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It's Rodeo Time!-空中英語教室
2024/08/01 16:20:14瀏覽35|回應0|推薦0
It’s Rodeo Time!牛仔競技趣!
空中英語教室 20240801

KK[ˋrodɪ͵o] DJ[ˋrəudiəu]

welcome to studio classroom
we’re so glad you’ve joined us for our program today
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe we have a very exciting lesson for you
today friends it’s called it’s rodeo time now
rodeos are all about riding wild animals
or animals that are very exciting and are hard to stay on
so here’s a question to start us off with today
Gabe would you ever be willing to ride a wild horse
i’ve ridden horses before and i have to say i’m very glad
they were not wild
because i got a little bit nervous
or scared even when the horse started to build up speed
i don’t even think the horse was galloping
when i was on this horse
a gallop is when the horse is going at a very fast pace right
but i got a little bit scared even then
i don’t think that i would be willing to ride a wild horse
that’s going all over the place unless
you paid me a lot of money and Marie what about you
you kind of grew up around horses
have you ever ridden a wild horse
no i’ve never ridden a wild horse before
and i don’t think you could pay
me enough to be willing to ride a wild horse well friends
it is time to get into our lesson
it’s rodeo time today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
it’s rodeo time attend a rodeo to get a taste of the skills
required to be a cowboy yi ha at a rodeo
you’re in for a rip roaring good time
besides offering a window into the challenging life of Cowboys
rodeo show the skills and activities
associated with cowboy culture
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
首先来看片语in for something
according to the news
we are in for some bad weather this weekend
或是Rebecca is in for a surprise
when she finds out what her friends
have planned for her birthday
再看一句after signing up for the race
Greg realized that he was in for months of training
all right thank you so much Jack
it’s rodeo time friends we read
attend a rodeo to get a taste of the skills
required to be a cowboy the first thing i want to look at here
is that phrase to get a taste of something
if you get a taste of something
it means you get to try it or experience it a little bit
for doing an internship at a company
is a great way to get a taste of what it’s like to work
there you might
not experience everything
you could about working at that company
but you’ll experience a little bit you’ll get a taste for it
and i think it’s great to try to explore a city
if you’re visiting somewhere
you want to get a taste of the city as well obviously
this doesn’t only have to do with what
you’re putting inside your mouth
taste doesn’t only have to do with flavor
and what you are eating right
it has more to do with experience
and that’s what we’re talking about
today attend a rodeo to get a taste of the skills
required to be a cowboy
so you are not going to learn how to be a cowboy
everything that is included right
but you’re going to get a little bit of an experience for what
they experience on an everyday basis that’s right
well we read on yi ha now
this is often what we say cowboys say
they say yi ha at a rodeo you’re in for a rip roaring good time
we have to define this term rip roaring
rip roaring this
is just one of those adjectives
that we can use to describe something that has a lot of energy
it is exciting right
it’s wild and maybe pretty noisy as well
we often use this adjective to define success as well
this company experience rip roaring success
i personally don’t use this word that often
but i think it’s very appropriate for a topic like rodeos
i definitely agree
all right well
we have a term in this next sentence here
that’s a little bit similar to the one
we just looked at to get a taste of
but this one is a window into the sentence reads besides
offering a window into the challenging life of cowboys
rodeo show the skills and activities
associated with cowboy culture okay
so if you get a taste of something
it means that you experience it a little bit
but if you have a window into something
it means that you can only see part of that thing or situation
here’s an reading
the old journals
gave the historians a window into what life was like
during that time
of course
we can’t experience exactly what life was like in the past
but reading old journals could give us
kind of a little bit of an idea of
what life could have been like
that’s a great example
and a great way to have a window into the way
things were in the past sometimes
we have used the word window with the word on here
at studio classroom
one of our slogans used to be we are the window on the world
or we are your window on the world
you can’t travel everywhere in the world right
but at least
you can get to know a little bit about different places
through the articles that you read another word
we might use to replace the word window is the word
glimpse right
so with a rodeo here in our lesson
you can get a glimpse into the challenging life of cowboys
that’s right now
there’s something else we can look at in this sentence here
it’s one of your focus
on phrases to be associated with something
if you’re associated with something
or if something is associated with something
it means that when you think of that thing
you often think of the other thing as well
lets continue learning right now with our next reading
it’s rodeo time
rodeos feature many events
each demanding special talents
barrel racing tests the ability and speed of riders
as they move their horses around barrels
in a timed race in bull
riding one of the most exciting events
riders try to stay on the bucking animal for 8 seconds
on top of a bull that short time seems like forever steer
wrestling involves a Rider catching an animal
and getting it to the ground this event shows
the importance of teamwork between Rider and horse
例如the Bull ran across the field with its head down
like it was going to attack us
或是the farmer had to separate the bull
from the cows to manage the herd
more effectively
另外Bull market牛市是指行情上涨的市
场例如in the stock market
a Bull market means rising prices
and a feeling of optimism about the market
all right thank you Jack well
we read here rodeos feature
many events each demanding special talents so the idea
here is that a rodeo is the main event
but there are lots of other events within that main event okay
and each of these demands special talents now
what this means is that you have to have very special skills
in order to participate in each of these events
if someone or something is demanding it
means that they require a lot if a person is demanding it
means that maybe they have really high expectations
and they might be a little bit rude
sharing those requests with others for example
maybe if you are working at a store
you might have a demanding customer
that customer might require a lot of service
or have some really difficult demands to fulfill
okay so here
we see it used as a verb right each of these events
demands special talents in other words
if you’re going to get involved in these events
you need to have certain talents right
i would imagine that really good balance
is one of those things
you need to have well barrel racing tests
the ability and speed of riders
as they move their horses around barrels in a timed race well
let’s take a look at that word barrel
because it is a kind of container
it’s got a flat top and a flat bottom it’s got a cylinder shape
so it’s round around the middle okay however
it’s kind of fatter in the very middle part
there’s what we call a bulge
or these barrels will bulge in the middle
maybe you’ve seen barrels before made of wood and i got curious
why is there a bulge in barrels well
actually barrels the way that people
the way they were even created
was for the purpose of being able to roll around
right to get from one place to another with these containers
you just roll them around on the ground
and there’s a bulge in the middle
so that it’s easier to turn the barrels
when you need to turn them very interesting
and i will note as well that the traditional barrels of course
are made out of wood and some type of metal
but the barrels used for barrel racing
these days are made of plastic
and they’re usually very brightly colored
and i should also say that not all barrels
these days have a bulge or a fatter part in the middle right
actually there are many barrels
that are just a kind of a flat cylinder shape
but anyway we are reading here about these barrel races Emory
have you ever gotten on top of a barrel
and tried to make the barrel go forward
no i
have not have you seen that end of braces
i haven’t no
but i have tried barrel racing before some of my family members
when i was growing up
did compete in barrel races
my grandpa was actually
a barrel race announcer that was his job for a while yeah
that’s cool yeah
so i did a ten mini barrel races growing up
and they are very very exciting sometimes
those barrels if they’re plastic or metal
they might get knocked over if you take the turn too tight
so there’s usually dirt flying everywhere
and sometimes the barrels are rolling around
like you were saying
so it is a very exciting sport to watch sounds
like a rip roaring good time well
let’s continue here in bull
riding one of the most exciting events
riders try to stay on the bucking animal for 8 seconds
if an animal is bucking
that means that it’s really wild
it’s kicking its legs everywhere
okay it’s trying to knock you off
or make you fall off as opposed to stay on
right on top of a bull that short time seems like forever
but then we see another type of animal here
bulls and steers are similar in that they’re both male cattle
right however
steers are sterile that is they can not have babies
okay in fact
i’m not sure but i believe
that’s where the word steer comes from they are sterile
okay and this involves a Rider catching
an animal and getting it to the ground
this event
shows the importance of teamwork between Rider and horse
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hi everyone welcome to infocloud today
and i are diving into the meaning and usage of an interesting
English phrase
absolutely Rex
we’re talking about the idiom to take the bull by the horns
the idiom is not about cows
it’s about facing challenges
head on with courage and determination
but do you know where this expression originated Garrett well
Rex the phrase comes from the world of bullfighting
during a bull fight
a matador or bull fighter might reach out and grab
the Bull’s horns to control the animal
and show bravery fascinating
so it’s like seizing control of a difficult situation
just like the metador
sees us control of the bull exactly Rex
and you can use this idiom in various situations for instance
let’s say you have a big presentation
coming up instead of feeling nervous
you decide to take the bull by the horns and prepare thoroughly
so it’s about taking charge and confronting challenges
directly precisely Rex by taking the bull by the horns
you show strength and determination
take the ball by the horns
take the ball by the horns就代表勇敢面
Tony took the ball by the horns
and started his business Tony勇敢接受挑战
当你take the ball by the horns
这就是今天的INFO cloud
it’s rodeo time
rodeos take place in many different locations
some state fairs
feature them
some colleges and universities
have teams that compete against one another
there are also companies that hold professional rodeos
all over the United States
it is exciting for anyone to attend a rodeo
one rodeo company calls them
the greatest show on dirt don’t miss a chance to see one
譬如people from over fifty countries
will compete in the international race
或是small businesses
often have a hard time competing with large corporations
或是in the animal
Kingdom males often compete for the attention of females
Anna hired a professional photographer
to capture the special moments of her wedding day
或是as a professional singer
Alan spends hours every day practicing
譬如the teaching profession
is known for its dedication
to helping the lives of future generations
all right let’s continue learning here friends
and finish out our lesson
rodeos take place in many different locations
take place as a great phrase
for you to know friends
this just is a way to ask the question
or tell someone where something is happening
where are the next Olympics taking place that means
where will they be held
or sometimes when right
when is this event taking place
so rodeos take place in many different locations right
some state fairs feature them
that means it is one of the main things of these state fairs
we’re going to learn about state fairs
a little later this month
but we read here
some colleges and universities
have teams that compete against one another here
we see colleges and universities in the same sentence
as if they are different things and in fact they are
sometimes we refer to them as the same thing especially
if you’re just talking about studying somewhere
after high school for four years
sometimes that school will include a graduate school okay
you may not go to that graduate school
but maybe the graduate school is there on campus as well
we would call that a university
if it’s just a four year school after high school
where you’re getting your undergrad degree we
may call that a college as well alright reading on here
there are also companies that hold professional rodeos
all over the United States
here’s another phrase for us to look at friends all over
it means that this thing is happy everywhere
or it can be found everywhere in the spring time
flowers start blooming all over
that means no matter where you go in the city
you will find blooming flowers
there were toys all over the place
after the kids were finished playing
they need to pick up those toys because they are everywhere
they are all over the place
can you think of another way to use that phrase all over
all right
it is exciting for anyone to attend a rodeo
one rodeo company calls them the greatest show on dirt
i think this title is really interesting
the greatest show on dirt
so the idea is that the rodeo is happening on the dirt
and it usually is
they’re usually very large arenas
and the horses are running around
or the bulls are running around there
and it gets kind of dusty it does get very dusty
and i also think this title the greatest show on dirt
is also a play on words
because there’s another show i’m not sure if it’s the barman
Bailey circus
but there’s another show that was very famous
and it was called the greatest show on earth
so it’s a show that everybody would knew about anywhere around
the world it was considered the best right
so it’s the greatest show in the world or on earth here
it’s kind of playing with the words because really earth
and dirt can also mean the same thing
you can also use the word earth to talk about dirt
that’s very interesting well
here it says don’t miss a chance to see one and i agree friends
if you get a chance to go and experience a rodeo
you should definitely take that chance well
right now
it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello fact
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that rodeos have clowns
it’s true the rodeo clown’s job is to distract the bull
if the cowboy falls
a bull is one of those big wealth
you know what a bull is you don’t want to be hit by a bull
even if you are a clown and that is today’s fun fact
it’s the end of our lesson friends
so let’s talk about it here
is one of the talk about it questions from your magazine
which rodeo event
do you think would be the most fun to watch and why
well uh
i mean honestly any of those events where you’re watching people
ride wild animals looks exciting to me
i think i would enjoy watching the the bull riding yeah
um just because obviously is something that
i wouldn’t want to do myself
and so kind of seeing somebody else experience it
and seeing how they’re able to stay on top of that animal
while it’s bucking around would really impress me yeah
i think i would love to go and experience a barrel race again
it’s been many many years since
i’ve been to one
and they are a lot of fun
this is something for you to talk about in English
as well friends
and we will see you next time right here on studio classroom

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