player ever to win
a professional golf tour
will be swinging for the gold and shigakicks
an Osaka native
who earned a bronze medal
cutting the rug at the 2018
youth Olympics will surely be a star
in this year’s break dancing
rivalry tune in from July 26 to August 11
and watch these stars
shine bright in the 2024 Paris Olympics
the kids rivalry for the attention of their parents
often led to creative schemes
each child trying to outdo
the other孩子们为了争夺父母的注意力
或是the business rivalry between the two Tech giants
brought about Innovation
as they tried to become leaders in the industry
the rivalry between the two football teams
was apparent during their annual game last Friday
all right thank you so much Jack well
we read here Thai prodigy attia titikuol
the youngest player ever to win
a professional golf tool tour will be swinging for the gold
all right of course
here we’re talking about a golf swing or swinging a golf club
that’s what we mean here
swinging for the gold
what else can you swing in what
other sport is swinging involved
friends do you know
there could be many
but i’m thinking of baseball where you can swing a baseball bat
right but here
we’re of course talking about golf and swinging that golf club
now let’s talk about what a prodigy is
a prodigy is
someone who is very talented and skilled at something from
a very early age officially
some people will say the age has to be ten or younger
okay so she is the youngest player ever to win
a professional golf tour
and we’re talking about another athlete here she gay kicks
an Osaka native
who earned a bronze medal cutting the rug at the 2018
youth Olympics will surely be a star
in this year’s break dancing rivalry okay
so this athlete won
a bronze medal cutting the rug what does this phrase
mean well this is a very old fashioned term
you don’t always see this in writing much anymore
hear people say it
but it means to dance and especially to dance
in an energetic way
you can imagine friends people dancing with a lot of energy
and there is a rug or a carpet on the ground
and they are dancing so hard that their feet
their shoes actually cause the rug to rip okay
so they are cutting the rug that’s what it means
it’s kind of a fun phrase to know
but like Anne Marie said
we don’t usually use this phrase much anymore
and we see that word rivalry here
that we just talked about in the language lab
this makes me think that
maybe there are certain breakdancers here
who are specifically competing against each other
maybe they’ve competed in past competitions together a rivalry
really means that
these two people are competitors against each other
yeah or teams who are known for
competing against each other
and maybe they have strong feelings against the other team right
well we continue here at the end of our lesson
we read tune in from July 26 to August 11th
and watch these stars shine bright in the 2024 Paris Olympics
a couple of times already in our lesson
we’ve seen these olympians
these athletes refer to as stars
we use the word star to talk about celebrities
as well actors singers
other famous people are stars right
maybe you think of movie stars
and i think that
these olympians really can be compared to stars in the same way
and a lot of them
really do quite literally become stars after they
won the Olympics
because they often get modeling
deals or product
endorsements and things like that so whether
or not they are celebrities before the Olympics
happen after they won Olympic medals
they usually end up becoming celebrities
Andrew i’m a little disappointed
i will be honest with you for what
because dancing will be included in the Olympics yes
i don’t really consider dancing a sport oh
i consider it dancing
it’s its own thing you may disagree with me friends
but the reason i’m disappointed
is because a lot of us
who enjoy playing ultimate that is a very competitive game
involving a frisbee
have wanted ultimate to be involved
included in the Olympics for many years
and that is definitely more of a sport than dancing is
but that’s not in the Olympics
yet you’re going to have to take it up
with the Olympic committee
i think all right friends
so we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun karate fact for you
today did you know
that karate is not in the Olympics this year in twenty
twenty karate was the new sport
but is not being continued
i guess maybe all the karate people got badly hurt
or maybe people didn’t watch
as much as the Olympic folks had hoped
but that is today’s fun karate fact
here’s something for us to talk about
as we finish our lesson friends
if you could see any sport at this year’s Olympics
which one would it be
Anne Marie
i’m going to go and show up with a picket sign that says
why no ultimate Frisbee no
i’m gonna stand outside of the b boys and the b girls
as they’re dancing
i may even run out in the court
while they’re trying to compete with each other
and say how come this made it into the Olympics
but ultimate frisbee did not um did that answer
your question all right
well for me
it would be gymnastics
i think i would really enjoy watching gymnastics or ice skating
if it were the Winter Olympics
what about you friends
talk about that in English
and we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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