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Southpaws 左撇子(上)
空中英語教室 20240812

southpaw (lefties, left-handed)
KK[ˋsaʊθ͵pɔ] DJ[ˋsauθpɔ:]
n.用左手投球的投手;左手選手 左撇子
My father, my brother and I all are southpaws.

hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is and Marie and my name is
Gabe we have a great lesson here just for you
it’s got a very interesting
title south Paul
let’s just take a look at that word and break it down
and talk about what this could possibly mean
when you see this word
what do you think
it means Emory first of all what are the two parts of that word
okay well first to be honest
i have to say i have never heard this word before
this is a new word for me
so well a paw would be like the foot of certain kinds of animals
like cats for example
cats have paws
dogs have paws
they have the soft pads on the bottom of their feet
that’s what a paw is that’s right
some other animals might have hooves right
that’s a different type of foot but so
that’s what a paw is is the feat of certain animals and south
is a direction
it’s the opposite of north so
what could south paw
possibly be
i am not sure
but i think we need to get into our lesson
so we can all find out together friends
it’s a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
southpaws celebrate the lefties in your life
about 90 percent of the world’s population
doesn’t need to think about
which hand to use when picking up a pair of scissors
but for the 10 to 12 percent
who are left handed
even a day filled with simple tasks can be an adventure
let’s take a look at some of the myths
mysteries and history of our left handed friends
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先我们来看population这个名词
the population of the city has grown quickly in recent years
which has led to an increase in the demand for services
或是the turtle population shows
a decline in numbers in some areas of the state
and in other areas
it has disappeared在浙州的一些地区
譬如the forest nearest
the town is populated with monkeys
bears and deer
譬如the novel was filled with mystery
and kept the readers guessing until the very last page
who had committed the crime这本小说充满了悬疑
the foggy evening added to the mystery of the quiet streets
and made the boys nervous about going outside
再看一句the sudden disappearance of the
famous scientist became a mystery that still isn’t solved
friends i think we’ve found the answer to what a south paw
is you can see it right here
celebrate the lefties in your life now what is a lefty well
it’s someone who favors their left hand usually
this means they write with their left hand
they eat with their left hand
but that being said
we don’t refer to people
who use their right hand to do things as righties
that’s right Emory
but sometimes i think we should just just to be fair you know
because if we can say that left handed people are lefties
then right handed people are righties but yes
Emory is right
we don’t usually call right handed people righties
but we do call left handed people lefties i know
plenty of lefties in my life my wife is a lefty
so celebrate the lefties in your life
i celebrate the lefties in my wife
but i want to talk about another word here
that is related to being left handed or right handed
and that is the word ambidextry
ambidextrious means that you use both hands at the same level
so you could eat with your left hand
or with your right hand or right with either one
and be just as comfortable now
some people are naturally ambidextrous that is very rare
i’m not sure if Leo
Nardo da Vinci was naturally ambidextrous
but he knew how to do things with both hands
equally great
or in the same way
so celebrate the lefties in your life about 90
percent of the world’s population doesn’t need to think about
which hand to use when picking up a pair of scissors
and this is true
this is one of those things
you don’t think about when you’re using scissors
or when people like us
right handed people are using scissors
we don’t think about that
it could be difficult for a left handed person
to use that same pair of scissors
there are a lot of things in this world
that are more difficult for left handed people
because things were created for right handed people
because there’s just more
right handed people than left handed people in the world
but let’s talk about this phrase pair of here you know
that pair of is used for things like
shoes and pants and earrings things that there are two of
but you might wonder why are we using this for scissors
it’s kind of the same idea of that we have with pants
there are two pant legs with a pair of pants and with scissors
of course there are two holes to put your fingers in
yeah we don’t ever talk about a scissor
it’s always a pair of scissors
but we read on here
but for the 10 to 12 percent
who are left handed even
a day filled with simple tasks can be an adventure well
that’s a positive way to express it that if you’re a lefty
using a pair of scissors that can be an adventure
some other people might describe it as a frustration yeah
i know
a lot of left handed people do get frustrated with the way
the world is made
because life can be harder for them in some ways
let’s take a look at some of the myths
mysteries and history of our left handed friends
if you’re going to take a look at something it
means you are going to examine it more closely
and of course
a myth is a widely believed
but probably false idea so
what are some of these myths
what are the mysteries
and the history of our left handed friends
well we’re going to find out in our next reading
south bars
being left handed
hasn’t always been accepted
the belief that left handed people were witches was widespread
in medieval Europe
and they could even be killed for it in fact
the word sinister
which means harmful
or evil comes from a Latin word for on the left side
even as late as the 1960s
American children who were born left handed
were forced to switch hands when writing
譬如the government issued
a warning about the harmful effects of
too much screen time on children’s development
或是being out in the sun
without sunscreen can be harmful to your skin
and increase your risk of skin cancer
或是the harmful pollution in the river
threatened the life of the fish
and damaged the surrounding land
all right thank you so much Jack well
we hear a little bit about the history of lefties here
in this section
some serious things in here
friends being left handed
hasn’t always been accepted this is kind of surprising right
it’s hard to accept
or not accept someone just because of which hand they use
this is kind of interesting to me
you know living in 2024
where i have never thought that being left handed was strange
or weird or unacceptable that just kind of a strange idea to me
but you know when you look up things in history
it’s true a lot of people
kind of looked down on left handed people or lefties right
the belief that left handed people were witches was widespread
in medieval Europe
and they could even be killed for it okay
so you didn’t choose to be left handed or to be you know
stronger in your left hand
but you could be killed for something like this
so people believe they
were witches well
a witch is a woman believed to have magic powers
often used for harming other people
but it also could be used for helping in certain situations
think of the good witch from the wizard of oz
that’s right so witches often appear in stories often times
they are the villain
but let’s look at that phrase to be killed for something now
what this means is that you believe in something
or you do something
and because of that you are killed for it
so for example
some people are killed for their faith
those types of people are called martyrs that’s right
they’re killed because of what they believe right
you can’t just simply change what you believe
but some people are killed for that martyrs
die for their faith and witches were killed
just for being left handed in medieval Europe
just a reminder medieval is a long period of time
roughly between 8500
and the year 1500 but we read on here in fact
the word sinister
which means harmful
or evil comes from a Latin word for on the left side
so some words we have in the English language come from
the idea that being left handed was morally bad
it’s crazy to me it is yeah
and we see that phrase to come from something
we often use this when talking about etymology now
that is where words come from
so you could say this word comes from a French
word or this word comes from a German word here
this word sinister comes from a Latin word
we also use the phrase come from
when talking about the origins of maybe items or methods
as well for example
this method of cooking comes from Mexico
now we’re not talking about something a time related thing
it didn’t happen in the past necessarily
but it comes from a place right
so here we’re learning about how this word
sinister comes from or originated with a Latin word
that means on the left side that’s right
even as late as the 1960s
American children who were born left handed
were forced to switch hands when writing now
if you’re forced to do something
it means you’re being made to do it against your
will you don’t want to do that thing
but someone else is making you do it
some parents force their kids to eat their vegetables
or clear their plates at the table
this reminds me of an article
we did several years ago on the baseball player
the left handed pitcher
tung Wei ing and i wrote that article and in my research
i found out that when he was younger
his mom tried to force him to eat with his right hand
and do other things with his right hand
because i think traditionally not only here
but several places around the world
thought that you should try to do things with your right hand i
have heard that before as well all right friends
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hi everyone welcome to info cloud today
and i are unraveling the meaning and significance of the idiom
left handed compliment
absolutely Rex a left handed compliment is when someone says
something that seems like praise
but actually has a hidden insult or criticism
that’s right Garrett
it’s kind of strange to use left handed
though which hand you use has nothing to do with compliments
that’s true rax
but being left handed has historically
been associated with negativity or clumsiness in many cultures
it was considered unusual or even unlucky fascinating
so the idiom connects left handedness with negativity
exactly Rex
and even though being left handed is perfectly normal
and accepted today
the phrase left handed compliment persists
in the English language
interesting how language
evolves and retains these connections to historical beliefs
absolutely now
let’s break down an example
imagine someone says
you’re pretty smart for someone from your background that might
seem like a compliment
but it’s actually a left handed complement
because it implies that people from that background
aren’t usually smart
ah so it’s important to be mindful of the true meaning behind
seemingly positive remarks
precisely always be cautious of left handed compliments
left handed complement
left handed complement
left handed是左撇子
left handed compliment字面上就是左手的夸奖 意思就是带有讽刺性的夸奖
left handed compliment就代表一些言不由衷 语带讽刺的夸奖
例如you’re very smart for someone from your background
这就是今天的foot cloud
south bars
there are also some interesting medical mysteries concerning
right or left handed people
the human brain is crosswired with the left brain
controlling the right side of the body and vice versa
but one university of Oxford study suggests that
in the brains of left handed people
the two parts are better connected in addition
some studies say that
may have an advantage when it comes to language learning
例如all questions
concerning your application
should go to the college admissions office
或是the report concerning the recent environmental changes
shows the need for good farming practices
the increased rate of crime
and the area concerns the city’s entire population
okay thank you so much Jack well
we read here
there are also some interesting medical mysteries concerning
right or left handed people
medical mysteries is a term
that we use to talk about things that happen in our bodies
that we just don’t understand
there are many medical mysteries out there
the human brain is crosswired
with the left brain
controlling the right side of the body and vice versa yeah
that’s an interesting way of thinking about it it’s crosswired
and this is something
you learn early on that your left side of the brain
controls the right side of your body
the right side of your brain has more to do
with the left side of your body’s activities right
but that use of that word wire
you think of an engineer
who has to use a lot of wires in creating something of course
our brain does not have actual wires in it
but that’s just how we talk about how we operate for example
sometimes we talk about how we are wired
you might not know why you do things
a certain way
and you just tell other people that’s just how i’m wired
that’s right
but what about this phrase or this term vice versa
it kind of has the meaning of to be opposite right
yeah exactly
so it means to be opposite and we used this phrase
it’s a shorter way of expressing the same thing for example
the human brain is crosswired with the left brain
controlling the right side of the body
and the sentence could say
and the right side of the brain
controlling the left side of the body
that’s just a lot more words
you could just simply use the phrase
vice versa here’s another example
if we go on vacation
they take care of our pets and vice versa in other words
if they go on vacation
we’ll take care of their pets too
you don’t need to say all those words
just simply use the phrase
vice versa
vice versa is a very convenient way to say something long
it’s a good phrase for you to know friends
let’s read on here
but one university of Oxford study suggests that
in the brains of left handed people
the two parts are better connected in addition
some studies say that
lefties may have an advantage
when it comes to language learning well
if you have an advantage somewhere
it means that for some reason
you might be better at something than most other people
and this could be for a lot of different reasons
here’s an example
his parents are math teachers
so he has an advantage when it comes to understanding harder
math concepts
there’s a related phrase
i wrote down that is to have the upper hand
but then i realized that
phrase will actually appear in tomorrow’s lesson
as well so make sure that you come back for that right now
it is time for us to go to today’s fun fact
hello fax friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that the word for a right side
in Latin is Dexter ha
ha it’s true if you’re not left handed but right handed well
uh you are one of many people who is right handed
but dexterity means the ability to move ha
ha how’s that for Dexter for you
maybe someone’s name is Dexter
but that is today’s fun right handed fact
friends we want you to take a look at one of those
talk about it questions
in your magazine
have you ever tried to do something with your other hand
what was it like
if you’re right handed
have you ever done something with your left hand
or if you’re left handed
have you ever done something with your right hand
it looks like
Gabe is either writing or drawing something with his left hand
yes i am and Marie what do you think
i think it’s pretty good
can you understand what’s going on here on this whiteboard
it says game
that’s my name and so it’s legible
it’s legible and it’s a person yeah
the little smiley face
this was all done with and what’s down here feet
no that’s a tree
why is his head on top of the tree
that’s a question for another time
i just thought of a tree
because there’s a sun shining over here
what do you think
i did all of this with my other hand
it looks about the same as when you draw with your right hand
should i take that as a comment
i’m just kidding
but friends you should try
this as well try to draw something
or write something with your other hand
and make sure you join us tomorrow
for the second half of our lesson
right here on studio classroom

Southpaws 左撇子(下)
空中英語教室 20240813
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
thank you so much for joining us today
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe
we are on day two of our lesson called southpaws
where we learned yesterday
that we are talking all about lefties or left handed people
that’s right
sometimes we use the word dominant佔優勢的 when talking about
which hand is stronger
which is your dominant hand
while for right handed people
our right hands are stronger for lefties or southpaws
their left hands are stronger
or that is the dominant hand but speaking of southpaws yes
that is an informal term we use to refer to left handed people
but it also has other meanings more sports related meanings
so a southpaw could be a left handed boxer
who leads with his right hand
or a left handed pitcher in baseball is also called a southpaw
but in general
we’re talking about all left handed people as southpaws
that’s right we also found out in our article yesterday
that historically left handed people have had a hard time
in the old times
people thought that they were witches and until the 1960s
many American families
wouldn’t let their children be left handed
but something else
we learned is that maybe south paws actually
have an advantage over right handed people
when it comes to learning
do you find that to be true
if you are left handed and learning with us
here at studio classroom maybe
you have the upper hand
that’s a phrase that we’re going to talk about in our lesson
today today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
south bars
there are some mental health issues
that can especially affect left handed people
according to a 2013 Yale university study
left handed people seem more likely to suffer from schizophrenia
this serious disorder can cause people to hear voices
or see things that are not real
but other studies have linked the left handed brain
with decidedly
creative thinking scientists are uncertain
but with artists
such as Leonardo da Vinci on the lefty list
there might be some connection
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先我们来看this order这个名词
例如the doctor told the young man
that he had a rare disorder
that affected his ability to see color
例如the book on organizational skills
offers ways to help people with a disorder in their personal
and professional lives
或是after the strong earthquake
the entire area was in a state of disorder
all right
thank you so much Jack well friends we are going to learn
about some potential issues that left handed people might face
we read here unfortunately
there are some mental health issues that can especially affect
left handed people now
what are mental health issues
they are health conditions that involve changes in emotion
thinking and or behavior
and this generally affects
the way you interact with the outside world
and some of these mental health issues can especially affect
or left handed people according to a 2013 Yale university study
left handed people seem more likely to suffer from Schizophrenia
well let’s take a look at that phrase to suffer from something
because here
it’s used to explain or experience pain or injury so for example
i know someone who suffers from severe headaches
on a regular basis is quite unpleasant
but there’s another way to use the word suffer
and it’s without the word from
and this means to endure or to put up with
so for example
the team suffered a defeat
or she suffered a lot of abuse in class
that’s right and it says
here that left handed people seem
more likely to suffer from schizophrenia
schizophrenia is a very specific mental health issue
this is a mental condition that involves a breakdown
in the relation
between your thought
emotion and behavior
so what happens is
there is a disconnection between those three things
and normal people would respond in a certain way
but because of that lack of connection in the mind people
with schizophrenia
can’t process that information correctly now
the adjective form of this word
schizophrenia is schizophrenic okay
so someone may be schizophrenic and what could they experience
well in the next sentence
we see this serious disorder
can cause people to hear voices or see things that are not real
so there are a few words that don’t appear in our lesson
that maybe are related that
you should know
one is the word delusion or delusional
that means you are experiencing things that are not real right
but also
the word hallucination
a hallucination is when you see something
or you think you see something
but it’s actually not real at all
it’s all in your head
so delusion and hallucination very big words i know
you can remember them all right
but we see something positive here friends
other studies
have linked the left handed brain with decidedly
creative thinking
here’s a good word for us to look at friends
decidedly this just means undeniably
you cannot deny
it people
with a left handed brain are undeniably creative thinkers
now we can use this word
decidedly in other ways as well
here’s an the king in the movie was decidedly evil
he was decidedly evil
i get the idea that maybe the writers for the movie made him
evil and intentionally made him very evil
or if i talk about a person being decidedly something
they’re intentionally
making a choice to do something that goes
against what other people
do for another example
the band is decidedly different
intentionally choosing to sound different from other bands
so there are different ways to use that word
decidedly we read on here
scientists are uncertain
but with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci on the lefty list
there might be some connection all right friends
let’s continue learning in our next reading
south bars
one area where lefties may have the upper hand is in sports
that require quick reaction times
this includes sports like
baseball and table tennis
some researchers chalk
this advantage up to right handed competitors
not being familiar with the south paw style
ding Ning for example
is a left handed table tennis champion
with three Olympic gold medals
Tina’s reaction to the surprise party was a mix of shock
and joy as a big smile spread across her face
譬如Bob’s reaction to the medicine was not expected
and meant a visit to the emergency room
譬如the chemical reaction
caused the Liquid to change from blue to bright yellow
譬如Nina trained to become the national chess champion
mastering moves
to beat the other players莉娜接受训练
譬如TED is an environmental champion
leading campaigns to lessen the use of plastic and to recycle
譬如the organization champions
the Rights of workers
making sure of fair wages and safe working conditions for all
thank you Jack all right
we read here friends
one area where lefties may have the upper hand is in sports now
this is a very interesting phrase that our writer has chosen to
use to have the upper hand
what does that mean well
we talked about to have the advantage over other people
and that’s what it means here
if you have the upper hand
you have gained some kind of advantage over other people
maybe when it comes to a competition right
like in our lesson in sports
maybe you have more power or control in some other areas
so here’s an example after a few chess moves
my opponent that is the person i’m playing against my opponent
gained the upper hand
so i did something i made some mistakes and now
my opponent has the upper hand okay
so left handed people can have the upper handed specific sports
these are sports that require quick reaction times
this includes sports like
baseball and table tennis
you have to be able to react
very quickly in both of those sports
we rehear some researchers or researchers chalk this advantage
up to right handed competitors
not being familiar with the southpaw style well
let’s take a look at that phrase to chalk something
up to something else to say
or consider that something is caused by something else
so what’s the reason for this
well we’re not sure
but some people chalk it up to this here’s an example
the school’s basketball team is terrible this year
so we chalked their win up to luck
that’s exactly what i wrote down emm no way
we don’t compare our notes before hand friends
but maybe
this is a common way that we use the phrase chalk up to we say
chalk it up to luck
quite a bit
especially when something happens and nobody else knows
the reason for it
we chalk it up to look
right well we can chalk this
up to coincidence that we both wrote down the same example
sentence but some researchers chalk this advantage
or their upper hand up to right handed competitors
not being familiar with a south pole style
i think that’s probably a good
assessment of the situation
because if you’re a right handed person
and you’re used to playing with other right handed people
it may be subtle the activities and the movements may be subtle
but the difference could be significant as well
and we see the word style there as well
and i think what our writer means here
is that the way you play the sport because of course
when you play a sport
everyone has their own style
and it sounds like here
that the way lefties play certain sports
is a different style than how right
handed people play them ding ding for example
is a left handed table
tennis champion with three Olympic gold medals all right
well we do have more to learn right after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to info cloud Garrett do you like playing board games
do i like playing them
i love playing them
i started playing board games with my dad when i was just a kid
we loved a game called stratego
oh is that a fun one
yes but it’s very challenging it requires a lot of strategy
i could never beat my dad
even though we tried to level the playing field
level the playing field
was the table
you played on uneven ha
no it’s a phrase
it means you try to make similar opportunities available
for more people
where opportunities are unequal
and you did not have the same opportunity to win right
yeah even with an extra turn or two
the playing field was still not quite equal
i believe i also heard that
phrase in the workplace too yeah
these days governments
companies and even schools
have programs that try to make opportunities
available to everyone
thereby leveling the playing field
so they create opportunities for men and women
people of different races
and people with different mental abilities that way
everyone can have a better chance at a good life
level the playing field
这就是level the playing field
这就是在level the playing field
south bars
but if there is an advantage
it’s probably not a result of some special lefty magic recent
studies show that there seems to be no significant connection
between being left
handed and athletic ability in any case
lefties hold your southpaw high
and show the world what you’re made of celebrate a lefties
today on international left handers day
例如the athletic competition
brought together the best talent from around the area
或是the athletic
wear featured clothing
designed to improve performance and comfort during workouts
received an athletic scholarship for his basketball ability
okay friends
let’s finish out our article if there is an advantage
it’s probably not a result of some special lefty magic
lefty magic isn’t a real thing
our writer is just saying that
it seems like there might be some kind of magic involved
because it’s a mystery
why left handed people are so good at these sports yeah
but we all know
left handed people are not witches
there is no lefty magic involved here right
studies show that there seems to be no significant connection
between being left handed and athletic ability
so this is part of the same paragraph
we’re talking about how left handed people
may have the upper hand
when it comes to sports
but i guess there’s no really
there’s no real significant connection here
that’s right in the word significant of course
means to be major or to be something in a big way
they made significant changes to the report
that means they changed it a lot all right well
we move on here in any case
lefties hold your southpaw high now usually
we don’t use this phrase this way in fact
like i said before never heard the word southpaw before
but this phrase is usually used with the word head
hold your head high now
what this phrase means is even if something goes wrong
or even if you’re embarrassed in some way
or maybe you’ve even made a mistake
oftentimes people encourage you to hold your head high
that means don’t allow others to look down on you yeah
maybe you feel like you did a poor job in your performance
but you can still hold your head up high
after the show when you meet and greet people right
you should be proud and confident of what you’re able to do
another phrase
at the very beginning is
in any case are related phrases at any rate
we could also say that here at any rate so
no matter what’s going on
no matter what the statistics show right
at any rate or in any case lefties hold your southpaw high
so in other words be brave and confident and show the world
what you’re made of now
what does it mean to show
what you’re made of this
could refer to how strong or clever
or how brave you are
or the true talent that you may have
it reminds me of those lyrics from Bruno Mars song count on me
you’ll find out what we are made of
when we are called to help our friends in need
you are not sure exactly what a relationship is made of
or what qualities are there until you actually
do something together
so we are going to find out what we are made of and of course
here we’re talking about characteristics
and talent lefties need to show the world what they are made of
show the world
their talent celebrate
a lefty today on international left handers day so
of course this is another one of those holidays
that a lot of people might not know about
but it is there on a holiday calendar and Marie
i want to talk about something here
because i think that
left handed people may actually have an advantage in life simply
because they were thrown challenges from early on in life okay
and just like yesterday the writer David
you know he said that it’s kind of an adventure for them
it could be a frustration of course
but the more challenges i think people encounter early in life
the more
they realize that there are a lot of challenges in life
that you have to overcome for a lot of us
we encounter challenges
and we don’t necessarily think we want to deal with them
because we don’t have to deal with them
left handed people have to deal with this challenge
early on in life
and so they realize okay well
if i can overcome this challenge
there’s probably a lot of other challenges i can overcome
as well maybe including something like language learning anyway
those are just my thoughts on the subject
maybe left handed people
really do have the upper hand
we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun foot fact for you
today did you know
that some sports have nicknames for left footed athletes
it’s true
the sport of skateboarding and snowboarding for example
in skateboarding and snowboarding
goofy means using your left foot ha
and that is today’s fun sports fact
friends it’s time for a quiz
we have a fill in the blank quiz
today so put those magazines away
don’t peek at your notes
please here we go lefties
may have the blank hand in sports
that require quick reaction times
the unfortunate hand
the mental hand
the chalky hand
or the upper hand
well it’s not unfortunate they have it’s a word
it’s a phrase
that means to have the advantage over somebody else
you remember what we talked about friends
because we talked about it a lot it is to have the upper hand
that’s right happy national left handers day
friends to all of those lefties out there
and we will see you next time right here on studio classrooms
( 知識學習語言 )
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