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Banana Time!
2024/07/29 16:43:24瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0
Bananas are a healthy fruit.
You can eat them in many ways.
Many people eat bananas for breakfast.
They may eat a whole banana.
Or they may cut it into slices.
Then they put the slices on oatmeal燕麥片, cereal麥片 or pancakes鬆餅.
Ripe成熟的, brown褐色的 bananas have a very sweet flavor.
People bake delicious banana bread, banana cake and banana muffins with them.
So don’t throw away those brown bananas!
I want a healthy snack, Sara.
But this banana is too ripe.
You’re throwing it away, Sam?
Yes. I want a whole banana for a snack.
But I don’t like brown bananas.
Can I have it?
I often bake with brown bananas.
You do?
Yes. Brown bananas have a very sweet flavor.
What do you make with brown bananas?
Banana bread.
My family likes it for breakfast.
I put banana slices on my oatmeal, but never from a brown banana.
Hey! I can make banana cake tonight.
Yum, may I have a slice tomorrow?
Of course. I’m making it with your banana!
So we can share the cake.
Before fruits are ripe you often can’t eat them.
Or they don’t taste quite as good.
Once a fruit is ripe it will become much more soft and often much more sweet.
And if the fruit or vegetable becomes too ripe then it will go bad.
So you will need to choose the right time to eat that banana or that fruit.
I own ten cars.
You do?
I like to eat insects.
You do?
I work 90 hours each week.
You do?
She has several ideas.
Can you show me the photos of your new home?
How many potatoes do you need?
Did you buy tomatoes at the store?
A banana you will take a knife or a fork and cut it into little pieces.
Then it’s easy to add to oatmeal and other kinds of food like pancakes.
May I have a slice?
I made a pizza.
May I have a slice?
I baked a pie.
May I have a slice?
I made some bread.
May I have a slice?
Of course. Sharing a slice is nice.
Yeah! Very nice. Thank you.
My mother makes very healthy food.
I eat breakfast every morning.
You can read the whole book tonight.
Do you like the flavor of soy milk?
My grandpa likes cake with his tea.
Let’s make pancakes for breakfast.
An old apple has a bad flavor.
That baby is healthy and beautiful.
Can I eat the whole orange?
Happy birthday! Here is your cake.
What can Sara make tonight?
She can make a banana cake.
How do you eat bananas?

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