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The Story of Mickey Mouse-空中英語教室
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The Story of Mickey Mouse 米奇的故事(上)
空中英語教室 20240724
mickey KK[ˋmɪkɪ] DJ[ˋmiki]

hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you joined us for our lesson today
my name is Anne Marie
and i’m Gabe yes
i hope you’re ready for a great time
because we’ve got a great lesson just for you
that’s right we have a very fun lesson
today we’re going to be talking about cartoon characters well
one cartoon character in particular
so as we get started let’s begin with a
do you have a favorite cartoon character
hm well
doremon that is
shao ding Dong will always hold a special place in my heart
because i grew up watching that guy on tv
but like Roger Rabbit
he’s a fun cartoon character that i really like
i also really like a lot of the characters from the Warner
Brothers cartoons
like bugs bunny and Daffy Duck and Marie
what about you
well i don’t have a particular cartoon character
i guess there’s some cartoons that i like
i really like adventure time
and i also like one called gravity falls it’s about two twins
and they kind of have supernatural adventures
i think the one character’s name is Mabel
i do really like Mabel
okay friends
do you have a favorite cartoon character or favorite cartoon
show in general
talk about that think about that but right now
we are going to learn about Mickey mouse especially
the origins of Mickey mouse
and what makes this character so special
today is a great day to
learn something new
let’s do that together
the origins of the world’s most famous cartoon character
children all over the world
recognise and love Mickey mouse
a character that is now over 95 years old
Mickey was introduced to audiences in the 1928 film
short steamboat willy
and has become a household name since then
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
首先来看household name这个复合名词
household name 家喻户晓的名字或人物
例如Taylor Swift has become a household name
since she started her Eras tour last year
Taylor Swift自去年开始时代巡回
every household in the neighborhood began burning candles
when they lost their electricity during the storm
或是smart home devices have changed
the way tasks are managed in households
all right thank you so much Jack well
the origins of the world’s most famous cartoon character
that is what we are talking about today
we are going to learn all about Mickey mouse’s origin story
you might have heard us
use that phrase
already earlier an origin story is how something got
started specifically a character in a book
or a movie or maybe a comic book as well
a lot of Marvel characters have origin stories how they became
we also used that phrase to talk about how a company
or an organization
began as well
what is the origin story of studio classroom for example
while we read here children all over the world
recognize and love
Mickey mouse a character that is now over 95 years old
when i read that
i just pictured an old gray wrinkly Mickey mouse in my mind
but he’s not wrinkly
he’s not because people have drawn him to not be wrinkly yeah
but he never ages no you know although
he has changed in appearance over the years
as we will learn throughout this lesson
but there are a couple of words here
that are great to know children
recognize and love Mickey mouse if you recognize
something that means
the moment you see
it you know exactly what it is that’s right
Mickey was introduced to audiences in the 1928 film
short steamboat willy
and has become a household name since then all right
so he was introduced
so he wasn’t introduced to people on a personal basis of course
that means this is when the cartoon came out
or when it was first shown when the cartoon debuted sometimes
we use the phrase introduced to the world
or introduced to a place when talking about
when something first opens
for example so forty years ago in 1984
McDonald’s was introduced to Taiwan for the first time
that’s when it first opened here
we also see this word
audiences in this sentence
and there are
a lot of different times
and situations that we can use this word
so here you see
it’s for people who are watching tv or watching this film short
you can also use audience when you’re talking about someone
or a group of people listening to a speech
you could also use this for people watching a sporting event
although we do have another word for that
as well don’t we yeah
we usually call them spectators right
so that’s why we would call the sport
a spectator sport something that a lot of people can enjoy
maybe you’ve heard the phrase
the crowd goes wild
or the crowd went wild
that means whoever is watching this sport
started cheering a lot whether
it’s an audience or the spectators there well
we read here that this film short was called steamboat willy now
steamboat willy
just recently was released to the public domain
anybody can use it and not have to worry about copyright issues
but what is a steamboat
there are many different types of boats or ferries or ships
this was something that was primarily used for commercial
or to take passengers from one place to another all right
let’s continue learning right now with our next reading
the story of Mickey mouse
in 1927 walt Disney created a character named Oswald
the lucky rabbit who gained instant popularity at the time
disney’s studio had a contract with a larger
company universal pictures
when the contract ended and Disney tried to negotiate a new one
he expected oswald’s success to help him little
did he know that universal pictures executives had hired all
but one of his employees additionally
they planned to claim legal rights to Oswald
譬如the new restaurant quickly gained popularity
because of the great reviews on social media
或是the novel’s storyline contributed to its popularity
as book clubs used it for discussion
the popularity of exercise has increased
as more people have realized its health benefits
all right thank you so much Jack in 1927 Walt
Disney created a character named Oswald
the lucky rabbit who gained instant popularity Gabe
i have never heard of Oswald the lucky Rabbit have you well
you can find him
you can find images of him online so you know
go check out Oswald the lucky Rabbit um
but he gained instant popularity but yeah like you said no
i haven’t i had heard the name
but i don’t think
i’d actually seen any cartoon that features this rapid
of course we know
um you know
all of disney’s subsequent or following characters right well
at the time disney’s studio
had a contract with a larger company
universal pictures now something about that word
contract is that you can sign a contract with a company
or with a person
and when it comes time to make sure
that contract is still in effect
you can use another verb
and that is to renew you can renew your contract
that’s right
a contract is an agreement between two people or two companies
or a person and a company
and it’s usually legally binding
especially in the type of circumstances
so when the contract ended and Disney tried to negotiate
a new one he expected oswald’s success to help him
so this is something that you can do with contracts right
you can negotiate a contract if you negotiate with someone
it means that
you are trying to get them to agree to things that you want
and maybe
they are trying to get you to agree to things that they want
so a lot of times
there’s a lot of discussion
and sometimes
it might even feel like a little bit of an argument
but hopefully at the end of a negotiation
there is some type of agreement reached yeah
hopefully it’s a win win situation right
but what happened here
did he know that universal pictures executives had hired all
but one of his employees little
did he know
this is a phrase or sentence pattern that you might see
when someone is telling a story about something right
and they’re letting the reader or the audience
know something here
this fact but the character
himself in the story did not know it at this point so little
did he know that universal pictures they’d hired basically
every one of his employees that’s right
and we also see this word executives here
this is a name for other people in a company
the executives are usually
the people who are in charge that’s right
so you might think of the sweet level people
so the sea level suite
so for example
CEO o basically
they’re all in very important leadership positions in a company
so they are the executives right so hired all
but one of his employees there’s that phrase all
but that we looked at earlier this month so basically
all except one of his employees
and we’re going to learn about that employee
in the next section
but we read here additionally
they planned to claim legal rights to Oswald
that’s right alright friends
we will continue on with this story in just a moment right
after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett today
i heard
Janet say she thought her new story was Mickey mouse have you
ever heard someone describes something as Mickey mouse
it’s a colloquial expression used to describe something as silly
trivial or unimportant
i guess that i thought the story was fine
but Janet also
said her article was overly simplistic and stupid where
did that Mickey mouse trim come from it
originated from the Disney cartoon character Mickey mouse
in the early 20th century
Mickey mouse cartoons were famous for being fun and entertaining
especially for children
so when people say something is Mickey mouse
they are implying that it’s childish
or not to be taken seriously
exactly it’s often used to criticize something that
seems overly simplistic
amateurish or lacking in substance
oh i see
so if someone says that a task at work is Mickey mouse
they’re saying it’s easy or not very challenging
that’s one way it can be used
it can also imply that something is unprofessional
or poorly organized got it
so it’s a versatile phrase that can convey different meanings
depending on the context
exactly it’s a colorful way of expressing
disdain or dismissal for something that doesn’t meet
expectations or standards
because it’s too simple or silly
迪士尼动画的经典角色Mickey mouse
因此Mickey mouse也被用来称呼一些简单
例如this entire project is Mickey mouse
有人可能会用Mickey mouse
the story of Mickey mouse
Disney was told that he could continue working
for them for a much lower salary
or he could leave if he left
he would lose the legal rights to Oswald
he chose to leave Disney worked with his one
remaining animator named ubi
ert ivarks known
as UB iworks together
they developed a new character
a mouse that Disney originally planned to name Mortimer however
they soon changed his name to Mickey
possibly due to input from disney’s wife
譬如the young animator
spent hours perfecting the character’s movements to make sure
the story was easy to understand
或是the famous animator Masao Maruyama left
Madhouse to start MAPA company limited in Tokyo
譬如at the Animation workshop
Animators shared their experiences in the industry
and offered tips on how to bring illustrations to life
the teacher asked for student input on preferred textbooks
hoping to find something more closely related to their needs
或是after reviewing the design the client
provided valuable input that led
to several improvements in the final product
譬如the software update allows for easier input of data
which has helped everyone with their workload
all right friends
let’s continue reading
Disney was told that he could continue working for them
for a much lower salary
or he could leave
so it sounded like Walt
Disney had a choice to make here
he could go with the rest of his employees
except for one to universal
but he would have to take a lower salary
or he could refuse that offer yeah
he could leave right if he left
he would lose the legal rights to Oswald
he created this character
so they were making it really difficult for him
to make this decision right well
what did he choose he chose to leave
which i think is a bold and a brave move
that’s right
Disney worked with his one remaining animator named ubi ert
ivarks known as ub iworks
those names sound a little bit different
they do i wonder how ubi felt at the time
uh you know in being in America
and they’re in they’re insisting on calling him
ub i works you know ubi erit evarks
that kind of sounds more interesting to me
anyway well so Disney worked with this animator now
you can use that phrase work with to talk about people
you work with professionally on the same level
for example your co workers
you work with your co workers or you work with people
creating the on the same project right
we also use this phrase to talk about people
that you may have as a client or customer okay
so for example
the doctor works with children
he’s not working on the same level as children professionally
but in his job
he sees them all the time
finds treatments for them he works with children
that’s a really good point and the way it’s used in this article
here friends is more of the idea of collaborating with so
Disney collaborated with his one remaining animator
and together they developed a new character finally
we’re going to get to Mickey
a mouse that Disney originally planned to name Mortimer
yeah not Mickey
yet not Mickey
we’re almost there right Mortimer mouse i don’t get it catchy
i don’t dislike it no
you could call him Morty or something like that yeah
Morty mouse right
there’s something about the last syllable of a character
that sounds like e
and is very cute yes
there’s a lot of characters like that
but especially in Disney right
there’s mini goofy right
so they can be catchy so however
they soon changed his name to Mickey
possibly due to input from disney’s wife so perhaps
it’s thanks to disney’s wife
that he’s named Mickey mouse that’s right
we see that phrase due to here and here
it means because of was because of the input from disney’s wife
that this name was changed here’s another
example of how to use do to due to the bad weather
the event was moved to the following weekend
all right so it sounds like walt Disney
thought better of the name when he changed the name to Mickey
he had a better this was a better decision at least who knows
who knows how successful
this character would have been if it was named mortnermer mouse
i don’t know what do you think about that well
right now it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know that Oswald
the rabbit and Mickey mouse were in a video game together ha
it is true what were they doing together well
the company Disney got the rights to Oswald again
and so they could be in the same game
the game was called epic
Mickey the power of two from 2012
where they fight together against evil
Mickey mouse fighting against evil well
that is today’s fun fact
are you ready to take a quiz friends
i am all right
let’s do it here
we go fill in the blank
Mickey mouse has been a blank name since
1928 a steamboat name
a household name
an executive name or a legal name i have an answer right here
Ann Marie
but it’s not going to be in the form of a word but a picture oh
and i think i hope this time you won’t make fun of my drawings
try really hard
not to it should be pretty clear that it is that’s a house yes
it’s a house so
it’s a household name excellent
did you get that right friends
it is a household name well
that’s all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

The Story of Mickey Mouse 米奇的故事(下)
空中英語教室 20240725
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined this for our lesson today
my name is Anne Marie
and my name is Gabe
and we have a very interesting lesson about Mickey mouse
we’re learning about the origin
story of Mickey mouse i really like stories
like this because yesterday
we learned all about how Disney had created this character
named Oswald the lucky Rabbit
and how universal pictures had
basically claimed illegal rights to that character
and they hired all of disney’s employees
and basically he had to choose whether to work with them
or to leave and he left
and we could say the rest is history
because Disney became such a big name in the industry
if he hadn’t left then
Mickey mouse probably wouldn’t have been created
so i find these kinds of stories very inspiring often
it’s those moments in life
where you’re forced to make a very difficult
do i stay or do i leave that you know
life really changes for you that definitely is true
and friends we are not done
learning about the story of Mickey mouse
we’re going to be talking more about it in our lesson today
today of course
is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
the story of Mickey mouse
steamboat Willie was revolutionary not only because of Mickey
but also because of the synchronized sound in the cartoon
this meant that background
music and sound effects
were used as specific points in the cartoon
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看形容词revolutionary
譬如the revolutionary new APP changed the way
people managed their professional and personal tasks
the fashion designer’s new collection was described
as revolutionary
and set new Trends in the industry
譬如the introduction of the smartphone
has revolutionized communication
the specified terms and conditions of the contract
left no room for misunderstandings合约中
push it the specified time for the tour group to meet is eight
a m every morning for breakfast
the Technician used the specified tools for the repair work
all right thank you so much Jack
what we see here
steamboat Willie is mentioned again
in yesterday’s part of the lesson
we learned that this was an animated short film
and here we’re
reading that it was revolutionary
not only because of Mickey
but also because of the synchronized sound in the cartoon
let’s talk about the idea of things being synchronized
yeah that means they’re happening at the same time
so prior to this
maybe there was some sound
or music
playing throughout in the background of those silent films
or otherwise silent films
there was no special moments that needed to match up with what
you saw visually
so if the audio and the visuals were synchronized
then maybe the clash of symbols happened at the same time
as the waves crashing on the beach
or something like that this word synchronized
also makes me think of other phrases that we use to be in sync
that means
that you are doing something in the same kind of rhythm
as something else
and something could be out of sync
have you ever seen a movie
where it seemed like the person was talking
but maybe the lips were moving at a slightly slower
speed or just behind or just before the lips sometimes
if i’m watching things that are streaming
online and the sound and the visuals aren’t quite in sync
they’re just like out of sync and it looks really strange yeah
they’re out of sync we would also say they don’t match up right
so this was a big deal
it was very revolutionary to have the synchronized sound
in the cartoon
so we this meant that background
music and sound effects
were used at specified points in the cartoon now
when it comes to background and sound effects
i often abbreviate those things to bkg for background
and then maybe you’ve seen more commonly
sfx for sound effects next time you see the letters sfx
it may stand for sound effects that’s right
and what is a sound effect well
sound effects could be all different kinds of things
the sound of somebody walking down the street
or as Gabe said earlier
the sound of symbols
crashing to make the sound of the waves in the water
those are all different types of sound effects
these were used at specified points in the cartoon okay
now there’s something else that i that came to mind
when i read this section
and that is the idea of a talky
so at some point in movie history or in film history
people started to be able to talk on camera before
that they were called silent films
but then when movies came out
where people could actually talk on screen
and you could hear other sounds
they called those types of movies talkies now of course
we don’t call movies talkies
we just take it for granted of course
all movies have people talking right
we just call them movies or films
that’s right let’s continue learning more about Mickey mouse
with our next reading
the story of Mickey mouse
steamboat willy was only the first of many shorts
featuring Mickey mouse that were released in 1928
and the following years
since his first appearance
the character has changed in appearance and personality in 1935
animator Fred Moore changed Mickey’s body shape
and modified his eyes
nose and ears to make him cuter
and while he is mischievous and overly confident in early films
later ones show him as kind and gentle
譬如because she was out of butter
Linda chose to modify the recipe by using apple sauce
which also cut calories由于奶油用完了
或是the teacher had to modify her lesson plan
due to the various learning styles of her students
the city approved a plan to modify existing
bike lanes to make them safer
and more convenient for cyclists
okay let’s continue reading friends
steamboat Willie was only the first of many shorts
featuring Mickey mouse that were released in 1928
and the following years
let’s talk about what it means to be the first of many
that means that something was done the first time
and after that there were many other ones made
or done afterwards
yeah when i was a kid for example when i
was a kid every Christmas
we would go to kunding to spend Christmas vacation
the first year
i think it was in 1988
and that was the first of many trips to kunding for Christmas
can you think of another way to use this sentence structure
the first of many something now yesterday
we talked about how steamboat willy was called a film short okay
otherwise just simply known as a short
and this also might make you think of YouTube shorts these days
if it’s not filmed
horizontally for YouTube
often these days you can post shorts on YouTube
and they kind of function the same way that Instagram reels do
but these were called shorts that’s right
all right since his first appearance
the character has changed in appearance and personality
so when we’re talking about Mickey mouse’s appearance here
we’re talking about the way that he looks now
just how did he change in appearance well
they changed his body shape
and they modified his eyes now this is talking about the way
he looks on the outside
but i also want to talk about the second
use of appearance
that appears in the first part of the sentence
since his first appearance
so this means the first time that we saw
Mickey mouse we see the same word twice in this sentence
but it means two totally different things yeah
that’s a really good point so you could talk about someone
making an appearance
somewhere that
means they showed up at the event right
so this is kind of what
we’re talking about
when Mickey made his first appearance on film
but the character looks different now
so he’s changed in appearance and personality
he’s developed a lot over the years in other words in 1935
animator Fred Moore changed Mickey’s body shape
and modified his eyes
nose and ears to make him cuter well
he’s not the only cartoon character that looks different now
than when the character was originally created
another one is bugs bunny from Looney toons right
he looks very different now than originally
i would say he’s a lot cuter now than he was before
i love the comic strip Garfield
you know that fat cat that loves lasagna
he has had quite a few looks over the years as well
as the illustrator has changed his appearance
that’s right another one
i think of is SpongeBob squarepants over the years
he’s gotten a lot cuter and more rounded in appearance
not as harsh as he was in that first season
but we read on here
and while he is mischievous and overly confident in early films
later ones show him as kind and gentle
so we haven’t only made changes to Mickey
mouse’s outer appearance
his personality has changed as well
while here is used like the word though okay
sometimes we mean at the same time
but not in this situation
and we use it to contrast different things
most of the time so for example
Gabe is or while Gabe is very naughty Anne Marie is quite well
behaved oh
is that true
how’s that okay
that’s a good example
okay all right
friends will you have mors learn in just a moment right
after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to infocloud hey Garrett
i’ve always wondered
what’s the difference between animations and cartoons hm
that’s a great question Rex while
they’re often used interchangeably
there is a subtle distinction between the two terms really
i always thought they meant the same thing well
animation is actually
the broader term
it refers to the process of creating moving images
through a series of drawings
computer generated graphics or other visual techniques
animation can encompass a wide range of styles and techniques
from hand drawn animations to computer generated images exactly
animation is used in various mediums
including films
television shows
video games and advertisements
so what about cartoons
cartoons are a specific type of animation
characterized by exaggerated
or simplified visual styles
they are often funny or light hearted too
oh i see
so while all the cartoons are animations
not all animations are cartoons precisely
are typically associated with entertainment for children
but they can also appeal to audiences of all ages
that makes sense
so films like toy story or frozen are animation not cartoons
right whereas shows like SpongeBob squarepants are cartoons
don’t forget though most people use the terms interchangeably
这就是今天的INFO cloud
the story of Mickey mouse
one thing that remains consistent is Mickey’s interest in his co
star Minnie mouse
Minnie also first appears in steamboat Willie in
which Mickey plays music in an attempt to attract her in later
cartoons Mickey retains his romantic side
continuing to prioritize his relationship with mini
although films starring
Mickey mouse are less common now
he remains one of the most recognizable characters
from the Walt
Disney corporation
for decades
he has been charming and entertaining children and adults alike
made the decision to prioritize time
with her family on weekends
putting aside anything work related
push it when they had their house remodeled
the homeowners chose to prioritize energy
譬如the city
declared that public safety was a priority for all its citizens
all right friends
let’s finish out our lesson here
one thing that remains consistent is mickey’s interest
in his co star
Minnie mouse now
if something is consistent that means it stays the same
the same thing happens over and over
or you do something the same time
the same way
each time learning a new skill requires that you be consistent
you need to make sure that you’re practicing the same way
each time
that’s right consistency is key
we would say consistency is the noun form
so he has always had a love interest in Minnie mouse
that is his co star yes
they often appear together on screen in fact in recent years
Disney has released a new series
with these original Disney characters
it’s quite fun to watch
and i believe you can find it on YouTube as well
the animation is quite different
and the stories are very wacky and kind of crazy
but Minnie mouse has always been kind of his love interest right
we use the word or the letters co to talk about other things too
maybe one you’ve heard of commonly is co worker right
maybe you have many co workers
Ann Marie and i are co hosts
here at studio classroom
that’s right
it has the idea of together or at the same time all right
many also first appears in steamboat Willie in
which Mickey plays music
an attempt to attract her in later cartoons
Mickey retains his romantic side
continuing to prioritize his relationship with many now here
the word retains means to continue to have something
so here is an example of how you could use that even
when things go wrong
she retains a good attitude
she continues to have a good attitude
we also use the word retain when talking about
trying to keep people’s interest or attention right
if you’re creating a tv program
you need to try to do something that
retains the audience’s attention well
we read here about his prioritizing his relationship with Minnie
is it is a priority for Mickey right
although films starring Mickey mouse are less common now
he remains one of the most recognizable characters
from the Walt
Disney corporation well
who are some other recognizable characters from Disney
but there are so many
i think Mickey is very popular
especially on clothing
or like little trinkets or items like that another one
that i see a lot is Marie from the aristocats
the white cat with the pink bow on her head okay
that seems really popular for kids clothes recently sure sure
sure and that was just from a specific movie
called the aristoc aristic hats
that’s right Disney
Princesses too Disney
princesses are always very popular
my favorite character from the original kind of Mickey
and friends crew was goofy
because he was always goofy and kind of funny he was silly
and funny yeah
he was pretty funny to watch yeah
friends what about you
what Disney character do you like
we read here for decades
we are learning about Mickey
he has been charming and entertaining children
and adults alike that word charm can be used as a verb
you can charm somebody
that means you make them interested in you
or wanting to do something more with you
or you can use it
as an adjective to be charming try to be charming
all right friends
we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know that
Mickey mouse has a better attitude now than when he was young
an attitude is the way you are
if you are friendly or angry in old Disney films
Mickey gets very angry and throws things ha
ha that is not the way
the new Mickey mouse is
the new Mickey mouse is friendly and happy
i guess he learned a few things when he got older ha
ha and that is today’s fun angry Mickey mouse
its time for us to talk about our talk about it question here
it is what lessons can people learn from the story of how Mickey
was invented think about how you would answer this question
while Gabe answers it yeah
well like i was sharing at the beginning of today’s lesson
i just admire Disney
you know
for his courage and bravery in leaving the company at the time
when he did because otherwise
he would have received a much lower salary
he wouldn’t have been paid what he was worth and this
when he did that
it kind of forced him to explore new opportunities
and i don’t think we would have you know Mickey mouse
and a lot of the other characters and the company Disney
like we have today
if he hadn’t left
i just think it’s an inspirational story
and you never know what can happen
if you make that decision to leave
or do something bold in your life
that’s a great point friends talk about that more in English
and we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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