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Rural Health Care-空中英語教室
2024/08/15 15:49:55瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0
Rural Health Care 偏鄉醫療保健(上)
空中英語教室 20240814

KK[ˋrʊrəl] DJ[ˋru:rəl]
He spoke like rural people. 他說起話來像鄉下人。
I am longing for quiet rural life. 我極想過清靜的鄉村生活。

and welcome to studio classroom friends
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe
we’re very happy that you are joining us here for our program
yes we are
we have a very interesting topic to talk about today
a very cultural topic
so to begin we want to talk about health care
how is health care different here
from where we are from oh
well i am from here i mean i grew up here
but from what
i’ve heard and from personal experiences in the United States
as well health care
there is super expensive well
it’s super expensive based on your insurance policy
and your insurance policy comes from the type of job you have
and what they offer as far as benefits
that’s why when Americans look for a job
one of the first questions
they ask are what are the health benefits
okay so
that’s a good point yeah depends on your insurance bracket
but i’m just thinking even for a simple health like going to
so going to the clinic for a simple checkup right here
you might pay like a fifth or a sixth of the cost
as you would in the United States
just for just going to see the clinic
maybe because you feel a little bit sick
but yeah health care is an important issue
and it’s kind of a controversial issue as well
or it could be i know that a lot of people take the health
care for granted here and also
i’ve heard i’m not sure if this is true or not
but i’ve heard that actually even though it’s relatively cheap
that’s actually not too sustainable in the long run
oh interesting
yeah we might have some problems okay
well these are all very interesting things to talk about
and think about the aspect of health care
we are going to be talking about
today is health care in rule communities
so rule health care today is a great day to learn something new
it is let’s do that together
rural health care problems
and solutions for small town medical care
health care is a necessity for everyone
but not everyone has equal access to it people
in rural communities
in particular face barriers
to medical care that do not affect people in cities
this is true
both in developed countries and in the developing world
but governments
and non profit organizations are working to address
the disparity
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the income disparity between the top one percent of people
and the rest of the population has been a growing concern
或是the educational disparity in the country
is evident
in the varying quality of schools from one district to another
the disparity and technological resources between schools
can affect the learning
experiences and opportunities of students
thank you so much Jack all right friends
we are going to be talking about problems and solutions
small town medical care now
as you can see here small and town have a hyph in between them
and that is because here small town is used as an adjective now
of course
you could talk about the noun town with the adjective small
a small town but here
we’re using it
as an adjective to describe what type of medical care
we are talking about yeah
so what would be the opposite well
maybe you could talk about big city health care
right if it’s not a small town
it may be a big city so here
we are talking about the problems and solutions
if there is a problem
you need to find a solution to that problem right
that’s what we’re talking about for problems
when it comes to health care or medical care in smaller towns
that’s right now
there are some other words
we can use to talk about small towns as well the small town
i grew up in was actually called a village
and that has to do with the amount of people living there
but you could also say that a small town is a farm town as well
especially if it’s out in the countryside
where a lot of produce is grown
but we read on here health care is a necessity for everyone
but not everyone has equal access to it
people in rural communities
in particular face barriers to medical care
that do not affect people in cities
that’s right
let’s take a look at that phrase in particular right here
it means especially
you could actually replace those words in particular
with the adverb particularly
so people in rural communities
particularly face barriers to medical care
that do not affect people in cities
all right we also see the word of barriers here now
a barrier is kind of like an obstacle
it’s something that keeps you from
doing something
or keeps you from accomplishing a goal here’s an example
women in the last 100 years
have overcome many social barriers to be seen as equals
that means they overcame obstacles in society
sometimes we talk about a barrier to entry
that means
it may be easier for some people to enter an organization
or a group or something like that than it is for others
and that could be because of certain obstacles
certain things that stops other people from coming
in those are barriers to entry right
so we’re talking about there’s barriers to medical care
there’s something
that’s stopping people from getting proper medical care
and we read here this is true
both in developed countries and in the developing world but
governments and non profit organizations
are working to address the disparity now
we see the word
address here and that is the word that we use
when someone is trying to come up
with a solution to a problem
what are you doing to address the problem
or address the issue
going to find out
what we are going to be addressing here
in a minute in our next reading
rural health care
one barrier to rural health care is transportation
rural communities are by definition far from population centers
which means most small towns do not have large hospitals
so rural people need to travel long distances to see doctors
rule areas also usually lack public transportation
which exacerbates the problem
even if there is a hospital in a rural community
doctors often prefer to live in larger cities
so finding medical stuff can be challenging rural hospitals
especially tend to lack specialists
例如ignoring the problem will only exacerbate the situation
and make matters much worse for the workers
或是the high winds could exacerbate
the spread of the wild fire
making it more difficult to put out
或是pollution from factories can exacerbate
breathing problems for people living in nearby areas
all right so now
we are looking at the first barrier or obstacle
one barrier to rule health care is transportation the way
you get from one place to another
rule communities are by definition far from population centers
let’s stop there for a minute
and talk about the use of this phrase by definition
this is a really useful phrase to no friends
because what you can do with this phrase
is to describe the thing that you are talking about
with another part of the sentence
or with a phrase
so here’s another example
a volunteer is by definition
not paid that is literally the definition of a volunteer yeah
so the nice thing about this phrase by definition is
that we can use it to refer to other features of something
that are not actually in the dictionary
definition okay
so the nature of something
here’s an example from the Cambridge Dictionary
by the way the economic stimulus is by definition temporary okay
so if you look at the definition in a dictionary
what is an economic stimulus
it may not include the word temporary
but that is one of the features of a stimulus
is that it’s not permanent
it is by definition temporary
okay so let’s continue looking at this sentence
rule communities are by definition far from population centers
which means most small towns do not have large hospitals
so rule people need to travel long distances to see doctors
and my experience
this is definitely true
the smaller the town you live in usually
the farther away
you are from a hospital
rule areas also usually lack public transportation now
this word lack here
just means that something doesn’t have something else
for example she is really smart
but she lacks common sense
okay so you don’t have something that you probably need okay
it’s great to have common sense
so we see here
that rural areas usually lack public transportation
it would be nice to have public transportation in those areas
but they don’t have them
so that exacerbates the problem
and makes the problem even worse
we read here
even if there is a hospital in a rural area or a community
doctors often prefer to live in larger cities
so finding medical staff can be challenging
you see the word prefer here
it is a verb i prefer to do this
that is my preference
so it’s doctors preferences to live in larger cities
that’s using it as a noun
that’s right rural hospitals especially tend to lack specialists
what’s a specialist
well a specialist is someone
who specializes in a specific field of medicine
that’s right or something else right a certain field
and you have a special or concentrated subject right
and i just want to say that
specialist are by definition experts at something
but not all experts are specialists
but we do have more to learn let’s go to today’s infocloud
and we’ll see you very soon
hi everyone welcome back to infocloud hey
Garrett this morning
i heard Tim from sales say that
he’s going to be up against the odds at a meeting today
that’s an interesting
phrase Rex when someone is up against the odds
it means they are facing a situation
where success seems unlikely
because the circumstances are not in their favor
have you ever wondered where the expression comes from garret
yes the phrase has kind of a dark origin
because it comes from gambling particularly games
like poker or horse racing the odds
refers to the probability of winning or losing fascinating
but the phrase isn’t only used for gambling
it is used for any situation
in which the probability of success is low precisely Rex
let’s give everyone
an example imagine someone living in a rural area
where access to quality health care is limited
they might be up against the odds
when trying to get the medical attention they need
up against the odds来形容
up against us就是在跟几率在对抗
Tim is up against odds with his proposal Tim的提案
如果是up against odds
rural health care
since each specialist
only sees a small fraction of the total number of patients
many hospitals conclude that they do not have enough patients
who need the specialist to employ one
that means that the patients who do need
the specialist are forced to travel long distances
or go without necessary treatment in addition
in many countries
people in rural areas
are more likely to live in poverty
and struggle
to pay for health care than their urban counterparts
only a fraction of the people applying for the scholarship
will even be considered
the antique was sold for a fraction of its estimated value
which made the buyer very happy
completed the race in a time
that was only a fraction slower than the record
the computer developer worked closely with his counterpart
and the design team to make sure
the application was user friendly
或是the CEO met with her counterpart
from the partner company
to finish the details of their joint project
或是the cook exchanged recipes with his counterpart
in Italy eager
to learn techniques that he could use in his own restaurant
okay so these specialists at the hospitals
they are focused on a very specific field of medicine
so if you need something like a surgery done
you might need to see a specialist for that part of your body
or for that organ and we see here
since each specialist
only sees a small fraction of the total number of patients
many hospitals conclude that they do not have enough patients
who need the specialist to employ one now here
we see the word employ
and that is the idea of working somewhere
or paying people to do a task or to do work
so you could say how many people are employed at your company
all right let’s take a look at something else in this sentence
it’s the word conclude
many hospitals conclude that they don’t have enough patients
who need the specialist
so we could also say
they make the conclusion and in other words
they arrive at the final judgment after thinking about it
and reasoning about something
and this is their final decision that is their conclusion
or they’ve concluded they don’t have enough patients
who need the specialist so therefore
they’re not going to hire one right
that means that the patients who do need
the specialist are forced to travel long distances
or go without necessary treatment
they’re forced to leave their small town to go to a big city
that maybe very far away right
in other words
they have no choice but to do that all right
and we also see this phrase to go without here in this sentence
if you go without something it
means that you don’t get to have it
and maybe you are wanting it or expecting it
but now you have to go without here’s an example
i forgot my snack
so i’ll just have to go without today oh
i like that
so you can basically put this at the end of a sentence
it can be the end of a thought
i don’t have to say i’m going to go without snacks
i could just say i’m going to go without right
that implies that i’m going without snacks
i heard that camels can go without water for several days
i have heard that
too another great use of the phrase go without all right
let’s keep reading in addition
many countries people in many countries
excuse me
people in rural areas are more likely to live in poverty
and struggle to pay for health care
than their urban counterparts
if you struggle to do something it
means it’s hard for you to do it
and you’re maybe not going to be successful in it in the end
i know something that is not a struggle for you at all friends
in fact we hope it is quite fun
let’s join Ernest finder for today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that some doctors visit other countries
and help people
it’s true
a group called doctors without borders is for this type of care
a border is the line between two countries
but the doctors don’t care they just go all over
and that is today’s fun doctor fac
friends it’s the end of our lesson
which means it’s time for a quiz are you ready Gabe
i a put the o u din oats away
okay put your magazines away too friends all right here we go
rule communities are blank definition
far from population centers
in definition for definition by definition or of definition oh
well friends
if you were paying attention during our lesson today
then you know what this phrase is
but if you hadn’t heard this phrase before
and you weren’t paying attention
you might think it is for definition or of definition
but the phrase is by definition
what is it again rural communities
rural communities are by definition
far from population centers
those propositions can be tricky friends well
we hope you have enjoyed our lesson today
and we have more to say when it comes to rule health care
so make sure you join
us tomorrow we’ll see you then right here on studio classroom

Rural Health Care 偏鄉醫療保健(下)
空中英語教室 20240815
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you joined us for our program today
my name is Ann Marie and my name name is Gabe
we are continuing with a lesson called rural health care
health care is very important to have
and it’s different depending on where you live
it could be very difficult to get good health care
if you’re living very far
away from the city
that’s right so
we are discussing some barriers
that people who live in rural communities face
when trying to access health care
one of the barriers
we talked about yesterday was transportation
a lot of rural communities
just don’t have public transportation
another obstacle or barrier is
that of specialists because a lot of these rural hospitals
don’t have enough patience to really justify hiring
or employing a specialist
that forces people who live in these areas
to go to the city
or to just go without the medical care
that they need
so what are we going to do to solve these problems well
that’s what we’re talking about in our lesson today
today as usual is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
rural health care
a variety of developments
may help mitigate some of these problems
one significant
one is telehealth using technology
as video conferences to allow patients to speak with doctors
in other locations
use of telehealth means that the doctor cannot run
tests or examine the
patient up close
but the technology can be useful for mental health care
follow up appointments after surgery
and the monitoring of chronic conditions
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the city’s new flood barrier system
was designed to mitigate
the risk of water damage during heavy storms
或是the use of noise cancelling headphones
can mitigate the impact of loud sounds
或是planting trees around the property
not only improved its beauty
but also helped mitigate soil erosion
譬如managing chronic stress
can be reduced with a combination of lifestyle changes
and relaxation techniques
或是Bart’s chronic lateness became a problem at work
and led to several discussions about responsibility
the city faced a chronic shortage of affordable housing
which made it difficult for low income
families to find decent living conditions
all right thank you so much Jack
let’s get into some of these solutions friends
we read a variety of developments
may help mitigate some of these problems
let’s talk about that word developments first now
in this case
the word development kind of means like changes or any progress
so here’s another way
we could use it have there been any developments in the case
since yesterday
is there new information learned have
there been any solutions that have been found that is
how we would use developments here
now in our lesson
we may also use the word advancements
there might be advancements in technology for example
and i think that’s what this section is talking about here
when we learn about this significant
thing called telehealth right well
first of all if something is significant
that means it will probably make a big difference for the better
okay it’s significant of course
it could be negative as well
it could be a significant problem that we have to deal with
but either way
it makes a difference in your life
or in the lives of people another word
we see here is telehealth now
telehealth is the idea of being able to monitor
your health from a distance
so a doctor doesn’t need to be with you
in order to know what’s going on with your body for example
and most of the time when you see
the letters T E le you know
it implies some kind of distance because it is the Latin
4 distance think of a telescope that you use to see stars
that are very far away
that’s right
and we see the exact definition for telehealth right here
in our article
telehealth is using technology
such as video conferences
to allow patients to speak with doctors in other locations
you know
all about video conferencing and video conferencing apps
friends during the pandemic
they were super popular
these are apps and applications websites
such as zoom that
allow you to talk to people in other locations
use of telehealth means that the doctor cannot run tests
or examine the patient up close
let’s talk about the idea of running tests okay
as we’ve mentioned before
that word run has so many different definitions right
it could mean to operate something or is your refrigerator
running that means it is working and on right now here
run means to arrange for somebody
or something to be checked or tested
and that’s the idea is that doctors will run test
this is the word we use when talking about
checking something we’re going to run some tests that’s right
so telehealth technology can be useful for mental health care
such as talking to a councillor
or a therapist follow up appointments after surgery
and the monitoring of chronic conditions
follow up is a really great term for you to know friends
if something is going to be followed up
that means that you are going to check on it later
or to make sure that
there is something that happened after the initial meeting yeah
sometimes you meet somebody
and it’s good to follow up with that person and see
if they’ve made a decision about something and here
of course it’s used as kind of a single word
like an adjective a follow up appointment after surgery
and of course
you’re going to monitor their chronic conditions
while we have more to learn in our next reading
let’s do that together
rural health care
sometimes if patients cannot travel to a clinic
the clinic will go to them
mobile health clinics are used in some areas to reach people
who otherwise would have trouble going to see a doctor
these mobile clinics often cost less than hospitals as well
because they do not require as much infrastructure
small rule hospitals that lack financial resources sometimes
consider partnering with larger networks
that have access to better technology
these larger networks can also help rule hospitals
recruit staff
例如the government announced a significant investment
in infrastructure project
including new roads and bridges
或是the development of a green infrastructure
such as parks
is necessary for a city to deal with climate change
或是infrastructure in rural areas can improve the quality
of life by providing
better access to health care and education
okay friends let’s talk about another solution sometimes
if patients cannot travel to a clinic
the clinic will go to them now
there is a little bit of a difference between a clinic
and a hospital
of course and you see that here in health care as well
hospitals are bigger there’s usually
a lot more options that you can see and a clinic is a place
you can go in your neighborhood
there’s usually only a few doctors working there
and maybe it’s for a very specific medical problem right
so who might work at a clinic
of course we could use the general term doctor
we might also say a clinician okay
or a physicist right
but we read on here
mobile health clinics are used in some areas to reach people
who otherwise would have trouble going to see a doctor
so let’s talk about that word reach because here
it could mean to have access to somebody right
we also use the word reach when talking about asking for help
you want to reach out for help that is
you’re the one that needs help
and you’re asking others for help
or you can reach out to help you
notice somebody else needs help
so you’re going to reach out to help that person okay
friends another word we
need to look at in the sentence is that word otherwise
this is a really useful word for you to know
if the first thing happens
then the other thing in the sentence won’t happen so here
we see that if these clinics can be used to reach people
then they won’t have this problem of
not being able to see the doctor
here is another example
reserve your table at the restaurant now
otherwise this weekend you won’t get in
and of course
here we’re talking about people who in another situation
or another case
would not be able to see a doctor
that is why these clinicians
or these mobile health clinics are going out to these people
so these mobile clinics often cost less than hospitals as well
because they do not require as much infrastructure
so that is
one of the advantages
to having one of these mobile health clinics
they don’t require
they don’t need as much infrastructure
that’s right small rule hospitals that lack financial resources
sometimes consider partnering with larger networks
that have access to better technology
we learned about that word lack in yesterday’s lesson
it just means to
not have something so small rule hospitals might lack
they might not have financial resources so what can they do
they can partner with larger networks or larger hospitals
now let’s take a look at that phrase to partner with somebody
that means you’re going to work together with that person
maybe even relying on their resources right
that’s kind of what it sounds like here
they’re partnering with larger networks we read
these larger networks can also help rural hospitals
recruit staff
to recruit staff
or to recruit somebody to your organization is to go out
and look for people
who might be a good fit
where you are
you’re going to look for them and hire them to work with you all
right friends we’ll be back right after this
welcome to info cloud
i have a famous provert to share with you all
today necessity
is the mother of invention that was written by the Greek
philosopher Plato way back in the year
three hundred and eighty bc
wait a minute if Plato lived in ancient Greece
does that mean this proverb wasn’t originally in English
you are right
but the idea came from plato’s work and over time necessity
is the mother of invention became a common proverb
a proverb is a short saying that
describes a truth that many people believe so what truth does
necessity is the mother of invention described it means that
when we have a problem
we will think of a way to solve it
when it is necessary for us to do something
or very important to finish it
many people will find a creative or inventive solution
most inventions do meet a need
when we wanted to travel faster than a horse
could pull a cart the automobile was invented and when
we wanted to stop people from getting injured
or killed in car accidents
seatbelts were invented our needs give us motivation
or push us to make an effort
have also said that laziness is the real mother of invention
for example
when people were tired of
getting up to change the channel on the tv
the remote control was invented
so they put in a lot of effort
and creativity in at the beginning
so they could be lazy later on
what do you think
is the true reason for invention
necessity or laziness
necessity is the mother of invention
necessity is the mother of invention
也有人说laziness is the real mother of invention
rural health care
some countries try to incentivize doctors to work in rural areas
offering slightly higher salaries or other benefits
to those willing to practice outside cities
they may also reward hospitals based on effectiveness
in helping patients
as opposed to paying hospitals based on the number of
procedures they perform this
could reduce costs for patients
while the problem of rural health care is complex
these initiatives may help
provide necessary treatment for people outside major cities
the company decided to incentivize employee wellness
by offering gym memberships
as part of their package
或是in an effort to incentivize recycling
the city started a refund program for bottles and cans
譬如by offering an incentive for early bookings
the travel agency hoped to attract more customers
okay friends
let’s see how our lesson is going to conclude some countries
try to incentivize doctors to work and rule areas
offering slightly higher
salaries or other benefits what is a benefit
when it comes to your job
these are generally things like better insurance paid housing
or a flexible schedule
these are things that don’t necessarily get you paid more
but they do help your life in some way
yeah i mean
i guess you could think of it as like a bonus for your job
we would definitely use the word perk in this situation right
what are some of the perks to your job
they are the benefits that not every company would have right
but yeah
we’re learning about how they’re trying to provide incentives
you see the word incentive is here well
the noun form is incentive
and there’s a related word in the next sentence
and that is reward okay
they’re kind of the same idea
because if you’re doing something for an incentive
that means it’s giving you a motivation
because you’re going to get something good out of it
and that’s right
they may also reward
hospitals based on effectiveness in helping patients
as opposed to paying hospitals
based on the number of procedures they perform
what is a procedure well
a procedure quite simply is a surgical operation now
a lot of times if you’re going to have a big surgery
we would call that surgery or operation
but it’s something small
and maybe you don’t have to stay in the hospital overnight
that’s when i would use the word procedure
although you can use it in both instances
she saw the doctor for a small procedure
and went home the same day now
let’s take a look at that other phrase in this sentence
based on something right
they have rewards
based on effectiveness basically
how effective the doctor is
but based on here
means in relation to how effective the doctor is
or using that as a basis here’s another way
it’s often used raises are based on performances
or your performance at work so a boss
will give you a raise based on your performance all right
so this could reduce costs for patients
while that problem of rural health care is complex
these initiatives may help provide
necessary treatment for people
outside major cities
and that’s the point right
friends is to make it
so that everyone has access to health care
and people can see a doctor when they need to all right
we will be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fax friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that the word clinic used to mean a doctor
who visited
people who could not leave
bed it’s true
sometimes you’re so sick at home
you don’t want to get up and go to the doctor
the doctor will come to you
and the word recline means lay down
and is connected to the word clin ic
where a person could not get up
you see C L I N e ha ha
you see what i did there and that is today’s fun clinic fact
i need to go lay down goodbye
as we end this lesson friends
let’s look at one of the talk
about it questions from your magazine
what problems with rule health care
do you think are the most serious
well i think the fact that maybe some problems
might force patients to go very far
to find a doctor is probably the most serious okay
what if there’s an emergency right
you don’t have a specialist in town okay
and the specialist has you know they’re living in a big city
kind of far away
you have to travel all the way out there
and something could happen on the way that’s true
that’s one problem i think actually
the most serious issue is this idea
that doctors don’t want to live in rural areas because
i think this is a bigger problem in society right
there aren’t as many jobs in rural communities or in small towns
so people are leaving those areas
all around the world and moving to bigger cities
so that’s causing an over population problem in big cities
and not enough talent in smaller cities
friends how would you answer this question
answer it in English
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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