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A Whale of a Time-空中英語教室
2024/08/17 15:51:45瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0
A Whale of a Time賞鯨,也能守護海洋(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we’re having a whale of a time
my name is Gabe and i’m Anna Marie i love that
you just said that
because that is the title of our article today oh
so it is yes a whale of a time what an interesting
why is there a whale
and how can you do something with a whale with your time
what does it mean to have a whale of a time
this means to enjoy yourself a lot
that’s right because whales are huge creatures
so the idea is that something is happening in a big way
or happening a lot a whale of a time
means you are having a really great time
and so we often use this
when we’re out with other people doing something
great and fun together right
that’s why we would say we’re having a whale of a time
let’s talk about actual whales in our lesson today
let’s have a whale of a lesson
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
a whale of a time well
watching isn’t only an exciting experience
it’s also an opportunity to help
viewing whales in their natural habitat
is an unforgettable experience
as you catch sight of whales
splashing and expelling water from their blowholes
you’ll connect directly with the marine world
some whales may swim to the surface to say hello
if you’re lucky
you may also spot friendly
dolphins swimming nearby
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
例如urban development
poses a threat to a wide variety of animal habitats
或是bird watchers gathered at the national park
which is known for its diverse habitats
and the opportunity to see rare species
譬如the ancient ruins revealed evidence
including tools and pottery of early human habitation
譬如the Marine biologist spent years studying coral reeves
and their importance to the ocean
或是Marine conservation efforts
have increased in response to threats
like overfishing and pollution
再来看一句Marine Parks
offer a look into the underwater world
allowing visitors to learn about Marine life
thank you so much
Jack and friends just to let you know
Jack doesn’t live in the language lab
that’s not his natural habitat he lives somewhere else but
let’s get back into learning about whales here
a whale of a time whale watching
isn’t only an exciting experience
it’s also an opportunity to help now
Anne Marie when might
we use that sentence structure it’s not only something
but it’s also something else yeah
we use this sentence structure
when we want to talk about the characteristics of something
but people might
already have an idea of what those characteristics are
but we want to share with them that there’s also something else
involved to
and the point here is you know
for people who have gone whale watching
or maybe they’ve suggested
or recommended that you go whale watching
because it’s an exciting opportunity
we might think of just the excitement or the thrill of it right
but actually
we need to be reminded it’s also an opportunity to help well
how does our lesson continue
well we read on here viewing whales in their natural habitat
is an unforgettable experience
as you catch site of whales splashing
and expelling water from their blow holes
you’ll connect directly with the marine world well
there’s a few things
we can look at here in this sentence friends first
let’s talk about that phrase to catch sight of something
if you catch sight of something
it usually means that you see something that
maybe you weren’t expecting to see
or maybe you were expecting to see it
but it is kind of difficult to see and you only just
barely saw it there’s a rainbow in the sky
but it disappeared very quickly
i was able to catch sight of the rainbow before
it disappeared
and that’s kind of how you feel when your whale watching
too you never know
when the whale is going to surface or breach right
and how long
they’re going to remain at the surface of the water
so you really have to observe
carefully to catch sight of these whales
as they are splashing now
splash can be a noun and a verb or a verb
so the whales are splashing in the water
that means they are making splashes
speaking of making splashes and Marie
have you ever heard that phrase to make a splash yeah
if you make a splash somewhere
it means that you do something exciting that
maybe people were not expecting
you’ve changed something in some way
but there’s another verb we want to look at in this sentence
and that is the verb expelling now
you might have heard before
the that someone could be expelled from school
that means they are meant to leave school and never come back
and that’s kind of what this word means
it means that the water is being shot out of the whales blowhole
that’s right okay well
that word expel
also reminds me of something else from from childhood
now Fang pee in Chinese
you may know some English translations of that word however
in the house where i
grew up
my parents did not like the word that starts with f fart okay
they thought it was kind of a bad word okay
i’m okay with it however
so my dad would refer to funk p as expelling gas
it sounds very formal
doesn’t it
it’s very formal and technically it is true when you are funk p
you are expelling gas
but let’s get back to blowholes here
because whales expel water not gas from their blowholes
blowholes are actually
the nostrils that a whale or a dolphin
has can you imagine having a nostril on the back of your body
i have one on the front of my face
that’s good enough right
that’s good enough for me
but we read on here
some whales may swim to the surface to say hello
if you’re lucky
you may also spot friendly dolphins
swimming nearby all right friends
let’s continue learning right now with our next reading
a well of a time
while seeking out these amazing creatures is exciting
the key to responsibly
observing them is to not interfere with their lives
for that reason
many people opt to view whales and other sea animals
from a cliff or other specific outlooks
that’s better too if you’re prone to getting seasick
through these low lying areas are prone to flooding
during the typhoon season
是people with light skin are more prone to getting a sun burn
so they need to be careful when they are outdoors
譬如after a long hot afternoon of working on the farm
Joe lay prone on his bed sound asleep
thank you so much
Jack friends
are you prone to putting those words into practice every day
i hope so well we read here about wales
while seeking out
these amazing creatures is exciting the key to responsibly
observing them is to not interfere with their lives
let’s talk about a few things here
what does it mean to seek out something
well if you’re seeking something out
it means that you are specifically looking for it
and that is the idea with whale watching right
it means that you are getting on a boat
and specifically going to find these whales or seek them out
we also want to talk about this word to responsibly
do something that means to do something with responsibility
what this means is
that you are thinking of the consequences of your actions
as you are doing something that’s right
there are so many areas in life where we need to act
responsibly right
maybe the a common one that you know of
is don’t drink and drive right so
drive responsibly or drink responsibly right
don’t drink and drive
but back to our lesson here we also see this phrase
the key to something so if you want to do something well
there is something else
that you should do to make sure that happens another way
we could use that phrase
is maybe the key to marriage is good communication
or the key to a good marriage is good communication
and the key to responsibly
observing whales is to not interfere with their lives
what does it mean to interfere with something
well interfering is not seen as a good thing
interfering means is that you bother something or someone
or try to change it in some way so
if you interfere with the lives of whales
it means that you are doing something
that changes their normal life
it’s kind of like the word interrupt in fact
you might wonder
what the difference is between interfere and interrupt is right
so interfering is kind of being an obstacle
or meddling in something
whereas interrupting has the idea of
stopping the continuity or the flow of something
that’s why we often say you interrupt a conversation right
don’t interrupt our conversation however
we might say don’t interfere with that matter
let them discuss it and work it out
don’t interfere and try to change things
so you don’t want to interfere with whales lives
that’s right now
reading on here we see for that reason many people opt
to view whales and other sea animals from a cliff
or other specific outlooks
let’s talk about what it means to opt to do something yeah
this is another way of saying you can choose to do something
or you might pick that instead right
you’re opting to
so you can opt not to as well another phrase
we have for that is opt out of
i am going to opt out of viewing whales from here
i’m going to go over there
to view the whales
here’s another example
she opted to add another semester to her university schedule
so that she didn’t have to take as many classes all right
so they are viewing these sea animals from a cliff
or another specific outlook
how would you describe an outlook
it’s kind of what it sounds like it’s a place
where you can look out from and see different things right
it’s nice when you hike a trail
and get to an outlook on the side of a mountain
for example
because then you can see the beautiful scenery around you
outlook can also mean the way you view life
maybe your mindset or mentality
so it’s good to have a positive outlook on life
that’s right
and viewing these whales and other sea animals from a cliff
or an outlook is better
if you’re prone to getting seasick than you
don’t have to get on a boat at all well friends
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to info cloud
people are more aware of environmental protection now
so today we would like to talk about the take only pictures
leave only footprints
that is a great slogan over the years
many tourist sites have been damaged
and vandalized by visitors coming from different places
the slogan take only pictures
leave only footprints
teaches people
how to behave when they are visiting special places
take only pictures reminds
people not to take anything from the place
they are visiting the only thing you should take is pictures
leave only footprints
encourages people to not leave anything that litters
the site take away
any trash to keep the site clean
leave only your footprints there so
whenever we visit a new place
remember to be considerate and protective of the environment
take only pictures
leave only footprints
take only pictures, leave only footprints
take only pictures就是只要拍照留念就好,不要拿走任何东西
leave only footprints就是留下脚印和足迹,不要留下垃圾
take only pictures
leave only footprints
a well of a time
going out to sea in search of them is more thrilling
but people should take care to do so responsibly
whale watching can help educate the public and foster
a life long love of marine life
the more real life experiences people have with marine animals
the more likely they are to care about them
the opportunity to share a moment
with the great creatures
appeals to many about 13 million people
each year seek out opportunities to whale watch
譬如the program wants to foster a sense of community
by encouraging neighbors
to support each other in times of need
或是to foster a love for reading
the library hosted weekly story readings for children
譬如Samuel lived with foster parents when he was growing up
thank you so much Jack
it’s important to foster a good attitude whenever
you’re learning something new friends
just like Jack
if someone is taking care of children that are not their own
but they haven’t adopted those children
they are foster parents and of course
you could call those kids
foster kids or foster children
that’s right well
let’s read our text here
friends going out to sea in search of them
meaning whales is more thrilling
let’s stop there for
a moment and talk about what it means to go out to sea
that literally means to get in a boat
and go far out on the water
if you go to the beach
you’re not going out to sea you might be at the seaside
but you’re not out on the water that’s right
speaking of beaches
i think i used to call
i think i used to call the ocean a beach water
beach water
right because when i was a kid right
because you go to the beach to have fun and of course
there’s some water close by so
that’s the beach water as opposed like pond water
or river water yeah
so the ocean is beach water right
so you can say you’re going out ToC
that is the action of going there
and once you’re there
we use another word
we use the word at
you are at
c so going out ToC in search of whales is more thrilling
it’s more exciting
but people should take care to do so responsibly now
you can take care of something right
maybe your friend goes on vacation
and you’re taking care of their cat
while they’re away here
we see to take care to do something
this means to make sure that you do
it that’s right
responsible whale
watching can help educate the public and foster
a lifelong love of marine life
the more real life experiences people have marine animals
the more likely
they are to care about them now
let’s talk for a minute about real life experiences
we’ve all watched nature shows on tv
or maybe read books about animals
but that’s not real life experience
real life experience would be going out
and seeing animals in nature
or interacting with them in some way
this reminds me of a video that i saw
probably on YouTube of an elderly couple
who went to visit a Porter place in Africa
and they witnessed firsthand the poverty that was there
and this little girl trying to help her younger
brother find food
and this woman was so moved and touched she made a video
and she posted it online
and she said we have to do something to help these people
and i think it’s true
when you have a real life experience with something it’s
it’s a lot different from just hearing about it of course
we know we need to do something about poverty
but man when you’ve seen that first hand
it just kind of changes you
and i think in the same way if you go out whale
watching and have a real life experience there and especially
if the tour guide is telling you about the whales
and what you can do
then it really might change the way that you act
and maybe even the way that you tell other people about this
that’s right the opportunity to share a moment
with the great creatures appeals
to many something appeals to someone else
it means that they find it attractive
or they think that that is something that they want so
before getting
started with our lesson today and Marie
what is something that appeals to you about
whale watching
well going out to sea and seeing whales is very appealing to me
but it seems like i may need to rethink that well
yeah that’s true and friends
our lesson is not over
we have more to learn about whale watching
and how we can do so responsibly next time
but right now
it is time for today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know in the usa
a diver was accidentally swallowed by a whale ha thankfully
the whale spit him out he was okay maybe a little bit scared
but the famous story of Jonah is about a man
who was swallowed by a whale like creature
so i guess it does happen and that is today’s fun whale fact
thank you Ernest finder friends
let’s talk about one of the
talk about it questions here what would you look
forward to seeing or learning from whale watching
i would really really love to see a whale
expel water through its blowhole
i was gonna say that Anne Marie
it seems so cool to see in real life
and have that real life experience oh
you know something
else i just thought of watching a whale like swim up
really quickly to the surface
and then like fly into the air before flopping down
and making a big splash in the water
whale watching really does sound so exciting
and i’m looking forward to learning more about it tomorrow
we’ll see you then right here on studio classroom
our natural habitat

A Whale of a Time賞鯨,也能守護海洋(下)
hello there friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
you’re just in time for the second half of our article
where we are talking all about whales
we’re having a whale of a time here again
that means we’re really enjoying ourselves
and let’s talk a little bit about what we learned yesterday
probably my favorite fact that we talked about yesterday
was that the blowholes on the top of whales and dolphins is
actually the whales nostrils that is very interesting
we talked a lot about the role of whale watching
and how it corresponds whale conservation
how it’s really important to be mindful
when you’re going whale watching
that you don’t disturb these animals
and this is an important thing for us to think about
13 million people seek out whale watching opportunities
every year that’s a lot of people
it is a big industry
so we should whale watch
responsibly today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
a whale of a time
responsible tour operators conduct themselves in a manner
that doesn’t disturb whales and minimizes
noise and chemical pollution
many times whale watching boats
collect data for researchers
as they can report the kinds of whales
they see the boats
also report entanglements with fishing gear and injuries
hopefully leading to help for the great creatures
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看researcher这个
例如the researchers spent months in the jungle documenting
the behavior of several species of snakes
或是the team of researchers
worked together to develop a cure for the new disease
或是the researchers work helped historians
gain valuable insights into the ancient civilization
thank you so much Jack and just as a reminder
you can say researcher or researcher at least according to me
i think both pronunciations are fine well
we read here responsible
tour operators conduct themselves in a manner
that doesn’t disturb
whales and minimizes noise and chemical pollution yesterday
we saw the adverb responsibly a few times okay
but of course
you can do something responsibly
or you can be responsible enough to do something that’s right
and we see here
that these operators conduct themselves in a certain manner
the way you conduct yourself is the way you act
when you’re in certain social situations around other people
this is talking about someone’s behavior yeah
of course we could say behave or act
and when i think of the word conduct versus act
i think of doing something intentionally
maybe often your one way
but then in a certain setting
you try to do something a little bit different you’re
conducting yourself in a different way right
so what does a manner mean well
that’s just another word for way
so conduct yourself in a way that doesn’t disturb whales
and minimises noise and chemical pollution
what does it mean to disturb somebody
well that simply means to bother somebody
or to interfere with what they’re doing don’t disturb me
while i sleep that means please leave me alone
while i’m sleeping
and of course
here we also see
that you want to minimize noise and chemical pollution
minimize that means to make something smaller
or perhaps as small as possible
the opposite
would be maximized to make something as great as possible
for example
you want to minimize the environmental impact you have
and maybe those of you who are into stocks
you like to buy when the stock price is very low
so that you can maximize your gains all right
so we read on here many times whale watching boats
collect data for researchers
as they can report the kinds of whales they see
so we’re collecting data here and this is probably really good
for scientists and for marine biologists as well
so they have all of this data compiled in the same place
the boats also report entanglements with fishing gear
and injuries let’s talk about that word entanglements
well you see the word tangle inside that word entanglement
so what does it mean to get tangled up
that means lots of different things come
together into kind of a mess
they’re not supposed to be together okay
if something is tangled
it’s probably not supposed to be together for example
Ann Marie does your hair ever get tangled up
it definitely does sometimes if you get knots in your hair
and it needs to be brushed you can say my hair is tangled
but we can also use this word entangled to talk about things
that aren’t physical as well
you could try not to get entangled in a situation as well
that means you don’t want to be involved that’s right
you don’t want to interfere in a certain situation right
don’t get entangled in that situation so here
we are talking about how
there are actual entanglements with fishing gear injuries
hopefully we can do something to help these great creatures
when i read that phrase great creature
i thought of blue whales
which are earth’s largest mammal earth’s largest creature
in fact sometimes called friendly giants
we do have more to learn about whale watching
and what we can do to help in this next reading
a well of a time
whale watching
also benefits
local economies as whale watchers
spend money in coastal communities
that provide opportunities to see these animals
while watching
a thriving industry valued at about 2.9 billion dollars happens
in over 100 countries people
brave the icy waters of Alaska
in hopes of seeing humpback whales
and Orcas in Iceland visitors board
electric boats
don’t cause any noise pollution to see humpback and blue whales
譬如the economy finally showed signs of improvement
with an increase in jobs and consumer spending
或是the government introduced a plan
designed to boost the economy and helped business improve
或是by providing jobs and encouraging creativity
small and medium sized businesses
are the strength of the economy
再来看片语in hopes of
譬如in hopes of finding a cure
the company invested millions of dollars into medical research
for the disease
或是the community planted trees in the park
in hopes of creating
a greener environment for future generations
再来看一句Lily sent her novel to several publishers
in hopes of getting it published
thank you for sharing Jack and Jack
i know
that you were sharing those words in hopes that our viewers
and our students would put those words into practice friends
lets get into this section here whale
watching also benefits local economies as whale watchers
spend money in coastal communities
that provide opportunities to see these animals
so of course whale watching benefits a lot of local economies
as we found out in this section
a thriving industry right something
Jack did not mention in that language lab about economy is
that somebody who studies the economy
and maybe whose work revolves around the economy
is called an economist
that’s right we also see something else in this
first sentence of this section
that we want to talk about
and that is the idea of a community being coastal
okay coastal actually
it refers to anywhere that’s on a coast right
so the coast could be where the land meets the ocean
it could also refer to the area of a country
that lines up with the sea or the ocean right
so that’s the coastal area
i wanted to talk about this
and contrast it with something that could be its opposite
and that is the word inland
a coastal community is a community near the coast and an inland
community or city is one
that’s probably pretty far away from the coast
that’s right whale watching
a thriving industry valued at about 2.9 billion dollars
happens in over 100 countries well
this is a thriving industry what does it mean to thrive well
it means to do very well
that means things are still active
it’s constantly improving here’s another example
the boy started
thriving at his new school so the idea
here is that this boy moved to a new school and now
that he’s there he is doing very well
you know
sometimes that’s just the way it is in life maybe in one place
maybe at your job right
you don’t feel like you’re actually doing a whole lot
you don’t really feel fulfilled
but then you change environments
change work for example
and maybe you feel like you thrive in that new place
you’re not just surviving right
sometimes we compare the word thrive with barely surviving
but we read here
that the industry is valued at about 2.9 billion dollars now
if something is valued at
that means either authorities or society
or maybe there is some actual fact that says this is how much
it is worth here
is another way to use that phrase to be valued at something
the last
i read the Mona Lisa is valued at 800 and sixty million dollars
that’s a lot of money all right
well we read here
people brave the icy waters of Alaska
in hopes of seeing humpback
whales and orcas if you brave something
it means that you have to push through
and you have to make an effort to get through something
even though it’s some kind of an obstacle
so icy waters would be a hard thing to get through
you could brave other things
as well they braved the storm and went out to
dinner anyway
even though it was storming they still went out to dinner well
we read here in Iceland visitors board electric boats
which don’t cause any noise pollution to see humpback
and blue whales
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud everybody do you like to win
i think everybody does Garrett that’s true
but in sports competitions
if there is a winner that means
there is also a loser are there times
where everybody wins for sure
we can call those win win situations
let’s think of an example
let’s say your friend wants to go hiking
but you want to visit a nice cafe if you choose a cafe
that is along a hiking trail
that’s a win win situation in other words
both people are happy with the plan
they both get what they want we might talk about win
win situations or proposals in a business context for example
a company can give its employees more benefits in return
for increased responsibility
both people gain but if the opposite happens
let’s say the employees get more work
but no pay increase they might start to feel unhappy
they could quit or not work as hard in that case
it becomes a lose lose situation
both parties are unhappy with the result and nobody wins
so if you are making a plan or proposal
think about finding a way for everyone to benefit
try to create a win win situation
win win situation双赢局面
当我们跟别人可以创造win win situation
这就是标准的win win situation
lose lose situation双输局面
这就是今天的INFO cloud
a well of a time
in summer over 60
000 Beluga Whales stop in Hudson Bay
Canada attracting many visitors
those keen on seeing Whales up close
can also visit South Africa
southern right whales
and endangered species
journey close to the shores of South Africa
delighting whale watchers done
correctly whale watching
can be a special encounter
that is a boon to marine conservation
最后来看can on这个片语
例如Barb is keen on learning about new cultures
so she has traveled around the world
Several times Barb热衷于学习新文化
或是as a child Maxine was keen on drawing
and painting a passion that guided her toward
a career as an artist magazine
家push it
since they were keen on adopting a healthier lifestyle
Bruce and Pam started exercising regularly
and eating healthier foods
thank you so much Jack so we read here in summer over 60
000 Beluga Whales stop in Hudson Bay
Canada attracting many visitors Henri
i did prepare this lesson mm hmm
but something i just thought of what’s that that
i didn’t write down yet
is that song by rafi called beluga whale
yeah i like that song
yeah friends
if you haven’t heard
isn’t it called Beluga Whale or baby Beluga
baby Beluga baby Beluga friends
it’s a kids song but it’s a great song to know baby Beluga
go check that out okay
so it’s a certain type of whale do do you like Beluga Whales
are you particular about the Whales that you like
i’m not particular about the Whales that i like
i have seen Beluga Whales before in the aquarium
and they are very interesting looking Whales
they’re very interactive
they are i would really like to see one in the wild some time
though so as it seems like a lot of people
also would like to see Beluga Whales
because they stop in Hudson Bay
Canada to see these whales
those keen on seeing Whales up close
can also visit South Africa
so these Whales can be seen in different places in
the world that’s right
sometimes we use the phrase up
close and personal
when we’re talking about encounters with wildlife in nature
it’s nice to get up close and personal
if the animal is not too dangerous right
and of course
if you’re going whale watching
you do like to get up close and personal
one way to do that of course is on a boat
but if you are a diver
then you can get out and swim with the whales as well
that’s right southern right whales
and endangered species
journey close to the shores of South Africa delighting
whale watchers
endangered species are
species that there aren’t very many left of them in the world
whether that be in zoos
or whether that be in the wild there of course
are different levels of endangerment with animals and eventually
some animals can go extinct that’s the word that we use
when there are none of these animals left in the world at all
that’s right now of course
endangered species are under a broader
term called
threatened species
and there’s a lot of other terms in between
maybe you can go and research that a little bit
but yeah southern right whales are
an endangered species
journey close to the shores are South Africa
you may wonder
what the difference between a shore and a coast is well
i think a coast is more generally the area
any area of land that connects to the ocean
but maybe you’re
on a shore somewhere
so it’s what you can actually see when you’re at a certain beach
you’re on that shore
that’s right done correctly whale watching
can be a special encounter
that is a boon to marine conservation well
an encounter here is used as a noun
that is so when you come in contact with something
it’s an experience that you have this of course
can also be used as a verb
you could encounter animals in the wild
or you could encounter problems
that just means you meet them and that word boon
it’s not what i use every day frankly
but it’s a very helpful benefit right
it’s something helpful that improves the quality of life right
it’s time for you to improve the quality of your knowledge with
today’s fun fact
hello fact
where are they
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun whale fact for you
today did you know that the blue whale is the biggest animal
on the planet
it’s true but thankfully
blue whales are mostly gentle
the longest blue whale was around thirty three point
five meters long
i’m going to need a bigger spear
and that is today’s fun whale fact
okay friends
it is time for a quiz are you ready
i’m ready okay
as always close your magazine okay
a responsible whale watching tour will cause minimal
what kind of pollution
here are your minimal
air pollution minimal
light pollution minimal
noise pollution or minimal chemical pollution hmm
i think the answer here is chemical pollution
the answer is chemical and noise pollution oh
that’s right we learned about that in our lesson as well
that’s right so friends
that’s the kind of pollution
that you have to be careful of when you’re going whale watching
don’t disturb those whales in any way
but do enjoy your experience
that’s all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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