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Track and Field-空中英語教室
2024/08/03 15:44:19瀏覽59|回應0|推薦0
Track and Field 田徑賽(上)
空中英語教室 20240802
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
you are just in time for a great time
my name is Gabe and i’m Anne Marie
thanks for being here friends
friends before we get into our lesson
today i have a question for you
if you had to choose to compete in a race
what kind of race
would you choose a sprint
that is one where you’re running as fast
as you possibly can the whole time or an endurance race
which you don’t have to run as fast
but you’ll definitely take a lot longer to complete hmm well
if i had to answer this question
i would say i’m not very fast
so maybe sprinting isn’t for me
but endurance races
you can train for and build up your endurance over time
so maybe that’s the one i would choose endurance races
are the only races
i’ve ever really participated in and Marie
and so my answer would be the same as yours in fact
i think life can be compared more to an endurance race
like a marathon than a sprint
but our lesson is about not only endurance races and sprints
but everything that has to do with track and field
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
track and the heartbeat of the Olympic Games
as the Olympic flame lights up
so does the anticipation
for one of the Olympic’s most exciting events
track and field this diverse collection
of events also known
as athletics offers a thrilling mix of speed
power and Grace that captivates audiences worldwide
from the explosive
start of the 100 meter
Dash to the grooming struggle of the Marathon
track and field
covers the full range of human athletic ability
the events are broadly categorized in two sprints
middle and long distance runs hurdles relays
jumps and throws
each demanding unique skills and disciplines
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看explosive这个形容词
譬如the policeman found an explosive device
near the scene of the crime
例如the argument turned explosive
when Bob found out how much Marion had paid for their new Sofa
例如the new action movie
featured several explosions
that kept the audience on the edge of their seats
despite the rainy weather more than ten
thousand runners participated in the city’s Marathon
或是after crossing the Marathon finish line
Paul felt a sense of achievement
譬如to make sure every detail was perfect
the team pulled an all night Marathon
to meet the project deadline
thank you so much Jack again
life is more like a marathon right well
we do have a lot to learn in this section
track and the heartbeat of the Olympic Games Marie
when you read that
it’s the heartbeat of the Olympic Games what do you think
that means well
the heart is what keeps your body alive and pumping blood
so the idea here is
that it’s a very very important part of the Olympic Games it is
and i also get the idea that
maybe it’s where the Olympic Games kind of came from
maybe it’s the events the sports that kind of inspired
all of the different kind of Olympic Games anyway
there are a lot of things that you can see in the Olympic Games
as the Olympic flame lights up
so does the anticipation for one of the Olympics
most exciting events
track and feel
let’s take a look at this phrase to light up here
we’re literally talking about something that can have a light
that is a fire right
so the Olympic flame can be lit up lit
is the past tense of light that’s right
and we also use this verb for fireworks as well on January 1st
fireworks lit up
the sky the sky became bright because of the fireworks in it now
we see that the anticipation builds up as well
or that’s often how we use that word anticipation
anticipation is when you are excited about something
you are looking forward to something most of the time
i think of anticipation in that kind of positive sense although
i guess you could maybe anticipate a test
and maybe be a little bit nervous about it
but usually it is a positive thing
people are anticipating the Olympics that’s right
we do usually use this in the positive way for example
the parents waited with anticipation
for the arrival of their baby
okay so one of the most exciting events is track and field
this diverse collection of events
also known as athletics offers a thrilling mix of speed
power and Grace that captivates audiences worldwide of course
the word diverse means many
i have heard that the word university
kind of refers to that unity in diversity that even
though there are
so many different things that we can learn about in the world
there are certain things that
also unify those things as well unity in diversity so here
there’s a diverse collection of events that’s right
and another word
we want to look at in this sentence
is that word captivates if something is captivating
it means that it holds your attention
and you look at it with anticipation
and you are very excited about it
and here
we see that it is used as a verb so this athletics events
this group of events they are captivating audiences worldwide
here’s another example of
how you could use that word in a sentence
the magician captivated the children with his tricks yeah
magicians often do that right
they’re such good performers
a really good performer will captivate the audience
with their performance
or their speech right well
we continue here from the explosive start of the 100 meter dash
to the grueling struggle of the Marathon
track and field covers the full range of human athletic ability
we could also say
physical ability really
because that’s what they’re using right
they’re physical bodies but let’s take a look at that word Dash
because this could mean as a verb
it could mean to run very fast like a sprint okay
and that’s the idea here or here in our lesson
it is used as a noun
that is a really fast run or a really fast movement
have you ever heard that phrase to make a Dash for something
means you’re going to go for something really really
quickly and maybe even run to go get it
maybe there’s a really popular restaurant that opened up in town
and you want to get there before everyone else does
and so you make a mad Dash for that restaurant
sometimes we add the word
mad there it’s kind of that crazy idea you’re going to go
as fast as possible to make a mad dash for something now
let’s take a look at the word grueling here in this sentence
if something is grueling
it means it is really hard to do
you probably have to extend a lot of effort
and a lot of physical energy to get it done
for example hikers could hike a grueling
hike up a mountain that’s not an easy hike
that’s a hike that takes a lot of effort sometimes
we use the word grueling to talk about heat as well
it’s something that makes you feel really tired and exhausted
so those hikers hiking up the mountain in the grueling
heat of summer right
so there’s this grueling struggle
and that’s how a Marathon is described and if you’ve ever run
a Marathon perhaps
especially your first Marathon or first big race like that
or maybe even half Marathon
if you’ve never done that before
maybe you could describe it as a grueling struggle all right
so we read here
track and field
covers the full range of human athletic ability
the events are broadly categorized into sprints
middle and long distance runs hurdles relays
jumps and throws each demanding
unique skills and disciplines we’ll be right back
right after this
hello everyone
welcome to infocloud Garrett
do you remember the recent election in our town
the election for mayor um kind of well
there was a candidate who was leading in all the polls and had a
lot of support from the community
he was considered the front runner in the election oh
right now
front runner doesn’t mean they were in a running race right
not necessarily
but it could it’s a term we used to describe a candidate or team
that is expected to win or is in the lead during a competition
like in an election or a race
just like a runner who is in first place in a running race
yes you might
also use this phrase to describe
a competition that takes a much longer time
like a baseball team
playing many games throughout a season
if the team has more wins than the other teams
than they are
the front runner right
they’re in the lead
but it’s important to keep in mind
that a frontrunner hasn’t won anything
yet people just expect them to exactly
you have to remember that in any competition
the outcome is never certain until the very end being
the front runner
comes with its own set of challenges and pressures
so keep pushing hard all the way to the finish

front Runner
我们可以称他为front Runner
front Runner
你就可以说这支球队是front Runner
front Runner甚至可以是竞选活动中
that candidate
is considered the front Runner in this election
front Runner还在竞赛当中
这就是今天的NFL cloud
track and field
sprints including the one hundred meter
two hundred meter and four hundred meter
are the ultimate test of speed
the stadium roars with excitement
as athletes
burst from the blocks and fly toward the finish line
the relays particularly the 4 by 100 meter and 4 by 400 meter
add teamwork and exactness
with the baton exchange
being as crucial as the sprinting itself middle distance
eight hundred meters and fifteen hundred meters
and long distance events
five thousand meters and ten thousand meters
challenge athletes to maintain a strategic pace
the Marathon an exhausting 42.195km
journey takes athletes out of the stadium
and into the city streets
testing the limits of human ability
譬如climbing mount Everest
is considered the ultimate challenge for many mountain climbers
或者是for cooks
creating the perfect dish
is the ultimate expression of their skills
the Luxury Cruise offers
the ultimate experience in comfort
and relaxation for its passengers
the strategic location of the city
made it a key trading center in history
或是the army general came up with a strategic
approach to defeat the enemy
或是the marketing team’s strategic use of social media
increased the company’s sales
thank you so much Jack okay
so we read here in this section starting out
we’re learning about sprints and we’ve talked about this
a little bit already
i asked you at the very beginning
would you choose to compete in a sprint or an endurance race
they’re kind of opposites or they’re contrasting
because a sprint is running as fast as you can
it’s making a Dash for something
that’s right
and we’re talking about how these sprints are a test of speed
now different skills can be tested we use test of
and then put the skill after this phrase
that’s right so tests of skill right here
we’re talking about tests of speed marathon of course
is a test of endurance
but we continue here learning about other things
the stadium roars with excitement
as athletes
burst from the blocks and fly toward the finish line
so what are those other things well to roar with excitement
you can think of certain animals that roar right
maybe a lion or a tiger that has a deep loud roar well
if you get a lot of people together in a room or a stadium
and they are all cheering and roaring
it is going to sound
just like that we also see the word burst here in this sentence
now bubbles can burst and balloons can burst
this action is when something happens
very very suddenly sometimes
there’s a loud noise involved
but the action happens very fast here’s an example
when the dog tried to chase the pigeons
they burst into the sky
so the pigeons are jumping or flying into the sky
very very quickly
in a very fast motion all right
so here these athletes are bursting from the blocks
we call it the starting block
it’s not necessarily a block like a big cube right
but that’s just what we call it the starting block
they’re bursting from the blocks and fly toward the finish line
now there are different lines in a race of course
the finish line is where you finish
but of course
everybody has their own starting line as well
that’s right reading on here friends
the relays particularly
the four by one hundred meter
and the four by four hundred meter add team work and exactness
with the Baton exchange
being as crucial as the sprinting itself now
the Baton is that stick that you see
runners passing between each other
that’s like a relay race
where there are multiple runners involved in the same race
each has their own part to run
and they pass the Baton between them as they go
i really enjoy watching relay races
because as just a reminder that a lot of things in life
require teamwork
and you have to work as hard
as you can to do something and then pass it on to somebody else
while still keeping up your pace right
that’s what relay racers have to do they’re still running
even though they’ve met their teammate right
but they still have to keep running as fast
as they can until that teammate really has that baton so
that’s a relay race
and actually that phrase pass the baton
we can use to talk about other things in life
as well it just means that you’re going to pass
your responsibilities on to somebody else
that’s right well
we read on here middle distance 800 meters and 1500 meters
and long distance events
five thousand meters and ten thousand meters
challenge athletes to maintain a strategic pace
pace is a really useful word to use
in a lot of different situations friends
as you can see here
we use it when talking about running it’s how fast you run
and how well you maintain
how you are running like the speed that you are running
but yeah
there are other things that you can do to keep up the pace
as well in life
as well like for example
you’re speaking pace how fast
you’re talking that’s another way to use the word
pace and speaking of pace when i was involved in cross country
one of the things that our coach would often remind us
is that we had to pace ourselves
so what that means is
if you’re doing a long race
i think at the time it was like 5km
which is not that long compared to a marathon
but you still have to pace yourself
i remember one race
that i did where i just took off from the very beginning
and i was so far ahead of the other runners
there were hundreds of runners oh wow
and it looked like i was in the lead and i was going to win
so did you win
of course
not oh
because i was not pacing myself and all of the other runners
of course
understood that
and they must have thought man that guy
a little
bit foolish to go so fast to sprint from the very beginning yeah
i did not come near to winning first place
because i did not pace myself
all right it is important to pace yourself friends
let’s read on the marathon
an exhausting 42.195km
journey takes athletes out of the stadium
and into the city streets
testing the limits of human ability well
what does it mean to test the limits
earlier we talked about tests of speed right
that sprints are tests of speed and of course
we’ve talked about the idea of pushing your limits as well right
it’s very important to see
where your limits are
that’s the idea of testing your limits right now
it is time for today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that
in 1904 Olympic
swimmers competed to see who could float the furthest haha
that’s right they would just jump into the water
and see who could float without moving
it was boring to watch
people jump into the water and float without moving
so it was cancelled and floating is not an Olympic sport anymore
oh well
that is today’s fun floating fact
alright it is time for your quiz friends
close your magazine i know you’re excited about this okay
here we go fill in the blank
Marathon is described as a blank struggle
what kind of struggle is
a marathon is it a thrilling struggle
a grueling struggle
a sprinting struggle
or an exciting struggle
well marathons and sprints are different
sprints happen very quickly
and at very high speeds and marathons take more endurance
which means they can be pretty grueling
they are grueling or very tiring or exhausting right
i know you got that answer as well friends
we do have more to learn about track and field
so be sure to join us next time right
here on studio classroom

Track and Field 田徑賽(下)
空中英語教室 20240803
hello there and welcome to our lesson called track and field
you know it’s kind of a theme
that we’ve had for the past couple of months
because last month
we learned about an olympian mondo duplantis right
and how he’s involved in the the pole vaulting event at least
and i’m sure he knows a lot of other things as well
or has done a lot of other things yesterday
we learned specifically about several different types of races
didn’t we that’s right
we learned that track and field
is also known by the term athletics as well
and this encompasses
a lot of different events such as the Marathon
the Marathon which is described as a grueling struggle
because of how exhausting
it can be you really do have to pace yourself
in a race like the marathon
or even a middle distance race like 5000 meters or 10
000 meters don’t sprint from the get go
that is don’t sprint from the very beginning right
of course we also talked about a sprint
which is racing as fast as you can from the start well
we do have more to learn about track and field
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
track and field
the hurdles and steeplechase introduce obstacles
and so add a layer of technical complexity to racing athletes
must carefully integrate
speed with timing and agility to clear each barrier
making these events
a thrilling exhibition of skill in the field
the long jump
triple jump high jump
and pole vault push athletes to defy gravity as soon
as an athlete
leaves or vaults
they display a moment of suspense and achievement the throws
shot put discus
and javelin showcase strength and technique these athletes
direct their power into a single motion
sending their implements soaring
hey everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
譬如as the project progressed
the team experienced unexpected levels of complexity
或是the complexity of the problem
required experienced developers to help the team
再看一句the painting’s beauty lay in its complexity
譬如Taylor Swift thrilled her fans
when she walked out into the audience
and took pictures with different people
Taylor Swift走进观众席
their thrilling adventure through
the jungle was filled with sightings of many kinds of wildlife
或是the thrilling television show left
fans eager for next season’s Adventures
thank you so much Jack
so we read here
the hurdles and steeple chase introduce obstacles
and so add a layer of technical complexity to racing yesterday
i mentioned that relay races are exciting to watch
because of the teamwork
i really do enjoy that idea of watching teamwork in action
but also hurdles can be exciting to watch
because of what hurdles are in fact in life
sometimes we refer to obstacles or challenges as hurdles
and that’s right
and we read here that these two events introduce obstacles now
you might be familiar with the word introduced
when we’re talking about
introducing one person to another
but we can also use the word introduced to talk about concepts
ideas or even things like obstacles here’s an example
the teacher plans to introduce the math concept next week
so she’s not going to be teaching this math concept
until next week
that’s when she will introduce it all right
so we also see the word obstacle here
which just made me think of that word obstacle course
now obstacle is a challenge
or something that
you have to get around in order to reach your goal
sometimes people put obstacles
and other people’s paths on purpose in life to slow
them down right and some games are created this way as well
have you ever participated in an obstacle course and Marie
where maybe you were blindfolded
and there were obstacles in the room
you could not touch the obstacles
and you just had to listen to other people tell you where to go
i have seen that type of game played before
kids really like obstacle courses
crawling through tunnels or climbing over chairs
and things like that
but we read on here
athletes must carefully integrate speed with timing and agility
to clear each barrier now
agility is the idea of how well
you do some type of physical activity for example
the monkey climbs the tree with agility
it’s easy for a monkey to climb a tree
they do it very easily to do something with agility
or if you were to use the adjective form
you could say monkeys are agile
they’re agile creatures
but something else in this sentence
we read
is that athletes must carefully integrate speed with timing
right if you’re integrating something or two or more things
that means you’re combining these different things
seemingly different right
but they’re integrated into a hole something
that is complete now
and of course
athletes athletes not only need time or not only needs speed
but also timing if they’re in a hurdle race
they really have to pace themselves
between these hurdles to jump over
at just the right time without knocking the hurdles over
that’s right
so we read that integrating speed with timing and agility
makes these events a thrilling exhibition of skill in the field
the long jump
triple jump high jump
and pole vault push athletes to defy gravity
wow okay
so now we’re talking about field friends
if you haven’t picked up on the difference between track
and field here is the difference
you can think of track as running races
basically around the track and now in the field
you’re doing other things like the long jump
triple jump high jump
pole vault and these test or push athletes to defy gravity
nobody can really defy gravity
gravity is the same everywhere in the world
it’s the thing that keeps us to the ground
we can only jump so high or stay in the air for so long right
but there are certain things
that some people can do to make it seem
like they’re defying or going against gravity that’s right
but we read here as soon as an athlete leaps or vault
they display a moment of suspense and achievement
let’s talk about this word suspense
and what it means
if there is an element of suspense in something
it means
that you are waiting with anticipation to see what happens next
when that athlete is in the air
you’re not sure if they are going to fall
successfully if they are going to land and maybe break a record
so there is an element of suspense here’s another example
the movie kept us all in suspense until the very end
have you ever watched a movie like that before friends
you’re watching and you don’t know what’s going to happen next
so there’s an element of suspense
and i love that to keep yourself in suspense
or to keep people in suspense in fact often
when we’re in suspense
we are on the edge of our seats
if we are watching a movie or an event
and we want to know what’s going to happen next
that’s actually
a phrase we have in English to be on the edge of your seat
means to watch in anticipation
or wait in anticipation for something to happen
because it is so suspenseful
that’s right
but we read on here the throws shot put discus hammer
and javelin showcase strength and technique
these athletes direct their power into a single motion
this would be so crazy to me to be an Olympic athlete
and everything comes down to this one specific action
where you throw one of these
as we read here implements
sending their implements soaring now
this isn’t a word that we see every day is it friends
what is an implement well
an implement is a tool
a utensil or some other piece of equipment
and it’s used for a particular purpose that’s right
so really
our lesson could have said sending their pieces of equipment
or sending their tools
those words might make you think of other things
these are also called implements
they’re what they are using in fact
we can use that word implement as a verb
if you have something maybe some knowledge
you want to put it into practice
you’re going to implement what you know
that’s a great thing to do especially
when you’re learning a different language well
right now it’s time for today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett i heard
you entered a Chinese public speaking competition
how is that going for you
i was really nervous during the preliminary
and i almost got eliminated
but now i’m in the quarterfinals
so i’m still in the running hopefully
i won’t be out of the running anytime soon
oh so you have to run
i thought it was just for public speaking no
i mean yes it’s a public speaking competition
but we don’t have to run when i said
i’m still in the running it means i’m still competing oh
so i guess out of the running
would mean you’re no longer in the competition
yes or i’m still in the competition
but i have no hope of winning
and as you are learning English
we hope you are always competing with yourself
so you will never be out of the running

in the running & 
out of the running
你可以用in the running来形容
in the running就代表还在比赛中努力
Gary is still in the running in this competition
那就可以用out of the running来形容
track and field
track and feel that the Olympics is not just a series of events
it is a narrative of human effort that demonstrates
the extraordinary capabilities of an athlete’s determination
and hard work
it’s where legends are born it is also
where the essence of the Olympic model faster higher
stronger is lift out in every sprint
jump and throw athletes from across
the globe converge on the Olympics
they remind us of the unifying power of sports
and the endless potential of the human spirit
譬如the narrative of their lives began
when they met on a train trip through Europe
when they were twenty five
叙事或是Marlene enjoys films
with a strong narrative that captures her imagination
and takes her to other worlds
譬如as Ben began to narrate
his experience during the hike through the forest
his friends listened with interest
Flora’s language capability impressed everyone
as she could switch between four different languages
或是the workers different skills
expanded their capability to handle complex problems on the job
good production
were essential for the company to begin its new product line
thank you so much Jack and remember friends
you have the capability to implement
what you have learned from the language lab into your everyday
language do that at least some time this week well
let’s continue with our lesson here
track and field at the Olympics is not just a series of events
remember a series of something
is many things together that are somehow related that’s right
and it’s not just a series of events
so it is more than a series of events what is it well
we read here it is a narrative of human effort that demonstrates
the extraordinary capabilities of an athlete’s determination
and hard work
this is a pretty profound sentence here
and you can tell that
whoever wrote
this article was really thinking about what the Olympics
actually means and specifically track and field
and that is something that we’ve heard before right
the Olympic event show the human effort
and the time and the energy
that people put into learning the sports
that they are performing
i think that people in general just like to be inspired
right that’s why we
go to amazing classical concerts to see musicians on stage
or for me like jazz concerts in any case
whether you’re watching a music event or a sporting event
or anything where people are pushing themselves to the limit
we like to be inspired and reminded that actually
we can all push ourselves to the limit
and really test our limits right
because you see these people putting in all that hard work
we can do the same thing that’s right
let’s read on here friends
track and field is where legends are born what a great phrase
if a legend is born
it means that something happens usually
in some type of public place or a stage or an Olympic stadium
and from that moment on
this person is a star or they are very successful for example
the first time the singer got on stage
a legend was born as soon as she started singing
it was very obvious that she was going to be a star that’s right
a star is born or a legend is born or was born right
so it is also where the essence of the Olympic motto faster
higher stronger is lived out in every sprint
jump and throw well
let’s talk about the essence of something
that is like the deepest or most meaningful part
or feeling of something that’s right
it’s the basic
and most important characteristic that gives something identity
so the whole identity of the Olympics is wrapped
up in this motto
but what is a motto anyway
what’s a motto
well a motto is kind of a short phrase that captures
the ideals or the beliefs of a person
or maybe a place
or an organization something like the Olympics right
a lot of companies have their own motto or slogan right
nikes is just do it and of course
here for the Olympics
it is faster higher
stronger we see these comparative adjectives made me wonder
why don’t they use the superlative form
why isn’t it fastest
highest and strongest well
i kind of like the comparative adjectives
because they remind us that
you can actually do even more than you’ve already done
and the Olympics is a competition after all
so the point is to be faster than other people
to jump higher than others
and to be stronger than others as well
now people can have mottos as well in fact
we use this phrase in everyday life
you can say that’s my motto
after you say something either profound
or sometimes even something kind of silly
as a joke as well all right
but we read here that this motto is lived out in every sprint
jump and throw if something is lived out
it means that you can see evidence of it
that’s right so for olympians of course
they’re thinking how can i go faster
how can i be the highest or the strongest
and they’re trying to live this out
on the field or in the track
right now you can live out other things in life for example
each of us has beliefs if we really believe those things
that we say
we believe then we are going to live out those beliefs
all right let’s see how our article ends
friends as athletes from across the globe
converge on the Olympics
they remind us of the unifying power of sports
and the endless potential of the human spirit
i want to talk about this word
converge because sometimes
you do see it with some other prepositions at the end of it
as well here in our article
it’s used with the preposition on to converge on something
you could also converge in something
or converge upon something
as well now what does converge means well
it means to move toward one point
or to come together so the idea
is that all these athletes are coming from all different places
all around the world
and they are coming to one point together
they are converging on the Olympics
here’s another example
the two rivers eventually converge into one river
that’s a great example
friends can you think of another way or situation
where you might use that word
converge things are moving at first
but then they come together to meet at a certain point okay
so athletes from across the globe
converge on the Olympics
they remind us of the unifying power of sports
and the endless potential of the human spirit
and yes there is endless potential perhaps
you’ve heard that phrase before the sky is the limit
there is so much that we can do if we put our minds to it
all right friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you today yes
you George did you know
in 1908 motorboat Racing was a sport haha
it’s true a motorboat is a boat with a
motor it was cancelled
because people didn’t think machines should be in the Olympics
what do you think
that is today’s fun motorboating fact
all right here
is the talk about it question
we want to ask you
which track and field event sounds the most exciting to you why
and Marie do you have an answer for this question
i do have an answer and it kind of has to do with what
i actually watch on tv when the Olympics are going on
it is hard for me to find time to watch really long events
and although i really respect the athletes
who run marathons and do relay races
it’s hard for me to sit and watch the whole thing
because they’re running and they keep running
and then they run some more so for me
it’s more exciting as a spectator to watch sprints
to watch sprints okay
yeah the really fast runs for me man
i’m always impressed watching anybody do a long jump you know
just running up to that final jump and seeing how far
a person can actually jump from a single point right
so many meters that’s really cool well friends
which is the most exciting track or field event for you to watch
talk about that in English
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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